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上海版2020届九年级上学期英语期末教学质量检测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Do you play _ piano in your free time? No, I like sports. I often play _ soccer with my friends.A . 不填; theB . the; 不填C . the; theD . a; a2. (2分) is your favorite student? Kangkang.A . WhoB . WhatC . HowD . How old3. (2分)Teenagers should _ to choose their own clothes. A . allowB . be allowedC . be allowing4. (2分)Do you know how her grandpa passed_?He died _ illness.A . off, fromB . out, fromC . away, forD . away, of5. (2分)Im planning a trip to the beach tomorrow, but still cant decide . A . where am I goingB . how Im going to get thereC . when Im planning itD . why am I planning it6. (2分)your homework to school tomorrow.A . To bringB . BringingC . BringD . Brings7. (2分)Mary _my letter, otherwise she would have replied before now. A . should have receivedB . has receivedC . couldnt have receivedD . ought to have received8. (2分)You must wear strong shoes and socks _ you climb the mountains.A . whateverB . whereverC . whenever9. (2分)When will he leave for Shanghai?As soon as he his work.A . finishedB . will finishC . is finishingD . finishes10. (2分)Look! _ nice shoes Linda is wearing! A . HowB . WhatC . How aD . What a11. (2分)The meeting for two hours.A . has begunB . has been onC . began12. (2分)What about asking someone _ serious movies? A . who likeB . who likesC . whom likeD . whom likes13. (2分)Breakfast is _ meal of the day. It gives us energy after a long night without food. A . importantB . more importantC . the most importantD . very important14. (2分)Would you like TV?Yes, Id like to, but I have lots of homework to do.A . watchingB . to watchC . seeingD . to see15. (2分)I will go to Shanghai Disneyland with my parents tomorrow. _ !A . My pleasureB . Have a nice tripC . All rightD . Well done二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)My name is David. There are many things in my room. There is a sweater 1the bed. Its 2. I also have a pair(双)of 3. They are blue, too. There is a desk and a chair in 4room. A football is under the 5. I like it very much. I 6play football very well. I often play it with my friends. A picture is on the wall. You can see four people in it. The man and the woman are my 7. They work in a school and teach Chinese. They are 8. The little girl is my 9. She is very lovely(可爱的). She is only three years old. She doesnt go to school, so she10read or write. I have a happy family.(1)A . in B . on C . with D . to (2)A . white B . green C . blue D . black (3)A . shoes B . coats C . T-shirts D . caps (4)A . his B . her C . my D . your (5)A . room B . desk C . floor D . bag (6)A . can B . am C . do D . did (7)A . mother B . parents C . father D . parent (8)A . teachers B . doctors C . workers D . students (9)A . mother B . brother C . sister D . sisters (10)A . can B . cant C . must D . dont 三、 阅读单选 (共3题;共24分)17. (10分)阅读下面两篇短文,从各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。BMany years ago in Japan, a farmer and his wife had three children, two boys and a girl. The boys helped their parents on the farm. The girl was small and weak. She was often ill. She spent her time drawing cats. Her parents didnt like her, so they took her to the temple ( 寺庙 ) .In the temple the girl drew cats all day long. The other people in the temple tried to stop her, but she didnt listen. So they asked the girl to leave the temple.The girl came to a town. She didnt have any money, so she had to stay in an empty house outside the town. Inside the house, there was only a mat (垫子 ) on the floor, a light near the window, and a large paper screen ( 屏风 ) . The girl drew some cats on the paper screen. She drew cats of every kind. When the screen was full of cats, she lay down on the mat and went to sleep.The next morning, when the girl woke up, she was very surprised - there was a very large dead mouse in the middle of the house! People in the town said, The girls cat drawings came to life ( 复活 ) at night. They saved the girl from the large mouse.The girl left the town and went on her way. Everywhere she went, people wanted to buy her cat drawings. Soon, she became one of the most famous artists in Japan. When you visit Japan, you might be able to see one of her pictures.(1)What did the girls parents do? A . Firemen.B . Artists.C . Zoo workers.D . Farmers.(2)Why did the people in the temple send the girl away? A . She drew cats all the time.B . She didnt have any money.C . Her parents asked her to go back home.D . People in the town asked her to live in the town.(3)Which was NOT in the empty house? A . A mat.B . A light.C . A paper screen.D . A basket.(4)What did the girl find the next day? A . A group of live ( 活的 ) cats.B . A very large dead mouse.C . A lovely parrot.D . A very strong dog.(5)What happened to the girl then? A . She stayed in the town.B . She started drawing mice.C . She became a famous artist.D . She never drew another cat again.18. (6分) Its still the holiday season and students in the UK are enjoying their winter break (休假).Tiffany in Guangdong asks us about how British students spend their winter break.For some, its a time to study because they have exams next term. Some might have to study. They have to read some books. They use the winter break to catch up with(赶上) their reading. But some students can Let their hair down and celebrate Christmas and New Year with a few drinks.This holiday is also an important time to chat with the family and maybe get some sleep too. Some lucky students are going away on holiday but it wont be long.(1)What do the underlined words let their hair down mean in this reading?A . 放下头发B . 烫发C . 放松D . 理发(2)Which of the following is true?A . The winter break in the UK is not longB . The winter break in the UK is a time for sleep.C . Students work hard in the winter break.D . Students are preparing for the coming exam.(3)The passage is mainly about _.A . the differences between the winter break in China and the UKB . what the students in the UK usually do in the winter breakC . why some students like the winter breakD . how to celebrate the winter break19. (8分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。CE-waste is fast becoming a serious problem around the world. This report will examine this problem and provide some possible ways to solve it.We live in a society that is producing and using electronics(电子产品) all the time. It is often cheaper to buy new products than to repair old ones. Also, through clever advertising, companies always encourage people to change their old TVs, mobile phones and computers for the latest models. E-waste is created when we throw away old ones. In the EU alone, about 8,700,000 tons of e-waste is produced each year. Sadly, just over 1,000,000 tons is recycled.Burying(填埋) e-waste or burning it cause serious problems for the environment. Electronics have dangerous things in them. These things can then get into the ground or pollute the air when they are burnt.In recent years, . However, their plans are not always managed properly. Sometimes electronics are just sent to poor countries such as Ghana. Here they are often burnt in public areas, which is very bad for peoples health. Setting up recycling centers is a good way to solve this problem. E-cycling centers could recycle the parts that can be reused and deal with the rest properly.Another way is to make producers responsible(负责任) for their used products. This means that producers must take back old products which are no longer wanted. They should then make sure they are properly recycled or reused.As for us, we should try to cut down on e-waste. Change electronics only when we have to. And dont buy a product just to have the latest model.E-waste is a serious problem in the modern world. Both producers and users must take actions and try to keep it to the smallest amount.(1)According to the passage, it is often _ to buy new electronics than to repair old ones.A . more expensiveB . more difficultC . cheaperD . worse(2)In the passage the underlined word they refers to _.A . the old productsB . the producersC . the usersD . the new products(3)Which of the following is the best for the blank in Paragraph 4?A . the e-waste problem has been solved.B . the e-waste problem continues growing.C . many countries have started recycling e-waste.D . people havent realized the e-waste problem yet.(4)Which sentence shows the writers opinion?A . Burning e-waste causes problems for the environment.B . E-waste problem is very serious and people should take actions.C . Sometimes electronics are sent to poor countries such as Ghana.D . In the EU alone, about 8,700,000 tons of e-waste is produced each year.四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共5题;共10分)20. (1分)David found a s_in the cinema and sat down quietly. 21. (1分)To us ,a small m_(过失)in the experiment will be a great damage. 22. (2分)My dog is friendly. He never _(吠叫) or _(咬人). 23. (5分)根据下列句子及所给的首字母(每空填一词)。(1)This restaurant is well w_ visiting. I have been here many times.(2)Lucy has a bad habit. She often goes to school w_ breakfast.(3)Ill be free this weekend. So you can come e_ on Saturday or on Sunday.(4)People could h_ believe their ears when they heard the news about Wu Bin.(5)The new semester usually begins in September, the n_ month of a year.24. (1分)L_ are very ugly and kind of dangerous.五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)在下列横线上填入适当的句子,补全对话。 Hello! Kangkang! _. Hi, Xiao Lei! Im going to the post office. _. Im going to send some clothes and books to the students in Wenchuan. Youre really warm-hearted. _. No, they cant. Their school buildings fell down and the government (政府)is rebuilding schools for them. Its good news. I hope they can go to school early. _. Oh, what about you? What will you do for the students there to show your love? _. Money? Thats good. Shall we go to the post office together? Good idea. Lets go!六、 回答问题 (共1题;共6分)26. (6分)下面文章中有四处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C和D)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,然后回答问题。 (1)选出符合各段意思的小标题。 When we mention summer, most of us think of fun in the outdoors. So it seems easy to lose weight in summer. But in fact, its quite possible for us to put on weight. The good news is that we can avoid these problems if we know how to keep summer weight away.Here are some ways to keep summer weight away._When we dont have a plan, its easy to spend summer moving from beds to computers. So it is necessary to make a work or study plan, like doing a part-time job or learning a new skill._Because we dont have to go to school, its easy to sleep late, watch too much TV and eat too many snacks. So its necessary to make sure our summer days follow a schedule as usualgetting up at the same time each day and eating meals at set times._Whenever you are free, find something special to do, like making a dinner for your family. But remember: limit your screen time, no more than two hours._If its too hot outside or you dont like going to a gym, you can do exercise indoors. Dont let the heat stop your plans.A. Beat the heatB. Make a work or study planC. Put everything in a scheduleD. Stay busy(2)Which is the best title for the passage? A . Stay fit in summerB . Put on weight in summerC . Spend the whole summer doing exerciseD . Make a summer plan七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)新年来临之睬,你班要进行一次英语演讲比赛,题目为“My New Years Resolutions”。请你写一篇英语短文为此次比赛做准备。要求:1)新年计划至少写三条;2)80词左右,短文的开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词数。My New Years ResolutionsHello, everyone! Im Liu Min. The New Year is coming. Here are my resolutions.In the end, I promise all of you that I will keep all my resolutions.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读单选 (共3题;共24分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共5题;共10分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)25-1、六、 回答问题 (共1题;共6分)26-1、26-2、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27-1、

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