三年级下册 Unit4 Where is my car课件ppt

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,desk,A: Where is my book? B: Its on the desk,1:Where is my book?,Its on the desk.,2:Where is my ruler?,Its in the desk.,3:Where is my pen?,Its under the desk.,Where, where, Wheres my ruler? In ,in , In your desk.,Where ,where, Wheres my book? On ,on, On your desk.,Where ,where, Wheres my pen? Under ,under, Under your desk.,on: 在上面 in: 在里面 under: 在下面,Where?,Where is Zhang Pengs pencil box?,Its Zhang Pengs desk.,in,Where is Zhang Pengs pencil?,Read the dialogue.初读课文,回答问题.,Its Zhang Pengs .,under,book,Lets go home!,OK! Uh-oh! Where is my pencil box?,Look ! Its in your desk.,Oh ,yes!,And your pencil! Its under your book!,Silly me! Thanks!,1,Goodbye!,Unit4 Where is my car? Section A Lets learn,看谁说得多,box,ruler,bag,pencil,chair,desk,chair,on,in,under,Summing up,in the box,Where is the monkey ? Its .,Unit4 Where is my car? Section A Lets learn,看谁说得多,box,ruler,bag,pencil,chair,desk,日期/时间,页脚,desk,日期/时间,页脚,chair,on,in,under,Summing up,in the box,Where is the monkey ? Its .,on,Where is the monkey ?,Its _ the desk .,Where is the monkey ?,Its _ the chair .,under,Its on the desk.,desk,desk,Where is the ruler?,Its under the chair.,chair,Where is the pencil?,Where is the car?,Its in the box.,where is the ?,car,its the .,on,chair,where is the bike ?,It s the .,under,desk,Where is the ?,Its the .,ruler,under,in,desk,desk,on,chair,日期/时间,页脚,A: Where is the? B: Its in/on/under the desk.,日期/时间,页脚,A: Look at the pen/pensile Its on/under the chair.,on,in,under,on,Good Bye!,on,Where is the monkey ?,Its _ the desk .,Where is the monkey ?,Its _ the chair .,under,Its on the desk.,desk,desk,Where is the ruler?,Its under the chair.,chair,Where is the pencil?,Where is the car?,Its in the box.,where is the ?,car,its the .,on,chair,where is the bike ?,It s the .,under,desk,Where is the ?,Its the .,ruler,under,in,desk,desk,on,chair,日期/时间,页脚,A: Where is the? B: Its in/on/under the desk.,日期/时间,页脚,A: Look at the pen/pensile Its on/under the chair.,on,in,under,on,Good Bye!,Unit4 Where is my car? A Lets spell,看谁说得多,看谁说得多,看谁说得多,看谁说得多,Lets spell,d-o-g, dog,/,Lets spell,b-o-x, box,/,Lets spell,o-r-a-n-g-e, orange,/,Lets spell,b-o-d-y, body,/,Lets spell,闭音节:以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。在重读的闭音节中元音字母读作短元音,因此字母Oo的闭音节单词中的发音为/。,摘苹果,go,no,nose,orange,body,dog,box,Lets chant,Oo, Oo, /,a dog, A dog in the box. Oo, Oo, /,a doll, A doll on the box. Oo, Oo, /,an orange, An orange under the box.,AEIO,bag,bed,pig,dog box orange body,活学活用,fog,hop,hot,lot,mop,not,cot,cob,cock,god,ox,pot,当堂检测,.Fill in the blanks according to the pictures.,d_g _range b_dy d_ll,当堂检测,. Put the following words in the correct group. (hand, red, cat, box, leg, big, six, doll) (1)bag, dad, panda, _,_ (2)pen, ten, seven, _,_ (3)milk, pig, gift, _,_ (4)orange, dog, body, _,_,Summing up,dog box orange body,Goodbye,Unit 4 Where is My car?,Part B,on 在.上 in 在.里 under 在.下面,Lets play,冰山一角,游戏规则:根据看到的物体一部分进行猜测。,冰山一角,car,冰山一角,boat,冰山一角,map,冰山一角,cap,冰山一角,ball,basketball,football,ping-pong ball,volleyball,Where is the ball?,Its under the chair.,Where is the ball?,Its in the toy box.,(玩具盒子),toy box,toy,?,Mike: I am a boy. I have many toys .,Mike: I have,a ball,a toy boat,a toy plane,a toy car .,Oh! Where is my car ?,( 玩具),and,What is this?,car,ball,boat,car,Where is the toy box?,Its on the desk.,The cap is on the desk, too.,Whats that under the boat?在小船下面的是什么呢?,map,Missing game,toy,car,cap,box,desk,chair,ball,car,cap,ball,boat,找朋友,椅子chair 桌子desk 帽子cap 球ball 盒子box 玩具toy 玩具箱子toy box 小汽车car 小船boat 地图map,Bounce a ball,Row a boat,Drive a car,Put on a cap,Read a map,Unit4 Where is my car? B Lets talk,M: Is it in your toy box?,No, it isnt.,M: Is it under the desk?,Yes, it is.,A: Where is my ? B: Is it ? A: Yes, it is./No, it isnt.,Lets play(Pair work),游戏说明:一学生把自己的学习用品藏起来,另一学生猜。,Do you have a good time? 玩得还愉快吗? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,Have a good time! 玩得愉快啊!,Bye-bye !,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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