B Read and write (5)

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义务教育教科书(RJ)六年级英语下册,Unit 1,How tall are you?,第五课时,(1) Lets enjoy a song ,(2) Revision(复习),一、热身导入,long longer short shorter,big bigger small smaller,tall taller young younger old older,Spring is coming. The sky is clearer and the sun is brighter. Can you think of any other changes?,二、任务呈现,Wu Yifan and his family are going on a trip to the countryside. Wu has a story to tellRobin . Now lets read the story .,Countryside,三、课文学习,(1) The first reading,lets read the story quickly and circle the new words. Then discuss in your groups (快速阅读,圈出新单词 ,小组内合作讨论),shadow,In summer, the leaves become green,In fall, the leaves become yellow.,become,smarter,He is smarter than us.,lower,1,2,The sun in picture 2 is lower than picture 1.,New words: lower (更低的,low的比较级) shadow(影子) smarter(更聪明的,smart的比较级) become(变成),cm = centimeter,Read the story quickly and answer three questions. Then discuss in your groups. (快速阅读,回答下列问题,小组内合作交流),(1) Choose a title for the story. Little ducks shadow B. Old trees shadow (2) Who is younger? The tree B. The duck (3)When is the ducks shadow longer? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon,cm = centimeter,Read the story the third time carefully and finish the dialogue. After that discuss in your group. (细读,完成对话,小组内合作交流),四、训练巩固,Finish the dialogue,Little duck: old tree, the sun gets_, but my shadow gets_. Why? Old tree: thats easy. Your shadow gets longer because you are getting_ and growing_ every day. Little duck: so what will happen to me? Old tree:well, ,lower,longer,older,taller,翻译下列短语(英译汉): watch the sun go down _ Get lower and lower _ Grow older/taller _ Become a beautiful bird _,看日落,变的越来越低,长更大或者长更高,变成一只漂亮的小鸟,Act out the story (分角色表演话剧),今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有: lower(更低的,low的比较级) shadow(影子) smarter(更聪明的,smart的比较级) become(变成),五、课堂小结,A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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