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上海版2019-2020学年上学期7年级英语期末模拟测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 听力技能 (共8题;共20分)1. (1分)How many photos has the boy got? A . Eleven.B . Thirteen.C . Twelve.2. (1分)听第二段对话,回答小题(1)Whats wrong with Lucy?A . Her back hurtsB . She has a headacheC . She has a fever(2)Why does Lucy feel tired?A . She goes to bed too lateB . She seldom exercisesC . Both A and B(3)Whichof the following is the doctors adviceA . Stay in the hospitalB . Take some medicineC . Early to rise and early to bed3. (1分)What are the speakers talking about? A . Chinese sky lanterns.B . Chinese clay art.C . Chinese paper cutting.4. (1分)Why does Jeff have a stomachache now? A . Because he ate junk food last night.B . Because he ate too much last night.C . Because he ate-something dirty last night.5. (1分)选择正确的答案( ) A . AprilB . JuneC . August6. (2分)听下面一段材料,回答问题。 (1)What kind of juice does the man order? A . Mango juice.B . Orange juice.C . Apple juice.(2)When does this dialogue happen? A . In the morning.B . In the afternoon.C . At night.7. (3分)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案( ) A . The woman.B . The man.C . Both of them.8. (10分)听第二篇短文,回答小题。(1)How did Tom go to see his aunt? A . By busB . By trainC . By plane(2)Where was the zoo?A . Near Toms homeB . Near his aunts homeC . Near Toms school(3)When did Tom go to the zoo for the second time?A . After breakfastB . Before lunchC . After lunch(4)Why did Tom go to the zoo again? A . Because he wanted to eat the pears.B . Because he liked animals.C . Because he liked the shows there.(5)What do you think of Tom? A . HelpfulB . KindC . Clever二、 知识运用 (共2题;共15分)9. (7分)完形填空 Language is humans greatest inventions. The ability to read and write is1to express ones feelings. Most humans can speak very well2they are about three years old. But how can we become a better reader? Here are some ways.First take it slow. Many readers feel that they read too slowly, especially compared3others. But the truth is that the faster you read, 4you are to understand what youre reading. The best readers can slow down when needed. If you get to the5of a passage and realize you cant understand, please read it again. Learning to read6will help you become faster without missing anything.The second way is to read aloud. When humans first began7written words 8was unusual to read in silence. Reading aloud is one of the best ways to improve your reading ability. You may feel it9to read to your cat or to no one at all. But once you get into the rhythm(节奏) of the authors voice, you will begin to read more accurately(精确地) and with better vocal(有声的) expression.Feeling it is also a good way. Can you remember the first piece of writing that take you to10world? Learning to enter into the lives of imagined stories is important to you. As you read, allow different ideas to11. Youll appreciate novels like fine wine.The12way is to write. Writing and reading go hand-in-hand: how and what you read influence how and what you write. And the best readers often make the best13. There are many pleasures to language14can only be experienced through the practice of writing.The last way is to tell your friends. There is15magical about sharing books with friends or a book club. Its a good way to see the world from someone elses eyes. And you can understand the story that youre reading better.(1)A . important B . difficult C . similar D . willing (2)A . before B . when C . since D . unless (3)A . in B . on C . with D . of (4)A . the better B . the less C . the more D . the fewer (5)A . first B . beginning C . last D . end (6)A . quickly B . loudly C . easily D . slowly (7)A . copying B . reading C . writing D . speaking (8)A . it B . that C . this D . he (9)A . sad B . sorry C . happy D . silly (10)A . other B . another C . the other D . others (11)A . come in B . come true C . come on D . come out (12)A . second B . third C . fourth D . fifth (13)A . writers B . teachers C . students D . artists (14)A . what B . who C . that D . where (15)A . anything B . something C . everything D . nothing 10. (8分)完形填空How can you think in English? I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every day. During the1the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again. So he wont have to2passing the ball in the game; he will just do it. You can train yourself to3in English this way. The first step is to think of the words that you use daily, simple everyday words4book or shoe or tree. For example,5you see a “book” you should think of it in English instead of in your mother language.After you have learned to think of several words in English, then move on to the next step-thinking in6. Listening and repeating is a very useful7to learn a language. Listen first and dont care too much about8you fully understand what youre hearing. Try to repeat what you hear. The more you listen, the9you learn. After you reach a higher level,10having conversations with yourself in English. This will lead you to think in English.(1)A . practice B . break C . game D . day (2)A . wait for B . think about C . look at D . give up (3)A . speak B . say C . tell D . think (4)A . in B . about C . like D . from (5)A . whatever B . whichever C . whenever D . however (6)A . sentences B . passages C . lessons D . classes (7)A . idea B . step C . way D . plan (8)A . which B . if C . how D . unless (9)A . harder B . less C . later D . more (10)A . remember B . stop C . start D . finish 三、 阅读技能 (共3题;共30分)11. (10分)SMILEs is having a big weekend electronics sale!All CDs, TVs, radios and electronic toysOpen from 10:00 am to 6:00 pmin Fort Street Mall.Jacksons Annual SaleThis week only!Mens and womens clothing:shoes, coats andsweaters,swimwear, jeansJewelry: watches,RingsEarrings(耳环) and necklacesFurniture:Leather sofas, diningtable and chairs, andbookcasesJacksons on thecorner of Main and East Streets. Openfrom 9:00 am to 8:00 pmCome and see what we have on saleFor your office!30% off (折扣)All office furniture:Desks and bookcases20% offOffice equipment(设备):Typewriters and telephones10% offOffice supplies:Pens, paper and calculators(计算器)Open 10:00 am-5:00 pm DailyON FIRST STREET(1)Jacksons is a _.A . cloth storeB . restaurantC . department storeD . used goods market(2)If a telephone is ¥150, you can spend _ on it at Apple.A . ¥130B . ¥100C . ¥120D . ¥90(3)Smiles sale is for _ only.A . two daysB . seven daysC . five daysD . two weeks12. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Baron Pierre de Coubertin was a Frenchman. At his time sports were not taught in French schools. De Coubertin believed that sports should go hand in hand with studies. He had an idea. His idea was to begin the Olympics all over again.Sports teachers of other countries liked De Coubertin ideas. So in 1896, the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece. Since then the Olympics have been held once every four years, except three times, when there were wars.The modern Olympic games have many foot races and field sports programs. The longest race in the games is called marathon(马拉松).Before the start of the Olympic Games, runners carry lighted torch(火炬) through many nations towards the stadium(体育场 )where the games will be held. These sportsmen are from different countries. Yet they work together to carry the Olympic torch. It is passed from runner to runner, When the last runner enters the stadium, he or she places the torch in a special basin filled with oil. It catches fire. It is then, only then, that the Olympic Games can begin.The Olympic flame(火焰)burns throughout the games. It is the flame of peace.(1)Before 1896 French schools didnt teach _. A . matchB . historyC . sportsD . physics(2)Baron Pierre de Coubertin _. A . was the first man to start the OlympicsB . helped start the modern OlympicsC . believed that sports were less important than studiesD . failed to began the modern Olympics(3)According to this passage, the third modern Olympics should have been held_. A . 1914B . 1904C . 1896D . 1908(4)Marathon in the passage is_. A . a foot raceB . a jumping contestC . a field sportD . a boxing match(5)Which of the following is NOT true? A . The Olympics do not begin until the basin of oil catches the fire.B . The torch is carried from runner to runner through many countries.C . Runners who carry the torch can be men or women .D . After the start of the Olympics, the Olympic flame is put out.13. (10分) Air is all around us. It is around us as we talk and play. From the moment we were born, We are surrounded(围绕)by air. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. Wherever we are on the earth, We are surrounded by air. We live in air.All living things need air, living things cant live without air. We can go without food or water for a few days, but we cant live for more than a few minutes without air. We breathe(呼吸)in air. When we are working or running, We need more air. So we breathe faster than usual. When we are asleep, We need less air.(1)From the text, we know that on the earth _A . there is air everywhereB . some animals dont need airC . plants need more airD . for a long time people dont need air(2)The writer tells us that _A . there is less air on the earth than on the moonB . the earth is covered with airC . the earth is covered with waterD . there is no air on the earth(3)Which is the first important thing for peoples lives?A . WaterB . AirC . FoodD . Sunlight(4)Which of the following things needs air?A . LandB . A mirrorC . A catD . A river(5)A man needs more air when he _A . diesB . runs fastC . takes a restD . sleeps四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分)任务型阅读Learn to RefuseBelieve it or not, Ive always been a people pleaser. I often put others before myself because I want to make my friends happy_Can you help me with my English? Grace asked me on the first day after she became my desk mate. Of course, I replied without hesitation(犹豫). Grace has been working really hard on her studies and needed my help although I didnt have much time left for her.One day after school, while I was doing a huge amount of homework, Graces phone call came._but I still felt bad about saying no. When Grace ended the call, the clock said it was 00:15 am. But I still had homework left and I wanted to sleep. This was bad for a Junior 3 student who is going to take an important exam this June.Finally I burst into tears. I felt so tired and realized that the stress had an effect on my health. I tried to get myself out. Studying is more important than other things,_. Its now important for me to say no, no, no. Can you do me a favor? Grace asked last Monday. Sorry I just have to review my biology notes, I answered. All right, its up to you, she said. I felt completely relaxed when I heard her reply_To be honest, I have felt much happier since learning to refuse. I have more time to spend on my study at present. I still try my best to help others_.A.She complained a lot and it made me feel boredB.If anyone asks me for help, I always say, yes!C.Anyway, its not so hard to say no at allD.but sometimes I say no because I know everyone has a limitE.so Grace has to come the second五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)15. (10分)根据对话内容,在空白处填恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺(in the office)A: Alex do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?B: Yes, I do, Ben. Im going to go kayaking (划皮艇).A: Kayaking! That sounds fun!_?B: No, but I can rent (租用) a kayak. Its not too expensive.A: _?B: I m going to kayak down Old Mill River.A: Be careful! Thats a fast river! _?B: With my friends Bob and Joe(later)C: I hear _B: Yes, I am. I cant wait. Kayaking is really fun.C: I know its-exciting, but it can be dangerous. _?B: Ill wear a helmet (头盔) and a life jacket.C: Thats good. Have a good weekend!六、 写作题 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)假如你是报社的一位记者,你对陈先生进行了采访,想了解一下阳光镇的变化。根据以下信息写一段采访稿,要点如下: 1. 阳光镇过去是个破旧的小镇,但是现在已经变成了一个现代化的镇。2. 镇上的钢厂过去常常把废料扔进河里,政府已经采取行动改善了这个情况。3. 他的大多数朋友已经搬走了,所以他常常感到孤独。4. 即使这样,他仍然很高兴能看到这些变化。第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 听力技能 (共8题;共20分)1-1、2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、6-2、7-1、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、二、 知识运用 (共2题;共15分)9-1、10-1、三、 阅读技能 (共3题;共30分)11-1、11-2、11-3、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)14-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)15-1、六、 写作题 (共1题;共15分)16-1、

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