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最新2017 年秋人教版九年级英语上册期中期末试题及答案期中综合测试(时间 120 分钟 , 满分 120 分) 笔 试 部分(100 分)五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分, 共计 15 分)(C )21.Britain is European country and China isAsian country.A an; anB a;aC a; anD an; a(C )22. How do you learn English ,Tony? I often practice Englishchatting my American friends.A in;withB by; ofC by; withD by;from(C )23.Dont worry about the new words.You can in a dictionary. A look up itB look up themClook them upD look it up( D )24.I find difficult to learn English grammar. You can do more English exercises.A thatB thisC thoseD it( D )25.The story is and all of us are in it. A interest;interestingB interesting ; interest Cinterested; interestingD interesting ; interested( D )26.Do you believe that American flags are made China?Yes, I do.And you can see they are made silk.A in; fromB from ; inC of ; inD in; of ( B )27.Mom , shall we go hiking tomorrow?Oh, dear.That depends on it is fine tomorrow.A thatB whetherC howD what ( C )28.How do you usually go to school?I take a bus, but I walking now.A was used to;am used toB am used to; used to Cused to; am used toD used to; use to( C )29.Mike wants to know if a picnic tomorrow.Yes.But if it ,well visit the museum instead.A you have; will rainB you will have ; will rain Cyou will have ; rainsD you have; rains(C )30. Do you think teenagers to make their own decisions?No, I dont agree with you.Theyre too young to do that. A encourageB are encouragingCare encouragedD is encouraged( D )31.Its important for students to obey traffic rules.Sure.Teachers already warn uson the road because its very dangerous.A to playB dont playC not playingD not to play(D )32.China is getting better and better at making high technology products.Thats right.People around the world can hardly avoid products made in China. A not buyingB not to buyC to buyD buying ( B )33.Im sorry to hear that your pet dog has died.Though my dog for three months , I still miss him.A has diedBhas been deadC diedD was dead ( D )34.Could you tell me ?Sure.Its near the bank on the other side of the street.A how to the post officeB where is the post office Cwhere the post office was builtD where the post office is ( D )35.Lucy , can I borrow you bike? I didnt hear clearly.A Yes, please!B How do you do? CHere you are.D Pardon?六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分, 共计 10 分)Yesterday my son and I went to the supermarket.A little girl with her mother was in line in front of 36 .The little girl was asking her mother for a box of Smarties.The polite way she was asking 37 broke the mothers heart. “ Sorry , honey.But we dont have enoughmoney to get it.”My son heard that dialog.By the way ,he had made some money to 38 himself a bike by cleaning our garden once a week.As he watched the mother and daughter leave the 39 , he rushed to the candy counter ( 柜 台 ) and bought a box of Smarties with his money.Then he ran quickly and caught up with the little girl and her mother, and sent them the 40 .He came back and told me 41 he told them,“Every kid should have a pack of Smarties because they can42 you smart.”I was so 43 that I bought a pack of Smarties for my son.I told him that I was proudof him because of his good action just now.He replied,“ 44 we do nice things for others, we shouldnt wish to be returned. ” I explained ,“ When you do something nice for someone, you shouldnt expect to get anything,but when you get something from others,you should be very 45 .”(C )36.A.herB himC usD me(A )37.A.almostB hardlyC sometimesD never ( D )38.A.payB spendC takeD buy( A )39.A.marketB houseC squareD centre ( B )40.A.moneyB boxCgardenD bike( D )41.A.how muchB whichC whetherD what ( B )42.A.setB makeC buildD move( C )43.A.carefulB excellentC happyD interesting ( A )44.A.WhenB BeforeCAs soon asD Unless( C )45.A.brightB differentC thankfulD useful 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分, 共计 30 分)AWhats the most important thing for you to have in your life? Somebody mentions hard-work ,others suggest knowledge, love and luck.If you arrange the 26 English letters alphabetically( 按字母表的顺序) and use numbers to represent each of them,for example ,1 for a ,2 for b ,3 for c .you can change an English word into a number.So hard -work becomes 8 1 18 423 1518 11 98, meaning 98 is its mark; knowledge :11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7 5 96,while love :12 15 22 5 54, and luck : 12 21 3 11 47,a small mark.None of these words can give us a full mark.What about money or prayer ( 祈祷 )?They cant ,either.Then what else?Dont be worried.You can always find an answer to a problem in your life , when you change your way of looking at things or doing things , or your attitude ( 态 度 ) Yes, attitude is the word.See for yourself :attitude:1 20 20 9 2021 4 5 100,a full mark.Different attitudes lead to different courses of life.Most times people hope for a better life.It is possible that one will have a change for the better after one has changed ones attitude.When you change your manner and became friendlytowards others, yourllmeet moresmilingfaces towards you.Inthe same way, ifyou take a positive ( 积 极 的 ) attitude towards failure , youll find its also rewarding though it has caused you losses.( A )46.How can we solve a problem in our life according to the writer? A Change the way how we look at things.B Have different attitudes.C Study math.D Learn from others.(B )47.Which of the following is TRUE?A None of the words in English can give us a full mark. BFailure can also be rewarding.CThe word“ hard- work ” has the highest mark. D Nobody thinks attitude is the most important.(D )48.It is possible that you will have a change for the better if you . A can work out the mark of every wordBhave hard-work ,knowledge , money and luckCare friendly to othersD have a more positive attitude( D )49.What does the word“ rewarding” mean in th?e p?assage A 成功的B 难过的C高兴的D值得的( D )50.Whats the main idea of the passage? A Failures lead to success.Bpeople hope for a better life.CYour life will be changed if you change your attitude. D How important a good attitude is!B“ How are you? ” is a nice question.Its a friendlyway that people in the United States greet each other,but “ How are you ? ”is also a very unusual question.Its a question that often doesnt have an answer.The person who asks “ How are you ? ” hopes to hear the answer“Fine”, even of the persons friend isnt fine.The reason is that “ How are you ? ” isnt really a question and “Fine”isnt really an answer.They are simply other ways of saying “ Hello !” or “ Hi !”Sometimes,people also dont say exactly what they mean.For example ,when someone asks“Do you agree ? ” ,the other person might be thinking ,“ No,I disagree.I think youre wrong. ” But it isnt very polite to disagree so strongly ,so the other person might say “ Im not so sure.”Its a nicer way that you dont agree with someone.People also dont say exactly what they are thinkingwhen they finish talkingwithother people.For example,many talks over the phone finish when one person says “ I have to go now. ”Often the person who wants to hang up gives an excuse: “Someones at the door.”“Something isburning on the stove.”The excuse might not.Perhaps the person who wants to hang up simply doesnt want to talk any more ,but it isnt polite to say that.The excuse is more polite ,and it doesnt hurt the other person.Whether they are greeting each other ,talking about an idea ,or finishing a talk ,people often dont say exactly what they are thinking.Its an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and its part of the game of language.( D )51.When a person in the United States asks“ How are you ?” , he or she wants to hear“ ”A How are you?B Hello. CI dont know.D Fine.( B )52.When a person wants to disagree with someone, it is polite to say “ ”A Youre wrong.I disagree.B Im not so sure. CIm sure I disagree.D No , I disagree.( C )53.A polite way to finish a talk is to say“ ”A You have to go now.B I want to hang up. CI have to go now.D I dont want to talk. ( A ) 54.When a person says“ I havegotonow.Someones at the door. .A giving an excuseB hurting someones feelings Ctalking to a person at the doorD going to another place ( D )55.One of the rules of the game of language is probablyA Always say what you mean BDont disagree with other peopleCNever say exactly what you are thinking D Be polite,the p”erson may be COn the loess Plateau ( 黄土高原 ), a donkey carries boxes of shadow playtools while five playerswalkwithmusicalinstrumentsontheirbacks.Theytravelthroughmountainsand villages.When it becomes dark , they set up the light and paper screen and start their show.This is a Daoqing shadow play( 道情皮影戏 )It is an art mixing Daoqing music and shadow play.Theplayer holdsthehuman characters behind the paper screen and plays a series of stories.The characters are usually made of cow skin.The stage of the Daoqing shadow play is simple.Its usually a table covered with a large piece of paper.The lightwas behind the paper screen.As the shadow playermoves his fingers , the characters come to life and their looks, dress and movement can be clearly seen from the other side of the screen.The player is also the lead singer.All the characters are played and voiced by him.Its not an easy job.Shi Chenglin is an old shadow player.He says it takes a player ten to twenty years to be good at playing the characters well.He used to have students , but they gave up one by one.To protect the traditional Chinese folk art, the Museum of Daoqing Shadow Play has beenbuilt in Gansu , and many artists are trying to spread it to the stage of China , and of the world. ( C )56.When is Daoqing shadow play usually played?A In the morning.B In the afternoon. C In the evening.D At any time.(B )57.What can we learn about Daoqing shadow play? A It needs a big screen.BIt tells a lot of stories.CIt brings food to poor people.D The characters are made of silk.( D )58.Which of the following is TRUE? A The characters are easy to control.BThe characters looks cant be seen from the screen.CA shadow player is also a good Daoqing writer.D Many young men have given up learning Daoqing shadow play.( A )59.What does the author think of the future of Daoqing shadow play? A Good.B Bad.CNot known.D He doesnt care.( A )60.Which is the best title for the text?A Chinese folk art Daoqing shadow playBShi Chenglin a famous Daoqing shadow player CDaoqing shadow play must be protectedD Never throw Chinese folk art away八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分, 共计 10 分)根据句意及首字母提示写单词。61 We neednt change the plane.We can get a direct flight to New York. 62 Please read the text aloud so that everyone in the classroom can hear you. 63 The mad man repeatedhis words again and again.64 According to our teachers introduction, we know more about the spaceship. 65 There are two rulers.One is made of steeland the other is made of plastic.根据句意 , 用所给词的适当形式填空。66 English is regarded as an international (internation) language. 67 He has been dead(die) for two years.We still miss him. 68His pronunciation (pronounce) has improved ,but he still does much practice every day. 69 France and Germany are both European (Europe) countries.70 It is a good choice (choose) for Mille to study Chinese history in Beijing.九、完成句子。(每小题 2 分, 共计 10 分)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。71 学英语时不要害怕犯错误。Dont be afraid of makingmistakeswhen learning English.72 你打算如何处理这个难题?How will youdealw ith the difficult problem?73 王先生常常为他的儿子感到自豪。Mr.Wang often feelsproudof/takesprideinhis son.74 至于你 , 我认为你不必亲自去了。As for you, I dont think you have to goinperson75 无论他说什么, 都别相信。Do not trust him ,nomatter what he says.十、任务型阅读。(每小题2 分, 共计 10 分)在英语拓展学习的过程中,大明从网上搜索一些有关世界纪念日的信息。请将下面的宣传资料与上面的纪念日词条正确配对。A International Day of PeaceIn 2001 ,the UN made a decision that 21 September of each year would be the International Day of Peace.B World Smile DayThe first Friday of October is named World Smile Day.Its been celebrated around the world since 1999.CWorld Food DayIt is held on October 16.Each year has a different theme.D World Forest Day It is celebrated around the world on 21st March.( C )76.Lets join the global movement to end hunger.Be a part of the solution and take part in events in your neighborhood and around the world.We can end hunger.( D )77.We work on protecting forests because they are home to millionsof people, andbecause without forests ,Earth can be destroyed one day in the future.Today, we invite you to celebrate forests.And to protect forests in whatever way you can.( A ) 78.We cant change the past and we cant start yesterday.We can only act in the present and influence the future.Any act may build peace.No matter how simple, it is a start.( B ) 79.A smile is what we want to see.Every time, we smile at someone , it is an action oflove ,a gift to that person , and the world will be more beautiful.( C )80.Which of the following is not included in the International Festivals? A Childrens DayB May DayCDragon Boat FestivalD Womens Day十一、书面表达。(15 分)你的初中生活快要结束了,在这近三年里,你一定发生了很大的变化。请你按照以下提示用英语写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文, 介绍自己的变化。提示: 1.总体介绍近几年在你的生活中发生了哪些变化;2 最重要的变化是什么, 它是怎么发生的, 对你产生怎样影响。要求: 1.词数 80 左右 , 开头已给出 , 不计入总词数;

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