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人教版2020届九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Shenzhen is on coast near Hong Kong. It was _ small village many years ago. A . a; theB . the; aC . 不填; 不填D . the; the2. (2分)- The green coat looks good _ you.- Thank you.A . onB . inC . withD . at3. (2分)Mount Tai is so famous that _ people visit it every day. A . hundred ofB . seven hundreds ofC . hundreds ofD . hundreds4. (2分) What do you think Sally will be when she grows up? She loves science so much. I think shell be an .A . engineerB . actorC . English teacher5. (2分)_of them like to play basketball. A . EveryB . EveryoneC . EachD . Both6. (2分)_ interesting the book is! I want to buy one, too.A . HowB . WhatC . How anD . What an7. (2分)What do you think of the action movie?Boring. I think no other movies are A . betterB . bestC . worseD . worst8. (2分)If you feel tired, you may stop.A . have a restB . to have a restC . having a restD . has a rest9. (2分)He _be in the classroom, I think.No, he_ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.A . can, may notB . must, may notC . may, cantD . may, mustnt10. (2分)The film_ for half an hour. We are too late.A . has been onB . has begunC . was onD . began11. (2分)He cant play the guitar very A . goodB . fineC . niceD . well12. (2分)After climbing the hill, I was _ tired _ I could hardly walk. A . so; thatB . such; thatC . so; asD . as; that13. (2分)Each of the studentsin the playground when the bell rang.A . has funB . have funC . was having funD . were having fun14. (2分)-How about apples?-OK.A . to haveB . hadC . haveD . having15. (2分) _ do you go swimming with your father, Jim? About once a week.A . How longB . How soonC . How oftenD . How many times16. (2分)Could you tell me _?PSP. A . what it is calledB . how is it calledC . how it callsD . what is it called17. (2分)Zhang Wen for the TV series last night, so he is very sleepy in the class today. A . took upB . stayed upC . gave upD . made up18. (2分)Do you notice the man _ is sitting under the tree? He is our new teacher.A . thatB . whoC . whom19. (2分) Lily, youve helped me a lot. Thanks. _.A . Its nice of you.B . My pleasure.C . With pleasure.D . Never mind.20. (2分)Nobody knows _ in 100 years.A . what will life be likeB . what life will be likeC . how will life be likeD . how life will be like二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空School education is very important anduseful. 1 no one can learn everything from school. A2, no matter how much he knows, can not teach his students everything they want to know.Its 3 important for teachers to show their students how to learn than to make them 4 a certain fact ora formula(公式), so that they will learn much more outside school by 5. Great scientists before us didnt get everything from school. Their teachers only showed them the 6. Edison didnt even finish primary school. But he was so 7. He invented so many things 8 human beings. The 9 to their success is that they knew how to learn, worked hard and wasted not a single moment all their lives. And above all. They knew how to 10 their brain(大脑).(1)A . But B . So C . And (2)A . teacher B . headmaster C . learner (3)A . much B . more C . very (4)A . to learn B . learn C . learning (5)A . them B . themselves C . himself (6)A . idea B . rule C . way (7)A . important B . helpful C . successful (8)A . to B . of C . for (9)A . fact B . result C . secret (10)A . make B . test C . use 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)22. (8分) SUNNY SCHOOLWe are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 6-15. We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach and a language teacher.JobAgeLanguageSkillOther termscook2540ChineseCan cook Chinese and Western(西方) foodhealthylibrary assistant2035Chinese,has the knowledge(知识) on all kinds of bookscarefulsports coach2040Chinese, Englishmajor in(主修) P.E.healthy,teacher3045Chinese,major in English-(1)Who cant go to Sunny School?A . A four-year-old child.B . An eleven-year-old boy.C . A fifteen-year-old girlD . An eight-year-old kid.(2)Who is not wanted by Sunny School?A . A PE teacher.B . An English teacher.CC . A library assistantD . A math teacher.(3)The cook must be _.A . tallB . carefulC . healthyD . smart(4)The Sunny School wants a teacher _.A . aged between 25 and 40B . who can cook Western foodC . who is careful and strongD . who can speak English and Chinese23. (10分)阅读理解 People like to give gifts to others on big days. Do you know how to choose(挑选)gifts? You should choose gifts that your family or friends like. Different gifts are for different people. For example, boys often like to play with robots, toy guns and balls. And girls may like something lovely, like flowers, dolls and beautiful clothes. Of course, you dont need to choose expensive things. Your feeling is much more important than money. There is a Chinese saying, A small gift means far much.(1)The word big in the first sentence means _. A . beautifulB . interestingC . importantD . funny(2)When you buy your friend a gift, you should choose something that _. A . you likeB . he or she likesC . is expensiveD . is very big(3)Michael wants to buy a birthday gift for his sister, he may choose a _. A . teddy bearB . basketballC . water gunD . robot(4)What does the underlined sentence mean in Chinese? A . 礼多人不怪。B . 心有灵犀一点通。C . 礼轻情意重。D . 来而不往非礼也。(5)Which is the best title(标题) for the passage? A . Everyone needs gifts.B . Where to buy expensive gifts.C . The meaning of gifts.D . How to choose a gift?四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共10分)24. (5分)请阅读下面图文,简要回答所给问题。(B)Living in the age of “Internet+”, more and more electronic productd and Apps have changed peoples lifestyles in many ways, such as reading habits and sports events. Electronic ReadingInstead of reading paper books, more people like to use electronic devices (设备) to read in China now. The reading time spend on them is getting longer. Chart I shows different reading time from a survey. However, even though people spend much time on e-books, the traditional paper books are still popular among readers. Research has shown that readers remember more information from paper books than e-books. To oour great joy, the number of books that each person read in 2016 in China reached 7.86, which increased a lot more than before. Electronic SportsJust like soccer, basketball and baseball, e-sports has become very popular around the worlde. E-sports is short for electronic sports. It is more than just children playing games in their bedrooms. In e-sports, teams of gameers play electronic games in front of many people and compert. And they need to put in a lot of hard work and training. Chart II shows the top three most fllowed e-sports among Chinese college students from a survey last yeat.Actually, e-products play an important role in our daily life. They have not only changed our life but also made the world colorful. One coin has its two sides. As teenagers. If we put the e-products into good use, they can add more fun to our life and become good helpers to our study.(1)According to the passage, why are the paper books still popular among readers?_(2)Chart I shows the reading time on WeChat is more than that on newspaper. How much more time?_(3)Do you like reading paper books or electronic books? Why?_(4)We can draw a conclusion that many young people want to be a hero in their mind from Chart II. How can you know it?_(5)In the age of “Internet +”, what influence do you think the e-products have on us?_25. (5分)还原句子。根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子填入文中空缺处,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。TFK Kid Reporter Dahlia Suiter spoke with the writer of Writer to Writer: From Think to Ink.You just said that you didnt think youd become a writer. Why?I didnt know what I would be. There were times when I wanted to be a scientist. I loved reading about biology._I never thought about writing stories for adults (成年人). It was always for children because when I was a child, books were so important to me._Revision(修改) is my favorite part. If I can add (增加) something surprising at the same time, Im happy about that, too._Writing is hard, and if youre not having fun with it, why do it? Save ( 保存) what you write is very important because you may need it. You may need that part you cut._I hope the book will open up new places to go with writing._Yes. Writing can be a good way to discover (发现) yourself. You learn about yourself when you write. Writing also slows your thinking down, and you can make discoveries and go places that you dont expect.A. Do you think its very important for kids to practice writing?B. What do you hope kids will learn from Writer to Writer?C. Why did you write Have fun, and save what you write! at the end of each part in Writer to Writer?D. What do you enjoy most about writing?E. Why do you write childrens books?五、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)书面表达。(A) Tim正在给他的朋友Tom写一封介绍中国传统的节日龙舟节的信。 因粗心漏掉几个单词,请你帮他填上,完成这封信。每空一词。Dear Tom,Thanks for your letter. Now _ me tell something about the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a traditional Chinese festival on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.The festival is about a great Chinese _- QuYuan. He is good and friendly, but he is framed(被诬陷) by the bad people in his country. He is very sad, so he jumps _ the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month.The people near the river know QuYuan a lot and they want to find his body, _ they cant. Then they throw rice into the river, because they dont want the fish to eat Qu Yuans body. They _ take dragon boats, and try to scare the fish away by playing the drums. In this way, the festival begins.Today, people eat zongzi and have dragon boat races to remember QuYuan on the Dragon Boat Festival.Yours,Tim六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)中学生学习时间长、压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。向阳中学九年级二班的班长刘蕊同学最近对班上同学课后放松方式进行了调查。请结合表格内容进行分析,然后阐述自己的观点写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。对象向阳中学九年级二班人 数60人(男:31人;女:29人)常用放松方式1. 看电视(30人)2. 玩电脑游戏(12人)3. 听音乐(8人)4. 进行体育锻炼(5人)5. 没有时间放松(5人)你的观点哪一种(些)放松方式是适当的? 为什么?第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共10分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、五、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)26-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27-1、

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