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冀教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语开学考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)完形填空 It was a very foggy morning in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxis were stopped along the roadside, unable to move because the drivers couldnt 1. People were trying to walk to their destinations, but most were losing their 2in the fog.Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons, but he was not familiar with the area and 3could take him there in such heavy fog. So he was a little 4. He was trying to find his way in the fog. Soon, however, he realized that he was lost. 5he bumped into a stranger. Mr. Smith said sorry to the stranger and then asked him whether he 6help him find his way. The stranger said it was a piece of cake and 7to take Mr. Smith to the meeting place. Mr. Smith thanked him and they started to walk. The fog was getting thicker and thicker every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way. They went along one street, turned down another, 8a square and at last, after about half an hour, they arrived at the meeting place.Mr. Smith couldnt understand how the stranger found his way. It is wonderful, he said. But 9do you find the way in the thick fog?It is no trouble at all 10me, said the stranger. I am blind.(1)A . see B . touch C . guess D . follow (2)A . way B . interests C . lives D . money (3)A . somebody B . anybody C . nobody D . everybody (4)A . relaxed B . Surprised C . excited D . worried (5)A . Usually B . Suddenly C . Probably D . Especially (6)A . need B . must C . could D . should (7)A . offered B . Continued C . dreamed D . hated (8)A . chose B . knew C . missed D . crossed (9)A . how B . why C . where D . when (10)A . by B . to C . about D . against 二、 阅读理解。(35分,前三篇两分一题,最后一篇一分一题) (共4题;共35分)2. (10分)阅读理解 To share is simply to let someone else have or use a part of something that belongs to you. It doesnt mean were losing anythingbecause whats actually happening is that were giving ourselves more of a chance to be sincere(真诚的), which in turn makes us feel better. Sharing also means that you are not alone because others have the similar experience with you. Here is a story about learning to share.Once upon a time, there was a beautiful flower with beautiful colors: red, orange and yellow. The flower was very happy because everyone who saw it said it was beautiful. As time went by, she thought she was the most beautiful among all flowers. And she was very proud of her colors, but she didnt want others to enjoy them. She was worried that others would imitate her. In that case, she would not be the most beautiful in this area. So she only came out at night.One day, it began to rain during sunrise and didnt stop until nightfall(黄昏). When the flower woke up in the evening, she opened her petals(花瓣) and realized that she had lost all colors. Now she was all white like the snow. What had happened? The flower was so sad that she couldnt stop crying.Suddenly, a fairy(仙子)wearing a dress with a colorful magic stick appeared in front of her. Whats wrong with you? Why are you so sad? she asked.Ive lost my lovely colors. The rain in the day has washed them away completely, the flower cried.Dont worry. I can give them back to you, but under one conditionWhich one? the flower asked.I want you to . I dont want to see that you just come out at night. You should share it with others.Now everyone who passed by the flower would stop. This is the most beautiful flower Ive seen! many of them said. The flower was really happy because she understood that sharing good things with others was so wonderful.(1)What does the underlined word imitate mean in Chinese? A . 模仿B . 嘲笑C . 嫉妒D . 讨厌(2)How did the flowers feelings change according to the passage?A . Sad worried happyB . Happy sad worriedC . Sad happy worriedD . Worried sad happy(3)Which of the following can put in the . A . get on well with other flowersB . leave here as soon as possibleC . show your beauty during the daytimeD . show your beauty at night(4)What can we learn from the passage? A . Many people noticed the flowers beauty before.B . Learning to share with others makes us feel happy.C . The rain washed away the flowers colors on purpose.D . The flower didnt keep her promise to the fairy.3. (10分)阅读理解 Hello, my name is Judy. I am a girl. I live in a house with my family. This is Anna. She is my friend. She lives in a house on Park Road. Anna is 11 years old. Im 12 years old. Im order than Anna. Anna is 1.5 metres tall. Im 1.55 metres tall. Anna and I live far from the school, so we go to school by bus. Anna likes to listen to music. I like to read books. We are good friends.(1)Where does Judy live? A . In a house.B . In an apartment(公寓).C . At school.(2)How old is Anna? A . Twelve.B . Eleven.C . Thirteen.(3)Who is older? A . Judy,B . Anna.C . Lucy(4)How do they go to school? A . On foot.B . By bike.C . By bus.(5)Judy likes to_. A . read booksB . listen to musicC . watch TV4. (10分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 Cinyee Chiu, an artist from Taiwan, is always happy to try something new. Her amazing works won lots of prizes. Among them, 24 Solar Terms(节气) is the most popular.Ancient Chinese divided a year into 24 parts according to the changes of the weather. Its the 24 solar terms. But not everyone knows them well. Cinyee Chiu put the 24 solar terns in pictures to help people understand them better.Cinyee turned each solar term into an animal. But these animals are not just animals. You can also find seasonal fruits, vegetables or beautiful flowers on them.When spring comes, water gets warm and fish start to swim around. So Cinyee chose fish as a symbol of Start of Spring. Also, she drew spring vegetables, Chinese chives on the back of the fish. White Dew falls on about Sept. 8. It shows the beginning of the cool autumn. There are colorful leaves and cooler nights at this time of year. As the temperature falls, white dew(露珠) is often seen on the grass and trees at night. For White Dew, Cinyee chose a raccoona small animal with thick hair. She drew white spots(小圆点) on the raccoon to show dew. And she used the dragon fruit to show the rich colors in autumn.The young artist really gave the ancient Chinese culture a new look.(1)The writer gave _ examples to show Cinyees 24 Solar Terms. A . twoB . threeC . fourD . five(2)From Paragraph 5, we know that _. A . a raccoon likes fishB . Start of Spring falls on about Dec. 8C . White Dew shows the end of the autumnD . Cinyee used white spots to show dew(3)According to the passage, Picture _ cant be from Cinyees 24 Solar Terms. A . B . C . D . (4)The writer mainly wants to talk about _. A . why Cinyee made herself knownB . who divided a year into 24 partsC . how Cinyee showed the 24 solar termsD . what Start of Spring and White Dew mean5. (5分)阅读理解 National parks are large of areas of public land. They give a safe home for local plants and animal. They help keep the air and water clean. They also give us the best trips. Today ,there are nearly 7,000 national parks around the world . Forbes has listed 12 of the most beautiful ones in the world that will surprise you with their amazing landscape, geographic wonders and colorful plants and animals.The Grand Canyon National Park of the US is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. It is best known for its size and depth. It is 446 kilometers long, up to 29 kilometers wide, and 1. 6 kilometers deep. The immensity of the canyon makes people think big. Every year, about 5million people visit here. Taking a tour in the South Rim offers visitors the parks full views, while the North Rim shows beautiful wild flowers.If you love animals, youll like the Serrengeti Natinoal Park in Tanzania. The Big Five live here. They are the lion. African elephant, African leopard, black rhinoce and African buffalo. The name Big Five came from the five animals that were the hardest to catch. Now they are what people most want to see in the wild. If you visit the park ,you should never miss the migration of over 1.5million wildebeests and 250,000 zebras every year. This is the most famous site of the park.(1)Which is NOT right about national parks according to Paragraph 1? A . National park is public land that covers a large area.B . Wild plants and animals are protected in national parks.C . Forbes has listed twelve of the worlds largest national parks.D . National parks are attractive because of their natural beauty.(2)The underlined word immensity referred to_. A . great sizeB . natural wonderC . colorful viewD . unusual beauty(3)_kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage. A . FiveB . SixC . SevenD . Eight(4)The best title for the passage may be _. A . Taking a tour in the Grand CanyonB . Travelling to the Serengeti National ParkC . Seven National Wonders of the WorldD . Stepping into the wonders of the wildlife(5)If the writer continues the article, he would most likely write about _. A . ways to keep the air and water cleanB . more national parks in the worldC . his wonderful trip to the Grand CanyonD . famous historic wonders in Africa三、 词汇运用(25分) (共3题;共25分)6. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用一次。 they final make cook minuteA: Linda, I want to make carrot soup for dinner, Could you tell me how to _it?B: Sure, First, buy some pork, two tomatoes and three carrots. Then, wash them and cut _up.A: Whats next?B: Next, add some water to a pot and put them into the pot to _.A: How long should I cook them?B: For about twenty _.A: OK, thats it?B: No, one more thing. _, dont forget to add some salt.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.7. (10分)Max has a good s_of humour. 8. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填3个单词)。 The olive(橄榄) tree probably first grew in southern Asia. And then it spread to the Mediterranean(地中海的) countries about 6, 000 years ago. Since then, it has been important in Mediterranean peoples _(life).The olive tree grows in rocky places and it doesnt need much water. Its fruit can _(make) into olive oil. People have used olive oil to cook dishes _centuries. But they havent only used it for _(cook). Some ancient cultures believed that it was _(use) as medicine. In modern times, people still use olive oil both for its taste and its health advantages.Olive oil has also been _important product in the business and culture of Mediterranean countries. In Ancient Greece, for example, anyone who cut down an olive tree was _(heavy) punished. Winners at the Olympic Games _(wear) wreaths(花环). They were made of olive branches(树枝). Sometimes winners were also given a prize of olive oil. People from Greece built ships so that they could use olive oil for trade. But it was the Romans _grew the olive tree in the rest of southern Europe and northern Africa.Today, olive oil is still a very valuable product. And many different kinds of olive oil _(sell) in countries all over the world.四、 书面表达。(10分) (共1题;共10分)9. (10分)为丰富初三学生课余生活,上周末你校组织了一次社会实践活动。请根据以下内容提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍此次活动,并谈谈自己的感想。 活动内容:上午游览人民公园:欣赏美景、歌舞联欢、拍照留念;下午参砚市民广场:观看图片展,了解祖国和家乡70年巨变。你的感想:师生情深,感谢老师和同学的帮助;倍受鼓舞,决心勤奋学习报效祖国;(考生自己发挥)要求:词数100左右。开头已给出,不计人总词数。所写内容必须包括内容提示中所提供的信息,并可作适当的发挥。不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。参考词汇:市民广场Civic SquareIn order to enrich Junior 3 students after-school life, our school organized a social practice activity last weekend. All the teachers and students of our grade took part in it.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解。(35分,前三篇两分一题,最后一篇一分一题) (共4题;共35分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 词汇运用(25分) (共3题;共25分)6-1、7-1、8-1、四、 书面表达。(10分) (共1题;共10分)9-1、

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