外研版(三起)四年级英语下册:M7U2 Grandma cooked fish课件课件ppt

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外研版(三起)四年级英语下册:M7U2 Grandma cooked fish课件课件ppt_第1页
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MODULE 7 UNIT 2 Grandma cooked fish,I talked with Mrs Cat yesterday.,I walked with Miss Dog yesterday.,What did the bird do yesterday?,phone 打电话,I phoned grandma yesterday.,Grandma and Grandpa walked in the park.,They listened to music,They talked with some friends,Grandma cooked fish,Grandpa cooked noodles.,Grandma and Grandpa_ in the park. They _ to music. They_ with some friends.,Listen and fill in the blanks.,walked,talked,listened,Grandma_. Grandpa_.,cooked fish,cooked noodles,Have a try!,(was helped talked watched listened played walked) What did you do in the week? 1.Yesterday he to his friend. 2.On Tuesday he_ to his friends house. 3.Yeaterday he_ _his friend. 4.On Thursday they_ _to music. 5Yesterday they_ _basketball. 6.Yesterday they_ TV. 7.On Sunday little Mouse _ at home again.,选词完成句子,Listen and Match,Check your answer,On Monday , he called his friend.,On Tuesday , he walked to his friends house.,On Wednesday , he helped his friend.,On Thursday , they listened to music.,On Friday , they played basketball.,On Saturday , they watched TV.,On Sunday , he was at home again.,Lets say,helped his friends,phoned/called his friends,walked to friends house,played basketball,listened to music,watched TV,at home,-What did he do? -He_.,On Sunday, Liming _. Fangfang_.,cooked noodles,Do a survey,then write down some sentences. (调查你同学周末做了什么,并写出句子。),Do a survey and say,Lets sing,Bye-bye!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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