牛津深圳版英语九上Module 1 Unit 2 Great minds单元测试(I)卷

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牛津深圳版英语九上Module 1 Unit 2 Great minds单元测试(I)卷_第1页
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牛津深圳版英语九上Module 1 Unit 2 Great minds单元测试(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)I love the song Where Did the Time Go.So do I. It _the old days and the love of family.A . lets me downB . reminds me ofC . helps me out2. (2分) What does he want to be? He wants to be a teacher, and he hopes his dream can _.A . cut upB . get upC . come outD . come true3. (2分)I feel tired of work.Why not listen to some light music to _ yourself?A . trustB . relaxC . feed4. (2分) If you cannot go, hell go instead of you. Thats OK.A . in place ofB . as well asC . in place5. (2分) Do you agree that it takes time and patience _ a child? I agree. Thats why I spend most of my spare time _ my daughter.A . teaching; onB . teaching; withC . to teach; withD . to teach; in6. (2分)I wonder when you Japanese as a second foreign language. A . cared aboutB . made upC . worried aboutD . took up7. (2分)Almost every university now has a website which allows us to _ the information about it. A . look atB . look afterC . look aroundD . look through8. (2分)Mrs. Green didnt talk to her husband for a long time, but now they _ each other. A . agree withB . come up withC . get angry withD . make peace with二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)Is she your _? Yes, she is.A . brotherB . sisterC . brothersD . sisters10. (2分)- Has Jane done the washing yet?- You cannot her to do such a thing.A . wantB . hopeC . expectD . wish11. (2分) What does your father do? He is a _, he has to lead the ocean journey to other countries.A . coachB . captainC . president12. (2分) Does Mr. Zhang big hands? No, he doesnt.A . hasB . isC . haveD . be13. (2分)Susan promised the film Spider-Man: Homecoming with me, but she didnt.A . seeB . to seeC . look atD . to look at14. (2分)It was a real race _ time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it.A . overB . againstC . beyondD . between15. (2分)Could you turn the TV down a little bit? Is it disturbing you?A . Take it easy.B . Im sorry.C . Not at all.D . I dont know.三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。It was a sunny winter day. I had gone down the tower when a blind man came toward me. He kept close to the wall, touching it lightly with his arm. I stood still and looked at him walking toward the tower.What does a blind man want to climb up the tower for? I wondered (疑惑). Not the view(景色) certainly, perhaps he wants to jump. Thinking of some terrible reasons, I thought I should1 him.He went up slowly and2 from time to time. I followed him a few steps behind. When he got to the first corner of the bell tower, I came close to him. Excuse me, I said as politely as I could, but I wonder3 you came up.He smiled, Perhaps climbing up the tower. You have noticed and yet, not being blind, perhaps you wont how the sun shines into the tower4 the windows here and there, so that one can5the cool steps suddenly become quite warm, even in winter. But behind the wall there is shade(阴影). There is no place so good as this for feeling the difference between light and darkness. Though Im blind, I also want to feel the6 brought by the sunlight. In fact, it isnt my first time to be here. He said and seemed as 7 as a child.I had never thought that even a blind man could have his way to8 the beautiful life. But we often paid no attention to its value because we never9 it.We went down the10 together and I left him. From then on, I began to treasure what life has given me.(1)A . stop B . follow C . watch D . protect (2)A . talked B . smiled C . stopped D . called (3)A . why B . how C . where D . when (4)A . by B . in C . through D . into (5)A . see B . feel C . know D . imagine (6)A . love B . peace C . happiness D . difference (7)A . pleased B . simple C . excited D . lovely (8)A . understand B . live C . enjoy D . have (9)A . noticed B . practiced C . had D . lost (10)A . street B . tower C . wall D . corner 四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共46分)17. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Edward Estlin Cummings (E. E. Cummings) was a poet famous for writing his poems with capital (大写的) letters in the words. He also used i instead of I to refer to himself in the poems.Edward was born on 14 October, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Young Edwards mother Rebecca loved to spend time with her children. She taught young Edward how to write poems. Edwards father was also named Edward. He was a great scholar (学者) and taught his son to learn by using his hands as well as his mind.Edward was a very smart boy. He was only 12 when he became a freshman in high school. He graduated (毕业) from Harvard in 1915. During World War , he joined the army and was sent to France. Edward and his friend from Harvard were caught because people thought they were sent by the German army. They were kept in one room. Their life was boring and full of fear. Edward therefore wrote his first book The Enormous Room and published it in 1922.Edward was a poet that made his own rules in poetry. He was one of the most popular poets of the 20th century.(1)What is something special about E. E. Cummings poems? A . Their titles are all written with capital letters.B . Most of the titles are written with capital letters.C . He used Y to refer to you in some of his poems.D . He used capital letters in the words of his poems.(2)E. E. Cummings mother taught her son how to _. A . write novelsB . write poemsC . drawD . get along with other children(3)E. E. Cummings was caught in the war because _. A . he was thought to be a German spy(间谍)B . he went to France aloneC . he looked like a FrenchmanD . he drove a German car(4)What was the life like when E. E. Cummings was kept in the room in France? A . He had little food to eat.B . He felt bored and afraid.C . He enjoyed writing poems.D . He didnt talk with his friend and usually slept.(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . E. E. Cummings mother didnt teach his son anything.B . E. E. Cummings father was a farmer and didnt have much money to pay for his education.C . When E. E. Cummings first book was published, he was 28 years old.D . E. E. Cummings wrote poems in his own way and was one of the most popular poets in the 19th century.18. (8分) The Mayan(玛雅的)Indians lived in Mexico for thousands of years before the Spanish arrived in the 1500s. The Mayan achievements were many. They had farms, beautiful palaces, and cities with many buildings. The Mayan people knew a lot about nature and the world around them. This knowledge helped them to live a better life than most people of that time, because they could use it to make their lives more comfortable and rewarding(值得的). Knowledge about tools and farming, for example, made their work easier and more productive.The Maya believed in many gods, including rain gods, sun gods, and corn gods. The people built large temples to honor the Mayan gods. Skillful workers built cities around these temples. It was difficult for them to build these cities, because they had no horses to carry the heavy stone they used to build with. Workers had to carry all of the building materials themselves. Today, many of these ancient Mayan cities and temples are still standing.Although the cities that the Maya built were beautiful, and the people worked hard to build them, very few of the people lived in them. Usually, only the priests(牧师)lived in the cities.The other people lived in small villages in the forests. Their houses were much simpler than the elaborate buildings in the cities. They lived in small huts(小屋)with no windows. The walls were made of poles covered with dried mud, and the roof was made of grass or leaves. Most Maya lived a simple life close to nature.The Mayan priests studied the Sun, the Moon, stars, and planets. They made a calendar from what they learned. The year was divided into 18 months of 20 days each with five days left over. The Mayan calendar was far more exact than the European calendars of the time.Around the year 800, the Maya left their villages and beautiful cities, never to return. No one knows why this happened. They may have died from some disease. They may have left because the soil could no longer grow crops. Archaeologists(考古学家)are still trying to find the lost secrets of the Maya.(1)What does the underlined word “elaborate mean?A . easily builtB . carefully madeC . slowly fixedD . quickly designed(2)From the passage we can infer(推理)that.A . most Maya lived in beautiful citiesB . many Mayan cities and temples are still standingC . the Maya were intelligent and culturally rich peopleD . the Mayan calendar was the same as European calendars(3)Why it is said that the Mayan people lived a better life than most people of that time?A . They had better building skills and housing conditions.B . They believed in many gods, and honored the Mayan gods.C . They had knowledge about tools and faming.D . They studied about nature and the world around them.(4)What can be the best title for this article?A . Mayan GodsB . Mayan BuildingsC . Productive MayaD . Mysterious(神秘的)Maya19. (10分)阅读理解 Lets explore nature!Are you interested in animals and nature? Do you want to enjoy your summer holiday and learn something interesting and useful?Here comes a good way! Youth Explore will provide you with a THREE-DAY SUMMER PROGRAM! You can take part in many activities and meet with different kinds of wild animals such as giraffes, pandas and tigers!Age: Students aged 816Groups: There are two programs for you to choose from. Each program needs at most 15 studentsProgram ADates:1113 July, 2016Days: Monday to WednesdayTime: 10:00a.m4:00 p. mProgram BDates:911 August 2016Days: Tuesday to ThursdayTime: 10:00 a. m4:00p.mProgram costs: $230 for members; $250 for non-membersHow to do: Just come to our center to get an application from. Send your form on or before 8th July, 2016(Friday)Notes:NO FREE LUNCHES ARE PROVIDED because of personal food differences. You may either bring a lunch-box or pay for lunch at our restaurant.Both programs will start 1 DAY later if there is a sign of rainstorms. COME AND JOIN US NOW! DONT MISS IT!(1)Who can take part in the program? A . John, 14 years old.B . Kelly, 7 years old.C . Sara, 17 years old.D . Kevin, 20 years old.(2)When will Program A NOT start if there is a rainstorm on July 11th ? A . On Monday.B . On Sunday.C . On Tuesday.D . Wednesday.(3)Two members and one non-member should pay _ for the program. A . $690B . $730C . $710D . $750(4)Why does the program NOT provide free lunches? A . Because the lunches cost too much.B . Because people have different favorite food.C . Because there are many restaurants.D . Because people will bring lunch-boxes.(5)What can we know from the above information? A . Youth Explore is the name of the program.B . More than 15 students are in each program.C . We can only see three kinds of animals in the program.D . You need to hand in the application form to the program.20. (10分)Learn to relax. Overwork is the main reason why so many students feel tired. Cut down some of the jobs you need to do each day so that you only do the most important things well. Leave time for activities that are relaxing and fun. This might mean reading a good book, listening to the music, going for a walk or taking a relaxing bath. You will feel very good.Get a good nights sleep. Getting enough sleep will help you keep your body and mind in the best form. If you stay up late and need to get up early for school the next day, you may not be able to pay attention to the things you need to do. You also feel tired.Exercise regularly and eat well. Dont rush through your meals. Eat less junk food or fast food. Eat healthy food instead. Fruits and vegetables are necessary.Get to know pleasant people. Some people are optimistic, while others are not. Choose optimistic people as your friends and spend more time with them and youll be as happy as them. Youll see everything with the optimism.Learn to be calm when you face any problem. Find out the best option from those that are in your mind. Knowing that you are able to solve problems is a good way to build up your self-confidence.Be happy. How you feel decides the way you see things. Is your cup half full or half empty: Learn to think more positively about the difficulties you face.(1)This passage mainly talks about _.A . how to feel relaxed and happy.B . how to get good grades.C . how to get on well with others.D . how to work and study hard.(2)The underlined word “optimistic” means “ _” in Chinese.A . 主动的B . 消极的C . 乐观的D . 悲观的(3)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage ?A . Its necessary to have enough sleep in order to keep us good both in body and mind.B . We should try to do as many things as possible each day.C . We should not spend time on things like eating and sleeping.D . We should make friends with all kinds of people.(4)To stop worrying, which point is not mentioned in this passage?A . Going to a doctor for help.B . Finding time to do relaxing things.C . Paying attention to the most important things.D . Thinking positively.(5)According to the writer, one should think his “cup” is _.A . a cupB . half fullC . emptyD . half empty21. (8分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。EFeeling sad? Go shopping, because it really can make you happy again.Scientists interviewed hundreds of shoppers at shopping centers, and they asked them to keep diaries of their shopping trips. The people who were unhappy on their way into a shop, they all became happy after the shopping. This is called “retail therapy”.Shopping is good for your health. Walking between shops and carrying heavy shopping bags burns 385 calories(卡路里) a week for a British woman, according to a study. The study tested 10 shoppersfive men and five women. It found that women cover an average of nearly three miles during the 2.5 hours they spend walking in me shopping centers every week. But men spend just 50 minutes shopping and cover just 1.5 miles.(1)Whats the main idea of the first paragraph?A . When you are happy, you should go shopping.B . Shopping can help you be happy.C . People should keep diaries of their shopping trips.D . Unhappy people are more likely to buy things.(2)Which one is TRUE according to the second paragraph?A . Shopping is good for peoples health.B . The study tested 50 shoppers in all.C . British men shop more than women.D . Shopping bums 385 calories a month for a British woman.(3)According to the passage, we know that when we are sad, we had better_.A . argue with others in the familyB . stay at home and watch TVC . go out for a party in the neighborhoodD . go shopping with your friends(4)The passage can be titled as_.A . Benefits of ShoppingB . Shopping and MoodC . Shopping and HealthD . A Study about Shopping五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 Mr White works in an office. He likes _(read) in bed when he is at school. It is bad for his _(eye) and now he is short sighted. But he doesnt want anybody else _know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses. It often brings him some trouble.One winter morning he _(go) to a village school on business. He gets off a bus at a stop in _small town. Then he has to walk there. The road to the village isnt smooth(平坦的). There are stones here and there. He falls over(跌倒) several times _it makes his clothes very dirty. At last he gets to the village. Suddenly (突然) it begins to blow_(strong) and it gets much colder. His hat is blown off while he is_(look) for the school. He has to run after it but he cant catch it. He_(not know) why his hat runs into a house. And then he runs into the house too.A big woman stops _(he) by shouting angrily, What are you running after my hen for?六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)书面表达根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约 80 词的短文。要求完整叙述图画内容。第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共46分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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