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译林牛津版2019-2020学年六年级(五四制)上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I want to go _ . What sport would you like _?Aswimming; tryingBswim; tryCswimming; to tryDto swim; trying2 . Which of the underlined letter groups has the same sound as that in the word “show”?AflowerBknowCdownDbrown3 . I have an _book. Lets read(阅读) it now.AgoodBfunCboringDinteresting4 . (2016湖北恩施州中考)-Would you help us make a plan to explore Tibet?-_.ANo, thanks.BYes, of course.CIts very kind of you.5 . Our classroom is bigger than_.AtheyBtheirsCtheirDthem6 . Tom plants_trees every year.Ahundreds ofBhundred ofCfive hundredsDfive hundred of7 . (题文)My sister is as _ as her classmate Joe, so they are good friends.AoutgoingBmore outgoingCthe more outgoingDless outgoing8 . _ the population of the U.S.A. in 2005? It _ about 296 million.A.What is; isAWhat was; wasBHow many is; wasCHow many was; is9 . The computer needs_. I think I need _ to ask Mr. Zhang for help.Afixing; goingBto fix; goingCfixing; to goDto fix; to go10 . To get enough fresh water, people remove salt _ sea water in some areas.AintoBfromCaboveDagainst11 . He said life without computer games was_ .Aa bit of boringBa bit boringCa bit boredDa bit of bored12 . I _ believe it _I see it with my own eyes.Awill,untilBwill,butCwont ,until .Dwont,and13 . All he needs isminutes on his handwriting every day.AfewBlittleCa fewDa little14 . -How long does it take to fly there? - _.AThree hours and a halfBThree and half an hourCThree and half hoursDThree and a half hour15 . Toms answer made all of us _.AlaughingBsurprisedCsurprisingDbored二、完型填空When I was a child,my mom liked to make meals for my dad and me. She often made good food for us after a long,hard day at work.I _ one night,she made pancakes,sausage and biscuits for dinner. All of the food was _ but the biscuits. They were very badly burned. They _ pieces of black charcoal(木炭).When I saw the burned biscuits,I refused(拒绝)to _ them,but my dad didnt seem to mind. I looked up at him. I watched him eat his biscuits _ and smiled at my mom,not seeming to care if they _ bad. He asked me _ my day at school was as usual. I dont remember what I told him that night,but I _ remember watching him put butter on the burned biscuits and eat all of them.When I got up from the table,I heard Mom _ my dad for the burning biscuits. I would never forget what he said,“Honey,I love burned biscuits _!”Later that night,before I went to bed,I asked him _ he loved the burned biscuits. He wrapped me in his arm and said,Your mom _ all day. She is quite tired. Besides,burned biscuits never hurt anyone.It was then that I understood why he _ mom that he liked eating the burned biscuits. Everyone has faults. _ can do everything right all the time. Accepting othersfaults is one of the _ to build healthy relationships. If we dont accept them,well never enjoy true love and understanding.16 . ArememberBforgetCrememberedDforgot17 . AwellBgreatCbadDbadly18 . Alooked forBlooked afterClooked likeDlooked around19 . AeatBseeCtouchDpick20 . AangryBangrilyChappyDhappily21 . AateBhadCfeltDtasted22 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhen23 . AoftenBalwaysCseldomDnever24 . Ashout atBsay sorry toClaugh atDsay goodbye to25 . AsometimesBsome timesCsometimeDsome time26 . AwhenBwhyCwhatDwhere27 . Ais freeBis busyCcook hardDwork hard28 . AsaidBspokeCtoldDtalked29 . ANobodyBEverybodyCAnybodyDSomebody30 . AtablesBbiscuitsClocksDkeys三、阅读单选We have very busy days from Monday to Thursday, as you will see below. Fridays are pretty busy up until lunch, when most children go home for the weekend.Besides all of the following activities, there is plenty of swimming practice time, both in the mornings(around 5:30 !)and at lunchtime. There is also lots of time to play after lunch.The School Day6:00Rising bell for boarders6:45Breakfast for boarders7:45School begins(school begins at 08:15 on Mondays)10:15Break beginsBoarders get drinks and eat at the school caf10:45Break ends12:00Read in the reading room13:00Lunch in the dining hall13:30Rest in dormitories14:00Sports and clubs(swimming)16:00Juice and fruit in the caf16:10Sports and clubs(swimming)17:00Junior boarders showerDay students depart17:15 Senior boarders shower17:1517:50 Free time18:00 Supper for boarders18:40 Juniors go to dormitories21:00 Lights out根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。31 . The passage is mainly about a schools.AadvertisementBtimetableCteaching planDafter class activities32 . From the passage, we learn that the students in the school.Ahave lots of homework to doBlive in the schoolChave lots of time to play sportsDgo to bed quite late33 . Jim is a Junior boarder. He can go to take a shower at.A14:00B17:00C17:15D18:4034 . Jenny is a day student. She canevery Friday afternoon.Ahave classesBgo homeCread in the classroomDrest in her dormitory35 . Jim cant do some reading after 21:00 because.AThe lights are outBHe doesnt like reading any more at that timeCHe has no books to readDHe is asleep四、句型转换将下列句子改为同义句36 . We were made to laugh by his answer.His answer _37 . Can you mend the broken bike ?Can you _the broken bike_?38 . Im not a good speaker. My brother is not a good speaker,either.Im not a good speaker, _ my brother.39 . His father bought him a bike.A bike_ him by his father.40 . When I was two, I liked running through the field._ two, I liked running through the field.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空41 . How many _(spoon)of honey do you need?42 . How much _(yogurt)does he need?43 . _(final),turn off the blender.44 . Dont forget _(add)some water.45 . Lets _(make)some fruit salad.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Sports help everyone to keep healthy,happy,and efficient. So I pay special attention to games,46 . table tennis. Table tennis is my favorite game. I play it almost every day.Table tennis is an ideal game for us 47 . it brings the whole body into action. It strengthens our muscles,expands our lungs,promotes the circulation of the blood,and causes a healthy action of the skin. Besides,it is very 48 . and doesnt cost us much money. Table tennis is very moderate;it is not so rough 49 . football. It is an indoor game and can be 50 . even on rainy days. Thus,it is my favorite kind of exercise.七、单词填空根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。What do students 51 . (认为) about fast food restaurants in our city? We did a 52 . (调查) of the students in our school last week and this is what we 53 . (了解). Most of the students think all fast food restaurants are good, and the KFC is the 54 . (最好的) in our city. It has the most creative food and the best 55 . (服务). However, McDonalds is the cheapest 56 . (并且) it has the funniest pictures. It also 57 . (播放) the most interesting music. The most 58 . (受欢迎的) restaurant is the Pizza Hut. It has the most 59 . (美味的) food and the 60 . (最友好的) service.八、回答问题Open April to October9am to 11am2pm to 5pmClosed SundaysAdults:2.00Concessions: 1.50Students:1.00Children: 0.50Clachan, Bettyhill, Sutherland,KW14 7SSTel: 01641 521418Email: strathnavermusukonline.co.ukwww.strathnavermuseum.org.uk61 . Whats the name of the museum?62 . How long is the museum open in the afternoon?63 . On what day is the museum closed?64 . Who pay the most for tickets?65 . In which country is the museum?九、材料作文66 . 假如你叫李华,你的美国笔友Tom上周刚过完生日。他想知道你过生日的一些情况。请你根据提示回复邮件。提示:Who do you often celebrate your birthday with?What do you usually do on your birthday?What is your favourite present?Why do you like it?要求:邮件须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;邮件中不得出现真是的人名、校名和地名;词数:80个左右。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)From:lihua163.comTo:tomsina.comSubject:BirthdayDate:16/1/2018 9:25p.m.Hi! Tom, Im glad that you had a nice birthday party last week. You want to know how _ _Yours, Li Hua第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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