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2020年初中英语外研(新标准)版八年级下册期末模拟复习卷(8)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)Are your parents strict _ you, Eric?Yes, they always let me do lots of homework. Its too _.A . with; boredB . in; boringC . with; boringD . for; boring2. (1分)Help yourself to some fish.Thanks. Oh, it tastes so _.A . goodB . wellC . badD . badly3. (1分)It takes _ half an hour _ on foot. A . my, to get to schoolB . me, to get to schoolC . my, going to schoolD . me, going to school4. (1分)Amy couldnt stop _ when her friend told her the funny joke. A . to laughB . laughingC . LaughedD . to laughing5. (1分)一 What is he interested in? Playing chess.A . is; keen onB . is; bored withC . is; good at6. (1分)Which of the following is a polite thing to do in public places? _ A . B . C . D . 7. (1分) Could you give me some_ about giving speeches? Certainly. A . advicesB . suggestionsC . adviseD . suggestion8. (1分)Her son _ Coke, but now he _ milk.A . is used to drink; is drinkingB . used to drinking; drinksC . is used to drinking; used to drinkD . used to drink; is used to drinking9. (1分)_ is your Art Festival?A . WhatB . WhenC . WhichD . Who10. (1分)Who is going to take care of Tom when his parents are away _ business? A . inB . withC . forD . on11. (1分)Mum, I have a bad headache. I feel terrible.Oh, dear! You must get a cold. Youd better see _ after breakfast.A . a violinist B . a doctorC . a policemanD . an engineer12. (1分)The little dog is so cute, _ I like it very much. A . soB . butC . or13. (1分)Have you decided where _ on National Day.A . travelB . travelingC . to travelD . traveled14. (1分)The sweater is nice and cheap. Ill _ it. A . knowB . wantC . takeD . find15. (1分)I would like to play with you, _ I have to do my homework first.A . orB . soC . andD . but二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-20各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Amy was looking for a gift for her little daughter. Suddenly she1 before a store of dolls. Girls like dolls,she thought as she stepped into it.Looking around, she saw a 2 doll one with grey hair and a pair of glasses. In her mind appeared Joyce, her mother.When Amy was a little girl, she got her first doll from Joyce for her birthday. Then the second, third A doll a year from Joyce never arrived 3 .Why always a doll? This 4 had been in Amys mind until one day she knew the answer.Little Joyce dreamed to have a doll. Her parents promised one for her 5birthday. Sadly, they both 6 in a traffic accident before it arrived. The never-received gift was the most7 thing in her eyes.Joyces story being recalled, Amy got an idea.It was Joyces 60th birthday. A parcel was sent to her, with a 8 that read.Dear Joyce,I forget to 9 you the parcel that you should have received on May 20, 1956, your fifth birthday. The gift inside has aged, but I felt that you might still wish to have it.Love, Angel of JoyJoyce opened the parcel and saw a lovely grandma doll. She held the doll tightly that she had waited so many years for, with tears running down her face. The doll, given by Angel of Joy, made herthe 10 child in the world.(1)A . Stopped B . sat C . went D . moved (2)A . Mother B . child C . grandma D . daughter (3)A . early B . late C . sadly D . lovely (4)A . idea B . mind C . question D . answer (5)A . Second B . third C . fifth D . sixtieth (6)A . left B . stepped C . dreamed D . died (7)A . helpful B . important C . useful D . careful (8)A . gift B . word C . card D . parcel (9)A . buy B . send C . leave D . show (10)A . Happiest B . saddest C . loveliest D . smallest 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解ATuesday,13th SeptemberI arrived in New York two weeks ago.I am writing my diary(日记)in English because my English teacher Rachel says it is a good way to practise EnglishSo far, I like New York and my schoolI have three classes a dayMost of my classmates come from Japan,South Korea,Spain,Germany and AustraliaThere arent many Chinese studentsso I have to use English most of the timeI am learning a lot!I am living in student housing,and I have my own comfortable roomThursday 20th OctoberMy English is hopeless!I was on the bus this morning and a man spoke to me,but I couldnt understand himI was so embarrassed(尴尬的)Why is my English improving so slowly?I want to make lots of American friends,but this isnt happening so easilyIm a shy girlIt is hard for me to talk to some people,even my classmates!I like them,but sometimes I cant understand them very wellI think Im feeling homesick(想家的).I miss my friends and familyThursday 27th OctoberI went to a school party last Friday and it was greatI talked with a Japanese boy named Kenji,a German girl named Wendy and an Italian girl named CarlaWe talked about our countries customs (风俗)and our experiences in America so farWe are going to walk around New York together this weekendAlso, Kenji wants me to write for the student newspaper here at schoolMaybe things are getting better!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)Where is the writer most probably from? A . JapanB . ChinaC . AustraliaD . America(2)Why did the writer feel embarrassed on 20th October? A . Because she was late for schoolB . Because she took the wrong busC . Because she forgot to bring her homeworkD . Because she couldnt understand someone(3)When did the writer go to a school party? A . On 13th SeptemberB . On 19th SeptemberC . On 21st OctoberD . On 27th October(4)Who wanted the writer to write for the student newspaper? A . RachelB . WendyC . CarlaD . Kenji(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?A . Wendy loves shoppingB . The writer is a shy girlC . Carla comes from JapanD . The writer has four classes a day18. (10分)阅读理解A HiIm AmyIm here to help you with any studyrelated(有关系的)problem,big or smallPlease send me a message anytime Amy My problem is time-I dont have enough timeNext month,I will have twelve examsHow can I possibly study for all of them?I think its difficult and impossibleCindy Hi,CindyIt isnt impossible but you have to get started nowMake a study plan and prepare for each subjectIts better to study for an hour a day than just once a week,all dayAmy I share a bedroom and a desk with my sisterWhen we study at the desk together,she distracts(使分心)me because she is noisyI try to talk with her about it,but she gets angryCan you help me? Jane Hi Jane.You and your sister can use the desk at different timesYou can talk about it with her.Or you can study at the school library a few times a weekIf its easier to write instead of(而不是)talking face to face,try messaging her and explain(解释) how you feelAmy Im sillyI just find it hard to studyI always stop and start and I keep getting the feeling that Im learning wrong thingsI dont think you can really help me Liza Liza,youre not silly at all!Lots of students have the same experience as youSometimes I things will improve if you join a study groupJoin a group and meet twice or three times a week after I school to study togetherIts helpful for lots ofAmy根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)What is Cindys problem? A . Her teachers dont like herB . Her parents dont understand herC . She doesnt want to study for her examsD . She doesnt have enough time to study for her exams(2)Who lives in the same bedroom with her sister? A . AmyB . CindyC . JaneD . Liza(3)The best word foris A . terribleB . afraidC . luckyD . excited(4)What does Amy think of Liza?A . She is sillyB . She is noisy,C . She learns quicklyD . She has a common problem(5)Amy advises Liza to A . make a planB . join a study groupC . talk with her friendsD . study in the school library19. (10分)阅读理解AEast TV CentreOpen Day ToursEast TV Centre is an interesting place to visitOur tours include(包括)studio(演播室)visits(including the news and sports)You will also meet a reporter(记者)and read news with himPriceAdults(成人):3.50Children:2.50Opening TimesEvery Monday from 9:30 am to 4:00 pmGetting ThereBus No.9 stops outside the TV CentreTo get more information , please call06701030907COME AND JOIN US!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)If you choose to visit East TV Centre,you can visit the news studiovisit the weather studioread news with a reporterget a book from a reporterA . B . C . D . (2)If Peter wants to visit East TV Centre with his10-year-old son,how much should he pay? A . 3.50B . 4.00C . 5.50D . 6.00(3)You can visit East TV Centre A . at 9:00 am on MondayB . at2:00p m on MondayC . at 9:00 am on TuesdayD . at 2:00 pm on Tuesday(4)which bus stops outside East TV Centre?; A . Bus No.6B . Bus No.7C . Bus No.8D . Bus No.9(5)The material is probably from a A . storybookB . dictionaryC . newspaperD . notebook四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共16分)20. (16分)根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(No more than 7 words)Hey, boys and girls, do you know something about TFBOYS? Well, TFBOYS means(含义是) the fighting boys. Sometimes we call them TF family. Many of you may know that there are three boys in this TF family, and they are Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan and Yi Yanqianxi.Wang Junkai is the captain (队长) of the family. His English name is Karry. His birthday is on September 21st. Jay Zhou is his favorite singer, and he sings some of Jay Zhous songs, like Qi Li Xiang. Roy is Wang Yuans English name. His birthday is on November 8th. He comes from Chong Qing. Yi Yangqianxis English name is Jackson. His birthday is on November 28th. He often practices Latin dance and he can dance very well.The three boys like singing and they can sing very well. So a lot of fans like them and their songs a lot. They are also good at their lessons. They got their first album (唱片) Ten Years on August 13th, 2013. They joined the Happy Camp last year and they came to the Happy Camp again on March 23rd, 2015. They had a lot of fun there.(1)Is Wang Yuans English name Karry?(2)Where does Roy come from?(3)Who is Wang Junkais favorite singer?(4)When is Jacksons birthday?(5)The TF boys can sing very well. What else are they good at?五、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)21. (1分)I want to go to the zoo. Can you tell _ the way to the zoo? 22. (1分)Jack is _(surprise) to hear the news. 23. (1分)_(Australia)English is different from British and American English. 24. (1分)根据句意用所给单词适当形式填空,使句子完整。每空限一词。 (1)I think _ (nature) food is good for our health (2)Every year many _(tour) go to Zhalong to watch the birds (3)If you take a map , you will not easily get _( lose) (4)The twins are old enough to look after _( they) (5)My favourite subjects are _( France ) and Maths 25. (1分)语法填空 The writers father _(like) having a shower after _(come) home. He usually_(sit)in his favourite chair and _(read)his book or newspaper_(learn)whats new today. The writer thinks his father is a _(bore) man. Then the writer sees his father_(work)on the building site. He is not _(worry) about the _(high) of the building. He thinks his father is _(real) cool now. 六、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)Your room is very d_. Go and clean it.七、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)用方框中所给单词及短语的正确形式填空,每词只使用一次。fill little some search blessing(1)Exercise more and eat _.(2)Do you have fun _information online?(3)Would you please lend me _money?(4)Wish New Year bring endless _to you.(5)The little boy _his bag with food and drinks just now.八、 写作题 (共1题;共9分)28. (9分)假如你是李明,下周美国的一批中学生将来你校进行为期一周的友谊交流活动(friendship exchange),而你将负责此事。请你根据提示内容写一封80词左右的电子邮件,向他们介绍具体安排。电子邮件的格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。提示内容:1)第一天参加欢迎晚会;2)接下来的五天,上午和中国学生练习汉语,下午旅行;3)可以住在旅馆,也可以住在中国家庭里。Dear friends,I m very glad that you are coming to our school for the friendship exchangeHere are the activities for youYours,LiMing.第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共16分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、五、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、六、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)26-1、七、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、八、 写作题 (共1题;共9分)28-1、

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