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中考时态练习1.I like my new bike. It _ very well. A rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden 2.Cotton _ nice and soft. A. is felt B. is feeling C. feel D. feels 3.The world _. Things never stay the same. A. changes B. is changing C. was changing D. will change 4.- Have you ever_ Lintong to see the Terra Cotta Warriors? - Yes, I have. A. went toB. gone to C. been in D. been to 5.Im sorry youve missed the train, It_10 minutes ago. A. left B. has left C. had left D. has been left 6. - Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick? - John _. A. cleaned B. does C. did D. is 7.Mum? May I go out and play basketball? _ you_ your homework yet? A. Do; finish B. Are; finishing C. Did; finish D. Have; finished 8.Oh, Mrs King, your necklace looks nice. Is it new? No, I_ it for two years. had B. have had C. bought D. have bought 9.Will your mother_ you if you_ the English exam? Of course not. Because I am trying my best. A. be angry with, dont pass B. be angry with, wont pass C. be angry to, dont pass D. be angry to, wont pass 10.Listen! Some of the girls _ about Harry Potter . Lets join them! are talking B. talk C. will talk D. talked 11.Our teacher , Miss Chen, _ English on the radio the day before yesterday. A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. had taught 12.I dont think I _ you in that dress before. A. have seen B. was seeing C. saw D. see 13. She will have a holiday as soon as she _ the work next week. A. finishes B. doesnt finish C. will finish D. wont finish 14.-Where is Mr Green now ? I havent seen him for a few days. -He _ to Hong Kong . A. goes B. will go C. is going D. has gone 15. When she was 22 years old, her dream to be a teacher _. A. came true B. come true C. came real D. come real16.-I wont come to the party unless Sue _, too. -You mean if Sue comes youll come? will invite B. invites C. invited D. is invited17.-Do you still have a headache, Billy? -No, its _. Im all right now, mum. A .dropped B. run C. left D. gone 18.-What are on show in the museum? -Some photos _ by African children. A. are taken B. were taken C. taken D. have been taken 19.A talk on Chinese history _ in the school hall next week. A. be given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give 20. You may go fishing if your work _. A. is done B. will be done C. has done D. have done 21. The Olympic Games, first celebrated in Athens in 1896, every four years _so far this century, except during the two world wars.A. are held B. were held C. have been held D. had been held 22A new cinema _here. They hope to finish it next month. A. will be builtB. is builtC. has been builtD. is being built23The new suspension bridge _by the end of last month. has been designedB. had been designedC. was designed D. would be designed24Visitors _not to touch the exhibits. A. will request B. request C. are requesting D. are requested25 Were they good to you during your stay there? Sure ! I _ one of the family there.A. was treated asB. was treated likeC. had been looked on likeD. had been considered like【参考答案】1.A ride用作不及物动词,有一种用法,就是表示(车、马等)骑起来感觉如何,本题正是这个用法,所以,用另外三种形式都不合适。2. D 自然规律用一般现在时态。3.B Things never stay the same.表明世界是运动的。所以应该说世界在变。用进行时。 4.D语境表明是曾经去过,ever是曾经的意思。5.A 10 minutes ago决定用一般过去时。 6. 依上下文选用一般过去时态。7.D yet一般多与完成时态连用。 8.B for 引导表示一段时间的状语一般同完成时态连用,had这里是买的意思,不用have bought,是因为buy是短暂动词,不同完成时态连用。 9.A be angry with 意思是同-生气;含条件状语从句的复合句中,主句是将来时,从句一般用现在时。 10.A Listen!表明动作正在进行。11.B the day before yesterday是一般过去时态的标志。 12.A 副词before一般与完成时态连用。13. A 含时间状语从句的复合句中,主句是将来时,从句用现在时。 14. D has gone用于指去某地了(现在不在说话的地方)。15. A come true意思是成为现实。主从句动词时态应该一致。16.D 根据上下文意思,邀请的人不是Sue,Sue和I都是被邀请的对象,所以要用被动语态。17.D 说病好了,症状消失了多用be gone。18.C 根据句子结构,Some photos不是句子的主语,所以A、B、D三个用作谓语的动词不能用在这里。taken这里是过去分词,连同后面的词,一起作Some photos的定语。 19.C 主语是A talk决定了动词用被动语态,next week决定了要用将来时态。20. A 主语是work, 又依语言环境用现在时。 21.A.奥运会作主语应用被动语态,叙述一般事实要用一般现在时。22 D从后一分句They hope to finish it next month可知,电影院此刻正在建设中。故应选D。23 B句中有“by the end of+过去时间”结构,句子的谓语动词一般用过去完成时态。句子的主语是物,故应用被动语态。其正确答案为B。24 D分析句子结构可知,本句的主语承受谓语动词所表示的动作,故本句应用被动语态。应选D。25A谈话涉及的是过去的情况,故使用一般过去时。treatas意为“把当作”。

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