外研(新标准)版初中英语八年级上学期Module 7 Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 同步练习B卷

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外研(新标准)版初中英语八年级上学期Module 7 Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 同步练习B卷_第1页
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外研(新标准)版初中英语八年级上学期Module 7 Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 同步练习B卷_第2页
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外研(新标准)版初中英语八年级上学期Module 7 Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 同步练习B卷_第3页
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外研(新标准)版初中英语八年级上学期Module 7 Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 同步练习B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) (2019八上黑龙江月考) What you when I called you yesterday? I _ the floor. A . were; doing; was sweepingB . did; do; am sweepingC . were; doing; sweptD . did; do; sweep2. (2分) Why have you got so much water here? For the trail-walkers. After they finish the tough hike, they need to lots of water.A . keep offB . give outC . take in3. (2分) (2019八下襄汾期末) After the party, Joe agreed to go to see the movie Forever Young with us _thinking twice. A . byB . forC . without4. (2分) I my clothes and then I went to bed. A . washB . am washingC . washedD . will wash5. (2分) (2019无棣模拟) Tom, have you ever read the book A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens? Yes, I finished reading it last winter vocation. A . wroteB . to writeC . writingD . written6. (2分) (2019青海) The bright sunlight comes into the room _the window. A . throughB . acrossC . past7. (2分) Dont worry. The babys temperature(温度) will _ back to normal(正常) after he takes the medicine. A . travelB . climbC . goD . drop8. (2分) Im_ my cousin. She has very short hair and looks like a boy. Oh, let me help you.A . looking forB . thinking ofC . laughing atD . shouting to9. (2分) I decided to buy this big house. Nothing will make me my mind. A . to changeB . changeC . to openD . open10. (2分) _ TV at that time? A . Did you watchB . Have you watchedC . Were you watchingD . Are you watching二、 填空题 (共10题;共18分)11. (1分) Read the_(菜单) carefully before you order the food. 12. (1分) In hot weather, we can keep fresh vegetables and meat in the f_. 13. (1分) Our teacher _(分开) all the students into six groups in the morning. 14. (1分) I want to join the art c_. 15. (1分) (2019七下余姚期末) The farmers _ (种植) strawberries from February to June last year. 16. (3分) “那是你的戒指吗?”“不。那是他的戒指。” Is that_ring?No, Its_ring.17. (2分) 经常熬夜对你的健康不利。 It is bad for your health to _often.18. (3分) 我可以看一看你的新钢笔吗? Can I have a _ _ your new pen?19. (2分) 你能编一个关于老鼠和大象的故事吗? Can you _ _ a story about a mouse and an elephant?20. (3分) 我明天将乘飞机去上海。 I will_Shanghai tomorrow.三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) (2019九上龙华期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 When a man was walking by some elephants, he suddenly stopped. He was 1that these huge animals were being held only by a small rope tied to their front legs. No 2, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could break the 3at any time, but for some reason, they did not.He saw a 4nearby and asked why the animals just stood there and didnt try to 5. Well, the trainer said, when they were very 6and much smaller, we used the same rope to keep them from running away. At that age, its enough to hold them. As they 7, they are conditioned (受的影响) to believe they cannot break the rope. They believe it can still hold them, so they never try to break free.The man was 8. These animals could break free whenever they wanted, but because they believed they couldnt, they were stuck right where they were.How many of us go through life like the elephantsholding onto the belief that we 9do something simply because we failed in it once before?10is a part of learning. If we failed once, it doesnt mean we can never succeed. We should never give up trying when we encounter (遭遇) failures in life.(1)A . worried B . certain C . surprised (2)A . signs B . chains C . metal (3)A . rope B . fence C . rule (4)A . genius B . manager C . trainer (5)A . run over B . get away C . have a rest (6)A . young B . strong C . old (7)A . come along B . look for C . grow up (8)A . excited B . happy C . ashamed (9)A . can B . cannot C . will (10)A . Trust B . Success C . Failure 四、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分) 根据短文理解选择正确答案。A long time ago, the monkey and the turtle were good friends. One day, they saw a fallen banana tree and decided to plant it. They divided the tree into two parts. The monkey took the part with leaves, thinking that it would grow faster, then they went home and planted it. Many days passed, the monkeys plant died but the turtles grew well and produced fruit. When the fruit was ripe(成熟的) the turtle asked the monkey to share it with him. The monkey climbed up the tree and ate all the fruit. So the turtle got angry. He found some sharp sticks and put them around the tree. When the monkey came down, he hurt himself. The turtle laughed and hid himself under a big shell (贝壳). The monkey got very angry and caught the turtle.“Ill cut you into pieces,” said the monkey.“Good, so there will be many turtles.”“No, Ill put you into the fire.”“Thats better, my skin will be red.”“No ,Ill throw you into the river.”“No,” said the turtle, “Ill die.”The monkey threw the turtle into the river, and the turtle swam happily.(1) The monkey and the turtle saw_.A . an apple treeB . some bananasC . a fallen banana treeD . some leaves(2) The turtles plant_.A . grew wellB . produced fruitC . diedD . Both A and B(3) When the fruit was ripe, _.A . the monkey shared it with the turtleB . the turtle picked the bananas himselfC . the monkey ate all the bananasD . the monkey picked bananas for the turtle(4) The turtle got angry and he_.A . climbed up the treeB . hid himself in a big shellC . found some sharp sticksD . hit the monkey(5) Which of the following words would you use to describe the monkey?A . Selfish.B . Lovely.C . Honest.D . Clever.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略二、 填空题 (共10题;共18分)11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21、答案:略四、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)22、答案:略

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