上海新世纪版九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷

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上海新世纪版九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Do you like watching TV at home on weekends? I like going out for some fresh air.A . No problemB . Not reallyC . I think soD . Its up to you2. (2分)Its too cold today.Yes, why dont you _ your coat?A . get onB . put upC . take offD . put on3. (2分)Its cold outside. Please _ your sweater if you leave. A . wearB . take offC . put onD . dress4. (2分)It is _ to push _ people in British. A . polite; pastB . impolite; passC . polite; passD . impolite; past5. (2分)The car is five years old but is in almost _ condition. A . poorB . perfectC . seriousD . typical6. (2分)Im still busy today like any other _ of this month. A . daysB . dayC . weeksD . week7. (2分)- I just came back from Shanghai Disneyland. Can you guess ?- Ive no idea. But it cant be cheap. Ive heard everything is very expensive there.A . how I came back homeB . how many days I stayed thereC . how much I paid for the Mickey Mouse toy8. (2分)The less junk food you eat, you will be. A . the healthierB . healthierC . more healthyD . less healthy9. (2分)Mr. Smith, together with his two sons,_Shanghai for about five months. A . has leftB . has been away fromC . have leftD . have been away from10. (2分)It is selfless _ the doctor to devote all the time he had _ for the patients.I think so, they are so great.A . for; to careB . of; to careC . of; to caringD . for; to caring11. (2分)Can you play the guitar?Sorry. _ I can sing some English songs.A . AndB . ButC . OrD . For12. (2分)Go _ the street and turn right _ the first crossing.A . with, atB . along, onC . along, atD . with, on13. (2分)Childrens Day is coming. Look! _ little children are practising dancing in _hot weather carefully for the performance.A . such , suchB . so , suchC . so , soD . such , so14. (2分)They _ at the bottom of the bottle yesterday.A . see strange somethingB . seeing strange anythingC . saw something strangeD . to see anything strange15. (2分)I am sorry, Wilson. I lost your pencil._. I have plenty of pencils.A . Thats OKB . Thats rightC . You cant say sorryD . Youre welcome二、 完型填空 (共2题;共25分)16. (15分)完形填空It was on such a cold morning, near Oxford Maryland. 1 I looked out of the window, I found the nights snow had painted a completely white world. Suddenly a large Canada goose came into my sight. It was standing very still with2 wings folded to its sides. Its feet were frozen to the ice of the river and it couldnt move.Then from the dark sky, I saw a line of swans moving freely. When they noticed the goose, they landed on the ice as 3 as possible. As the4 came close to the goose, I was5 that those great swan bills might hurt the gooses body.Amazingly instead, those bills began to6 on the ice. It went on for7 an hour. In the end, the goose was free. The swans rose again, and circled in the sky, waiting to see the8 of their work.However, the goose was still standing on the ice and9 fly because of some ice held in its feathers. Then four of the swans watching in the sky came down to help it move the 10away. Luckily, the goose was 11 and could move again.When the goose spread its wings to their fullest, the four swans flew up into the sky and joined the circling group. They went on their journey to their secret land. Behind them, the goose was flying with joy. It12 them and joined the last end of the line.I 13them until they disappeared over the tips of the farthest trees. Only then did I realize that tears were running14 my face. The swans were so warm-hearted that they15the goose.This is a true story. I always think of it in the bad moments, and tell myself, “If so for birds, why not for man?” (1)A . When B . Before C . Until D . If (2)A . his B . its C . her D . your (3)A . loudly B . slowly C . quickly D . easily (4)A . butterflies B . swans C . birds D . bees (5)A . sorry B . glad C . afraid D . surprised (6)A . drink B . eat C . dance D . work (7)A . almost B . already C . really D . always (8)A . Reason B . skill C . result D . Plan (9)A . mustnt B . couldnt C . shouldnt D . neednt (10)A . water B . feather C . Ice D . tear (11)A . free B . busy C . sad D . tired (12)A . guided B . stopped C . killed D . followed (13)A . heard B . watched C . tasted D . read (14)A . down B . up C . away D . out (15)A . handed out B . gave out C . helped out D . took out 17. (10分) Zhang Jin was so lucky to have a free trip to Thailand. But he didnt 1to have a dangerous experience. The next day, when Zhang Jin arrived in Bangkok (曼谷), he was shocked to find himself in a city2with street battles (战斗) between two groups. One group was supporting the Thai government while the other was 3it and had street battles with the4 . Two people were killed and hundreds injured. Because of it, 240,000 foreign tourists, including over 3,000 Chinese people like Zhang, failed to leave and had to5in the country.We were 6 on the streets. But we felt at home with other Chinese from HongKong or Taiwan, said Zhang. 7, the Chinese government sent flights to bring the people back. Now, all the Chinese tourists are safely back home. The moment the plane left Thailand, we cheered for joy, said Zhang.Last week the street battles finished.8, the countrys tourism industry(旅游业)needs9to return to normal. Tourism is the10 part of the countrys economy (经济), Thailand is called Land of Smiles and has some of Asias best beaches. It has made ¥17 billion from 15.5 million tourists this year. (1)A . like B . believe C . expect D . refuse (2)A . filled B . begun C . covered D . ended (3)A . for B . with C . at D . against (4)A . police B . students C . workers D . teachers (5)A . leave B . stay C . live D . sleep (6)A . happy B . sorry C . sad D . nervous (7)A . Badly B . Luckily C . Mostly D . Suddenly (8)A . But B . However C . Though D . So (9)A . time B . people C . money D . rest (10)A . highest B . smallest C . biggest D . lowest 三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)配对阅读。从下面方框中选择适当的句子,将对话补充完整,其中有两项是多余的。 A: Hey, Susan!B: _.A: Is my computer game on the table?B:No, it isnt. Its on the bookcase.A: Oh, OK. _Are they on the bookcase, too?B: _Theyre on the chair.A: Oh. So, where is my pencil box?B: _.A: And wheres my schoolbag? B: Its under the under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.A: Oh, OK. And where are Moms keys?B: _.A. Its under the sofa.B. No, they arent.C. The keys? Theyre on the table.D. No, it isnt.E. What about my books?F. Yes?G. Theyre under the sofa.四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共5题;共37分)19. (6分)阅读理解 Well, its time for WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. Today we have some expressions offered by Francisco Carlos, a listener in Brazil.The first is face the music. One story says the expression began in the theater. New actors, shaking with fear, were told that their only way out was to go out and face the music. The music was played by the musicians seated in front of the stage.A similar expression is face up to. It means to accept something difficult or painful. For example, a man must face up to the fact that he lied about a business deal and will lose his job.A child was told off by his mother at home because of his bad grades in study, but he put a good face on it before his friends.Meeting someone face-to-face can be exciting, especially if the other person is famous. It is an expression one might use after visiting the White House and meeting the president face to face. Or a teacher might ask for a face to-face meeting with the parents of a student in trouble.Almost 500 years ago, William Shakespeare also used some words about music in his play Two Gentlemen of Verona. Valentine secretly loves Lady Sylvia. His servant jokes that Valentines love for her is as hard to see as the nose on a mans face, thus creating another expression: as plain as the nose on your face. Of course, a mans nose cant be hidden.(1)When you have done something wrong, dont .A . face the musicB . face up to itC . put a good face on itD . do it face-to face(2)The underlined phrase as plain as the nose on your face in the last paragraph means something that .A . is hard to seeB . can be coveredC . is very dearD . can be funny(3)The passage is probably taken from a . A . radio programB . TV talk showC . public speechD . personal letter20. (8分)阅读理解In recent years, there have been many breakthroughs in the AI (人工智能) field. Here, let us see four of the most interesting developments in AI in 2017.Magic RadioWant a friend that you can talk to anytime? Then you might like Magic Radio from Microsoft. Magic Radio features a cool cartoon figure. You can talk to it about anything. There is also an app for Magic Radio. With it, you can decorate the cartoon figure and even send it a gift online. Parents can also use the app to talk to their children. Magic Radio also records your life and analyzes(分析) your behavior. This way, it is easy for parents to know what youre doing when theyre not around.Sophia, RobotSophia is the first robot in the world to get citizenship(公民身份) in Saudi Arabia. In 2015, a US company built Sophia. She looks and acts like a human woman. She can talk to people naturally. She even has her own body language. For example, she may blink her eyes when she is talking about something funny. She also has the ability to learn from people, books and the Internet. Sophia was designed to have her values. Dont worry, if youre nice to me, Ill be nice to you.Samsungs BixbyLike the voice recognition (识别) system, Siri on iPhones, Samsung has a similar system called Bixby. Experts said that it is smarter than any other similar system. If you once asked it to complete a certain task, it will remember that task the next time you talk to it. For example, you might like to listen to certain music while youre baking a cake. Next time when you tell Bixby I want to make a cake, it will show you how to make a cake and play music for you automatically.AlphaGo ZeroAlphaGo is an AI program that plays the board game GO( ). Google Company has created a new version of the AI program called AlphaGo Zero. The new AI program is unique in the way it learned to play Go. AlphaGo Zero mastered Go in just two days without any human knowledge of the game. On the third day, it beat AlphaGo by 100 games to zero, becoming the best Go player on the planet.(1)Which of the following developments can help parents learn about their children? A . Magic RadioB . Robot SophiaC . Samsungs BixbyD . AlphaGo Zero(2)What is the most amazing development from AlphaGo to AlphaGo Zero? A . It can record other players life and analyzes their behavior.B . It can remember all the tasks it has done and show you again.C . It has the ability to learn from people, books and the Internet.D . It has very strong learning ability and masters Go in two days.(3)What can you read about Samsungs Bixby? A . Samsungs Bixby is more practical and enjoyable.B . Samsungs Bixby can talk in the way Sophia does.C . Samsungs Bixby has a smarter voice recognition system.D . Samsungs Bixby is better than new version AlphaGo Zero.(4)Which of the following can be the best title? A . AlphaGo Zero VS AlphaGoB . Samsungs Bixby VS Siri On IphoneC . Breakthroughs in the AI FieldD . Welcome to the AI Field21. (8分)阅读下面短文,然后从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。CLearn English speaking FREE with TalkEnglish.com. Our goal is to help you learn English speaking so you can speak English fluently. Improve your spoken English free!Steps to learn English.To become a fluent English speaker, you must study and master reading, listening, and speaking. At TalkEnglish.com, the lessons are structured(打造) to give you practice in all three areas at the same time.Reading Step 1: IdentifySpeaking English Fluency Step 2: UnderstandListening Step 3: IntegrateA complete and effective solution to Learn English speaking.TalkEnglish.com developed the Click, Listen, and Repeat functionality(功能). In most of the lessons, you read the sentence, click on the sentence to listen to the sentence, and then you can practice speaking by repeating after the audio file(音频文件) provided by a native English speaker. This method improves your reading, speaking, and listening all at the same time and makes learning English easy. You will improve your English speaking using this method.(1)Whats the goal of the TalkEnglish.com ?A . To help people learn English speaking.B . To make a lot of money.C . To tell people three steps to learn English.D . To tell people the importance of English.(2)Which three areas are structured to give learners practice at the same time?A . 激动的B . 流利的C . 容易的D . 幽默的(3)Which of the following is NOT true?A . TalkEnglish.com is a website for learning English.B . The audio file can make learning English very easy.C . Anyone can master English on TalkEnglish.com.D . You can click on the sentence to listen to the sentence.(4)The passage may be from a(n) _.A . textB . magazineC . adD . travel guide22. (10分) This is No. 12 High School. My friend Dongdong is in this school. Dongdong has short hair, a big nose, a small mouth and big eyes. He is thirteen. He is in Class Two, Grade Seven. Hes a good student. He has two good friends in his school. They are Jim and Jack. Theyre brothers(兄弟). They are fourteen. They have small noses, small eyes, but theyre very tall(高的). Jim, Jack and Dongdong are in the same class. Mr. Lee is their(他们的)teacher. They are good friends.(1)Dongdong is in .A . No. 2 High School.B . Class 7, Grade 2C . Class 2, Grade 7D . Class 2, Grade 8(2)How old is Dongdong? He is .A . fourteenB . thirteenC . twelveD . eleven(3)Mr. Lee is .A . Jacks brotherB . Dongdongs brotherC . Dongdongs teacherD . Jins brother(4)Jim, Jack and Dongdong are in school.A . sameB . someC . differentD . the same(5)Who has big eyes?A . JimB . Dongdong.C . Mr. Lee.D . Jack.23. (5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内的7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。 Mary: Hey, Alexis, I am glad you came over to my house to study for our coming Math exam. _I have gone over all my notes, but I am still not confident enough.Alexis: Yes, this test is going to be hard. _But I havent had time to study the notes yet. Lets do a review together, starting from Chapter One (第一章). OK?Mary: _Lets do it!Alexis: Well, do you remember what content (内容) was covered in the first chapter?Mary: Yes, I think I do. The first chapter is about the quadratic function (二次函数). Is that right?Alexis: Yes! You got it! Good job! _Can you finish it in five minutes?Mary: I dont know, Alexis! I am not good at writing quickly. I always have difficulties putting my thoughts on paper. Ive worked hard to improve my math skills, but I still have a long way to go.Alexis: I do not think that is your problem. _Things can get worse when you start to feel nervous.Mary: Thanks for your advice. When we are done with this, I will test you on Chapter Two.Alexis: Okay!A. But you seem to be well-prepared.B. That sounds like a good idea.C. Find a balance between work and rest.D. Im afraid you have to give it up.E. Try to relax and take it easy.F. Here is a Math exercise for you.G. The test seems to be very difficult.五、 单词拼写 (共5题;共15分)24. (1分)It is a great idea to _not only joy but also sadness with friends. 25. (1分)Surprisingly, my _ (祖父母)birthdays are on the same day. 26. (2分)I_(握手)with Jack when we met for the first time27. (1分)What do you think of the new n_(小说) written by Mo Yan? 28. (10分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。My grandfather likes to water the f_ in the garden on weekends.The boy is too young. So dont leave him a_ at home.If I dont help my mom do some h_ on weekends, my mother will be very angry with me.Last night I didnt go to bed u_ the TV program was over.Last Sunday I w_ a letter to my father.I need to look smart for my job i_.He f_ his test last week. He should study hard.He m_ his teacher in the street yesterday.When the little girl saw the big tiger, she felt very s_.Last week, I p_ 500 yuan for my new bike.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)书面表达学校在评选“朝晖之星”,初一年级的候选人是李薇,请你根据下面的简历写一篇50单词的短文介绍她,并根据你对她的了解适当补充其他方面的情况。Name: Li WeiAge: 13 Sex: girlBirthday: September 25thClass : Five Grade: SevenFavorite subjects: science (difficult, interesting)music (fun, relaxing)Talents(才艺): sing and danceOthers: The Star of Zhaohui Middle School第 25 页 共 25 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完型填空 (共2题;共25分)16-1、17-1、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)18-1、四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共5题;共37分)19-1、19-2、19-3、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、五、 单词拼写 (共5题;共15分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、


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