2019秋八年级英语上册Unit10Ifyougotothepartyyou’llhaveagreattimeMonday复现式周周练 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋八年级英语上册Unit10Ifyougotothepartyyou’llhaveagreattimeMonday复现式周周练 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋八年级英语上册Unit10Ifyougotothepartyyou’llhaveagreattimeMonday复现式周周练 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋八年级英语上册Unit10Ifyougotothepartyyou’llhaveagreattimeMonday复现式周周练 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit10Ifyougototheparty you llhaveagreattime Monday星期一 SectionA1a 2d 一 核心词汇meeting video chocolate SectionA1a 2d 二 重点短语tomorrownight明天晚上 haveaclassparty举行班级聚会 haveaclassmeeting开班会 orderfood订购食物 potatochips炸薯条 炸土豆片 SectionA1a 2d 三 经典句子1 Whatwillhappeniftheyhavethepartytoday 如果他们今天举行聚会 将会发生什么 2 Ifyoudo you llbelate 如果你那样做的话 你将会迟到 SectionA1a 2d 四 基础复现天天练 商人与农民 SectionA1a 2d Twomenweretakingaplane Oneofthemenwasabusinessmanandhewasgoingforameeting Theotherwasa1andhewastravelingaroundtheworld Theysatwithouttalkingforawhile Thetripwastooboringto enjoy theycouldjustwatchvideosontheplane Thenthefarmersaid SectionA1a 2d Let sdo2topassthetime What syouridea thebusinessmanasked Wecanaskeachotherriddles thefarmersaid OK Let smakethe3first thebusinessmansaid Ifyoudon tknowtheanswertoariddle yougivemeyourpotatochipsandchocolate AndifIdon tknowthe4 SectionA1a 2d I llgiveyoumine That snotfair 公平 Youareabusinessmanwithmuchknowledge Youknow5thanIdo Iamjustafarmer thefarmersaid Certainly thebusinessmansaid Whatdoyouwant6todo Ifyoudon tknowtheanswertoariddle yougivemepotatochipsandchocolate SectionA1a 2d 7ifIdon tknowtheanswer I llgiveyoumypotatochips thefarmersaid Thebusinessmanthoughtaboutthis andthenhesaid OK That s8 Whowillgofirst Iwill thefarmersaid Hereismyriddle Whathasthreelegswhenitwalks but9twolegswhenitflies SectionA1a 2d Thebusinessmanthoughtforalongtimeandsaid Mm that sa10one I mafraidIdon tknowtheanswer Hegavethefarmerhispotatochipsandchocolate andthenhesaid Tellmetheanswer Idon tknow either thefarmersaid andgavehimhispotatochips SectionA1a 2d 1 A farmerB teacherC doctorD businessman 2 A anythingB somethingC everythingD nothing 3 A riddlesB moneyC rulesD conversations A B C SectionA1a 2d 4 A knowledgeB riddleC questionD answer 5 A lessB moreC fewerD better 6 A meB themC usD him 7 A SoB ButC AlthoughD However D B A B SectionA1a 2d 8 A fairB unfairC rightD wrong 9 A stillB onlyC evenD also 10 A badB goodC monD terrible A B B SectionA1a 2d SectionA1a 2d SectionA1a 2d 谢谢观看


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