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Pep小学五年级英语上册第一至第三单元测试卷班级: 姓名: 得分:_ 一、 找出下列各组划线部分发音不同的单词,将其序号填入括号里。(5分)( )1、A.tofu B.potato ( )2、 C.strict ( )3、 B.Canada )4、A.bed B.very C.grape( )5、A.but 二、 选择填空。(15分)( )1. He is university student.A. a B. an C. the( )2、He is short thin.A. and B. but C. so( )3、 your English teacher like?A. Whats B. Who C.Whos( )4、What would you like dinner?A. at B. for )5、- is it today? -Its Friday.A. What B. When C. What day( )6、I like grapes they are sour.A. so B. and C. because( )7、What do you do Sundays?A. on B. at C. from( )8、Its time go to school.A. for B. to C. with ( )9、We books on the weekend.A. look B. see C. read( )10、- Whos that young lady? - Shes our music teacher, _ White. A. Mr. B. / C. Miss( )11、Saturday is fun _ me!A. for B. with C. to( )12、 - I have three new teachers. - Who _? A. is it B. they are C. are they( )13、 Tomorrow is _. A. Saturday B. June C. Apil( )14、Whos _ math teacher?A. you B. your C. yours( )15、_ tall ? Yes, she is.A. is she B. Is her C. Is she三、完成句子。(10分)1、The apples are (新鲜的)? 2、She is very (有趣的).3、We go to the park on (星期六).4、All the food here is (好吃的).5、The children like (鱼) .四、根据所给中文,完成下列句子。(10分)1、他又老又高。 He is _ and _. 2、 午餐我想吃了土豆。 Id like _ for _.3、我们星期四上体育课。 We have _ on _.4、我最喜欢的食物是豆腐。My _ fruit is_.5、你晚餐吃了什么? What _ you _ for dinner?五、情景反应。(10分)( )1、你想知道Tom的叔叔长得怎么样,你会问Tom:A. What is your uncle like ? B. What does your uncle do?C. What does your uncle like ?( )2、你想问Mike周末做什么,你说:A.Where do you go on the weekend? B. What do you have on the weekend? C.What do you do on the weekend?( )3、你告诉妈妈晚餐想吃茄子,你说:A. Eggplant is good for dinner. B. Id like eggplant for dinner.C. I like eggplant at dinner.( )4、你想知道今天星期几,你说:AWhat day is it today? B. Is today Tuesday? C. What time is it?( )5、Mike问你周六一般都干吗,你说你踢足球。你说:AI play football on Saturday? B. I play the football on Saturday.C. I play football on Saturdays.六、连词成句。(15分) 1、is , very, She, active (.) _ _2、like, What, is, your, mother (?)_ _3、What, like, you, for, breakfast, would (?)_4、The, smart, girl, is, very (.)_ _5、do, you, What, do, Sundays, on(?)_ _七、选择恰当的应答语,将其序号填入括号里。(15分) A B( ) What do you have on Mondays? A. Hes from China.( ) Where is Mr Zhang from? B. Hes my math teacher.( ) What would you like for dinner? C. Its Tuesday.( ) Whos that man? D. We have English and math.( ) What day is it today? E. Id like some potatoes.八、阅读短文,选择正确的答案填在括号里。(10分) Cook: Oh , its time for dinner.Look ! This is the school menu. On Mondays we have onions and noodles. On Tuesdays we have mutton and potatoes. On Wednesdays we have vegetables and pork. On Thursdays we have chicken and tofu. On Fridays we have green beans and beef. What do you like ,Amy?Amy : I like mutton. I like Tuesdays.Cook: What about you,Chen Jie?Chen Jie: I like beef. I like Fridays!( )1、Amy and Chen Jie have _ at school.A. Breakfast B. lunch C.dinner( )2、They have _ on Thursdays.A. onions and noodles B. mutton and potatoes C. chicken and tofu( )3、They have _ on Fridays.A. green beans and beef B. vegetables and pork C. mutton and beef( )4、Amy likes _ .A. Mondays B. Tuesdays C.Thursdays( )5、Chen Jie likes _.A. Wednesdays B. Tuesdays C.Fridays


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