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人教版2020年中考英语模拟试卷(六)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共50分)1. (10分)Childrens Training CenterEnglishComputerTime: Mon., Thurs., and Fri. 9:00am-11:00amRoom: 201Teacher: Miss LiuTel: 023-820964313698371652Time: Tues., Wed. and Fri. 9:00am-11:00am3:00pm-5:00pmRoom: 503Teacher: Mr. HuTel: 023-6820616213708356472DrawingSwimmingTime: Mon., Thurs., and Sunday 9:00am-11:00amRoom: 307Teacher: Miss YangTel: 023-820656913783147258Time: Thurs., Saturday and Sunday 9:00am-11:00am3:00pm-5:00pmPlace: Swimming poolTeacher: Miss Wang and Mr. ZhangTel: 023-6820228013057382119根据以上信息,选择最佳答案。(1)If Xiao Ming wants to learn computer, he can call _.A . 023-68206162 or 13783147258B . 023-68206162 or 13708356472C . 023-8206569 or 13708356472D . 023-68202280 or 13057382119(2)If you want to learn drawing, you can go to _.A . Room 201B . Room 503C . Room 307D . the swimming pool(3)If you are free (空闲) on Thursday afternoon, you can go to learn _.A . EnglishB . drawingC . swimmingD . computer(4)When does Childrens Training Center open every day?A . 10:00amB . 9:00amC . 9:00pmD . 11:00am(5)Which of the following is right (正确的)?A . Miss Wang and Mr. Zhang can teach you swimming.B . Miss Liu and Mr. Hu can teach you drawingC . Miss Yang and Mr. Zhang can teach you English.D . Miss Wang and Miss Liu cant swim.2. (20分)阅读理解Passage A 单项选择 根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其代表字母涂(填)在答题卡(纸)的相应位置。Smog (smoke and fog) was still a hot topic in 2014. Cities have taken action by controlling the number of cars and closing heavy-polluting factories. During the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting from Nov. 5 to 11, Beijing finally saw blue skies.Chinas growing online market draws world attention. With around 630 million Internet users by June, China has now become the worlds large e-commerce(电子商务)market. Ma Yun, the founder of Alibaba, has become the Chinese mainlands richest person, worth around 150 billion yuan.Good news for panda lovers all around the world. The number of wild pandas has grown fast in the past 10 years, according to a series of surveys by the Chinese government. On March 25, Shannxi Province make public its fourth panda survey result. It shows that about 345 wild pandas are living in Qinling, an increase of 26.4 percent compared to ten years ago. the highest in China. Shannxi, together with Sichuan and Gansu, are the only three areas that wild pandas can be found.(1)Which of the following is a hot topic in 2014?A . Blue skyB . SnowC . StormD . Smog(2)When was APEC held in Beijing?A . From Nov. 5 to 11B . From Sep. 5 to 11C . From Aug. 5 to 11D . From Dec. 5 to 11.(3) has now become the worlds large e-commerce market.A . AmericaB . ChinaC . EnglishD . France(4)Wild pandas cannot be found in ProvinceA . ShannxiB . SichuanC . LiaoningD . Gansu(5)We know that about wild pandas are living in Qinling.A . 342B . 345C . 355D . 346(6)Which of the following is a hot topic in 2014?A . Blue skyB . SnowC . StormD . Smog(7)When was APEC held in Beijing?A . From Nov. 5 to 11B . From Sep. 5 to 11C . From Aug. 5 to 11D . From Dec. 5 to 11.(8) has now become the worlds large e-commerce market.A . AmericaB . ChinaC . EnglishD . France(9)Wild pandas cannot be found in ProvinceA . ShannxiB . SichuanC . LiaoningD . Gansu(10)We know that about wild pandas are living in Qinling.A . 342B . 345C . 355D . 3463. (20分)阅读理解AOur skin is like a bag that we live inInside the bag our bodies are mostly waterOur water is like the water in the seaIt is very saltyAlso,like the ocean,we can lose our waterThe wind and the sun could take it awayOur bag of skin keeps our bodys ocean from drying upOur skin keeps out sunshineToo much sunshine can hurt usSkin also keeps out dirtThats important because some kinds of dirt can make us sickOur skin feels thingsIt feels warm things,cold things,things it touches,and things that hurt itA campfire feels warmA snowball thrown in our face feels cold and hurts usA hug is the touch of another persons skin on our ownOur hair is a special kind of coveringIt helps us keep things out of our eyes,ears and noseHair is also good for keeping us warmWhen we get goose bumps (鸡皮疙瘩),our body hairs stand upThen the hairs hold air close to our skin like a thick blanket (毯子)Hair keeps animals warm,tooSome animals have more hair than others,so they have a better blanket for cold weatherOur nails (指甲) are another special skin which are very hardThey help keep our fingers fromgetting hurtOur nails arent as strong as the nails that animals haveBut they are good for picking up coins(1)Our skin is like a bag full of salt(判断对错)(2)Our skin is like a bag full of salt(判断对错)(3)Our skin keeps out dirt and sunshine(判断对错)(4)Our skin keeps out dirt and sunshine(判断对错)(5)Our skin helps us feel things,touch or hurt others(判断对错)(6)Our skin helps us feel things,touch or hurt others(判断对错)(7)Our hair helps protect our eyes,ears and nose(判断对错)(8)Our hair helps protect our eyes,ears and nose(判断对错)(9)Our nails are weaker than the nails that animals have but can keep our fingers safe(判断对错)(10)Our nails are weaker than the nails that animals have but can keep our fingers safe(判断对错)二、 阅读下面各题,选出符合题意的选项,其中有一项是多余选项。 (共1题;共5分)4. (5分)从II栏的人物介绍中选出与I栏人物相匹配的选项(其中有两项多余)。 I_Look! Mary is tall and thin. She has long hair and big eyes. She looks beautiful! She likes dancing and dances very well. _Lucys pen pal Linda is from America. Lucy goes to the airport to meet her. She takes a photo of Linda with her. _Zhang Ming likes action(动作) movies. His favorite movie star is Jet Li. He thinks Jet Li looks cool and has great personality(人格). _My English teacher is British. He is tall and thin. He has short curly black hair. He is so kind to us. He also likes telling us jokes. We like his lessons. _Whos the little girl? She has a round face. She is a little heavy(重的). She has long hair and big eyes. She is playing with a little girl at the park. IIA. Mr. Brown teaches English in a middle school. He is from England. He loves Chinese and also likes his students. His lessons are interesting. B. My young sister is a 5-year-old girl. Her name is Wang Li. She looks very lovely. She doesnt go to school. She often plays with other children in the park. C. School Music Festival wants some girls. Can you sing or dance well? Welcome to join us. Call us at 6543211. D. I like math. I dont think math is difficult. I think it is interesting. I often help my friends with math. E. At the airport, there is a girl waiting for her pen pal(笔友). Her pen pal is a girl from New York. F. Do you want to join the music club? You can study to play the violin and the piano. Call Mr. Zhang at 3654961. G. Its Shao Lin Temple(少林寺). Its an action movie. There are many famous movie stars in it. 三、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)5. (10分)根据短文内容的理解,选择最佳答案填空。Everyone, rich or poor, can have happiness. You dont need to think too much about those 1people. They may always feel lonely (孤独的) 2their houses are too big, and they may want to take a 3on country roads because they drive to work every day in the busy city.4, happiness is always around you. When you are unhappy, your friends will come to 5you and this will make you happy. When you study hard at your lessons, you will get good marks and of course you will 6happy about it. If you dont feel 7, your parents will take good care of you and you will be happy. When you are 8, you can also say you are happy because you may have something else that money cant buy. When you 9problems, say loudly that you are happy because you have 10chances to challenge (挑战) yourself. Then you can succeed (成功) in what you do and this may bring you happiness.(1)A . rich B . silly C . excellent D . strange (2)A . if B . although C . because D . or (3)A . photo B . walk C . note D . look (4)A . In time B . At last C . At first D . In fact (5)A . thank B . teach C . help D . celebrate (6)A . feel B . smell C . sound D . taste (7)A . sure B . well C . safe D . confident (8)A . nervous B . angry C . hungry D . poor (9)A . have B . imagine C . solve D . cause (10)A . little B . fewer C . more D . much 四、 阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单 (共1题;共8分)6. (8分)填写单词,补全短文。It is very hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time._a good friend can make your life happy. How_make friends?If you are in a new class, dont be nervous. Be _to others and they will be friendly to you too. Give your opening mind to other _They will like you soon.The _interest is important. Singing _dancing are most students hobbies. If you have, they will get close to you.At last, in _to have a good friend, we should take care of _students .五、 单词拼写 (共2题;共9分)7. (4分)根据句意及汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。(1)Yi Jianlian is a nice sports _ (明星). Many people like him.(2)Look! The boy is drawing a big _ (圆) on the book.(3) How many students does your school have? About two _ (千).(4)Look at the _ (日历). What day is today?8. (5分)根据英语首字母或所给汉语提示写出短文中所缺单词的正确形式。_(今天) is Sunday, but Grace is busy(忙碌的). She has to _(帮助) her mom cook breakfast. And then she does her_(家庭作业). After that, Grace goes to shop to b_some food and drinks. In the afternoon, Grace goes to v_her grandparents with her parents. Her grandparents are very happy to see them. Grace and her cousin play games the whole(整个的) afternoon. Grace has a good time in her grandparents home.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)假如你是王浩,今年14岁。下面是你的家人的情况,请根据提示用英语介绍一下你自己和家人,内容可以适当发挥,60词左右。 提示:1)父亲在济南工作,是一名酒店经理,喜欢看报纸(newspaper);2)母亲在学校是一名英语老师,喜欢唱歌;3)哥哥是学生,17岁,喜欢玩电脑游戏;4)你也是学生,擅长画画(be good at);5)妹妹4岁,喜欢看动画片(cartoons)。提示:1)信息齐全,条理清楚,行文连贯;2)短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名;3)注意卷面整洁清晰。 My family第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共3题;共50分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、2-6、2-7、2-8、2-9、2-10、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、3-6、3-7、3-8、3-9、3-10、二、 阅读下面各题,选出符合题意的选项,其中有一项是多余选项。 (共1题;共5分)4-1、三、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)5-1、四、 阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单 (共1题;共8分)6-1、五、 单词拼写 (共2题;共9分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、8-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、

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