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译林牛津版中考一模英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Everybody has his own hero in mind and is always trying to copy his behaviors in life. As for_, my grandfather is just that man. My grandfather had a small farm. He also worked in a _.One autumn, most of the farmers in the village were all_, so he promised to help his neighbor harvest the corn as he often did._, after harvesting his own corn, Grandpas little corn machine broke.What was_, the factory where Grandpa worked made the workers have extra work. He had to leave the farm_and didnt get back until very late. It now seemed_to help out his neighbor because he really had no free time.One night, Grandpa_that he wouldnt let his neighbors harvest rot* in the field._a machine, hed harvest it by hand.“I dont think youd have time to do it,” said my grandma.“Besides,it would be too dark to do_at night.”“I know of one night that I could do it!” he_.“Theres still one more full moon in October._the weather is clear, I think I can do it.”A few days later, after a long shift* at the factory, my grandpa went to the _.The weather was cold but clear. He cut all the corn through the night to keep his word.Sometimes, when I want to_responsibilities*, Id see my grandfather_corn in the light of the harvest moon. Behind him, row after row of corn stocks* stand at attention in respect for a man who keeps his word.1 . AIBmyCmeDmine2 . AschoolBfactoryCshopDcinema3 . AhappyBfreeCbusyDnervous4 . ASometimesBHoweverCLuckilyDUsually5 . AworseBbetterCmoreDless6 . AearlyBslowlyCquietlyDlater7 . ArelaxingBimpossibleCinterestingDdangerous8 . AwonderedBlearnedCthoughtDguessed9 . AInBWithCThroughDWithout10 . AanythingBsomethingCnothingDeverything11 . AlivedBrefusedCexplainedDrealised12 . AIfBThoughCBeforeDAfter13 . AfactoryBfieldCriverDhouse14 . Awake upBlook upCgive upDget up15 . AeatingBgrowingCpullingDcutting二、阅读单选BMo YanA 62-year-old writer, born in Weifang.He is the first Chinese who won the Nobel Prize for literature. ZhengShuangBorn in 1991, Shenyang, Liaoning, a famous actress.Kobe BryantFamous basketball player. Born in the USA.1.98 meters tall.16 . Where is Mo Yan from?.AShandong.BLiaoning.CHunan.17 . How old is ZhengShuang?.A21B26C3618 . What does ZhengShuang do?.AA writer.BAn actress.CA basketball player.19 . What kind of Nobel Prize did Mo Yan receive?ALiterature.BPhysiology.CMedicine.20 . Kobe Bryant is good at_.Asinging.Bdancing.Cplaying basketball.There was an old man who had four sons. One day, he sent them each to go and look at the pear tree that was far away.The first son went in winter,the second in spring,the third in summer,and the youngest son in autumn. When they all came back home,the father let them talk about what they had seen.The first son said that the tree was ugly. The second son said that it was covered with green buds. The third son didnt agree. He said it was full of beautiful flowers. The youngest son said it was full of fruit.Then the man said to his sons that they were all wrong, because they each had seen just one season in the trees life. He told them not to judge(评判)a tree by only one season. The sadness,happiness and love that come from ones life can only be measured(衡量) in the end(最后).21 . The youngest son left for the pear tree in .AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter22 . What did the second son see?AThe tree was full of fruit.BThe tree was ugly.CThe tree was full of flowers.DThe tree was full of green buds.23 . The old man said that they were all wrong because they .Ahad different ideasBeach had seen just one season in the trees lifeCwere too young to understandDwent there too early24 . What did the old man want to tell his sons?ADont judge things by only one side.BDont speak early.CThey should have more ideas.DThey should watch carefully.Im confused these days. We are taught at home and at school that using violence(暴力) is the least civilized(文明的) way to solve problems. For example, last week I thought about hitting my friend for winning a beautiful shell while we were playing at the beach. I talked with him instead and we came to an agreement. If two adults had a disagreement, and if they used violence towards each other in order to win, is it all right?When two countries disagree, they often fight a war. Why is using violence not okay at home, at school, or in your country but okay between countries? So many people have been killed because of wars, not only soldiers but ordinary people, even small children and babies. And refugees(难民) exist, too.A war is a great violence, like two people fighting over a shell, just much bigger. Adults say they are fighting wars in order to solve problems and make peace. But can you really “make peace” by killing so many people? I dont think bombs(炸弹) can reach peoples hearts and change them. Bombs cant create love and caring, and thats what we need in the world. Why do adults use violence so quickly? Why cant they use their wisdom(智慧) and talk it over?Adults might say that things are not that easy. But they are the ones that teach us to be kind, not to hurt people, and not to kill. Why dont they act as what they say?-A page from a 12-year-old boy, Joshuas diary.25 . At the beach, Joshua .Ahit his friendBwon a beautiful shellCplayed with a beautiful shellDcame to an agreement with his friend26 . Whats the key to peace in Joshuas opinion?ALove and care for each otherBDont use violence so quicklyCStop using bombs in warsDDont hurt or kill people in wars27 . What does the sentence “Bombs cant create love and caring ,and thats what we need in the world.” mean?AWe need to use violence to solve problemsBWhat we need is bombsCWe need bombs to create love and caringDWhat we need in the world is love and caring28 . From the reading we can see Joshua wants adults to .Alearn from childrenBbe childrens modelsCbe kind to childrenDteach children how to solve problems29 . Choose the best title(标题) for the passage.AAdults and WarsBHow to Stop WarsCWars Cant Make PeaceDWays of Solving ProblemsMany people believe the glare(炫目的光) from snow causes snow-blindness. Yet, with dark glasses or not, they may have headaches and watering eyes, and even snow-blindness after several hours of snow light. The United States army has now found out that glare from snow does not cause snow-blindness in army in a snow-covered country. Rather, a mans eyes often find nothing to focus on(聚集) in a broad space of snow-covered area. So his long fixed look continually moves and jumps backward and forward over the whole landscape in search of something to look at. Finding something, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become tired and the eye muscles(肌肉) ache. As tears continued increasing, they make eyes difficult to see clearly, and the result is total, even though for a short time, snow-blindness. Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming(克服) this problem. Scouts(侦察兵) ahead of the army are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark-colored objects ahead on which they can focus too. The men flowing can then see something. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop searching the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a continuous white land is overcome.30 . What is the first paragraph mainly about?AThe whiteness from snow.BSnow light and snow blindness.CThe need for dark glasses.DHeadaches and watering eyes.31 . Snow-blindness can be avoided _.Aby covering the eyeballs with more and more tearsBby walking ahead and keep looking aroundCby making up for the discomfort of ones eyesDby providing the eyes with something to focus on32 . What is the best title for this passage?ASnow-blindness: what it is and whom it influenceBSnow-blindness: what it is and how nature helpsCSnow-blindness: how it forms and how to solve itDSnow-blindness: how it forms and whom it hurts33 . Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?ASolving the problem of snow-blindness is important in army.BSnow-blindness was once a big problem but could be cured easily.CThe glare from snow is considered as the main cause of snow-blindness.DArmies around the world pay attention to the problems of snow-blindness.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。34 . Dont _(触摸)the robot, boys and girls.35 . Its _ (可能的)for him to pass this math exam.36 . In most countries, people usually eat _ (传统的)food on special holidays.37 . The more careful you are, the _ (少的)mistakes youll make.38 . Some resolutions are about physical _ (健康).39 . Look! They are _ (挖)some holes to plant some trees on the mountain.40 . The environment will be in great _ (危险).41 . Please look after _ (你们自己)when you are out, children.42 . Many foreign _ (旅行者)come to China every year.43 . The book _ (掉落)from the table to the floor just now.四、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。请将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置。We know that many animals do not stay in one place. Birds, fish and other animals move from one place 44 . another at a certain time. They move for different reasons: most of them move to find food 45 . (much) easily, but others move to get away from places that 46 . (be) too crowded.When cold weather 47 . (come), many birds move to warmer places to find food. Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed. The most famous migration(迁徙)is 48 . (probable) the migration of fish, which is called salmon. This fish is born in fresh water but it travels many miles to salt water. There it spends its life. When it is old, it returns to its birthplace in fresh water. Then it gives birth and dies. In northern Europe, there is a kind of mouse. They leave 49 . (they) mountain homes when they become too crowded. They move down to the low land. Sometimes they move all the way to the seaside, and many of them are 50 . (kill) when they fall into the sea.Recently, scientists have studied the migration of a kind of lobster(龙虾). Every year, when the season of the bad weather arrives, the lobsters get into a long line and start to walk across the floor of the ocean. Nobody knows why they do this, and nobody knows 51 . they go.So, sometimes we know why humans and animals move from one place to another, 52 . at other times we dont. Maybe 53 . (live) things just like to travel.五、信息匹配配对阅读左栏是五个人在生活中遇见的问题,右栏是七条建议。请为每个人匹配的建议,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。66.54 . Jasons parents are away on business. He has to stay at home after school by himself. Hes not good at planning the time, so he was late for school yesterday.67.55 . Carol, a busy engineer, prefers junk food to healthy food. As a result, she gets a stomachache and has to take some medicine.68.56 . When Matt does his homework, he always has a bored expression on his face. Without his parents help, he cant finish his homework.69.57 . Olivia feels a bit down because she has a weight problem. Her classmates often laugh at her. She makes up her mind to lose weight, but she doesnt know the correct way.70.58 . Derek is going to study abroad next year. However, he is not good at doing even simple housework like washing the dishes or cooking a meal. His parents always do everything for him.ARome wasnt built in a day. You can keep your weight down by constant(持续不断的) exercise. Also, you should pay attention to the food you eat. Why not try a low-fat diet? BYou need to take good care of yourself when you are ill. Take medicine on time after seeing a doctor and have enough sleep. Good sleep is important to your health.CIt is bad manners to be late for school. You teachers may be angry with you and you will leave bad impression on others. Why not set an alarm clock before going to sleep to prevent you from getting up late?DHealth is better than wealth. You need to change your eating habits and choose a healthy diet. Please stay away from unhealthy food and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.EYou should know its good for you to learn by yourself. If you have any question about your study, you can ask for help. But you shouldnt depend on others all the time.FSafety is very important, especially when you live alone. You should learn how to protect yourself when you stay alone. Call for help if you are in trouble.GIts a good idea to help with the housework in your spare time. Learning to do some simple housework will be helpful when you live alone in the future.六、书信作文59 . 三年初中学习生活即将结束,同学们在毕业纪念册上互赠留言。假如你Li Hua,曾在英语学习方面遇到困难,是外籍交换生Sam同学主动关心、帮助你,使你走出困境。临近毕业,你想对他表示感谢。请根据下表中的内容和要求,在Sam的毕业纪念册上用英语一段留言。内容1.英语学习方面遇到的困难2.Sam对你的帮助和建议多听多读多看英语电影、多唱英语歌曲(自由发挥,至少一条)3.你的收获和感受要求1.不得出现真实的校名和人名2.80词左右(开头和结尾已经写出,不计入总词数)Dear Sam,How time flies! Its time for us to say goodbye.Thank you for all your help. And best wishes for you!Yours LiHua第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、语法填空1、五、信息匹配1、六、书信作文1、

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