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沪教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语3月考试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Who does this pencil-box belong _?A . inB . onC . toD . of2. (2分)Some girls wont go out without taking time to dress up.A . ourselvesB . yourselfC . herselfD . themselves3. (2分)We did not go to Central Park last Sunday _ the weather was too bad. A . because ofB . soC . ifD . because4. (2分)She said she hoped her daughter.A . to seeB . you to seeC . seeing5. (2分)Tim, were going to Beijing for vacation, please _ some information online.A . look forB . look outC . look afterD . look up6. (2分)Its our duty _ our classroom clean and tidy.A . keepB . to keepC . keepingD . kept7. (2分)I have a lot of vegetables, carrots, potatoes and so on.A . for exampleB . such asC . as suchD . examples8. (2分)She wants to be famous as a movie star.A . be famous forB . be good forC . be known as9. (2分)The passengers are from America, Canada and England. A . people on the busB . driversC . visitors10. (2分) What _ did you have for your hard work? A free trip to Taizhou zoo.A . messageB . ideaC . awardD . problem11. (2分)_comes Lily. A . ThereB . HereC . ItD . This12. (2分) If you always yourself with others, you may have tons of pressure. I agree. We should believe in ourselves.A . compareB . communicateC . createD . consider13. (2分)_ you _ your brother can join us. We want one of you. A . Both; andB . Neither; norC . Either; orD . Not only; but also14. (2分)I think it takes a lot of practice to play the violin well. . Practice makes perfect.A . No wayB . My pleasureC . Im afraid notD . Thats true15. (2分) , Jack! Its late! Oh, no! I cant find my bag!A . Youre rightB . Thank youC . Excuse meD . Come on二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) Far, far away, there is a bad king. All his people 1him. One hot day, the King goes to swim2 himself in the river.Suddenly he feels very 3and cant move his hands and legs. He begins to sink. 4, two farmers are working in the filed nearby and see everything. Of course, the farmers dont know the man in the river is the terrible king. 5the farmers jump into the river and 6him.The king thanks the farmers and says, “Im your king. Ask me for7, and I will give it to you.”“My mother and father are sick in bed,” one farmer says, “Can you give me some 8 to send them to a doctor?” The King agrees.Then he asks 9farmer, “How about you? What do you want?” The farmer looks worried and unhappy. “10 let other people know I met you.” he says.(1)A . hate B . love C . stand D . mind (2)A . to B . for C . with D . by (3)A . happy B . glad C . weak D . strong (4)A . Friendly B . Luckily C . Slowly D . Quickly (5)A . Though B . Or C . But D . So (6)A . thank B . save C . catch D . hug (7)A . something B . everything C . anything D . nothing (8)A . flowers B . time C . money D . help (9)A . the other B . another C . other D . others (10)A . What about B . Why not C . Please D . Dont 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (6分)阅读理解 It was the last day of the final examination in a college. On the steps of a building, a group of engineering students were waiting for the last exam. On their faces was confidence.They knew the exam would be easy. The professor had said they could bring any books or notes during the test.Right after they came into the classroom, the professor handed out the papers. There were only five questions on it.Three hours passed. Then the professor began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was nervous expression. The professor watched the worried faces before him, and then asked, How many of you have completed(完成) all five questions? No hand was raised. How many of you have answered four? Still no hands. Three? Two? The students moved restlessly in their seats. One, then? Certainly somebody has finished one. But the class kept silent. The professor said, That is exactly what I expected. I just want to make you know clearly that even though you have completed four years of engineering, there are still many things about the subject you dont know. These questions you could not answer are common in everyday practice. Then, smiling, he added, You will all pass this course, your education has just begun.The years have obscured the name of this professor, but not the lesson he taught.(1)Why did the students think the exam was easy at first? A . Because it was their last exam in the college.B . Because they knew there were only five questions.C . Because they thought they were clever and talented.D . Because they were allowed to bring any books and notes during the test.(2)What does the underlined word obscured mean in the last paragraph? A . 使模糊B . 使回忆C . 使提醒D . 使改变(3)What could the students learn from the last exam? A . He laughs best who laughs last.B . A good beginning is half done.C . One is never too old to learn.D . The early bird catches the worm.18. (10分)阅读理解 A dentist(牙医) was starting his work in the morning. Suddenly a man ran in. His face was red and he could only say Quick! Quick l. The dentist thought he must be very sick. His assistant (助手) helped to make the man sit in a chair. The dentist gave the man some medicine to make him sleep. Then, he looked into the mans mouth and pulled out all the bad teeth. When the man woke up, he said in a low voice, Quick, doctor, quick.Its all right now, the dentist told him. Its over.You dont understand, said the man. I came to tell you that your house is on fire.根据上述内容判断下列句子正误。(1)The dentist was starting his work in the morning. (2)Suddenly a woman ran into the dentists office. (3)The dentist thought the man must be very sick. (4)The dentists assistant helped to make the man sit on a table. (5)The dentist pulled out all the mans bad teeth. 19. (10分)Once there was a piano player in a bar(酒吧). People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.I dont sing, said the man.But the lady told the waiter, Im tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!The waiter shouted across the room, Hey, friend! If you want to get paid, sing a song!So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully!He had talent(天赋) he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent.(1)The lady asked the player to sing a song because _.A . she had paid him for thisB . she knew him very wellC . she wanted to have a changeD . she wanted to have a change(2)Nat King Cole succeeded because _.A . the lady helped him a lotB . he caught the chanceC . he continued to play in the barD . he stopped playing the piano(3)The words sit on in the passage probably mean _.A . fail to realizeB . forget to useC . try to developD . manage to show(4)From the story we know if you have some talent, you should _.A . hide it and waitB . ask others for helpC . pay no attention to itD . work hard to improve yourself(5)Which could be the best title (标题) for the passage?A . Sing in the BarB . Achieve Success in LifeC . Never Lose HeartD . Find Your Hidden Talent四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。(1)Could you _(解释) what happened to you?(2)This is the girl I have _(提到) before.(3)_(渐渐地), I learn to trust people.(4)Can you give me some _(建议) about how to learn English well?(5)Many people like Yang Mi, _(包括) me.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)阅读短文, 用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空, 每词限用一次。arrive, play, exciting, leave, famousFor the last 20 years, David Beckham was a very _soccer player. He played with teams in England, Spain, America and Italy. He _in Beijing with his teammates yesterday. They are going to _against Chinas national team tomorrow. Soccer fans are very _. But its too bad that the team isnt going to stay for long. They are _for Japan the day after tomorrow for a game with Japans national team. 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)根据短文内容,选出5个句子填人文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确,其中一项为多余选项。 Which university would you like to go to in the future? Its not too early to think about it right now.Students at Hilltop School had a University Week at the end of last month. _For instance, they designed a flag for a virtual(虚拟的) University of Hilltop._He said he started the program to help students form their aims. University may not be for everyone, but we want the program to help students form their aims. He said._Eric, a student in Grade 8, said, University Week made me realize that university is only four years away. I should do research about where I want to go. Paul, another student in Grade 8 said that he realized there were so many universities for him to choose. _The school also invited people to give career talks. The first talk was given by Captain Brown, a policeman. He talked about how to choose a career way. _The program opened up the students eyes. Said Mr Miller.A. According to the students, the program worked well.B. Eric thinks its too early to think about which university to go to in the future now.C. During this week, they took part in all kind of activities.D. Mr. Miller is the teacher who started the program.E. After the research, he said he wanted to choose the University of California.F. He also talked about the importance of math, reading and writing in his career as a policeman.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假如你叫刘涛。下个月来自澳大利亚的Jim将作为交换生来你校参加活动并暂住在你家。请根据表格以及图片中的信息写两段话。内容要点分别为:1、介绍你和家人 2、描述你的房间内物品的摆放情况。要求:以第一称描述;不少于80词。提示词:wall墙;soccer ball足球;pet宠物。中文名字刘涛英文名字Tom年纪13班级Class 5, Grade 7电话号码6932108电子邮箱Tom666hotmail.com家庭成员第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)21-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)22-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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