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译林牛津版2019-2020学年九年级上学期第一次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话6选5根据对话内容及方框内所给句子补全对话,有一项是多余选项。Gina: Hi, Bob! How was your winter vacation? Bob: Hello, Gina!1 . How about you?Gina: Except for taking classes, I read some English books, such as The Book Thief and Secret Garden. Bob: Amazing! The Book Thief is really popular.2 . Gina: Its about a girl named Meminger who read books stolen in the World War II.Bob: Why did she read books stolen? Something unusual must happen to her. Gina:3 . Reading secretly was her whole life.Bob: That sounds really difficult and sad. Could I borrow the book?Gina: Sure! 4 . Bob: Thanks. The Wondering Earth? a movie I watched also shows the beauty of humanity(人性).Gina: Yes. I watched it twice. What impressed(使印象深刻) you most?Bob: People gave out their lives bravely when saving the earth.Gina: 5 . I cried when Lliu Qis father flew the space station to strike Jupiter(木星). Bob: Many foreigners were surprised at the technology and imagination of this scientific movie. AThe book shows us the great pain brought by the war and the beauty of humanity. BWhats it about? CIt was written by a Chinese writer Liu Cixin .DI agree with youEBecause she was Jewish who hid in other peoples house.FIt was not bad after seeing a few great movies!二、完型填空Many Americans like to have their holidays(假期) in_countries. One day an American_comes to China. This is her first time to China and she wants to_some friends there. She meets a Chinese. This Chinese wants to talk_with the American. When he sees her, he comes up, says “_to her, then he begins his first talk with someone_an English-speaking country.“How old are you?” the Chinese_. “Im_. Please dont ask a lady (女士) about her_.” answers the woman.The Chinese is surprised . He doesnt know_. Can you help him?6 . AanotherBelseCother7 . AmanBboyCwoman8 . AmakeBmakingCdo9 . Awith EnglishBin EnglishCin Chinese10 . AOKBhelloCsorry11 . AfromBatCof12 . AasksBtellsCtalks13 . AsureBworriedCsorry14 . AfamilyBageCjob15 . AhowBwhyCwhat三、阅读单选The Chinese mainland is willing to send rescue teams after an earthquake which hit Taiwan late Tuesday, killing seven and injuring 254.More than 200 people have been rescued,but there are still 88 people missing, with most of them trapped in the Yun Men Tusi Ti building in Hualien County.Six tourists from the mainland were injured and have been sent to a hospital in Hualien.One of the injured, a woman from Fujian Province was in serious condition.Zhang Zhijun, head of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, received details about the rescue work through a phone call with Fu Kun-chi, head of Hualien County.Zhang said, “We hope local people will overcome the difficulties and rebuild their homes soon.”Chen Deming, president of the mainland-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, also said the mainland was willing to help with quake relief,including sending rescue teams to the island.“The mainland is learning about the conditions of mainland tourists, students living in disaster-hit areas,” said An Fengshan, the spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.According to the China Earthquake Networks Center, the earthquake happened at 11: 50 p.m.Tuesday, the day before yesterday.The earthquake was followed by a series of aftershocks.It is the most severe earthquake to hit Hualien in fifty years,and 26 aftershocks hit the county until 9 a.m.yesterday.The highway from Suao to Hualien was closed.The earthquake also caused 200 families to lose power and 35,000 families to lose water supply, the local fire agency said.16 . The earthquake killed_people.A7B88C200D25417 . The six tourists from the mainland_.Awere all injured and in serious condition.Ball come from Fujian Province.Chave been sent to a hospital in Hualien County.Dwere trapped in the Yun Men Tusi Ti building.18 . The earthquake in Hualien County_.Ahit the county at 11: 50 p.m.ThursdayBis the most severe earthquake in fifty yearsCcaused 200 families to lose water supplyDwas followed by 26 aftershocks until 9 p.m.Tuesday19 . From the passage we can know that_.Athe mainland rescue teams helped local people overcome the difficultiesBthe mainland couldnt get in touch with the officials of HualienCthe earthquake caused a terrible fire in the disaster-hit areaDthe mainland offered to help with rescue and quake reliefDear Jenny,Gary is having a potluck after the exams! He invites all of us to come. Its a potluck_party, so I think I can bring some beef noodles. As I know, Lily is bringing some drinks and Gina is bringing a big homemade chocolate cake. Can you ask your mom to buy us some fried chicken from the KFC? You know its too far for all of us to ride a bike there,but your mom often drives there. We can pay the bill(账单)together.The party begins at noon on March 25th, so be sure to be at Garys place around 11:30 a.m. to prepare for the party. Dont forget to invite Amy. She is good at music. If you have any questions,just call me or write back to me. Take care!Leo20 . The underlined phrase “potluck_party”means “_” in Chinese.A自助餐聚会B化装舞会C生日聚会D同学聚会21 . Who may take fried chicken to the party?ALeo.BGary.CLily.DJenny.22 . There are_names in the email.A5B6C7D823 . Why does Leo ask Jennys mom to buy the fried chicken?ABecause Jenny lives next to the restaurant.BBecause he doesnt want to spend much money.CBecause it is far for them to ride to buy it.DBecause he is busy studying for the exams.24 . Which of the following is NOT true?AGary is having a potluck party.BThe party starts at noon.CJenny has to pay for the fried chicken.DWe dont know if Amy can go to the party.There was a lovely vegetable patch (菜园). A large tree grew there. Both the patch and the tree gave the place a wonderful look, and they were the pride(骄傲) of the gardener. But no one know that the vegetables and the tree couldnt stand (忍受) each other. The vegetables hated the trees shadow (阴影), because it left them only just enough light to live. The tree, on the other hand, hated the vegetables because they drank nearly all the water, leaving him just enough to live.Their problem became so serious that the vegetables decided to use up all the water in the ground so that the tree would die. The tree answered back by not protecting the vegetables from the hot sun, so they began to dry up. Soon the vegetables were really weak, and the tree was drying up.The gardener wondered why and stopped watering them. When he did that, both the tree and the vegetables found that it was better to help each other. They learned how to live in harmony with those around them. So they decided to work together, using both the shade and the water to grow well. After seeing how well they were doing, the gardener gave the best care to the vegetable patch, watering and fertilizing (施肥) it better than any other patch for miles around.25 . Why didnt the vegetables and the tree get on well with each other?A Because the vegetables wanted more light.B Because the tree drank almost all the water.C Because the vegetables werent the pride of the gardener.D Because the vegetables didnt look as wonderful as tree.26 . From the passage we know _.A The vegetables were sorry to see the tree drying up.B The gardener was very angry with the vegetables and the tree.C The gardener didnt know what was happening in the patch at first.D The tree didnt know how important the sun was to vegetables.27 . The underlined phrase “in harmony” means “_” in the Chinese.A长久地B小心地C有效地D和谐地28 . The passage is mainly about _.A why the sunlight and water were very importantB how the gardener took care of his vegetable patchC why the gardener was proud of his vegetable patchD what happened between the vegetables and the tree29 . From the story, we have learned _.A people hate each otherB we should help each otherC water is the most importantD the vegetables and the tree are cleverDevon Toomey had been on a website for an internation adoption many times and seen so many kids, but shed never determined to email the agency about anyone until she came across a photo. It was a baby born without arms and legs. “on seeing him, I just knew he was the right one. There was just something that spoke to me,” she says.Today, four years later, that boy, named Bowen Toomey, is a 5-year-old kindergartner with two older brothers living in Eagle, Idaho. He is keen on going to school, jumping on trampolines(蹦床), reading books and applying himself to difficult tasks.But his physical disability means he cant live normally like others: Where other children use their hands to handle things, Bowen sometimes uses his mouth or a special band he wears that lets him deal with things like a spoon.“He does everything any other kids do: he just finds his way to solve different problems. He can ride his skate already,” his mother says. “He particularly loves to swim, and can dive and swim independently. I think he loves it so much because the water is the place where he really doesnt have limitations限制.”A former special education teacher, Toomey and her husband, Jeremy, knew they wanted to adopt. Nine months after she discovered Bowen on the website of a Serbian orphanage(孤儿院), located in Belgrade, the entire family went there to take home their 18-month-old addition.Although Bowen had been well taken care of at the orphanage, he didnt get much attention, and for the most part he was just laid in the bed.The young boy responsed to his new family in a way that he surprised everyone. “We laid eyes on him and from that moment on, he became joyful, which really touched our hearts,” she says, “I said to myself, it is no wonder that I wanted him the moment I saw him. He is my child.”30 . How many children are there in Dovens family?AtwoBthreeCfourDfive31 . What can we know about Bowen Toomey?Ahe cant go to school and read books because of his physical disabilityBHe was once badly treated at the orphanage.COnly under the water can he enjoy freedomDHe keeps challenging his own limits in life32 . The underlined words”their 18-month-old addition” refers toADevons newborn kidBanother healthy orphanCBowenDone of Bowens brother33 . What can we infer from the passage?ADevon adopted Bowen because she was touched by his braveryBBowen can hardly deal with things that need handsCBowen has often lain in bed since he came to the new familyDThe boys arrival has brought the family surprises and happiness34 . The best title:_.AA “Normal” BoyBHes just my kidCthe wonder of loveDthe magic momentIn the 20th century, advertising has become very popular. Why is it so popular? Because it has been proved that repeated advertising can increase product sales and make the price of products lower.Advertisements can be made in many ways. People in the U.S.A. and Europe use them to advertise all kinds of products, services and other things as well. People use large boards, signs inside or outside shops and cinemas, printed mails or gifts to make advertisements. Besides, balloons and aeroplanes are also used.An advertisement, however, should be properly designed to avoid waste. How is an advertisement made? An advertising firm (公司) selected a company designs and makes the advertisement by studying the information about customers and products. The designers put forward their different plans with pictures or photos. When the advertisement is ready, it is tested in a place to see whether it can make the product popular with customers or not. If it does, it will be used all over the country. Otherwise it should be designed until it is accepted by customers and market by finding out the reason for the failure.35 . The reason for which advertising is popular is that _.Ait can make the price of products higherBit can increase products salesCit can make the products have better quality.Dit can lower the cost of products36 . How many ways of advertising are mentioned(提到) in the second paragraph?ASixBEightCTwoDFour37 . People in the USA use advertisements to advertise_.Aproducts onlyBservices onlyCproducts and services onlyDproducts, services and other things as well38 . The steps of making advertisements include the following except _Athe designers put forward their plansBthe advertising company studies information about customers and productsCthe advertisements are testedDthe advertisements are sold to companies39 . If the advertisement can make a product popular with customers, it proves that _.Athe advertisement is a failureBthe advertisement is a successCthe advertisement will be redesignedDthe advertisement will not be accepted四、语法填空A. why B. because C. by D. while E. needPlants are important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is 40 . plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. But animals and men cant make food from them. Animals get their food 41 . eating plants and other animals. Men live on plants and animals, too. So animals and men 42 . plants to live. That is why we find there are so many plants around us. If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find there are many kinds of plants. Some plants are large 43 . others are small. Most plants are green. Some plants have many small leaves, others have only a few large leaves. There are many kinds of leaves. They are different in shapes and colors.Awash downBjoinCeat withDmainEbetweenPeople believe that an English lady, Anna, first introduced the idea of afternoon tea. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the English ate two 44 . meals each daybreakfast and a heavy supper that would last for several hours in the evening. As a result, people often got very hungry during the long wait 45 . these two meals. To solve this problem, Anna came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to 46 . her for an afternoon meal between four and five oclock. This meal included cakes and sandwiches, and tea was served to 47 . the food. In order to make this afternoon meal important, fine china cups and plates, and silver teapots, knives, forks and spoons were used. Soon, afternoon tea parties became popular. Today, afternoon tea parties still play an important part in the social life in modem Britain.五、回答问题Dear Mom,Can you bring(拿来)some things to me? I need my CD player, CD, schoolbag, math book, baseball, keys and alarm clock. The CD player and the CD are on the table in my room. My schoolbag is on the bed. The math book is on the table in the living room. The baseball is under my bed. The keys are on the table in the kitchen(厨房).The clock is on my bed, too.Thanks.根据便条内容回答问题。48 . Where is Toms schoolbag?_49 . Are Toms keys on the table in the living room? _50 . What is under the bed?_51 . Is Toms CD player on the table in his room?_52 . Where is Toms math book?_六、材料作文53 . 书面表达近来,中小学生的健康问题日益引起人们的关注。其中垃圾食品、电子游戏等是影响健康的重要因素,请以“Keep Healthy”为题谈谈你的看法。要求:1.列举中小学生面临的健康问题;2.谈谈怎样才能保持健康;3.70词左右,开头已给出,不计入词数。提示词:junk food,be bad for,computer games,suggestions,stay away fromKeep HealthyToday,some students have several health problems第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、补全对话6选51、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、四、语法填空1、五、回答问题1、六、材料作文1、

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