2019秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit7Howmucharethesesocks 时文阅读 一 乌鸦的礼物 时文阅读 Mostlittlegirlswillexchange 交换 giftswiththeirbestfriends butthisgirlisdifferent She1manygiftsfromthecrows 乌鸦 GabiMannisaneight year oldgirl 2livesinahousewithagardeninSeattle Washington Sheloves3verymuch Sheoftenleavesfoodforthecrowsinher4 时文阅读 Inorderto 为了 thankthis5girl thecrowsoftenbringmanythingstoher too Gabithinkstheyarethegifts6thecrows Andshekeepsthesegiftsverycarefully Shedoesn tallow 允许 anyonetotouch 触碰 7 Now Gabigetsmorethanseventygiftsfromthecrows 时文阅读 Andher8giftisaheart shapedpendant 吊坠 Itshows9theyloveme saidGabi WhenGabiwasfouryearsold shebeganto10foodtothecrowsthatvisitedhergarden Slowly moreandmorecrowscametovisithergardeneveryday TheygotfoodfromGabi andtheybroughthergiftsinreturn 时文阅读 1 A getsB givesC buysD sells 2 A ItB SheC HeD They 3 A foodB drinksC giftsD animals 4 A roomB houseC gardenD store 5 A kindB boringC happyD busy A B D C A SectionA1a 2d 6 A toB forC fromD with 7 A thisB thatC itD them 8 A favoriteB birthdayC healthyD free 9 A howmanyB howmuchC howshortD howlong 10 A eatB takeC makeD cook C D A B B SectionA1a 2d 二 彭的中国梦 时文阅读 OnSeptember26 2017 PengLiyuan theFirstLadyofChinamadeaspeech 演讲 inEnglishattheUnitedNations 联合国 Shetalked1 education 教育 andsharedherChinesedreamwiththeworld Pengtoldastoryofher2 HerfathergrewupinaverysmallvillageinChina 时文阅读 Inthosedays notmanyvillagerscouldread 3 herfatheropenedanightschoolto4 them Withhishelp manypeoplelearnedtowrite5 namesandreadnewspapersforthefirsttime Andmanywomencouldteachtheirchildrenhowtoread 时文阅读 Peng sfather s6 foreducationinfluenced 影响 herdeeply Shewasluckyenoughto7 agoodeducation Later shebecame8 professor 教授 ofmusic Educationisimportant butmany9 inChinastillcan tgotoschool 时文阅读 Theyneedhelpverymuch Penghopesallchildrencanhavea10 education andthatisherChinesedream 时文阅读 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 about father so teach their love get have a children good 时文阅读 谢谢观看

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