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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第二学期第一次阶段性检测英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Are there ten books on the desk?-Yes, _.Athey areBtheresCthere areDthere isnt2 . (题文)I think we should eat food for our .Ahealth; healthyBhealth; healthChealthy ; healthDhealthy; healthy3 . Our school has fifty-six _teachers.AwomanBwomenCwomansDwomens4 . The building has_ floors and I live on the_ floor.Atwentieth; ninthBtwenty; nineCtwentieth; nineDtwenty; ninth5 . Tony with his family _ in a small town now.AliveBlivesClivingDlived6 . We cana bus to Shanghai. Bus tickets(票) are cheap. I want to go theretrain. It has a lot of fun.Atake; onBby; byCtake; takeDtake; by7 . Today we will learn _.Athe ninth lessonBthe nineth lessonCnine lessonDthe nine lesson8 . Hi, Mike! Hows it going? _AGood idea.BI think so.CNot bad.DOf course.9 . _a sport game on the playground next week?AWill there beBWill there haveCWill thereDWill be there10 . (题文)This year teenagers take an _ in the soap opera The descendants of the sun太阳的后裔.AinterestedBinterestingCinterestDInterests11 . We wonder if our teachers_ to our graduating party next weekend. If they _,Well be very happy.Awill come; will comeBcome; will comeCwill come; comeDcome; come12 . Jack, can you help me the chair to the other side?AnodBmoveCtouchDwave13 . Simons father is talking _the teacher _his sons English.Awith; withBabout; aboutCwith; aboutDabout; with14 . Did Lisa tell youin the letter?Afunny anythingBanything funnyCfunny somethingDsomething funny15 . _?I am going to visit my uncle.AWhy are you going to visit your uncleBWhat are you going to doCAre you going to visit your uncleDHow are you going to visit your u ncle二、完型填空This is a map of our school. There are _ buildings in our school: a library, an office building, a class building, a dinging hall and a sports hall. The library is _the left of the class building. There_many books in the library. We study in the class building, and after class, we often read books in the_. Our teachers work in the_ . This is a building _ twelve offices. Four teachers are in one office. Our school is old, _ we have a big sports hall. We_ in it. Whats your favourite_? Lets play it in the sports hall. I _ my school very much. Its very good.16 . AthreeBfourCfiveDsix17 . AonBinCatDof18 . AisBamCareDbe19 . Alib raryBoffice buildingCclass buildingDsports hall20 . AlibraryBoffice buildingCclass buildingDdinging hall21 . AinBwithCbetweenDto22 . AandBorCsoDbut23 . Aplay basketballBsit downCstand upDread books24 . AbookBbikeCsportDcolour25 . AopenBdrawClistenDlike三、阅读单选Jenny is an outgoing girl. She has lots of hobbies. She likes singing, cooking and doing sports. But her favourite hobby is riding a bike. She always goes outside with her friends on weekends. Jessica is her good friend. She likes playing pingpong and fishing. And she can play the pipa very well. Jenny has a good friend, too. He is her pen pal. His name is Jack. Hes from New Zealand. He lives on a farm. He likes swimming and playing basketball. He likes doing exercise very much. He has a very healthy life.26 . Which title(题目) is better?AJennys hobbies.BJenny and her friends.CJennys family.27 . Whats Jennys favorite hobby?ASinging.BRiding a bike.CCooking.28 . Does Jessica like playing the piano?ANo, she doesnt.BNo, she isnt.CYes, she does.29 . Who is Jennys pen pal?AJessica.BJim.CJack.30 . How many children are there in this passage(短文)?AOne.BTwo.CThree.Hello! Im Bill Smith. I am 12. Im from New York. But now Im in China. At school, I have a good friend. His name is Ben Jones. Hes from London. He has a brother. His name is Bob Jones. Now lets go to Bens room to have a look. He cleans his bedroom every day. Look! There is a computer on the desk. A guitar and a kite are on the wall. Some books are in the bookcase. A pencil box is behind the books. So he is a careful boy.Now lets go to Bobs room. The room isnt clean. Can we see his clothes on the desk? Oh yes. We can see a football and a knife on the desk, too. Bob never does any cleaning on weekends.31 . Whats Bills friends last name?ABob.BBen.CSmith.DJones.32 . Wheres Bob from?AJapan.Bthe UK.Cthe USA.DChina.33 . Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE?ABob and Ben are brothers.BBob does not clean his bedroom on weekends.CBob is a clean and careful boy.DBen does some cleaning every day.I am John, and this is my brother, David. Im tidy, but David is not. In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My red tape player is on the desk and my keys are in the schoolbag. I have a watch. Its blue and it is on the desk, too. Davids books are everywhere-on the bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white model plane is his. Its under the bed. He always asks, “Wheres my ruler? Wheres my schoolbag?”34 . Who is tidy?.AJohnBDavidCJohn and DavidDDavids sister35 . Johns keys are_.Ain the bookcaseBon the deskCin the schoolbagDunder the bed36 . Johns tape player is_.AredBwhiteCblueDyellow37 . Davids books arent_.Aon the bedBon the sofaCunder the chairDin the bookcaseWhen I was a kid, I often played basketball. So I was thin but healthy. When I was about 15, I stopped playing basketball. I also started to drink a lot of drinks high in sugar and eat much more than before. Between 15 and 17, I put on a lot of weight (重量) about 50 kg.I didnt know how big I was until I saw a photo one day. In the photo, I had a fat neck and my stomach was out there. I hated the way I looked. I knew I needed to lose some weight.I started to drink only water, and eat less and healthier. I ate mainly vegetables and only one piece of meat every day, and stayed away from sugar.I also started to exercise. Every day, I ran for 30 minutes first, and then I did some push-ups (俯卧撑) for 10 minutes. I also jumped rope for 15 minutes every day.I kept exercising the whole winter. When March came, many people said to me, “Oh, Dave, youve been a different person!”It was true. I had lost 25 kg in three months. I liked taking photos, and I noticed the difference in my looks.I loved the three months. It felt good to lose weight, and it felt even better to set a goal (目标) and go for it.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。38 . Dave put on a lot of weight partly because he _.Atook some medicineBgot too much pressureCdidnt have enough sleepDhad unhealthy eating habits39 . Dave decided to lose weight when _.Ahe lost a basketball gameBhis friends laughed at himChe saw a photo of himselfDthe doctor asked him to do so40 . Which kind of exercise did Dave do for the most time a day?ARunning.BBasketball.CPush-ups.DRope jumping.41 . When Dave heard the underlined sentence, he probably felt _.AhappyBangryCworriedDsurprised42 . What can we learn from Daves story?AInterest is the best teacher.BSuccess comes from hard work.CIts never too late to lose weight.DSports help a person stay young.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写.43 . -Which season comes after summer? -F_.44 . There are some differences between B_ English and American English.45 . Do you often borrow some m_ from our school library?46 . From their _(无聊的)faces. I know they didnt enjoy the shows.47 . The girl with small round glasses will take part in one of the drawing _(比赛).48 . I hope she will become an _ (杰出的)social worker.49 . Lucy is a girl with good _ (感觉,观念)of direction and beauty.50 . Nancy is popular among her classmates, because she is nice and always treats them_(慷慨).51 . I hate the _(广告) when I watch TV.52 . Mr. Wang often shares many _ (幽默)stories with us. We like his class.53 . The show Voice of Ching helps people rediscover many good _ (嗓音).54 . She looks _ (苗条的) and more fashionable in such a nice dress.55 . Chinese is one of the most useful _ (语言)in the world.56 . If you want_ (较远) study, you have to study harder form now on.57 . Learning _(外国的) languages is really fun.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空请根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。58 . The teacher _(discover)that he is often late for class.59 . I learn geography by _(memorize)the maps.60 . We will _(review)all the words and expressions before the exam.61 . The teacher told us a story. We were all _(interest)in it.62 . He is _(active)than before.六、完成句子根据情景提示,完成下列各题。63 . 你想知道今天星期几,你可以这样问:_64 . 上数学课时间到了,你可以这样说:_65 . 你想知道汤姆几点去上班,你可以这样问:_66 . 你不知道可以借英语练习册多久,你可以这样问:_67 . 简借了你的自行车,你可以这样嘱咐她按时归还:_七、信息匹配Read the following statements carefully, and match the letters A-F with them.1. Jack Smith lost his new notebook. Its color is blue. It is what he got as a birthday present.2. Tom is looking for his schoolbag. He wants to do his homework.3. Rose moves to a new house near Dream Park. She wants to buy some apples and bananas, but she doesnt know where she can buy them.4. Liangliang is a sports fan. He likes watching sports. He also likes doing sports so much.5. Grace is an American girl. She wants to learn Chinese, so she wants to find a pen pal in China.A. There is a shopping mall on Tianyi Road near a park. You can find all kinds of fruit, vegetables and clothes there.B. Good news! At 9:00 am this Sunday, there is an exciting basketball game between Class 1 and Class 2. Welcome to join!.C. Whose blue notebook is it? I found it on the playground. You can come to Class 708 to find Charlie for it.D. A bag is found at the corner of the school library. There are some CDs and a computer game in it. Is it yours?E. Sun Xin is a girl from Hangzhou. She likes making friends, especially those from English-speaking countries, because she wants to improve her English.F. We found a black bag with some books, notebooks, an eraser and a pencil box in it. If it is yours, please come to Classoom 1208 for it.68 . _69 . _70 . _71 . _72 . _八、材料作文73 . 假设你是林华,你和弟弟同住一个房间:你们各有自己的床;书桌和书架墙上有你们兄弟俩的合影,还有一个时钟。你喜欢看书,你弟弟喜欢听音乐。请发挥想象描述一下你们的房间。不得少于50个词。Hello, I am Lin Hua._第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、信息匹配1、八、材料作文1、

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