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人教版2019-2020学年八年级英语下学期期中测试A卷一、 单项选择. (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Dong Guijun is _ first man of Lianyungang to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma. He is _ pride of us.A . the; /B . a; theC . the; theD . a; /2. (2分) If people keep catching and killing these animals, they will die out one day. I agree with you. Lets find a way to stop them.A . leaveB . disappearC . appear3. (2分)The boy misses his parents very muchSo he doesThey _ the hometown for nearly two yearsA . have leftB . will leaveC . have been away from4. (2分) Jack, you are so tired these days. Why? Because I have _ homework to do.A . too muchB . too manyC . much tooD . many too5. (2分)Whats the news about?It is reported that some fans were injured in the crowd before the famous singer _.A . looked upB . thought upC . gave upD . showed up6. (2分)Excuse me, is the museum _ the library?Yes. The library is just in front of it.A . behindB . besideC . next toD . from7. (2分)The sign means “_”.A . No parkingB . No U-turnC . No left turnD . No right turn8. (2分)There are _ birds in the tree. A . muchB . a littleC . a lots ofD . many9. (2分)对方帮你忙后,你应该说:_. A . OKB . Thank youC . HelloD . Thats OK10. (2分)There will not be enough space to the earth in the future.A . live onB . live inC . live on inD . live in on11. (2分)Mum, must I finish my homework today? _. You may do it tomorrow morning. A . No, you mustntB . No, you needntC . Yes, you must12. (2分)I met a friend of mine _ in the street yesterday.A . by accidentB . by the wayC . by mistakeD . by car13. (2分) _ Yes, please. I want to buy a dress.A . How are you?B . What color is it?C . Can I help you?14. (2分)Could you tell me the way _ the railway station?Go along this road and soon youll find it.A . atB . toC . inD . between15. (2分)- Lets go and listen to Mr. Blacks speech on Western culture, shall we?- _. Its getting to the end.A . Why not?B . Thats all rightC . Im afraid not.D . Never mind.二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Venice Film Festival is considered to be the oldest film festival in the world. The first Venice Film Festival was 1 in Italy in 1932. It was 14 years earlier than the first Cannes Film Festival inFrance.At the first Venice Film Festival, there were no judges(裁判) and no 2 at all. Only a list of good films was chosen by the public. At the 3festival, prizes started to be given. The prize of the festival was the Golden 4 . The lion is a symbol of the ancient republic of Venice.5the Venice Film Festival was first held, the government has wanted to hold it every year. But from 1938 to 1942 the festival was destroyed 6 special reasons. Also, from 1940 to 1942, the festival was not held in Venice, so it was considered to have been 7during that time. In 1946, the festival became active again. Now the festival becomes more and more 8 . Each of the editors in the world wants to have a seat in this festival.Venice Film has 9 a great opportunity for people around the world. They can learn about other countries culture by watching films. Many movie makers send their 10 to the festival and some of them hope to win the Lion Award.(1)A . watched B . held C . played D . said (2)A . prizes B . winners C . hosts D . stars (3)A . first B . second C . third D . fourth (4)A . Tiger B . Fox C . Lion D . Elephant (5)A . Since B . And C . So D . Before (6)A . such as B . because of C . instead of D . according to (7)A . sent B . dropped C . brought D . stopped (8)A . interesting B . beautiful C . important D . comfortable (9)A . bought B . offered C . got D . caught (10)A . songs B . actors C . movies D . musicians 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解 I first heard my mother crying one midnight, in 1909, when I was only seven. My dads voice was low and troubled as he tried to comfort Mother. And in their anguish, they both forgot the nearness of my bedroom. And so, I overheard them. While their problem of that time has long since been solved and forgotten, the big discovery I made that night is still right with me life is not all hearts and flowers indeed its hard and cruel for most of us much of the time. We all have troubles. They just differ in nature. Thats all. And that leads me to my first belief. I believe the human race is very, very tough-almost impossible to discourage. If it wasnt, then why do we have such words as laugh and sing and music and dance in the language of all mankind since the beginning of recorded time? This belief makes me proud to be a human being.Next, I believe in trying to be charitable, in trying to understand and forgive people, especially in trying to forgive very keen or brilliant people. A man may be a genius, you know, but he can still do things that practically break your heart. I believe most of our very finest thoughts and many of our finest deeds must be kept to ourselves alone-at least until after we die. This used to confuse me. But now I realize that by their very nature, these finest things we do and then cannot talk about are a sort of a better life to come. I believe there is no escape from the rule of life that we must do many, many little things to accomplish even just one big thing. This gives me patience when I need it most. Finally, and most important to me, I do believe in having the courage to BE YOURSELF. Or perhaps I should say. to be honest with myself. Sometimes this is practically impossible. Im sure I should always try. (1)Why does the writer mention his parents quarrel at the beginning of the passage? A . To explain his belief.B . To introduce the topic.C . To show his big discovery.D . To show the relationship between his parents.(2)What does the underlined phrase hearts and flowers refer to according to the context? A . life going without difficultiesB . difficulties and troubles in lifeC . life with hard and cruel thingsD . ups and downs in life(3)According to Paragraph 2, why does the writer say that This belief makes me proud to be. a human being? A . Because human race creates such words as laugh , sing , music and dance .B . Because human race is so tough that it is difficult to discourage.C . Because human race creates the language since the beginning of the recorded time.D . Because human race creates the language of all mankind.(4)What can you learn from Paragraph 3? A . Every man has his faults.B . God helps those who help themselves.C . Manners make the manD . You cannot judge a book by its cover(5)Which one of the following beliefs is NOT mentioned by the writer?- A . Being patient is necessary to accomplish tasks sometimesB . For some thoughts and deeds good in nature, we must keep as secrets.C . Try to forgive people unless he breaks your heart.D . Never give up the idea of being yourself.18. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。We spend hours, days and years of our lives in school. Imagine (想象) you could design (设计) your dream school, what would it be like? What would you be doing? We wanted to find out what teenagers around the world thought. Here is what they said:Richard from the USA: My dream school would have a big swimming pool and two soccer fields. It would also have a cinema, a gym and a shopping centre. My school has none of these, and I think there should be more pleasant things for students to do while they are studying.Sonia from Italy: Id like a room where we can relax and play computer games. Id also like to have a music room. I think there should be a place for everyone to go and relax after class.Wu from Beijing: I think it would be great to have another day off (休息日) every week, besides the weekend. If that day was Friday or Monday, we would have a long weekend every week. How fun! I also think school should start later, at about 10 oclock, and finish earlier.Hannah from Australia: In my dream school, I think the teachers should give us more freedom(自由) and choice about how we study and what we study. I also think its not necessary for us to wear schoo1 uniforms every day. I really dont like wearing it.(1)There would be in Richards dream schoo1.A . a big swimming pool and a music roomB . a room to relax and play computer gamesC . a big swimming pool, two soccer fields, a cinema, a gym, and a shopping centre(2)How many days off does Wu want to have in a week?A . 2.B . 3.C . 4.(3)Which country is NOT mentioned(提到) in the passage?A . Italy.B . Japan.C . Australia.(4)From the passage, we know that .A . Sonia from Italy would like a room where she can relax and play computer gamesB . Richard from the USA thinks his dream schoo1 should start at 10 oclockC . Hannah from Australia likes wearing a school uniform every day(5)Which is the best title(标题) for the passage?A . Schools in the pastB . Schools todayC . Dream schools19. (10分)Xia Ming was worried about his study, so he wrote a letter to a magazine.Dear editors,Im a slow student in my class. Most of my classmates are much better than me. So I get very stressed out. Its difficult to keep on working hard and its really not fun. And I think although I spend much time studying for the tests. I cant get good grades. My father gives me some help sometimes. He tells me not to worry about it. But what do you think I should do?Xia MingTwo readers read the letter from the magazine and here are their answers:Dear Xia Ming,Many famous people are not so good at the age like you. Edison, the famous scientist, had a bad headache for his studies when he was a 12-year-old boy. But everyone knows that he did a lot for the people in the world. And Newton had the same story like him. You should take it easy, then try your best. I believe you can do better.ThumbelinaDear Xia Ming,When you are feeling stressed out, just smile and take a deep breath(深呼吸), you should believe tomorrow is another day.Mr Unsmart(1)Xia Ming worried about _.A . his classmatesB . his lifeC . his studyD . his father(2)Thumbelina gave _ examples in the letter.A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(3)Thumbelina wrote about those famous people _.Which is NOT true?A . to make Xia Ming feel betterB . to make Xia Ming laughC . to show how much she knowsD . to show that she dislike them(4)Which is NOT true?A . Xia Ming doesnt have fun studying at school.B . Xia Mings father always helps him with his study.C . Smiling can reduce the pressure.D . Edison is famous in the world.(5)Tomorrow is another day. tells us _.A . Its the weekend tomorrowB . Xia Ming can get good grades tomorrowC . Tomorrow is different from todayD . There are hopes in our lives四、 词汇。 (共2题;共4分)20. (1分)We all think it is important to _ (梦想)about the future. 21. (3分)别担心,我能照顾自己。Dont worryI can_myself五、 中译英. (共1题;共25分)22. (25分)中译英(1)我爸爸去成都出差已有三天。(2)她刚睡着,而其他同学睡着很长一段时间了。(3)所有人除了他已经动身去了博物馆。.(4)你认为那次时装秀最精彩的部分是什么?(5)前几天我们花两个半小时采访了那个网球运动员。六、 写作。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)根据提示写一封6080词的信表示感谢。开头已给出,不计人总词数。 Tom邀请李萍参加他明天的生日宴会,但她无法前去参加,因为她有很多事要做。提示:1)她的父母正在云南旅游,他们要到后天回来;2)奶奶卧病在床,需要人照顾;3)英语考试即将来临.她不得不为考试做准备。Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择. (共15题;共30分)1-1、答案:略2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 词汇。 (共2题;共4分)20-1、21-1、五、 中译英. (共1题;共25分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、六、 写作。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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