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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语第一次月考试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)完形填空Space travel 1exciting, doesnt it? Now if you have enough money, you can go to space to see our2.You can stay in space for a few days and 3some special food which is for astronauts.In the future, space travel may be more 4. People can travel in space and reach other 5. Today, if you want to go to Mars(火星), how 6do you think it will take? That will be a long trip. Even in the best spaceship, it will7about one year.In the 8, that will not be a problem. Spaceships can travel very 9Perhaps we 10use the spaceships at all. We may 11the wormhole(虫洞)。It is like a tunnel(隧道). Once we get 12the tunnel, we will arrive at another place far away from the earth. It may take just a few 13.14develops(发展)very fast. We believe that one day in the future, the dream of traveling from one star to another will 15. (1)A . smells B . does C . sounds D . looks (2)A . city B . earth C . school D . home (3)A . eat B . buy C . cook D . drink (4)A . boring B . exciting C . difficult D . dangerous (5)A . stars B . countries C . villages D . mountains (6)A . old B . much C . long D . often (7)A . have B . use C . make D . take (8)A . day B . past C . future D . evening (9)A . fast B . slowly C . lonely D . early (10)A . didnt B . wont C . wasnt D . may not (11)A . use B . to use C . will use D . using (12)A . up B . on C . to D . through (13)A . years B . months C . minutes D . weeks (14)A . Life B . Time C . World D . Science (15)A . come B . arrive C . come true D . become fast 二、 阅读理解(前两篇每小题1分,后两篇每小题2分,共26分) (共4题;共26分)2. (4分) Frank was clever, but he never liked to work hard. He often said to his friends, If you work hard, you will make a lot of money, but it is not so good. I want easy work and a lot of money. Thats the most interesting thing in the world. So he could only be a thief. But he still thought it was too much work, so he only told his friends what to do and got money from them.One day, Frank sent one of his friends to a very large and beautiful house. He told him to get money from that rich family. It was evening, and a man and a girl were in the room. They were playing a duet(二重奏)on a piano. Then the thief came into the house.When he returned, Frank asked him what he had got. But he said, “I didnt take anything. That family cant have much money. You know, two people were playing on the same piano there. They did not have money to buy another piano.”(1)Which is the best title for the passage?A . Frank and His WorkB . One Piano OnlyC . The Man and the GirlD . Easy Work and More Money(2)From the story we know that Frank_.A . was more clever than most of the peopleB . had many clever friendsC . didnt want to do any workD . knew many interesting things in the world(3)The story tells us if we want to become rich, we must _ .A . find an easy jobB . work hardC . have a lot of friendsD . learn something about money3. (4分)阅读下面三部分内容,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答问题所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。BPeople are different. So are friends. Some friends are patient and helpful while some friends are cheerful and caring. The following are some kinds of friends. You can read it and find out what kinds of friends you have. This will help you to improve your relationships with them and help you to find new friends.Animal FriendsMany people keep animals as pets at home. It is right to say that animals are wonderful creatures (生物). They can be with you whenever you need them. Some people say they will feel lonely without their pets. Dogs are considered as peoples best friends.Internet FriendsThe Internet has become a very important part of our lives. It is not only helpful for people to work, but also a good way to make friends. Internet friendship has become more and more popular recently. More and more people begin to make online friends. Online friends are those who know each other through the Internet. They can talk about everything with each other online. Making Internet friends is similar to making pen pals.Pen FriendsPen friends, also known as pen pals, are quite popular with people who like writing. Pen friendship is mainly developed by writing to each other. It was a popular way of making friends in different parts of the world before the Internet came into being. Mostly, pen friends aim to share different cultures with each other.(1)According to the passage, the Internet is a good way for people to _.A . keep healthyB . make friendsC . travelD . play games(2)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A . Animal friends can be with you whenever you need them.B . Internet friends can talk about everything online.C . Nowadays nearly no one likes to make pen friends.D . Pen friends can talk about different cultures with each other.(3)The passage mainly tells us _.A . how to make friendsB . different peopleC . some kinds of friendsD . the importance of friends4. (8分) There was once a young mouse that lived in a hole in a wall. One day, the young mouse woke up from his sleep and looked out of the hole. As he looked out, a fantastic smell came to his nose. “Cheese!” the mouse said happily to himself. “Ill go and get it now and have it for breakfast.”But then he remembered his parents words. His parents were very clever mice and often said to their son, “Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese.”So the young mouse waited quietly. Then he heard a quiet “Miaow” and he knew the cat was there. He stayed in the hole and said to himself, “Im glad I listened to my parents and learned to wait.”The next day, he looked out again. He put his nose out of the hole, and the beautiful smell of cheese came to his nose again. He could see the cheese. It was only a few centimetres away. But he sat still and waited quietly. This time he did not hear any cats noise. Instead he heard a very quiet “Woof, woof.”“Its a dog!” he thought. “If the dog is there, the cat wont be there. I expect the dog has chased the cat away, so Im safe.” The mouse ran out of the hole and started eating the cheese. He did not see the cat, which caught him and ate him.When the cat finished her meal, she said to herself, “Im glad I listened to my parents and learned a second language.”(1)Who told the mouse to wait before going for a piece of cheese?A . The cat.B . The dog.C . The cats parentsD . The mouses parents.(2)How did the young mouse know the cat was there?A . He heard the catB . He saw the cat.C . He smelt the catD . He knew the cat.(3)What was the cats meal?A . The mouses parents.B . The cheeseC . The young mouse.D . The fish.(4)Which language did the cat learn as a second language?A . EnglishB . ChineseC . Dog languageD . Mouse language(5)Which of the following sentences is Not True according to the passage?A . The young mouse lived in a hole in a wall.B . The next day the mouse didnt hear any cats noiseC . The cat pretended to be a dog by making the noise “woof”D . The mouses parents told their daughter to wait before going for a piece of cheese.5. (10分)阅读理解Americansliketovisitthenationalparks.In1996,over250,000,000peoplevisitedareaswhicharemanagedbytheNationalParkService.Expertssaythatby2012,500,000,000peopleperyear willvisittheparks.Asaresult,peoplearetryingtothinkofwaystoprotecttheparksfromthecrowd. Thecrowdingoftheparkshascausedseveralproblems.Oneisthatthereisnotenoughspaceforallofthepeoplewhowanttousetheparks.Todealwiththisproblem,youmayhavetobookyour ticketsafewmonthsaheadoftime.TheParkServicemayalsoraiseentrancefees(费).Anotherproblemcausedbyincreasedparkuseispollution.Somegarbageandwastecanbecleanedup,and thecleanupcanbepaidforbyincreasedentrancefees.Tocutdownonnoisepollutionandairpollution,thenumberofcarsallowedinparksmaybelimited.Ifthishappens,peoplemayusebusestotravelaroundtheparks.Officialsmayalsolimittheuseofjet-skis,snow-mobiles,motor-boats,andsightseeinghelicoptersandplanes.Theparksmayalsobeindangerbecauseofdevelopmentthatisgoingonaroundthem.Forexample,aroundYellowStonePark,manyhotels,golfcourses,resorts,andothertouristattractions havebeenbuilt.Someofthesedevelopmentshaveeffectonareasthatareusedbyanimals.Peoplewillhavetolearntoagreeaboutwaystoprotecttheparks.Iftheydonot,therewillsoonbenoreasontovisitthesenationaltreasures. (1)Accordingtoexperts,by2012thenumberofvisitors_.A . maybedoubledB . mayriseto50%C . willreach250millionD . willgoupbyasecond(2)Whichofthefollowingistrueaccordingtothetext? A . Visitorswillpaylessthanbefore.B . Theparksarenotbigenoughtoholdallvisitors.C . Visitorsmaynotnecessarilybuyticketsaheadoftime.D . Onlybusesareallowedtoentertheparks.(3)Entrancefeesmaybeincreased_. A . becausetheNationalParkServiceareshortofmoneyB . onlyforthedevelopmentofthenationalparksC . toprotecttheanimalsD . mainlytolimitthenumberofvisitors(4)Whatisthemostpossiblemeaningoftheunderlinedword“limited”inParagraph3?A . Enlarged.B . Admitted.C . Controlled.D . Concerned.(5)Whatcanbeinferredfromthepassage? A . Highfeesmayprobablykeepsomepeopleoutofparks.B . HelicoptersandplaneswillnotbeusedinparksanylongerC . Thebuswillbecometheonlytoolinparksinordertocutdownpollution.D . NationalParkServicewillalwayswelcomeasmanyvisitorsaspossible.三、 任务型阅读(每小题1分,共4分) (共1题;共4分)6. (4分)阅读下面短文,根据文中信息完成一张海报。每空限填三词Doing Clean ExerciseWhen you go for a run outside, chances are that youll find litter all around you. Do you just go past it, or do you stop and pick it up? If you choose the second, youre part of the latest popular sport in the West: plogging.The word plogging is the Swedish phrase plocka upp( pick up) and the English word Jogging(running slowly)put together.What a plogger needs is a rubbish bag and a pair of gloves to protect your hands. While collecting rubbish, ploggers learn to classify (分类)and deal with it correctly, too.Plogging seems simple but it does a lot of good to both the environment and your health. It can not only make the world greener, but also get you full body exercise, For example, a 30-minute logging burns around 288 calories(卡路里), compared to 235 calories burned from just jogging.So next time you go out jogging, why not carry a rubbish bag and collect some litter along the way? Your body and the environment will thank you.Lets go _!The latest popular sport!Just need _ and a pair of gloves!Correctly classify and _ the rubbish!Its simple but helpful to _ and your body!Make the world _ and yourself a lot healthier! Join us now! The world says THANK YOU!四、 单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)根据下列句子所给首字母或汉语注释以及上下文,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。(1)Usually the lion is thought to be the s_of courage.(2)Thats too bad! The door is l_with my key inside.(3)I dont think white _(适合) me. Actually, dark colours make me look slim.(4)To our joy, the problem was _(成功) solved at last.(5)He is so weak that he has some difficulty _(控制) himself when walking.(6) Can you help me with my English? Sure. Please come to me _you need help.(7) What did your father say about your travel plan? Nothing. He just listened in _.(8) What are going to do for the winter holiday? Were going away to Thailand or _warm. It just depends.(9) Hey, Jane! Why do you get up so early? Id better leave early to avoid the _hour traffic.(10) Mr Li is already in his thirties. But hes still _. Thats his way of life. For him, work comes first.五、 语法填空(每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)We meet four _(child) in Look, Listen, and Learn. 六、 书面表达(15分) (共1题;共15分)9. (15分)Suppose(假设) You are Li Qianghua. Summer is coming. You are going to take part in the activities of an international summer camp. Every member of the camp will introduce himself/herself to other members on the first day. Write an introduction of yourself in no more than 120 words according to the following points.Where are you from?Which grade are you in?What kind of English textbook is used in your school?What do you think of the textbook and why?Why are you in the summer camp?What do you like and why?What is your dream?How can you achieve it?The beginning is ready. Im Li Qianghua.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解(前两篇每小题1分,后两篇每小题2分,共26分) (共4题;共26分)2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、3-2、3-3、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 任务型阅读(每小题1分,共4分) (共1题;共4分)6-1、四、 单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、7-6、7-7、7-8、7-9、7-10、五、 语法填空(每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)8-1、六、 书面表达(15分) (共1题;共15分)9-1、

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