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8A Unit 3 A day out.1.come on来吧;赶快;加油2.enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun = play happily玩得愉快3.take care保重4.take (good) care of sb.=look after sb. (well)(好好)照顾某人5.arrive at +小地点;arrive in +大地点= get to sp.= reach sp.到达某地6.cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事cant wait for sth.为某事迫不及待7.place of interest= interesting place名胜,景点8.not believe ones eyes不相信自己的眼睛,非常惊讶9.by oneself = alone = on ones own独自10.take place进行,举行,发生 happen(一般指无意中的发生,比如意外)11.cheer for sb.为某人喝彩12.cheer sb. up使某人振作起来13.the ticket to .的票15.need to exercise and keep fit需要锻炼并保持健康16.keep fit = keep healthy保持健康17.not as/so high as a real one不如真的高18.make a plan for a day trip制定一天旅行计划19.plan a day out计划一日出游20.take a boat trip=go on a trip by boat 乘船旅行21.be famous for 以著名 be famous as 作为著名22.under the famous Harbour Bridge在著名的港湾大桥下23.go past the (Sydney) Opera House经过(悉尼)歌剧院24.sit in a little coffee shop by the River Seine坐在塞纳河旁边的一个小咖啡馆 25.the top of 的顶部26.all the best一切顺利,万事如意,一帆风顺 27.the President of the USA 美国总统28.search on the Internet在网上搜索29.how wide 多宽 30.90 feet wide 90英尺宽31.be made of 由制成(能看出原材料) be made from 由制成(不能看出原材料)32.weigh over 100,000 tons称重超过10万吨33.invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to some place 邀请某人去某地34.join their school trip to the World Park join sb. in (doing) sth. 和某人一起做某事 join us加入我们 join 加入(某人或组织)= become a member of join the army参军,入伍join the Party入党 join in = take part in 参加(活动)35.a fine warm day晴好而温暖的一天36.shine in a clear blue sky在晴朗的蓝天下照耀37.quite far away 相当遥远38.a lot of /much/heavy traffic交通拥挤39.a little boring一点儿无聊40.get on/ off 上车/下车41.the whole world整个世界42.models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world全世界超过100多个名胜古迹的模型 43.become excited变得兴奋44.look as great as the one back home看上去和家乡的一样棒45.look just like the real one 看上去就像真的46.an amazing day令人惊讶的一天47.the main sights of the world 世界上主要的景点48.the song and dance shows歌舞表演49.learn a lot about different cultures了解许多不同的文化50.put them on his home page把他们放在他的主页上51.go and see for yourself 去亲自看看52.finally = at last = in the end最后53.in some ways在某些方面54.dont tell anyone about this不要告诉任何人关于此事55.try to do sth.努力/尽力做某事56.pull himself up the rocks把他自己拉上岩石57.look at each other 互相看着对方58.keep the secret to oneself保守秘密在心里59.in the final of this years basketball competition进入到今年篮球赛决赛 get to the final进入决赛60.the Students Union学生会61.cheer for 为欢呼62.forget to do sth忘记要做某事forget doing sth.忘记做过某事63.remember to do sth.记得要做某事remember doing sth.记得做过某事64.with your support在你的支持下/有了你的支持 65.with your help在你的帮助下/有了你的帮助 66.the cost of the trip旅行的费用67.per student每个学生68.go there by underground乘地铁去那69.take the underground乘地铁70.a 20-minute period一个20分钟期间71.during half- time在中场休息期间72.go back to our school= return to our school回我们学校73.take sb. to the Summer Palace带某人去颐和园74.sound good听起来好75.the day before yesterday前天76.the day after tomorrow后天77.feel excited and cheerful感到兴奋和兴高采烈78.name of receiver收信人姓名79.purpose of this letter这封信的目的80.closing结尾辞81.at Sunshine Underground Station在阳光地铁站 82.walk to Beihai Park走去北海公园 83.in Wangfujing Street在王府井大街84.the biggest city square最大的城市广场85.row boats划船常用反身代词短语enjoy oneselfhurt oneselfdress oneselfhide oneselfwash oneselfby oneselfthe thing itselflose oneself in .help oneself to .say to oneselfcome to oneselfbuy sth. for oneselfteach oneself (to do) sth.learn (to do) sth. by oneselflook at oneself in the mirrorkeep the secret to oneself二、重点句型1.The bridge is made of steel, isnt it? 注意反意疑问句的构成和回答(根据事实回答)2.The bridge weighs over 100,000 tons. How much does the bridge weigh? The weight of the bridge is over 100,000 tons. What is the weight of the bridge?3.It takes sb. some time to do sth. = sb. spends some time doing sth.花时间做某事4.The bus is as comfortable as those in the USA。那个巴士和美国的那些一样舒服。5.The model Sydney Opera House looks as wonderful as that in Australia.悉尼歌剧院模型和澳大利亚的看起来一样绝妙。6.What happened at South Hill?在南山发生了什么?7.-Please dont tell anybody about this, Linda.琳达,请不要告诉任何人关于此事。-Ok, I wont. / No, I wont. / I wont.(好的,)我不会告诉的。8.I dont think thats a good idea.我认为那不是一个好主意。(否定前移)9.Its free for groups of 30 or more students.它对三十或更多的学生免费。10.It was really a great day.这真的是盛大的一天。11.My ticket is useless now, but Ill keep it.我的票现在没用了,但我将保留它。12.We hope you can join us.我们希望你能加入我们。


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