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译林牛津版中考一模英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Im sorry, Ive forgotten to return your notebook on time._.AAll rightBThats all rightCMy pleasureDCertainly not2 . Why do you want to see the lions?Because theyre _ cute.AnotBnoClittleDkind of3 . It is not polite _ in public places.AsmokesBto smokeCsmokedDsmoking4 . Could you please tell me _ tomorrow?At 8:00 in the morning.Ahow she drives to workBwhen she will leave for BeijingChow long she waited for usDwhat she will do next5 . Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it by yourself?Aask; writeBto ask; writingCask; writingDasking; write6 . Jack and Rose saw _ exciting film last Sunday. _ film is called Titanic.Aa; ABan; TheCthe; AD/; The7 . Is Mary Mikes sister?No, she isnt. She is Mikes. They are in the same class.AstudentBclassmateCteacherDmom8 . Lily has _ homework and she really doesnt know _ first.Amuch too; what to doBtoo much; to do whatCmuch too; to do whatDtoo much; what to do9 . The food looks _, but it tastes _.Awell, badlyBgood, badCgood, badlyDwell, bad10 . Drivers _ drive after drinking. Its against the law(法律).AcantBmustntCneedntDdont have to二、完型填空During his college years, Sherman Rogers spent a summer in logging(伐木) camp. When the boss had to leave for_days, he put Rogers in charge(掌管).“What shall I do if the men_to follow my orders?” Rogers asked. He thought of Tony, a worker who complained all day, gave the other men a_time.“Fire(解雇) them,” the boss said. Then, as if reading Rogers mind, he added, “I suppose you are going to fire Tony if you get the_Id feel badly about that. I have been logging for 40 years. Tony is one of the best workers Ive ever had. I know he hates everybody and_But he comes in first and leaves last. There has not been an_for eight years on the hill where he works.”The next day, Rogers went to Tony, “Tony, do you know Im in charge here today?” Tony said yes. “I was going to fire you the first time we quarreled,_I want you to know Im not,” he told Tony, adding_the boss had said.When he finished, Tony dropped the things in his hand and tears went down his_“Why didnt he tell me that eight years_?”That day Tony worked_than ever before and he smiled!Rogers went back to_after that summer. Twelve years later he met Tony again who was now boss for one of the largest logging companies in the West. Rogers asked him how he came to California and happened to be so_Tony replied, “Were it not for the one minute you talk to me back that day, I would kill somebody some day. One minute_my whole life.”Have you got one minute to thank someone? One minute to appreciate(欣赏) her or him? One minute. It can make a_for a lifetime.11 . AfewBa fewClittleDa little12 . AdecideBrefuseCwantDask13 . AgoodBrelaxingCpleasantDhard14 . AwayBsuggestionCchanceDproblem15 . AsomethingBnothingCeverythingDnobody16 . AadvertisementBactionCideaDaccident17 . AandBbutCsoDbecause18 . AwhatBwhyChowDwhen19 . AheadBhairCfaceDhands20 . AbeforeBlaterColdDago21 . AharderBlessClazierDslower22 . AschoolBbankChospitalDhotel23 . AhealthyBfriendlyCsuccessfulDcareful24 . AwaitedBchangedCleftDsent25 . AspeechBmistakeCdecisionDdifference三、阅读单选It is Sunday morning.Sam wants to visit his friend.On his way to his friends home.he is very tired.So he stops his car and wants to take a nap(打盹).A man walks to Sams car and knocks(敲)on the window.Excuse me.sir. he asks.what time is it now?Sam doesnt have a watch.He looks at the clock of his car and says.”8:15”. The man says, Thanks.After a short time,another man knocks on his window.Sorry,sir.but do you have the time?8:25”.Sam say says and he is a little angry(生气的). The man thanks him,too.“I really want to take a nap. Sam thinks.Then he takes out a pen and writesI dont know the time.”on the paper.And he posts(张贴)it on the window. But soon another man sees it and knocks on the window.”Sir.sir? Its 8:45 now.”26 . Sam wants to visit his _ on Sunday morning.AcousinBteacherCfriendDclassmate27 . What doesnt Sam have?AA car.BA pen.CA piece of paper.DA watch.28 . The second man knocks on the window at_.A8:00B8:15C8:25D8:4529 . Where does Sam post the paper?AIn the car.BOn the window.CNext to the pen.DOn the watch.30 . From the story. we know_.ASam gets to his friends home.BSam doesnt tell anyone the time.Cthree men want to know the time.DSam doesnt have a good rest(休息)that morning.Newtown Shopping CentreOpen hours: 8: 00 am 6:00 pm (Mon. Sat.) 8: 00 am 10:00 pm (Sun.)Discount(折扣): 5% for shoppers with membership cards (会员卡) in every shopChildren Centre can take care of (照顾) children for parents.Price:¥10 every child (Children over 8 are free.)Address:No. 115,Newtown Street, New Town (Between Happy Restaurant and Newtown Park)Bus:806, 203, 4531 . Newtown Shopping Centre is open for _ hours on Wednesdays.A9B10C11D1232 . We can shop in Newtown Shopping Centre at 8:00 pm on _.AMondaysBFridaysCSaturdaysDSundays33 . A dress is 300 yuan, and Mrs. White wants to buy it with a membership card. How much does she need to pay?A195yuan.B235yuan.C285yuan.D295yuan.34 . Mrs. White takes her 6yearold son and her 12yearold daughter to the Children Centre. She should pay_.A¥10B¥15C¥20D¥2535 . Which of the following is NOT true?AHappy Restaurant is next to Newtown Shopping Centre.BNewtown Shopping Centre is at No. 115, Newtown Street.CNewtown Shopping Centre is open for 15 hours on Sundays.DPeople can take the No. 45 bus to get to Newtown Shopping Centre.We can see many traffic signs, on both sides (边)of the roads or streets. Some tell the drivers what to do, and others tell them what not to do. The traffic signs are the traffic rules. All people must obey the rules.Each traffic sign has its meaning (意思). Do you see the sign P? Do you know its meaning?In big cities, there are a lot of cars and buses. They cant stop on the streets at any time. If a driver wants to stop his car, he must look for a place for his cara car stop. For a driver, how does he find a car stop? The traffic sign P can help him. P is the first letter of the word Park and its meaning is You can stop your car here! After the driver finds the car stop, he can park his car there. And then he can do other things.Its every important (重要的)to obey the traffic rules. If you live in the city and go to school by bike every day, you must be very careful or youll have an accident. You cant ride too fast and you cant let your classmate or friend sit behind you. You always have to stop at a stop sign.36 . We can see many traffic signs _.Ain the schoolBin the parkCin the hotelDon each side of the streets37 . Traffic signs tell us _.Awhat we can doBwhat we mustnt doCboth A and BDIts important to obey the traffic rules38 . The sign “P” means _.Aa driver mustnt stop his car hereBa driver can stop his car hereCa driver can do other thingsDa driver cant drive too fast39 . If a driver wants to stop his car, he must look for _ .Aa parkBa bus stationCa car stopDa supermarket40 . Whats the best title (标题)of the passage?ATraffic Signs and Traffic Rules.BDont Drive Too Fast.CTraffic Accidents.DParking Here.四、用单词的正确形式完成短文dig; plant; cut; blue; pollution; serious; wise; save; environment; realizedig; plant; cut; blue; pollution; serious; wise; save; environment; realizeAndy: Do you know what we will do during our class trip this weekend?Wendy: We will climb the hill and have a picnic. And, some trees will be _ at the foot of the hill.Andy: Yes. We have already prepared some young trees. I am so happy that I can do something to fight_ . And I am looking forward to _ in the ground with my new spade(铁锹).Wendy: Yes. The dirty air is a _ problem. With more trees, we will have a _ sky than before.Andy: Youve got the point. Its great that more and more people have _ how terrible the problem is. They are taking action to create a greener world. More people are taking part in _ the Earth.Wendy: Thats good news. It is _ of people to plant trees. Trees are important in a clean and green_ .Andy: But we are not doing enough. I hope fewer trees in the world are _ down.41 . _42 . _43 . _44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _50 . _五、回答问题The donkey is very tired. He works every day. “I dont want to carry heavy things. I want to be a musician(音乐家).Thats right. Im going to Bremen. I can play the guitar(吉他).” He leaves the town. On his way, he meets a dog. “Good morning. Why are you so sad?” “Im old, and I cant bar(叫)or scare(惊吓)a robber(盗贼).” “Go to Bremen with me. You can play the drum in the band.” “Sure.”On their way, they meet a cat. “Good afternoon. Why are you so sad?” “Im old. Im tired all the time.”“Why not go to Bremen with us? You can play the piano.” “Thats great.” Then they meet a rooster. He can sing in the band.In the evening, they see a light coming from a house. They look in and see the robbers. One of the robbers hears a noise(噪音)and comes out of the house. The dog bites(咬)his leg. The cat scratches(抓)his face. The donkey gives him a hard push(推). The rooster screams(尖叫). “Run! Run!” The other robbers are scared and run away.“The house is ours,” says the cat. “Lets play some music,” says the rooster. They have their first concert. Can you hear the music?Question 1-5:Answer the following questions according to the passage.(根据短文内容回答问题。)51 . What does the donkey want to be?_52 . Who does the donkey meet first?_53 . Why is the cat so sad?_54 . What do they find in the house?_55 . How many animals have their first concert?_There are24 solar terms (节气) in China, and the grain rain (谷雨) is one of them. It falls on April 20 this year.This solar term is called the grain rain because it is known for “rain” that helps the grain grow. From its name, we can guess it means a time of more rain. So if you go out in the next two weeks, you may need to bring an umbrella with you.But this is a great time for planting crops. If you miss the time for planting during the Grain Rain, you will feel sorry later. So maybe you can try to plant some flowers or vegetables in your garden. When the spring rain falls, farmers begin to grow crops (庄稼). Farmers often say Spring rain is as precious (珍贵的) as oil.” It brings farmers hope for a good year ahead.There are also many interesting customs during the Grain Rain. In the northern part of China, people like to eat Chinese toon (椿芽) mixed with eggs. The food made during the grain rain tastes wonderful and is good for your stomach. In the southern part of China, the tea leaves are picked during the time. They are called Grain Rain tea, which is famous for its freshness and sweet smell.56 . What does grain Rain mean?57 . How long does the Grain Rain last?58 . When do farmers begin to grow crops?59 . Whats the old saying about spring rain in this passage?60 . How do you like Grain Rain tea?六、多任务混合问题任务型阅读Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing. Three years ago, few people went swimming in the icy (冰冷的) water. But now there is a Winter-swimming Enthusiasts Club (冬泳爱好者协会) and it has more than 2,000 members. The oldest member is 84 years old and the youngest member is only 7. The members do different jobs at different places. They may be workers, farmers, teachers, students and so on.Though it is very cold in winter and the temperature of water in the lakes is around 0, many winter-swimmers still swim in the icy water. They enjoy themselves in the lakes when other people are wearing heavy clothes.Why are so many people interested in winter-swimming? Because winter-swimming can be good for their health. Mr. Chen is a good example. He is 69 years old, and he once had heart disease (心脏病) for 26 years._1_Scientists are now studying the effects (影响) of winter-swimming on health.1题判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);2题完成句子;3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下第一段的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。61 . In the Winter-swimming Enthusiasts Club, the oldest member is 84 years old. ( )62 . It is very cold in winter, but winter-swimmers enjoy _ in the icy water.63 . Why do so many people swim in the icy water?64 . _65 . _阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。Tanghulu, is fruit covered with sugar on a stick, a traditional snack from northern China. Its also a necessary snack during the Chinese New Year season. Recently, in northern China, people welcome the return of spring by holding the Tanghulu Fair.Many Chinese still remember eating Tanghulu when they were young. It is said that the fair has a 500-year-old history. Nowadays, Tanghulu is not only a kind of snack, it is also a sweet memory of our childhood. Every year, a large number of Tanghulu sellers get together to start delicious Tanghulu competition during the Spring Festival holidays. In the past, this traditional snack only used haws, but now it also uses grapes, oranges, strawberries and so on. But people like Haw Tanghulu best. They are rich in Vitamin C and E. Do you know how to make Haw Tanghulu? First, wash the large haws clean, dig the seeds out, and pierce ten haws on a stick. Then they heat the sugar, put the sticks of haws into heated and quickly pull them out. When the sugar on the haws cools down and become a candy coat, the Tanghulu is done. Tanghulu is very popular in China, especially in Beijing. It also makes many foreigners want to taste it.We hope Tanghulu will become one of the most popular snacks in the world.66 . 任务一.请将下列词义和单词进行匹配。(1)seedA庙会(2)Fair B串(3)hawB山楂(4)pierceC籽(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_67 . 任务二请根据短文内容,用英语回答问题。When did Chinese people begin to hold Tanghulu Fair?_68 . 任务二请根据短文内容,用英语回答问题。Why do people hold Tanghulu Fair in northern China?_69 . 任务三判断正(A)误(B)People could taste many kinds of Tanghulu in the past.70 . 任务四填空:根据短文内容补全句子(每空一词)To make delicious Tanghulu, _ and _ are the two kinds of important ingredients.71 . 任务五选择给文章选出一个最佳标题_。ASteps of making TanghuluBA sweet memory of childhoodCA traditional snack, TanghuluDThe history of Tanghulu Fair七、话题作文72 . 写作学校要成立动物保护社团,请同学们写一篇有关动物保护的文章。请你选一种濒危动物,说说它濒危的原因以及我们该怎样保护它们。不少于50词,所给提示词语仅供选用。提示词语: lose, enough, environment, in order to, raise, develop, feed提示问题:1. What animal is in danger? How dangerous is it?2. Why is it in danger?3. What can we do to save them?第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、五、回答问题1、2、六、多任务混合问题1、2、七、话题作文1、

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