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译林牛津版中考二模英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The show turned out to be a great _AsuccessBsuccessfulCsucceedDsuccessfully2 . You can improve your English _ reading more.AinBwithCbyDof3 . -The English exam is coming tomorrow! Im worried about it.- Im sure you will make it.ABad luck.BDont mention it.CWhat a pity!DTake it easy.4 . Of the three boys, he is _one .AfaterBthe fatterCfatestDthe fattest5 . -Excuse me, Miss Li. Could you help me to _these math problems?-Sure. Show me the problem.Awork outBhand outCfind out6 . The film was . Jim said he felt when watching it.Abored, boringBbored, boredCboring, boredDboring, boring7 . The big hen down and began to eggs.Alay; layBlay; laidClied; layDlay; lie8 . Humans can not make progressdreams.AwithBwithoutCthroughDabout9 . _unusual learning experience I have got in this course!AHow aBWhat aCWhat anDHow10 . Excuse me, _ I borrow this book?Of course.AwillBmayCmust11 . I bought _ useful dictionary for Judy, _ 11-year-old girl.Aa;theBa;anCthe;aDthe;/12 . - What do you want to be when you grow up, a doctor or an engineer?-_. I want to be a scientistANeitherBEitherCBoth13 . -I really enjoy Chinese food.-Me, too. My mouth was watering _ I watched the TV program A bite of China.AwhenBbeforeCsinceDafter14 . Do you know _ Dunhuang(敦煌) with his family? Next week.Awhen does Mr. Brown visitBwhen will Mr. Brown visitCwhen Mr. Brown visitsDwhen Mr. Brown will visit15 . - You cant take photos here, Sir. Look at the sign here.- Sorry, Madam. I _ it.Adidnt seeBdont seeCcant seeDwont see二、完型填空Many people think that we will do more work if we spend more time.So students have to spend the whole day doing their schoolwork except during the_We can often see that students are busy with their schoolwork_at school and at home.Students today usually have many_They love music and sports.They like_TV.A two-day weekend can get them away from too much schoolwork, and they can have a_time.But because of too much schoolwork, they have no time to enjoy_Students really dont like their weekend homework, so they usually dont like doing their weekend homework_Sunday night.And because there is not_time for so much work, students usually finish it in a hurry.The poor weekend homework often makes teachers_Too much schoolwork also_students lose interest in learning.A horse runs faster after a rest.We should give students less homework and more free time.16 . A. parties B. meals C. films D. classes17 . A. all B. either C. neither D. both18 . A. sports B. interests C. exercises D. problems19 . A. watching B. watches C. watch D. to watching20 . A. bad B. good C. glad D. sad21 . A. ours B. your C. theirs D. themselves22 . A. on B. after C. until D. when23 . A. enough B. good C. weak D. necessary24 . A. happy B. pleased C. angry D. angrily25 . A. does B. makes C. takes D. leaves三、阅读单选Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal (偷) the bell on his neighbors door, he walked up to the door, took hold of (抓住) the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home.Then he sat down to think, “I must do something about the noise,” he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. “Ah, Ill put some cotton in my ears. Then I wont be able to hear the noise.” The next day he went to the door of his neighbor, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbor came running out. “Steal my bell? Ill teach you a lesson (教训),”the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose.The foolish thief did not know how the neighbor found out he was stealing the bell. “Why did he come out just then?” he wondered (感到疑惑).26 . The thief was trying to get.Ahis neighborBhis neighbors doorbellCsome cottonDa door with a bell on it27 . The thief put some cotton in his ears. He thought it would befor him to steal the doorbell.AsafeBdifficultCdangerousDeasy28 . The neighbor ran out probably (很可能) because_.Ahe knew his doorbell was being stolenBhe thought someone was eager (渴望的) to visit himCHe realized (意识到) something strange happenedDBoth B and C29 . The neighbor hit the thief to _.Agive him lessonsBpunish (惩罚) him for stealingChelp him with the bellDbe his teacher30 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe thief understood why he was hit on the nose.BThe thief knew why the neighbor came out.CThe thief thought the neighbor could not hear the bell.DThe thief didnt want to know why the neighbor ran out just at the time he stole the doorbell.If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their numbers?To remember 11 numbers is not difficult. However, because of the smartphone, many of us are losing this ability. Whats more, smartphones weaken* our skills at giving directions, as well as killing face-to-face communications. Even when friends are having a meal together, its common for most to check their phones.According to a report by Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, an American company, Chinese people spend about 170 minutes on their smartphones daily.Many students are addicted to using smartphones. It does no good to their study. Research by Japans Education Ministry showed children who spend more than four hours a day on their phones perform much worse in school test than those who play with their phones for 30 minutes.Its true that the smartphone has made our lives easier. But many also think they spend too much time on it, and this is bad for their study or work. People are trying to change that.A new app* called Forest was introduced this month. It lets users plant a seed that grows into a tree over the next 30 minutes. During t he half hour, users cannot use their phones, or the tree will die.A restaurant in Los Angeles, US, gives people a 5% discount *if they dont check their phones during a meal. Owner Mark Gold said he hopes it gives people a way to enjoy their meal and actually talk with friends and family in person.31 . Many people cant remember their parentss phone numbers because _.Athey dont care about their parentsBthey depend too much on smartphonesCthey find it difficult to remember numbersDthey dont know how to remember numbers32 . What does the underline word“addicted” probably mean in Chinese?A沉迷B喜爱C习惯D擅长33 . The app “Forest” is used to _.Aencourage people to plant more treesBget people to change their smartphonesChelp people better control smartphone usingDoffer people a new game to enjoy themselves34 . By giving people a 5% discount, Owner Mark Gold wants his customers to _.Aenjoy a cheaper mealBsay no to smartphonesCcheck phones after the mealDimprove face-to-face communicationHeld on the second Wednesday of March each year, No Smoking Day helps people across the UK who want to stop smoking. The activity encourages and helps smokers to give up, and publicizes(宣传) the many sources of help offered to people. Each year over a million smokers take part in the day, while about 40,000 actually give up smoking.The much-publicized effects of smoking include increased risk (风险) of heart disease, lung cancer and asthma. However, smoking also causes dull skin and wrinkles. The reducedamount of oxygen getting to the skin accelerates (加速)aging, and makes the skin look sallow (病黄色的). And while many smokers believe that cigarettes help them to cope with stress (对付压力), scientific research has shown that worry levels actually go down after giving up smoking.Set a date and time to stop, and keep to it .Talk to your doctor about whether any kind of medicines might suit you.Find out if there is a stop-smoking health center near you .Try to get the help of your friends and family.Keep away from situation in which you used to reach for cigarette. If you need to, use nicotine patches (尼古丁戒烟贴片) or gum.NHS Stop-smoking Centers are all over the UK, providing free services. They have specially trained employees who can advise you on the best way to stop smoking. There are also a number of free national helpline in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, where expertcounselorscan discuss with you how to give up smoking step by step.35 . How many people dont give up smoking among those who take part in No Smoking Day every year according to the passage?AAbout 1,000,000.BAbout 40,000.CAbout 960,000.DAbout 1,040,000.36 . According to the passage, place the following titles in the correct orders. AWhat are the health risks of smoking?BA few tips on giving up smoking:CWhat is No Smoking Day?DWhat help is offered for giving up smoking?Ea; b; c; dFb; a; d; cGd; a; b; cH.c; a; b; d37 . Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?ANo Smoking Day is held on the second Wednesday on March.BSmoking can make skin look dull.CIf you give up smoking, your worry levels will increase.DYou can get treatment in NHS Stop-smoking Centers for free.38 . The underline word “counselors” in the last paragraph probably means _.AnursesBadvisersCemployeesDdoctors39 . How many tips on giving up smoking are mentioned in the passage?AThreeBFourCFiveDSix四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和首字母提示写出单词40 . Would you mind if I give you a s_?41 . He hadnt eaten a thing e_ for one forkful of salad.42 . I couldnt believe these people were b _ in this way.43 . Lets e_ our addresses and Christmas cards.44 . Drinking on an e _ stomach is bad for your health.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。45 . My nose lost much_(blood) today.46 . I hurt my_(knee) when I was playing basketball.47 . A pin_(stick) me in the hand.48 . Dont open the door for_(stranger)when youre at home alone.49 . The_(care) woman left her key in the room.六、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示填写单词。Mr Brown saw a sweater in a shop window. It was very c50 . , so he b51 . it. When he g52 . home, he put it on. It was all right and he was p53 . with it.In the afternoon, he went to work i54 . his garden. It soon began to r55 . and Mr Brown had to run into the house. He ran q56 . , but he still got wet. Then his sweater started to shrink(收缩)! It got smaller and s57 . . Mr Brown tried to take it off, b58 . he couldnt.In the end, with the help of his wife, he got out of the sweater. Mrs Brown laughed, You see, you bought a cheap t59 . , but.七、填空请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。每空一词。Many students in the USA always take the school bus to school every day. Parents think taking the school bus is safe. But sometimes it is also dangerous. Some students hurt(受伤)because they broke the school bus rules.What are the rules?1.Arrive at the bus station early.2.Wait for the bus at the bus station.3.Dont play around the bus.4.Dont run everywhere at the bus station.5.Dont walk or fight on the bus when it is going.6.Dont try to leave the bus until it stops.These rules are good for students. Remember them and dont break them. So you can keep yourself safe!The School bus in the USAAbout the school busParents think taking the school bus is safe but its also60 . .Some students broke the school bus rules, 61 . they hurt.The school bus rulesThe students must arrive62 . .Students must wait for the bus at the bus63 . .Please remember the bus rules to64 . yourself safe.阅读下面短文,完成表格。Teeth are important part of our body Everyone should brush his or her teeth every day Learning how to take care of teeth is very importantThe importance of brushing teethIf you eat and do not brush your teeth,pieces of food that stick to your teeth can cause problemsThe food can damage(破坏)your teethThen germs(细菌)can get into your teeth and make them decay(腐烂)It is important to brush teeth every dayYou should get a checkup from your dentist every yearTrying not to eat food that has a lot of sugar,such as candy and soft drinks,helps to protect teethThe proper ways of brushing teethDo you know that most people do not brush their teeth in the right way? Follow the methods below and they will help you keep your teeth healthy,clean and beautifulReplace your toothbrush every few monthsClean two or three teeth at a time Brush the front of your teeth with a circular motion(运动)and clean the backs of your teeth with up and down motionsUse a gentle back and forth motion to clean the tops of your teeth where you bite (咬)into foodDont forget to gently brush the top of your tongue (舌头)from back to frontA lot of germs live thereTake at least 2 minutes to brush your teethThe title: Taking proper care of your teeth65 . brushing teethThe germs can get into your teeth and damage them66 . you brush your teethGo to see a dentist every year and avoid eating too much food 67 . The proper ways of brushing teethReplace your toothbrush68 . Brush the front of your teeth with a circular motion and clean the backs of your teeth up and downRemember to brush the top of your tongue because of 69 . thereSpend at least two minutes brushing your teeth八、书信作文70 . 书面表达假如你是张鹏,转学去了杭州。你的好友王新来信询问你的近况,并告诉你他暑假来看你。请根据以下提示,给王新写一封回信。写作要点:1.表达你收到他来信之后的激动心情。2.介绍新学校。(1)设施:一个大操场,一个图书馆。(2)师生:友善,易于相处。3.针对他如何与同学们融洽相处提出具体建议。写作要求:(1)不得使用真实的姓名和学校名(2)课适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。(3)字迹工整,语言精练,表达准确,条理清晰。(4)至少80词。Dear Wang Xin,How are you doing? _ Yours,Zhang Peng第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、2、八、书信作文1、

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