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研究生英语听说教程(基础级第二版)Units 1-12练习答案Unit OnePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for GistTask 11. air hostess2. teacher3. dentist4. shop assistant5. tourist guide6. salesman7. Disc Jockey8. traffic warden9.waiter10. taxi driverTask 21. airways, flight2. homework3. open up wide, fining chipped4. larger size, fit, stock5. building, designed6. buys, products7. record, radio8. yellow line, no-parking9. menu, chef10. road, parkSection B Plans for WeekendTask 31.Pat2.Jill3. Mary 4.Sam 5.Ted 6.JaneSection C Discussing Plans for the WeekendTask 41.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.BSection D Making ArrangementsTask5A.2 B.4 C.3D.1Task 61. bring: recordsmeet: bus stop2. bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinksmeet: at the river3. bring: white winemeet: at Pats house4. bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinksmeet: in front of his housePart Listening Comprehension Test1.D2.C3.A4.B5.D6.C7.B 8.A9.C10.CUnit TwoPart I Listening PracticeSection A Guessing about the Situation and Speaker Task 11. football match2. Law court3. church4. quiz show5. airport6. weather forecast7. car showroom8. driving lesson9. school10.tour (of London)Task 21.football commentator2. Judge/magistrate3.vicar /priest /minister4.T.V presenter5.announcer6.forecaster7.car salesman8.dirving instructor9.head master/principal10. tour guide -Section B Looking for a flatTask 31. About a flat.2. Joe is going to rent a flat.3. They are friends or classmates.4. She is a landladyTask 41.34 New Street in Kanden2.$75 including gas and electricity3.one bedroom flat, central heating, small kitchen, bathroom , washing machine4.Mrs. Green5.4 oclock this afternoonSection CTask 51.Landlord and tenant.2.The man is talking about the house rules.3.She has agreed.Task 61.Dont allow a cat to go upstairs.2.no smoking in a bedroom3.Dont stick pictures with sellotape on the wall.4.Close the window when you go out.5.Dont put the kettle on the chest of drawers.Section D Apartments for RentTask 7Thomas StreetUniversity AvenueTaft RoadMetcalf StreetTask 81. Metcalf Street3. University Avenue2. Thomas Street4. Taft RoadPart III Listening Comprehension Test1.C2.B3.C4.B5.B6.C7.B8.C9.B10.DUnit ThreePart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for Specific InformationTask 11. weight; l3Pounds2. a car; 6503. a cash-card; 89764. a fax; 593381; Code- 4408655. a bank account; 609177186.a foreign-exchange counter; 410,000 pesos(Exchange rate; 4,100 to 1)7. weather; 83 F8. Waterloo; 1815Task 21.On a diet and doing a keep-fit class. 2.2. Rusty ,expensive.3. Yes4. Hell contact him and talk about the new contract.5. Probably in a bank.6. For a holiday7.Because Dave and Jane are there.8. Quiz.Section B Describing different PeopleTask 31. Sex: female2. Sex: maleAge: about 35 Age: an older man about seventyHeight: about average Height: rather short, about five feet or five feet twoHair: long black Hair: Grey ,large mustacheOthers: glasses, yellow flowerOthers: white flower in jacket3. Sex: female4. Sex: maleAge: quite young, about thirtyAge: about forty-fiveHeight: really tallHeight: very tallHair: blondHair: very long, darkOthers: carrying red flowersOthers: no flower; wearing a T-shirt saying “Bruce Springs Is the Boss”.Section C Taking a PhotoTask4a4b5c2d6e3f1Task 5 6 4 2 3 1 5 photos, coin, stool , dial, background, flashSection D Express CompanyTask 61. Prepaid express bag service major cities $10 Buy a bag in advance. Call for a quick pick up.2. Same day serviceWithin the city $8They will go to you.3. Express road serviceAny town Depends onFor larger packagesdistance and weightFor further details call:Tel:33445656Ask:for the sales departmentPart III Listening Comprehension Test1. B2.D3.B4.B5.B6.A7.B 8.D9.C 10.CUnit FourPart I Listening PracticeSection A Listening for GistTask 11. Garden 2. Vending-machine3. Microwave oven 4. Computer/Word-processor/Video Game5. Clothes 6. Hifi /Music system7. Art 8. Concert9. Tennis 10. HolidaysTask 21.lawn, flower beds , fence2.button, cold water, hot chocolate3.food, be cooked in no time, electricity4.switch, disc, program5.fit, tight, shrink, suit6.compact, speaker, cassette-player7.modern, abstract, colors and forms8.singer, guitars, drum, records9.player, backhand, score10.tan, beach, hotel ,campingSection B Telephoning about JobsTask 3DianewaitressTracytypistGredcar salesmanJoebusinessmanTask 3 A.4 B3 C.1 D.2Task 4 1. part-time, Saturday and Sunday, eight hours a day2.full-time, Tuesday through Sunday, from 5 to about 12. Pay is $3.35 an hour.3.working nights; five or six days a week4.a weekend job; three evenings a week, hours are five to midnightTask 4 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.FSection C A Same Job or a New JobTask 51. Liza new job2. Tom same job3. Brian new job4. Kay new job 5. Janice new jobSection D Interview about a JobTask 6A1 Employment Agency1.Full Name: Jessica Richards2.Address: 33 Landseer Road, Newtown3.Date of Birth: Mach 19th, 19804.Education: Secondary5.Examinations passed: English, chemistry, maths, French, physics, and biology6.Interests (hobbies & sports): playing the piano, in a jazz band, water-skiing7.Experience? Previous posts: lab assistant8.Post or position required: lab assistant9.Any special requests: noPart III Listening Comprehension Test1. C2.B3.B4.C5.D6.C7.A 8. C9.A10.BUnit FivePart One Listening PracticeSection A Listening for GistTask 11. a pair of trousers2. a return ticket3. a newspaper and mints/sweets4. ballet or theatre tickets5. Drinks6. tickets for a coach trip7. a haircut8. soup and fish9. a game of squash10. throat medicineTask 21. in a clothes-shop2. at the station3. at a newsagents4. at a box-office5. at a pub6. in a tourist office /travel agency7. at a hairdressers /barbers8. in a restaurant9. at a sports club10. at a chemists /pharmacySection B ShoppingTask 3 gold pen $135 bracelet $545ring $1,259watch $23.75calculator $7.85Task 41. watch2. ring3. pen4. braceletThey are too expensive for her.Section C Paying for the ThingsTask 51. personal check 2. credit card 3. personal check 4. cash 5. travelers checkSection D Andrews ComplaintTask 6Equipment:electric fanNo.: BE 4270302Size: mediumColor: blueMade in/date: 1985Fault: It doesnt work.Purchaser:Andrew EmmettAddress:5 Rainbow Terrace West Old Field SurreyPhone No.: 77480Part III Listening Comprehension Test1.B2.C3.B4.D5.D6.D7.C8.C9.C10.CUnit SixPart I Listening PracticePart Listening Comprehension Test1.D2.B3.A4.C5.C6.B7.D8.B9.D10.BUnit SevenPart I Listening PracticeSection A Telephone NumbersTask 1(1) 342-6070 305(2) 911-1144 216(3) 623-4030 313(4) 505-6653 504(5) 610-1214 617(6) 632-1010 202(7) 211-4579 212(8) 397-4231 602(9) 974-0012 215(10) 864-3079 206Task 2(1)313(2)202(3)305 342-6070(4)students numberSection B Telephone QuizTask 310,9,1,4,6,2,7,8,5,3.Task 41.The number you have dialed has been temporarily disconnected and is no longer in service.2.You can dial that direct.3.Please have her call me back at 654-9234.4.I have a collect call from Sue. Will you accept the charges?5.She isnt here right now Can I take a message?6.What number did you dial?7.This number is unlisted.8.Ill connect your call. Please hold.9.This is a recording.10.There is no one here by that name.Section C Making ArrangementsTask 5CallName of Person CalledName of CallerReason for CallResult of Call1Mr. EdwardsJohn Bird/Edwards to call Bird back2John BirdPeter Edwardsinstallation problemstechnician to go round in the afternoon3Susan PhillipsGerald SmithTo fix a meetingmeeting arranged 10:00 next FridayTask71.Meet Stacey at school at 4:30. Stacey has told others. Bring volleyball and Staceys money2.Dinner with Tim on Thursday. Will meet at 7:00 instead of 6:30. . Will pick you up here.3.Dr White. .Dental check-up. Thursday, 2 pm. Call if not convenient.4.Diane called. Ruth Lee needs a ride tomorrow. Can you take her? Call her 547 68925.Car ready next Tuesday. Car needed a lot of work. Replaced battery but still working on starter. Will cost around $350. You need new snow tires.Part III Listening Comprehension TestTalk 11.so that their customers may call them long distance free of charge2.dial 0, and ask the operator for the 800-number operator who can help you.3.sell products and services.4.charging high rates or encouraging unauthorized callers to call.5.ask your local phone company to block access to 900 numbers from your phone.Talk 21.Cell phone etiquette.2.Inappropriate use of the cell phone is widespread.3.Ten feet.4.Because the cell phone can be distracting or disruptive to others.5.It may interfere with the signals or other sensitive equipment.Unit EightTask 1Task 21.They can per the rabbits, sheep, and other animals.2.There are items from many parts of the world.3.They believe in taking care of the environment.4.It is both educational and interesting.5.Bats, owls and other animals.Section B Safari TourTask 31.You mustnt get off the land-rover without permission.2.You must all stay close to the guide.3.You all have to sign these insurance declarations.4.You mustnt disturb the animals.Task 41.land-rover, could be attacked2.company regulation, sign3.disturb, wild, tame, zoos4.50 miles, 805.insect repellent, drinking water, rolls of 35mm film, packed lunchSection C The Afternoons TourTask 5The cathedral was built in 1241. It was designed by Hugo Derash, a French, so its in Norman style. You can see part of the wall, a small statue beside a fountain. Its in the market place and a regular Tuesday market is held. There is a flower market every two weeks on Saturdays in Summer. The worn statue represents Venus, and the water comes from the springs in the hills and is very clear.Task 61. 1241 6. Venus, goddess of love2.Hugo Derash, France, brother 7. flower, two3. Norman 8. Tuesday4. wall 9. Springs in the hills5. modern 10. clearSection D Julies VacationTask 71.urban holiday, camping2.Stanley Park, aquarium, Grouse mountain, museums galleries3.Ride over, deck, sat inside, read magazinesTask 81.Its cold and miserable.2.Its much an elegant city with a lot of British influence.3.A pin with a tiny totem pole on it.Part III Listening Comprehension Testl. A2.C3.D4.B5.A6.B7.C 8. A9.D10.AListening Test One1.C2.A3.D4.C5.B6.B7.C 8. D9.A 10.A11.C12.D13.C 14.D15.B16.Three stages: marriage by capture; marriage by contract or purchase; marriage based on mutual love.17.It symbolizes the period when the bridegroom hides his captured bride until her kinsmen grew tired of searching for her.18.The “wed” was the money, horses, or cattle which the groom gave as security and as a pledge to prove his purchase of the bride from her father.19. Blue was the color of purity love and fidelity.20. Bridesmaids remind us of the days when there had to be ten witnesses at the solemn marriage ceremony.Listening Test Two1.B2.B3.D4.C5.A6.D7.C8.B9.A10.C11.B12.D13.C14.B15.B16. primitive17.measure progress of students, show what they are lacking18.selection and promotion19.Test results lack validity and reliability; Teacher and students work for high marks instead of learning.20.Some Asian students with very high TOEFL marks turn out to be poor in their communication skills in the U.S.Unit NinePart I Listening PracticeSection A Stress and Your HealthTask 1Person 1. I cant sleepPerson 2. I eat mostly snack foods.Person 3. I cant stop smoking, drink more beer.Person 4. I cant eat.Task 21.fatigue2.listlessness3.sleeping problems4.loss of appetite or stomach disorders5.heart palpitationsSection B Student StressTask 31.pressure, parents, myself, academically, exactly, track record2.quarter system, beginning, end, middle, screw up, messed up, well ordered, perfect3.eleventh week, ten-week, half-week, exams4.cumulative, incorporate, different problemsTask 41.quiet, nervous, distracted, around, music, Cs2.library3.desk, room, straight, awake, comfortable4.night, quietSection C Techniques for Managing Stress (1)Task 51.What we can do with stress.2.Four points: a. recognition of stress and welcome to it.b. Be thankful, an attitude of gratitude to life for life.c. to set my body in position to take whatever comes along and to utilize it properlyd. to maintain the hormonal system in a proper state of balance3.Because a thankful attitude maintains the hormonal system in a proper state of balance so that we are able to take whatever action is necessary in a constructive wayTask 61.to become aware of potentially stressful situations and avoid them2.to reduce our workload and organize the work in a better way3.to get the people rest and exercise4.to find a balance between wok and playSection D Techniques for Managing Stress (2)Task 71.She cant lower her workload right now.2.Visualization or meditation, more positive outlook, mentally planning your days activities in a less stressful way.3.How to deal with the stress.4. A sport called crew to achieve physical and mental balance.5. The emotions have a great deal to do with the disease and healing process.6. Dr. Norman Cousins laughed himself back to health.Task 81.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F6.TPart III Listening Comprehension Test1.C 2.B3.D 4.A 5.B6.B 7.A 8. A 9.D 10.CUnit TenPart I Listening PracticeSection A Personal HeroesTask 1Dr. Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prizeagainst racismwas peacefulMother Teresa of Calcuttahelped poor peoplewon the Nobel Peace Prizehelped sick peopleNavajo Code4alkers was peacefulsoldiersare well-known by Native American peopleTask 21.racism, discrimination, peaceful, guts2.send, receive messages, language, figured out3.poorest, Calcutta, India, feed, take care of, sickSection B AKIO MORITA (Mr. Sony)Task 31.in Nagoya, Japan2.a rice drink called sake3.a very small radio4.walkman5.because of the high quality6.in 19637.Mr.SonyTask CTask 51.he used a $1,500 check to mark a page in a book. Then he lost the book!2.in Ulm, Germany.3.Because when he was a child, he learned things very slowly and he didnt speakuntil he was three years old.4.When he was 12, Albert began reading math and science books.5.In 1922, he received the Nobel Prize for physics.6.he died in 1955.Task DTask 71.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.f 6.dTask 81.Jane Goodall was born in London, England.2.she worked as a waitress and saved enough money for the boat trip to Kenya.3.She was 23 years old then.4.In Kenya, she met the famous anthropologist Louis Leakey5.In July 1960, Goodall began to study the chimpanzees.6.Goodall studied chimpanzees for over 40 years.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. B2.D3.A4. A5.A6.C7.D 8. B9.B10.DUnit ElevenPart I Listening PracticeSection A Premonitions of the Sinking Of the TitanicTask 11.take the form of dreams or visionsstrong feelings, ideas, or guesses that come into peoples minds for no apparent reason2.In the early morning of April 15, 1912Titanic struck an iceberg and sank1,50220 cases of premonitions3. FutilityFiction: TitanFact: Titanic1898 April 15,1912sank after hitting an iceberg sank after hitting an icebergunsinkable linerunsinkable linerlifeboatslifeboatsTask 21.a passenger on the doomed ship, over 20 years earlier2.nine people, in which a ship like the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank3.two clairvoyants4.several other people, something would go wrong5.would-be passengers, they canceled their tickets at the last minuteSection B The Titanic and the Andrea DoriaTask 3Similarities:1.both ships were transatlantic ocean liners2.they were both luxury liners3.as each ship was sinking, there were acts of heroism and acts of villainy4.both of these ships were considered “unsinkable”Differences:Titanic1.on her maiden voyage across Atlantic2.struck an iceberg and sank3.not equipped with radar, only a lookout4.more than 1,500 people died, over 700 survivedAndrea Doria1.On her 101st transatlantic crossing2.Collided with another ship and sank3.Had radar to warn of the approach of another ship4.60 people died, 1,650 were savedTask 41.I can infer it.2.I heard it.3.I can infer it.4.I cannot infer it.5.I heard it.6.I cannot infer it.Section C Senator Smith Questions a Survivor (1)Task 5Reason 1: we had far better save what few we had in my boatReason 2: our boat would be swamped by the crowds that were thereReason 3: the whole crowd in my boat discouraged me to do thatReason 4: they said it was rather a mad ideaTask 61,100 people, 700 people, 1,000 people, freezing, a few hundred yards, refused to return and try to save, in charge of, fled his lifeboat to another lifeboat, 60 more peopleSection D Senator Smith Questions a Survivor (2)Task 7 (omitted)Task 81.Smith is a senator and Pitman is a survivor of the Titanic disaster, who is in charge of a lifeboat.2.Not clearly told, but we know there was room for 60 more people in the two boats.3.The whole crowd in Pitmans lifeboat.Part Listening Comprehension Test1.C 2.B 3. B 4.A 5. C6.B 7.C 8. A 9.D 10.AListening Test ThreeSection A1.D2.C3.C4.A5.D6.B7.B 8.C9.DSection B10.C11.B12.A13.D 14.D 15.CSection C16.He was three weeks away from 113 years old.17.He cared for farm animals in the mountains.18.Drinking a glass of red wine every day.19.A government birth record, a church record and a statement by a close family member.20.The ratio is two to one.Listening Test FourSection A1. C2.C3.D4.B5.A6.D7.C 8.B9.CSection B10.C11.D12.A13.B 14. D 15. CSection C16. designer and maker17.the eye, the hand and the heart18.(at) the American Art Museum19.King of Rockers20.thousands of dollars18


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