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Unit7 At weekends单元教材分析: 本单元谈论的话题是周末活动,教师可以结合学生用书四年级下册Unit2 After school和五年级上册unit4 Hobbies的内容,综合呈现语言知识。教师可以和学生一起复习有关课外活动和业余爱好的词汇,作为导入或巩固活动。涉及的周末活动有上网和远方家人聊天、放风筝、看电影、野餐等,教师可以在教学中利用挂图、照片或多媒体呈现一些孩子周末活动的情景,也可以要求学生课前准备一张家庭周末活动的照片。教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:at weekends, grandparents, play with, very much, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, a lot, come out, get out.2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:visit, often, always, sometimes, there.3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .4. 能熟练运用本单元所学句型及频率副词谈论周末活动。5. 知道字母s在单词中的读音。教学重点:1. 句型:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .2. 词汇:at weekends, grandparents, play with, very much, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, a lot, come out, get out.3. 语音:字母s在单词中的读音。教学难点:1. 句型:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .的使用。2. 词汇:always,usually,often和sometimes频率副词的区别及正确用法。3. 语音:字母s在单词中的读音。课时安排:第1课时:Story time (text, Look and write)第2课时:Checkout time, Fun time第3课时:Grammar time第4课时:Cartoon time, Sound time第5课时:Culture time, Ticking time第6课时:Ticking time (review, exercise)第一课时教学目标:1. 理解、掌握对话内容,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并初步表演对话。2. 能正确运用日常交际用语:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .3.能听懂、会说、会读单词:at weekends, grandparents, play with, very much, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, a lot, come out, get out.教学重难点:1. 能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话。2.能听懂、会说、会读单词:at weekends, grandparents, play with, very much, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, a lot, come out, get out.教具准备:单词卡片,人物图片,多媒体教学设计(主备)复备Step1. Lead-in1. PPT出示学生学过的体育运动类、兴趣爱好类、日常活动类词汇,齐读。T: Look at these phrases and words, you can ask your partner a question . For example: What do you like? When do you get up ? . . .Work in pairs.2.T: Boys and girls, when do you go to school in the morning?S: . . .T: We always go to school from Monday to Friday.3. PPT出九月份的日历生齐读一周七天的单词T: We always go to school from Monday to Friday. But We dont go to school on Sunday and Saturday.PPT: on Sunday and Saturday= at weekends教读“at weekends ”Step2. Presentation and practice1. T: At weekends you dont go to school. What do you do at weekends?S: I usually . . .Work in pairs.T: At weekends I always visit my parents, sometimes I chat with my friend on the Internet.教读此句。2. T:(PPT出示书中人物)What do they do at weekends? Read and matchPPT: visit grandparents play football Mike fly a kite go to the cinema Helen chat with grandparents on the Internet play with Kitty the cat SH&SY have a picnic have a dancing lesson have dinner with grandparents3. 学生自读课文并在文中画出关键词。4. 汇报T: What does Mike do at the weekends?S: . . . T: What does Mike do at the weekends?S: . . . T: What do Su Hai and Su Yang do at the weekends?S: . . . 5. 再读课文,深入理解课文师引导学生将人物的周末活动按照发生频率进行归类,然后引导学生用频率副词介绍四人的周末活动:NameAt weekendsalwaysusuallyoftensometimesSH&SYHelenMike6. 跟录音读课文。7. Look and write规则:同桌一个以书中人物自述,另一个以第三人称进行转述, 以便进一步操练一般现在时第三人称单词形式。Step3. Consolidation1. 复述课文引导学生复述书中四个人物的周末活动,提示学生正确使用动词的第三人称单数形式。然后让学生将自己复述的人物活动写下来,加强写的练习。2. Ask, Choose and say以小组为单位,完成此调查表。Step4. Homework1. Read “ story time” after the tape.2. 试着介绍家人的周末活动。板书设计: Unit7 At weekends What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . . 第二课时教学目标:1. 复习上节课所学的词汇和故事。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .教学重难点:1.能正确运用频率副词。2.能用正确的语音语调正确的朗读对话,复述故事。教具准备:单词卡片,多媒体教学设计(主备)复备Step1. RevisionT: Last lesson , we learn “story time”. What does Mike do at weekends?S: . . .T: How about Su Hai and Su Yang? You ask your partner like this. . .2. T: (指一名学生)What do you do at the weekends?S: . . . S: What do you do at the weekends?S: . . .Step2. Checkout time1. T: What does your friend do at the weekends?S: . . .Work in pairs.2.T: At the weekends, .s friend always . . . She/He sometimes . . .T: Can you introduce your friend like this?S: . . .3. 生把自己及朋友的周末活动写下来。(P77)指名汇报。同桌互相修改,看有没有写错的单词或表达不当的地方。Step3. Fun time1. 问答活动引导学生看图,用问答的形式描述图片内容。如T: Look at the picture1. What does she do ?S: She chats on the Internet.T: What does she do in picture2 ?S: She reads. . .2. 师邀请一名学生和自己一起示范游戏过程。3. 学生两人开展游戏问答活动。学生看图回答时,可以选用任意频率副词。4. 让学生将问答内容写下来。Step4. Homework1. 跟录音读书后单词两遍。2.做练习册第一课时。板书设计: Unit5 At weekends What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . . What does he/she do? He/She alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .第三课时教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .2. 正确运用频率副词。3.掌握do 和 does 的用法及第三人称单数形式的变化规则教学重难点:do 和 does 的用法及第三人称单数形式的变化规则教学准备:多媒体教学设计(主备)复备Step1. Free talk1. T: (指一名学生)What do you do at the weekends?S: . . . T: What does your friend do at the weekends?S: . . .T: Now you ask your partner like this.Work in pairs.2. T: Now you can say something about your friends weekend.S: . . .Step2. Grammar time1. 两人活动,朗读句子教师安排学生两人一组,认读两个表格中的句子,一人读问句,一人读答句。如:S1: What do you do at the weekends?S2: I often have dinner with my grandpartents. . .2. 操练助动词教师利用多媒体或者在黑板上呈现第一个表格中的四个句子,并将其中的助动词覆盖,要求学生填空。如:What do you do at the weekends?What do they do at the weekends?What does she do at the weekends?What does he do at the weekends?然后,教师鼓励学生讨论归纳 do 和 does 的用法:当句子主语是第三人称单数he, she, it或单数名词时, 转换成一般疑问句或特殊疑问句时,助动词要用does,当主语是I, you, we, they 或复数名词时,助动词则用do。3. 归纳第三人称单数形式的变化规则。PPT出示第二个表格中的句子,然后将动词覆盖,要求学生填空。如:I often have dinner with my grandparents.They usually fly a kite and have a picnic.She always has dancing lessons.He sometimes goes to the park.随后,教师可以和学生一起归纳动词原形转换成第三人称单数动词形式的规则:方法一:直接加s方法二:以o,s,ch,sh结尾的单词一般加es方法三:以字母y结尾的单词,先变y为i,再加es方法四:有一些特殊变化的要熟记,如has等。Step3. Consolidation用所给单词的适当形式填空1. My parents (live)in the UK.2. He always has a (dance)lesson.3. He sometimes (fly)a kite in the afternoon.4. What (Helen) (do) at weekends.5. Billy always (watch)TV.Step4. Homework1. 预习Cartoon time.2. 做补充习题 第四课时教学目标:1. 欣赏Cartoon time复习巩固所学句型。2. 能用正确的语言语调朗读对话,在熟读的基础上分角色朗读。3. 了解字母s在单词中的读音。教学重难点:能用正确的语言语调朗读对话。教具准备:多媒体教学设计(主备)复备Step1. RevisionT: (指一名学生)What do you do at the weekends?S: . . . T: Do you usually watch TV at the weekends?S: . . .T: How about your father?S: . . .Work in pairs.Step2. Cartoon time1. PPT出示第二幅图T: Who are they?S: . . .T: What do they do at weekends? Watch cartoon and fill the form:SeasonBobby and Sams weekendsBillys weekendsSpringSummerAutumn2. 指名填表格。3. 生自读课文,回答下面问题。PPT: What does Billy always do at weekends?What do Bobby and Sam do at weekends?Does Billy like picnic?Whats the matter with Billy.4. 小组活动,复述故事学生四人一组,每人一句,复述故事。 如:S1: Billy always watches TV and eats at home at weekends.S2: In spring, Bobby and Sam often play basketball at weekends.S3: But Billy doesnt like playing basketball.S4: In summer, Bobby and Sam often go swimming. . .4. 学生分角色朗读故事并尝试表演。Stop3. Sound time1. T: At the weekends, Billy always eat and watch TV. Look at the children, what do they do at the weekends.PPT出示P73,通过问答,引出含有目标因素读/z/的单词。T: Whos the old man in the picture?S: Hes Mr Rose.T: What does he always grow in his garden?S: He always grows roses.2. 教师示范读单词,学生跟读。3. 播放录音,并带领学生跟读绕口令,鼓励学生一起有节奏地打拍子。4. PPT出示一些含有字母s的单词,包括音素读/z/和/s/,让学生区分,如six,seven, sister, sorry, this, is, always, music, tennis等。Stop4. Homework1. 跟录音读Storytime一遍。2. 跟录音读单词两遍。第五课时教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .2.能运用所学句型及单词介绍自己及家人的周末活动。3.了解国内及国外人们喜爱的体育运动。教学重难点:能运用所学句型及单词介绍自己及家人的周末活动。教学准备:多媒体教学设计(主备)复备Stop1. Free talk and Lead in T: What do you do at weekends?S: . . .T: What sports do you do at weekends?S: . . .T: Do you like playing table tennis?S: . . .Stop2. Culture time1. T: Table tennis is very popular in China.PPT出示此部分内容2. 生跟录音读。PPT:A. 美国人喜爱的运动篮球(basketball)起源于美国,当孩子们长到九岁或十岁时,他们就开始打篮球,许多家庭都在后院里有一个小篮球场。美国小朋友们可以在周末和父母一起去观看NBA比赛。篮球、橄榄球(American football)和棒球(baseball)一起被称为美国的三大球类运动。B. 足球运动在英国英国(英格兰)是现代足球的发源地。足球在英国是一项十分普及的一项运动,几乎每个城镇都有一个足球俱乐部。英国每年的足球赛季长达八个月之久。3. PPT出示其他一些国家的运动,如韩国人比较喜欢击剑,印度人比较擅长长跑等,让学生多了解一些。Stop3. Ticking time 1. I can talk about weekend activities1)T: What do you do at weekends?S: . . .T: What does your father do at weekends?S: . . .T: Does your . . . at weekends?S: . . .T: How about . . .?S: . . .T: Now you talk about your family weekends with your partner, OK?2) 学生同桌讨论。3) 指名汇报。4) 让学生将自己讨论的内容写下来。2. I can use“always”,“usually”,“often”and“sometimes”.1)T: I always go to work from Monday to Friday. In the evening, I usually watch TV. At weekends I often do housework, sometimes I go shopping. How about you?T: Can you introduce yourself like this?学生练说,然后指名说。2)生将自己说的内容写下来。3. I know the sound of the letter“s”。判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“T”, 不同的写“F”. books bags always( ) 1. ( )2. ( )3. grapes has us pears rose cakes( ) 4. ( )5. ( )6. his music seeStep3. Exercise(补充习题P32、33)1.Look and say.2.Read and write.Step4. Homework1. 上网查找其他一些国家人们喜欢的运动。2. 做练习与测试上的本单元测试。 第6课时Ticking time(review , exercise)教学目标:进行一些练习,让学生对于本课更加清楚,并能够熟练掌握本课单词和句型。教学重难点:熟练运用本课单词和句型并能够在实际情境中熟练运用。教学准备:试卷听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)( )1. A. . listen B . lesson C . let ( ) 2. A . so B. two C . too ( ) 3. A. why B. way C. always ( ) 4. A. with B . which C. each ( ) 5. A. sports B. sport C. spend二、听录音,用数字给下列句子排序。(5分)( )What do they do at weekends ? ( ) We often chat on the Internet at weekends. ( ) What about you , Mike? ( ) Sometimes I also go to the cinema. ( ) We like singing and dancing.三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10分)( )1. A. Yes , I do . B. Yes, we can . C. Yes, we do. ( ) 2.A. Yes , I do . B. No, I cant. C. Yes, I like. ( ) 3.A. He likes swimming. B.She often swims. C.She can swim. ( ) 4.A. Yes, youre right. B. Thats right. C. OK. ( ) 5. A. Yes , he does. B. Yes, she does . C. Yes, she is.四、听录音,补全短文。(10分)Mike is a Chinese boy. Mike likes 1._. At weekends, he often 2._ football 3._ his friends in the playground. Sometimes he goes climbing or swimming. Sometimes he 4._ goes to the 5._. He likes going there. He likes cartoon movies because theyre interesting.笔试部分(70分)五、英汉互译。(20分)1.在周末 _ 2. 去看电影 _3.喜欢聊天 _ 4. 非常 _5.出来 _ 6. in China _7.listen to music _ 8. my family _9.dancing lessons_ 10. play table tennis_六、单项选择。(10分)( )1.-What _ they do at _ weekends ?. - They often go skating. A.do; them B. do ; their C. does ; their( ) 2. I often go to the park _ my parents . A. and B. with C. take( ) 3. We like _ and _ . A. sing ; dance B. sings ; dances C. singing ; dancing( ) 4. Helen _ likes _ books. A. too ; read B. also ; read C. also ; reading( ) 5. Mike _ four lessons _ Tuesday. A. have ; on B. has ; on C. has ; in( ) 6. Shall we _ to the cinema now ? A. going B. goes C. go( ) 7. _ go to the party now ? A. Shall we B. Lets C. Can we( ) 8. Can you _ basketball ? A. play B. playing C. to play( ) 9. Billy always _ dinner _ his family . A. have ; and B. has ; with C. eat ; and ( ) 10. Helens friend often _ swimming . A. go B. goes C. going七、情景配对。(10分)( ) 1.Do you like sports ? A. Yes , he does.( ) 2. What does your sister do at her weekends? B. They watch films.( ) 3. Do your parents go to the zoo with you ? C. He flies a kite.( ) 4.Shall we sing and dance now ? D. She is a writer.( ) 5.What is your hobby ? E. He likes playing football.( ) 6.What do your parents do at weekends ? F. I like swimming .( ) 7.What does his father do at weekends ? G. OK.( ) 8.What does he like doing ? H. She often swims.( ) 9. What does she do ? I. No, I dont .( )10.Does he have any flowers ? J. No, they dont.八、按要求改写句子。(10分) 1.Billys grandparent has a picnic at the weekend .(改为否定句) Billys grandparent _ _ a picnic at the weekend . 2.Sally often flies the kite at her weekends.(对划线部分提问) _ does Sally often _ at her weekends ? 3.He usually goes swimming and skating on Sunday .(改为一般疑问句) _ he usually _ swimming and skating on sundays? 4.We have eight subjects this term . (对划线部分提问) _ _ subjects do you have this term ? 5.Mike and his friends go to school by bus every day. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ Mike and his friends go to school by bus every day ? Yes , they _ .九、根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分) 1.我和父亲有时在周末踢足球。 My father and I _ play football at _ . 2.我们经常和我们的祖父母一起吃晚饭。 We _ have dinner with our _ . 3.足球在英国很受欢迎。 _ is very _ in the UK. 4.她的妹妹不喜欢野餐。 Her sister _ _ picnics . 5.你和你的朋友放学后做什么? What _ you and your friends _ after school ?十、阅读短文,判断正(T)误 (F)。(10分) Lingling has a big family . There are six people in her family . They are her grandparents , parents , sister and herself. Her grandfather sometimes makes toy trains. Her grandmother always cooks nice food . Her father is a doctor. He often helps sick people . He likes making model ships. Her mother is an Art teacher. She can play the violin well . Linglings sister likes playing the violin too. Lingling doesnt like playing the violin .She likes drawing pictures. What a happy family ! ( )1.There are six people in Linglings family. ( )2.Linglings grandfather can make toy trains. ( )3.Linglings father is an Art teacher. ( )4.Linglings sister likes playing the piano. ( )5.Lingling can draw pictures.

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