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清华少儿外语新概念英语第一册大纲使用说明新概念英语堪称经典,教材中的文章语言优雅,凝练,句型工整又富于文化。教材着重分析句子之间的内在的逻辑关系,使学习者认识到句型的精炼,优美,实用与课模仿性,从而将其有机地运用与英语的使用之中,并进一步扩充讲解词汇,短语以及语法的实战运用。 为了提高学生在培训学校的成绩,使学生在培训学校所学的知识与公立学校所学习的知识点能成功对接。同时也方便教师能清晰明了地了解新概念英语每二课的教学重难点。我们特此编写了本套英语学习大纲。本套大纲共分为:教学目标(知识目标和技能目标),教学重难点,情感态度,学习策略,文化意识五个部分。其中知识目标中的原四会单词改为五会单词,即“听”“说”“读”“写”与“用”,其中“用”要求学生在四会基础上,能对单词或者句型达到举一反三的目的;教学难点部分对课文中所涉及的的重要词法和句法进行说明阐述。同时给出公立学校所用的教材的知识点的出处。使二者有效地结合,更好地提高学生应试能力。情感态度部分给出学生一些指导性的社会实践内容,意在培养学生的文化修养和知识储备。文化意识部分有助于学生了解英文化,又能扩展相关知识。本套大纲特点:(1)针对行强:教案式编写,知识点重难点一目了然。(2)信息含量高:充分体现:综合,应用,创新的精神,(3)知识含量丰富:几乎每课都有相应文化信息渗透,让学生的综合能力得到提成。(4)简明扼要:直入主题,明确知识点。本套大纲的使用方法课前准备:翻看并查阅教学目标中的重点词汇句型,在教学中进行反复操练。课上演示:针对大纲提到的语法和误会句型,加大检测训练,使学生真正地做到学以致用。课中教授:在传授支持的同时,讲一些文化知识和人生哲理。寓教于乐。课后回顾:针对大纲的知识点,教授出一些相关练习题,达到巩固的目的。二、教 学 大 纲教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 1-2知识目标+技能目标词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:excuse, me, is, this, your, it2. 四会单词及短语:yes, handbag, pardon, thank you, very much, pen, pencil, book, watch, coat, dress, skirt, shirt, car, house五会句型:Be 动词引导的一般疑问句及肯定回答例句:Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. 交际句型(要求听说):例句:Excuse me. Yes? Pardon? Thank you very much. 重点语法: Be 动词引导的一般疑问句及肯定回答教学难点Be 动词引导的一般疑问句及肯定回答情感态度教育学生要拾金不昧学习策略让学生掌握一般疑问句的回答形式是Yes或No。文化意识教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 3-4知识目标+技能目标词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:my2. 四会单词及短语:umbrella, please, here, ticket, number, five, sorry, Sir, cloakroom, suit, school, teacher, son, daughter3. 复习单词及短语:excuse, me, is, this, your, ityes, handbag, pardon, thank you, very much, pen, pencil, book, watch, coat, dress, skirt, shirt, car, house五会句型:1.陈述句例句:Here is my ticket. This is not my umbrella. 2. Be 动词引导的一般疑问句及否定回答例句:Is this your umbrella? No, it isnt. Is this it? Yes, it is. 交际句型(要求听说):例句: My coat and my umbrella please. Thank you, sir. Sorry, sir. 重点语法: 教学难点Be 动词引导的一般疑问句及否定回答情感态度引导学生使用礼貌用语学习策略让学生掌握以is引导的一般疑问句及陈述句。文化意识介绍一些公共场所设置衣帽存放处的作用教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 5-6知识目标+技能目标词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:good, new, nice, too, make, meet2. 四会单词及短语:Mr. , morning, Miss, student, French, German, Japanese Korean, Chinese, Swedish, English, American, Italian3. 复习单词及短语:my, umbrella, please, here, ticket, number, five, sorry, sir, cloakroom, suit, school, teacher, son, daughter4. 扩展单词及短语:France, Japan, Korea, China, England, America五会句型:1.人称代词he, she 做主语的简单句例句:He is German. She isnt a new student. 2. 选择疑问句例句: Is she a French student or a Swedish student? She isnt a Swedish student. Shes a French student. 交际句型(要求听说):介绍别人的句型:This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 问候的句型: Good morning. Nice to meet you. 重点语法: 人称代词he, she 做主语的简单句选择疑问句教学难点表国籍单词的记忆与读音; 选择疑问句情感态度教会学生怎样去介绍身边的人学习策略培养学生逐渐形成会用一般疑问句提问的意识文化意识了解本课中所出现的国家与国籍的概况;介绍汽车品牌及文化教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 7-8知识目标+技能目标词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:I, am, are, what2. 四会单词及短语:name, nationality, job, keyboard, operator, engineer, policeman, policewoman, taxi driver, air hostess, postman, nurse, mechanic, hairdresser, housewife, milkman3. 复习单词及短语:good, new, nice, too, make, meet Mr. , morning, Miss, student, French, German, Japanese Korean, Chinese, Swedish, English, American, Italian4.扩展单词及短语:nation, national五会句型:1.What 引导的特殊疑问句例句:What nationality are you? Im Italian. Whats your job? Im an engineer.2. Be 动词引导的一般疑问句例句:Are you French? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Is he / she an engineer? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. 交际句型(要求听说):自我介绍相关句型 例句:I am a new student. My names Robert. Im an engineer. 重点语法: 1.What 引导的特殊疑问句2. Be 动词引导的一般疑问句教学难点What 引导的特殊疑问句情感态度让学生学会如何做自我介绍,善于沟通学习策略让学生自己学会将已知的词汇总结归类,先总结本课所涉及到的有关职业类词汇。文化意识各种表示职业词汇与职业性质的联系教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 9-10知识目标+技能目标词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:how, well, fine, see, fat, thin, tall, short, dirty, clean, hot, cold, young, busy, lazy2. 四会单词及短语:hello, hi, today, thanks, goodbye, woman3. 复习单词及短语:I, am, are, what name, nationality, job, keyboard, operator, engineer, policeman, policewoman, taxi driver, air hostess, postman, nurse, mechanic, hairdresser, housewife, milkman五会句型:1. How are you today? Im very well, thanks. / Im fine, thanks. 2. How is Tony? Hes fine, thanks. 3. Hows Emma? Shes very well, too.交际句型(要求听说):Hello! Hi! Nice to see you. Nice to see you, too. Goodbye.重点语法: How句型的使用人称代词he/she 与形容词修饰名词用法教学难点How句型的使用情感态度学会礼貌待人学习策略让学生在交际用语的自由使用中感知人称及Be动词的变化。文化意识英语常用交际用语在不同场合的应用。教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 11-12知识目标+技能目标词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:whose, catch, his, her2. 四会单词及短语:blue, perhaps, white, father, mother, blouse, sister, tie, brother3. 复习单词及短语:how, well, fine, see, fat, thin, tall, short, dirty, clean, hot, cold, young, busy, lazy hello, hi, today, thanks, goodbye, woman五会句型:Whose shirt is this / that? Its Tims. Its his shirt.Whose is this? This is my / your / his/ her Is this your shirt? Perhaps it is. 交际句型(要求听说):Here you are. Thank you, sir. 重点语法: Whose引导的特殊疑问句名词所有格及形容词性物主代词的用法教学难点Whose引导的特殊疑问句名词所有格及形容词性物主代词的用法情感态度培养学生拾金不昧的精神学习策略让学生掌握英语句子的语序规律。文化意识教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 13-14知识目标+技能目标词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:come, smart, lovely, same2. 四会单词及短语:colour, green, upstairs, hat, case, carpet, dog3. 复习单词及短语:whose, catch, his, her blue, perhaps, white, father, mother, blouse, sister, tie, brother4. 扩展单词及短语:clever, different, go downstairs五会句型:What colours your new dress? Its green. What colours Stevens umbrella? His umbrellas black. Come upstairs and see it. 交际句型(要求听说):Here it is. 重点语法: What colour 引导的疑问句is 的缩写形式s 与名词所有格s的区别教学难点What colour 引导的疑问句is 的缩写形式s 与名词所有格s的区别情感态度学会赞美并发现身边人的优点学习策略让学生对英语中看似相同的点要学会动脑筋思考。文化意识教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 15-16知识目标+技能目标词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:these2. 四会单词及短语:customs, officer, girl, Danish, friend, Norwegian, passport, brown, tourist, Russian, Dutch, red, grey, yellow, black, orange3. 复习单词及短语:come, smart, lovely, same colour, green, upstairs, hat, case, carpet, dog4. 扩展单词及短语:office, tour, Russia五会句型:Are you Swedish? Yes, we are. / No, we are not. Are these your cases? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. What colour are your books? Our books are red. 交际句型(要求听说):Your passports, please. Here they are. Thats fine.重点语法: 名词变复数不定冠词用法教学难点名词变复数情感态度学习策略让学生学会逐渐从已知的知识中总结语法规律。文化意识几个国籍简介教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 17-18知识目标+技能目标词汇:1. 四会单词及短语:employee, hard-working, sales rep, man, office, assistant2. 复习单词及短语:these, customs, officer, girl, Danish, friend, Norwegian, passport, brown, tourist, Russian, Dutch, red, grey, yellow, black, orange五会句型:1. Those women are very hard-working.2. What are their jobs? Theyre keyboard operators.3. They arent very busy!4. Who is this young man? Hes our office assistant. 交际句型(要求听说):How do you do? How do you do? 重点语法: 名词复数及复数句型的用法教学难点名词复数及复数句型的用法情感态度学习策略文化意识教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 19-20知识目标+技能目标词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:tired, thirsty, big, small, open, shut, light, heavy, long2. 四会单词及短语:matter, children, boy, mum, sit down, right, ice cream, shoe, grandfather, grandmother3. 复习单词及短语:employee, hard-working, sales rep, man, office, assistant4. 扩展单词及短语:child五会句型:1. Whats the matter, children? Were tired and thirsty. 2. Are you all right now? No, we arent. Yes, we are. 3. Are his shoes dirty or clean? Theyre not dirty. Theyre clean. 交际句型(要求听说):Here you are. 重点语法: 复数Be 动词一般疑问句形容词系表结构句型。教学难点复数Be 动词一般疑问句情感态度感知父母的爱,回报父母。学习策略让学生掌握英语句子的语序规律。文化意识教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 21Lessons 22 知识与技能词汇:1.五会单词及短语: box, glass, cup, bottle, tin, knife, fork, spoon, empty, full, large, little, sharp, small, big, blunt, give, which, one2.复习单词及短语:单词:matter, children, boy, mum, ice-cream, grandfather, grandmother, shoe, tired, thirsty, right, big, small, open, shut, light, heavy, long, short短语: all right, an ice cream五会句型:祈使句1例句:Give me/him/her/us/them a = Give ato me/him/her/us/them向某人要某物特殊疑问句的省略句:Which one ? This one? 交际句型(要求听说): 向某人要某物:Give me/him/her/us/them a例句:Give me that bottle.重点语法: 1. 复习名词所有格与形容词性物主代词his, her, their, our的对应关系2. 初步了解不定代词one代替可数名词单数形式的用法3. 初步感受祈使句教学难点简单涉及动词的双宾语:buy me a book=buy a book for meGive me a book.=Give a book to me.双宾语中通常物是直接宾语,人是间接宾语情感态度 鼓励学生可以用所学会的形容词描述身边的事物。学习策略自我总结宾格,名词性物主代词及形容词性物主代词的区别文化意识 讲解西方的餐具同中国的不同,适度引申到两者的饮食文化。教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 23Lessons 24 知识与技能词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:on,shelf, desk, table, plate, television, floor, magazine, bed, newspaper on the shelf/floor2. 四会单词及短语:cigarette, dressing table, cupboard,stereo 3. 复习单词及短语:box, glass, cup, bottle, tin, knife, fork, spoon, empty, full, large, little, sharp, small, big, blunt, give, which, one五会句型:祈使句2:Give me/him/her/us/them some = Give some to me/him/her/us/them 省略句:These?交际句型(要求听说): Give me/him/her/us/them some = Give some to me/him/her/us/them 例句:Give me some bread/apples.重点语法:1. 掌握不定代词ones的用法,主要区别于单数形式one 。2. 熟练掌握动词后面代词的宾格形式me, him, her, us, them3. 初步感受祈使句教学难点代词的宾格形式me, him, her, us, them 在句型中的灵活应用情感态度 引导学生养成随手将物品放回原处的好习惯。学习策略能够在不同的句型中分辨代词的不同形式文化意识 教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 25Lessons 26知识与技能词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:Mrs., kitchen, right, left, middle, room, cup, of, in, where2. 四会单词及短语:refrigerator (fridge), cooker, electric in the kitchen, in the middle of an electric cooker on the right/left on the table3.复习单词及短语:on,shelf, desk, table, plate, television, floor, magazine, bed, newspaper on the shelf/floor cigarette, dressing table, cupboard,stereo五会句型:there be 句型There is a +地点 The is 表示某地有某物,可作一般性描述使用交际句型(要求听说): There is a +地点 例句:There is a cup on the table.The is 例句: The cup is on the left.重点语法:1. 讲解There be 句型的单数形式以及肯定句式。2. 定冠词的使用。初步了解the 用于第二次指代某物时。3. 掌握介词on, in 的用法。教学难点定语:是修饰限定的成份,做定语的词一般是形容词,但也可用介词短语或定语从句做定语。介词短语做后置定语:a book on the desk情感态度培养学生的方位意识。学习策略能够总结方位介词短语在句子中的位置。文化意识讲解国外厨房中所必备的厨具,比如mixer 搅拌器。教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 27Lessons 28知识与技能词汇:1. 五会单词及短语:living room, near,window, armchair, door, picture, wall, trousers near the window, on the wall,in the room, on the television 2.复习单词及短语:Mrs., kitchen, right, left, middle, room, cup, of, in, where refrigerator (fridge), cooker, electric in the kitchen, in the middle of an electric cooker on the right/left on the table3.扩展单词及短语:bathroom, study, bedroom五会句型:there be 句型的疑问句,肯定回答及否定回答Are there any+ 地点? No, there arent any There are some例句: Are there any cups on the table? No, there arent any.交际句型(要求听说):Where are they? They are 对事物位置的提问重点语法:1. 掌握There be 结构的复数形式之肯定、否定式、疑问式。2. 掌握some 的用法,以及否定句中any的用法。3. 掌握介词near 的用法教学难点some 和 any 跟可数名词的复数或者是不可数名词;some表示“某些但不是全部”,通常用于肯定句中,在表示征求对方意见,并且希望得到肯定的答复时也可以用于疑问句。Have you got some paper-clips in that box? (回形针)Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?any表示不确定的数量,通常用在含有not或-nt的否定句中,也用于表示不确定答案是肯定还是否定,或用于预料得到的回答是No的疑问句。情感态度能够保持自己房间的卫生,整洁学习策略鼓励学生运用所学的There be 句型描述自己的起居室。文化意识讲述国外起居室里的摆设及其用途。教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 29Lessons 30知识与技能词汇:1. 五会单词及短语: bedroom, shut, open, air, put, dust, sweep, read, empty, untidy,clothes wardrobe sharpen put on, take off, turn on, turn off2.复习单词及短语:living room, near,window, armchair, door, picture, wall, trousers near the window, on the wall,in the room, on the television 3.五会句型:祈使句的肯定式open the window, air the room, make the bed交际句型(要求听说):open the window, air the room, make the bed, shut the door, sweep the floor一般性用语。重点语法:祈使句的肯定式的构成:1、普通动词原形+其它(名词或代词)Help yourself! 请自己动手。Keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草地!教学难点祈使句的构成:(省略主语)+谓语动词+宾语 情感态度引导学生养成及时清扫屋子的良好卫生习惯。学习策略能够在祈使句的构成中自我总结宾格的用法文化意识外国人的独立意识高于中国人。对于自己空间的打算被视为自己应尽之责。教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 31Lessons 32知识与技能词汇:1.五会单词及短语: garden, tree, grass, cat, letter, basket, bone, tooth, milk, meal, tap, climb, run, type, eat, clean, cook, drink under, after, across who under the tree, climb the tree, run across, run after2. 复习单词及短语:bedroom, shut, open, air, put, dust, sweep, read, empty, untidy,clothes wardrobe sharpen put on, take off, turn on, turn off3. 五会句型:现在进行时Whats she doing? Is she ing? No, she isnt ing. She is ing. (he/it)交际句型(要求听说):What about ? 怎么样呢?I beg your pardon. = Pardon? 相对礼貌地要求对方重复原先的话。重点语法:初步了解现在进行时的概念及构成教学难点1、概念表示现在正在进行或者发生的动作或事情表示现阶段正在进行或发生,但说话的此刻动作不一定进行2、结构:肯定句:S. + be + v.-ing否定句:S. + be + not + v.-ing一般疑问句:Be + S. + v.-ing ?回答:Yes, S. + be/ No, S. + be + not特殊疑问句:What + be + S. + v.-ing?3、动词变化:V-ing4、时间:now情感态度引导学生注意做户外运动锻炼身体学习策略利用所学过的动词进行变现在分词练习,并试着使用现在进行时造句。文化意识外国人喜欢养宠物。介绍国外养宠物的现状。教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 33Lessons 34知识与技能词汇:1.五会单词:day, cloud, sky, sun, family, bridge, boat, river, ship, with,over walk, fly, sleep, shave, cry, wash, wait, jump, shineaero plane短语:with the family, a fine day, under the bridge, walk over, fly over,wait for, jump off,wash dishes,2.复习单词及短语:garden, tree, grass, cat, letter, basket, bone, tooth, milk, meal, tap, climb, run, type, eat, clean, cook, drink under, after, across who under the tree, climb the tree, run across, run after3.扩展单词及短语:sun-sunny, cloud-cloudy, boat/ship的对比五会句型:What are they doing? They are ing.例句:What are they doing? They are washing their faces.交际句型(要求听说):What are they doing? They are ing.对他人正在进行的动作进行提问重点语法:1. 现在进行时-掌握复数人称引导的特殊疑问句式及肯定句式2. 熟练掌握以不发音字母e结尾的现在分词变化形式教学难点现在进行时中动词的现在分词变化动词+ing的规则:1、一般的词直接加-ing:readreading2、以-e结尾,要去掉-e,然后再加-ing:shaveshaving以-ee结尾,直接加-ing:seeseeing情感态度 鼓励学生应多同父母享受在一起的假期生活,和谐每一个家庭。学习策略能够用一般现在时简单描述自己一天出去所见之景。文化意识 外国人在假期喜欢全家出去度假,这种方式与国人不同。教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson 35Lessons 36知识与技能词汇:1.五会单词:village, hill, wife, bank, water, building, park, between, along, into, off, beside, another短语:a photograph of, swim across, between two hills, walk along, come out of, go into, beside a park, some of them2.四会单词 :photograph, valley3.复习单词及短语:day, cloud, sky, sun, family, bridge, boat, river, ship, with,over walk, fly, sleep, shave, cry, wash, wait, jump, shineaero plane短语:with the family, a fine day, under the bridge, walk over, fly over,wait for, jump off,wash dishes,4.扩展单词及短语:bank:银行、河岸五会句型:Where is sb. doing? sb is doing +地点。(are) (四会)例句:Where is Tom eating? He is eating his lunch in the classroom.交际句型(要求听说):Where is sb. doing? sb is doing +地点。(are) (四会)例句:Where is Tom eating? He is eating his lunch in the classroom.对他人在某地正在进行的动作进行提问及回答。重点语法:现在进行时(双写末尾字母+ing)教学难点现在进行时中动词的现在分词变化重读闭音节结尾的单词,末尾如果只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母,然后再加-ing:sitsitting重读闭音节:一般单音节都为重读闭音节:五个元音字母在单词里,发本身的字母音是开音节,如果不是发本身的字母音就是闭音节。情感态度 引导学生在城市生活中也要保持乡村般淡泊的心境。要回归大自然。学习策略. 鼓励学生用简单的一般现在时描述自己的家乡文化意识 国外自古就有居住在城市还是乡村之争,可以适当向学生介绍两种生活方式,甚至简介陶渊明那种隐士生活。教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson37 - Lesson38 Making a bookcase知识与技能词汇:1. 五会单词:hard, make, bookcase, paint, pink, homework, listen, dish,hammer, favorite,短语:work hard be going to do do my homework listen to wait for a bus2.复习单词及短语:village, hill, wife, bank, water, building, park, between, along, into, off, beside, another短语:a photograph of, swim across, between two hills, walk along, come out of, go into, beside a park, some of them4.扩展单词及短语:颜色的拓展,不同颜色代表的不同含义五会句型:一般将来时: What are you going to do? Im going to 例句What are you going to do? Im going to wash it.交际句型(要求听说):Its for my daughter. 某物为某人。例句:This flower is for my mother.重点语法: 现在进行时的巩固及一般将来时的初步介绍。教学难点be going to 句型含义:1、打算、准备在最近做某事(在非正式语体中,一般多用be going to,而不用will)2、表示按计划、安排要发生的事3、表示预言即将要发生某事结构:陈述句:am/is/are +going to+V原We are going to make a bookcase.She is going to cry. It is going to rain.情感态度1.通过本课的学习,培养学生爱护公共物品。 2. 通过本课学习强调同学自己动手做的能力。学习策略 利用一学过的现在进行时让同学们自己将其与一般将来时be going to 的形式进行对比,并能够熟练掌握。文化意识父亲为子女树立勤俭、独立的榜样。全家一起动手,修缮整理房屋,等更可以促进家人之间的亲情。教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson39 -Lesson40 Dont drop it!知识与技能词汇:1.五会单词: front vase careful drop flower careful show take send短语:do with in front of show / send / take/ give sb sth show / send / take/ give sth to sb2. 复习单词及短语:hard, make, bookcase, paint, pink, homework, listen, dish,hammer, favorite,短语:work hard be going to do do my homework listen to wait for a bus 五会句型:一般将来时: What are you going to do? Im going to 例句What are you going to do? Im going to wash it.交际句型(要求听说):There we are! 口语中常见的倒装句Be careful! 含有be动词的祈使句。重点语法:代词宾格(it/ them)在动词短语中的使用位置教学难点代词宾格在动词短语中的使用位置show / send / take/ give sb sth =show / send / take/ give sth to sb情感态度通过本课的学习,培养学生爱护公共物品。 学习策略1. 利用前一课对一般将来时be going to 的形式的了解 深入到 此句型的一般用法。2. 能够利用自己对本课程的了解,模仿写一篇 有祈使句引导的小短文文化意识发扬助人为乐精神 教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson41 -Lesson42 Pennys bag!知识与技能词汇:1.五会单词:cheese bread soup coffee tea some any tobacco chocolate sugar 短语: a piece of a loaf of a bar of a bottle of a pound ofhalf a pound of a tin of 2.复习单词及短语:front vase careful drop flower careful show take send 短语:do with in front of show / send / take/ give sb sth show / send / take/ give sth to sb五会句型:there be 疑问句可数名词单数及不可数名词的提问Is there a in / on that ?Is there any in / on that ?交际句型(要求听说):Whats in.? 例句:Whats in your bag?询问在某物中有什么。重点语法:there be 疑问句可数名词单数及不可数名词的提问教学难点量词的应用及使用方式:修饰不可数名词如:a piece of 一张a loaf of 一个a bar of 一条a bottle of 一瓶a pound of 一磅half a pound of 半磅a quarter of 四分之一a tin of 一听情感态度帮助爸爸妈妈做一些力所能及的事情(如拎东西、留意爸爸妈妈需要的东西,并买给她们作为惊喜)学习策略1. 正确使用数量的短语来表达句子2. 让同学们用所学的数量词短语来表达身边常见的事物。文化意识将一些关于国外coffee 和tea 的 文化常识 比如他们种类,和 喝的时间等等。教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson43-Lesson44 Hurry up!知识与技能词汇:1. 五会单词 :kettle behind teapot now find boil 短语: of course make the tea over there hurry up 2.复习单词及短语:cheese bread soup coffee tea some any tobacco chocolate sugar 短语: a piece of a loaf of a bar of a bottle of a pound ofhalf a pound of a tin of 五会句型:there be可数名词单数及可数名词复数疑问句,肯定回答及否定回答。1)Is there any? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.2)Are there any? Yes, there are. No, there arent.交际句型(要求听说):1)Is there any? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.2)Are there any? Yes, there are. No, there arent.重点语法:1) 初步了解情态动词can,cant表示能力 2) 归纳总结There be 句型的所有用法(否定句,一般疑问句,肯定及否定回答)3) 归纳总结名词复数形式教学难点可数名词及不可数名词在there be 句型中的应用,可数名词复数的变化总结情感态度要帮助那些需要帮助的人学习策略自我总结可数名词及不可数名词在句中的差别文化意识茶文化教学目标新概念一册授课内容Lesson45 -Lesson46 The bosss letter.知识与技能词汇:1.五会单词 :can, boss, minute, ask, lift, cake handwriting, terrible, biscuit 短语:next door make biscuits type a letter2,复习单词及短语:kettle behind teapot now find boil 短语: of course make the tea over there hurry up 五会句型:情态动词的特殊疑问句及一般疑问句 What can you do? I can, but I cant 例句:What can you do? I can swim, but I cant jump.Can you ? Yes

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