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鲁教版中考英语真题(单选题)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1. (2分) (2016盐城) _ is used for saying that what you do is more important than what you say you will do.A . Every dog has its day.B . Practice makes perfect.C . Many hands make light work.D . Actions speak louder than words.2. (2分) (2019九上吉林开学考) Are you a soccer player in your school? Yes, I _ the team two years ago. I _ in the team for two years.A . joined; have beenB . was joined; amC . joined; wasD . joined; has been3. (2分) (2017八下路南期中) The door wont open if you dont give it _ hard push. A . aB . anC . theD . /4. (2分) I think is difficult English well in only year. A . it learningB . this; to learnC . this; learningD . it; to learn5. (2分) (2017凉州) Do you know_Yes, of course. It will be hosted by Beijing and Zhangjiakou.A . how will be the 2022 Winter OlympicsB . which city will host the 2022 Winter OlympicsC . when will be the next Winter OlympicsD . where will be the next Winter Olympics6. (2分) Its said that an Asian Culture Village inside the AYG Village in Nanjing in the coming Asian Youth Games period. A . buildsB . is buildingC . will be builtD . was built7. (2分) Mount Tai is so famous that people visit it every dayA . hundred ofB . seven hundreds ofC . hundreds of8. (2分) What do you think of the robots in the future?I think they wont _ do all the work like humans.A . canB . likeC . able toD . be able to9. (2分) (2018七下桐城期末) Who is your math teacher?The man _ curly hair. He is very funny.A . hasB . withC . wearsD . in10. (2分) His brother wants to go _ to study. But his family is too poor. His parents dont have enough money. A . abroadB . beatC . boardD . achieve11. (2分) (2017八下六盘水月考) The girl is _, so she needs a guide dog to help her. A . sickB . blindC . tiredD . sad12. (2分) What does Fang Yuan do in his free time?He often _ a movie.A . seesB . watchC . looksD . read13. (2分) (2018九下信阳模拟) Could you please tell me how to _ my shyness? A . do withB . deal withC . agree withD . come up with14. (2分) Does he play sports?No, _. He only watches them _TV.A . he does, onB . he does, inC . he doesnt, onD . he doesnt, in15. (2分) Many fantastic photos _ during my last visit to Beijing. A . tookB . are takenC . were takenD . will be taken16. (2分) I have a map of China. A . China mapB . map ChinaC . Chinas mapD . Chinas map17. (2分) (2018广东模拟) Can you give me some _ about how to keep healthy?Sure! You need to take excercise at least twice a week.A . advicesB . adviceC . suggestionD . informations18. (2分) (2016八下靖江期末) Its said that a robot called Alpha. Go won the competition over a Korean player in March. _ amazing news! I cant believe! A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a19. (2分) _ Tom _ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well. A . Neither; norB . Not only; but alsoC . Both; andD . Either; or20. (2分) Dont put your hand out of the car window, _ you will be hurt by the passing traffic.A . butB . soC . andD . or21. (2分) What would you like, oranges or bananas? _. Give me an apple, please. A . BothB . NeitherC . Either22. (2分) Recently people care more about food safety.Everyone wants to eat _.A . differentlyB . healthilyC . easily23. (2分) (2016八上山西期末) _he works hard, he will get good grades. A . IfB . BecauseC . So24. (2分) His story about ghost (幽灵) made us _. A . horribleB . to be horribleC . being horribleD . to feel horrible25. (2分) What nice model planes! Can you show us _ you make them?A . whetherB . howC . whyD . which26. (2分) -Is this _ ping-pong ball?-Yes. _ is _ ping-pong ball.A . his; It; meB . your; This; hisC . you; It; hisD . your; It; my27. (2分) _ trees have been planted these years.A . MillionB . MillionsC . Million ofD . Millions of28. (2分) What do you plan _ this weekend? We decide _ to the beach.A . to do; goingB . to do; to goC . doing; to go29. (2分) My family watch football match _TV. A . inB . atC . onD . of30. (2分) Do you know over there?A . what happeningB . what was happenedC . what is happeningD . what did happen第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略

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