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译林牛津版2019-2020学年中考模拟逆袭诊断卷英语试题(不含听力材料)一、听短对话回答问题1 . AYes, she will.BNo, she wont.CYes, she does.DNo, she doesnt.2 . What kind of weather does the man like?ASunny.BRainy.CCloudy.3 . Whats the time now?A8:20.B8:00.C7:40.4 . Whats wrong with the woman?AShe has a stomachache.BShe has a headache.CShe has a cough.二、听句子或对话选择图片5 . Where will Lucy go?AABBCC6 . ABC7 . ABC8 . ABC9 . ABC三、听长对话回答问题听下面一段对话, 回答第8至第9两个小题。10 . What is Victors favorite invention?AThe TV.BThe fax machineCThe cell phone.11 . What does Emma use the fax machine to do?ASend her work.BSend messages.CChat with others.听一段对话,回答以下小题。12 . What will the weather be like tomorrow?ARainy.BSunny.CWindy.13 . What did Jim plan to do?AGo camping.BGo fishing.CRead at home.听对话, 回答下列各小题.14 . Where is Lucy going on National Day Holiday this year?AHangzhou.BBeijing.CShanghai.15 . Who is afraid of taking a plane?ALucys father.BLucys mother.CLucy.四、单选题16 . Kangkang, will you _ your photos _me tomorrow? OK.Ashow, forBshow, toCgive, forDbuy, for17 . I dont like the presentmy father bought me on my birthday.AwhichBwhoCwhatDas18 . You will fail the exam _ you study harder than before.AifBandCorDunless19 . _ eggs do you need for the soup? Well, one is probably.AHow manyBHow muchCHow oftenDHow long20 . The sports meeting next month.Awill holdBis going to holdCwill be heldDwill be holding21 . _ UFO landed on Center Park and _ alien got out of _ UFO.AAn; an; theBA; an; theCA; a; aDA; an; a22 . What do you_ my new book? Its interesting.Athink overBfeel aboutCthink ofDtalk about23 . How much money did you pay for the drink?_. It was _.ANothing; freely.BNone; freeCNo one; cheapDNone; expensive24 . They are able to talk openly to one another whenever _ of them feels hurt.AeitherBbothCsomeDall25 . The first computersthe 1940s were bigger than cars.AinBonCatDsince26 . - I cant find my purse. Have you seen it?- I _ it just now. But now it _.Asaw; has goneBsaw ;is goingChave seen; has gone.27 . -Why do people never cut up the _ on their birthdays?-Because they are a symbol of long life.AeggsBcakesCnoodlesDdumplings28 . Excuse me, sir. You _ open the door before the car stops.AneedntBdont have toCmay notDmustnt29 . Could you tell us _ we are going to have the meeting this Friday afternoon?AwhatBwhereCwhoDwhich30 . My sister doesnt like yellow. She _buys yellow clothes.AalwaysBneverCusually五、补全短文5选5阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的A、B、C、D、E 五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。After students study in a middle school, they may know that there are many rules at school. 31 . Maybe they dont have to wear school uniforms every day at primary school(小学). But many middle schools will ask students to wear uniforms, and they cant go into the classroom if they dont wear them. 32 . But they dont see the real reason(原因) of wearing uniforms. Wearing uniforms will let them know team spirit (团队精神) and help each other. If they dont know the rules, 33 . When theyre thinking about this, they may forget theyre having classes with other students. If all of them eat or talk when they want to do it, what will the class be like? 34 . For example, some schools ask students to sleep for some time after lunch so that they can study well in the afternoon. Some schools also give students some time to play sports in the afternoon, so they can be healthy.ASurely, there are some popular rules.BStudents may feel unhappy when they cant eat or talk in class.Cits hard for them to live and work alone when students grow up (长大).DMany students dont like it because they think this rule wont make them look good.ESome of them are easy to follow, but others arent so popular and students dont like them.六、完型填空Football may be one of the _popular games. People in many _around the world like playing it. In the 19th century(世纪) _in England first played this kind of balls. The players moved the ball _. The first international(国际的) _game was between England and Scotland in 1872.Football is played by _with eleven men on each team. Each team has one way to win. It must score more goals(进球) _the other team. Each _in games is one point(分). Football is a round ball. Players may kick(踢) it and move it by _part of the body except the _. Only one player on the team can use his hands. This player is the goal keeper.A football game usually _for ninety minutes. The teams play for forty-five minutes, and then take a short rest. After this halftime rest, they play again for _forty-five minutes.Now football is one of _played in the Olympics(奥林匹克运动会). Another important international football match is called the World Cup. The World Cup is held _every four years. The _of the World Cup match is the world champion(冠军) football team.35 . AmoreBmostCmuchDmany36 . AtownsBcitiesCcountriesDschools37 . ApeopleBEnglishCchildrenDfootball38 . Awith his footBby his feetCwith their feetDby their feet39 . AfootballBbasketballCtennisDbaseball40 . Atwo teamsBthree teamsCone teamDfour teams41 . AasBthan .ClikeDfor42 . AfootballBgoalCballDplayer43 . AsomeBanyCmanyDmuch44 . AfeetBheadsChandsDlegs45 . AbeginsBkicksCstartsDlasts46 . AotherBanotherCothersDthe others47 . Athe sport teams.Bthe sport teamCthe team sports.Dthe team sport48 . AonceBtwiceCthree timesDfour times49 . AteamsBplayerCwinnerDboy七、阅读单选More and more people like to travel now. But what kind of transportation do you like best, a plane, a train or a car? Different people have different ideas. Many people like to travel by plane because they think its fast. But I dont like it because the airport is usually far from the city and it always takes me much time to get there or get out of it.I like travelling by train. First, travelling by train is cheap and trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train you can catch another one. Second, you can walk around in the train and can see many interesting things on your way. Last, you may meet and talk to some interesting people on a long train trip, and maybe you can make some new friends. But sometimes it takes a little more time.I also like cars. You can start your trip when you want to, and you can also take many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road, and you have to wait and wait.50 . Many people like to travel by air because they think_.Aits fastBits safeCits cheapDits fun51 . Whats the best way to travel if you take a lot of things with you?ATaking a bus.BTaking a plane.CDriving a car.DTaking a train.52 . The writer doesnt like to travel _.Aby bikeBby carCby trainDby plane53 . Which is the bad thing about travelling by train?AIt is cheap and safe.BIt takes a little more time.CYou can walk around in the train.DYou can make some new friends.54 . What is the passage about?AThe best travelling way.BInteresting trips.CTravelling around the world.DDifferent ways of travelling.Fu Yuan has been left at home since he was one month old. His parents left to work in Fujian. For the past eight years, Fu has only seen his parents three times although they sent home 500 yuan every two or three months.Fu Xiaoyu, 16, has to live alone since her grandmother died three years ago. Her parents didnt want to give up their jobs in Guangdong. Also they couldnt afford the cost of sending her to a school in the city where they work. These are just two of the 29 kids interviewed last summer in a village in Sichuan Province. In the poor village, 582 adults have left to look for work, leaving 156 children without parents. Among these kids, 88 percent of them live with their grandparents, five percent live with their uncles or aunts and seven percent have to live on their own. To our surprise, 80 percent of the children say they love going to school, even though some children have to walk along the mountain roads for two hours to get to school However, for these children, studying is not their main thing. Doing housework and taking care of younger sisters or brothers take up most of their time. Though they have to work hard at home, over 65 percent of the kids interviewed prefer that their parents can work outside. They understand how important money is for their families.55 . Fu Xiaoyus parents cant send her to a school near them because.Ashe doesnt like the school life in big citiesBshe has to do housework at homeCthey dont love their daughter at allDthey dont have enough money56 . Of the 156 children, aboutof them have to live on their own.A7B20C30D4057 . For the children like Fu Yuan, studying isnt the main thing because.Athey have to go out and make moneyBthey like playing games better than studyingCthey neednt go to a good collegeDthey have lots of things to do at home58 . Which of the following is NOT true?AFu Xiaoyu began to live with her grandmother three years ago.B29 kids are interviewed in a village in Sichuan Province.CIt takes some children two hours to get to school.DMost of the kids interviewed live with their grandparents.This term I came to(来到) NO. 8 Middle school. It is very beautiful and big. There are 34 classes, 120 teachers and 1800 students in the school.In the middle of the school there is a tall building. Its for us to have classes. All the classrooms are there. There are some small rooms, too. They are offices for the teachers to work. All the teachers get ready for their lessons there.In front of the tall building, there is a small one. It is the library. There are many books there. The teachers and the students like to read books in it. Sometimes they borrow books from it.There is a dinning hall behind the tall building. Some of the students have lunch in it.I like my new school very much.59 . There are classes in No. 8 Middle school.A36B34C3560 . The classroom is in .Aa tall buildingBa libraryCan office61 . Where is the library?ABehind the tall building.BNext to the tall building.CIn front of the tall building.62 . How many students are there in my school?A120.B1600.C1800.63 . Which sentence(句子) is true?ABehind the school there is a tall building.BThere is a dinning hall in the middle of the tall building.CAll the teachers get ready for their lessons in some small rooms in the tall building.Ive been skiing since I was eight or nine years old. Ive been on expeditions (探险)in many places like China, Pakistan and so on. But it was in my home country, the USA, that I came closest to death.It was April, 2011. I was skiing in the Tetons with my friends Jeremy and Xavier. They were both excellent snowboarders. That day, I was the last person to ski. They were watching me from a safe area. Suddenly, I heard someone cry loudly. I turned around and saw the whole mountain start to move behind me. It was a massive avalanche (大雪崩). The kind of avalanche that destroys trees, cars, buses, even houses! Tens of thousands of tons of snow was coming straight down the mountain behind me. I felt the snow push me forward, hundreds of metres, and then cover me. It was so heavy that I couldnt breathe. And then it pushed me forward again and up. I looked around, and for a few seconds, I actually stopped being frightened. I had a moment to stop and to look at the power of the avalanche. I looked down into the bottom of the valley (峡谷). I could see trees that were 30m tall because I was so far away, and they looked tiny to me. OK, Im going all the way to the bottom! I thought. Then the snow pushed me again down the mountain another 450m. I thought the force of the snow would destroy me; it was powerful. But in the end. I felt the valance slow down and I just fell heavily over the snow at the bottom of the valley.It took Jeremy and Xavier about 20 minutes to reach me. There was a pile of debris ( 碎雪) across the bottom of the mountain 300m wide. They couldnt believe it when they saw me. I was so lucky.Has the experience changed me? Do I think about life differently? I dont know, maybe. But I do know that its important to live your life with meaning. Life is a gift, so be grateful to God.64 . From the passage, its true that_.Athe writer came closest to death when he skied in PakistanBthe avalanche pushed the writer down about 300m awayCthe writers friends came to learn skiing with the writerDthe writer couldnt breathe because of the weight of the snow65 . Which word can best describe the writers feeling towards the avalanche?AExcitedBScaredCHappyDPatient66 . The underlined word they in Paragraph 3 refers to_.Athe mountainsBthe treesCJeremy and XavierDthe valleys67 . In what order did the following events take place in the story?a. The snow pushed me hard down into the bottom of the valley.b. Jeremy and Xavier were seeing me in a safe place.c. I stopped for a while to see the avalanche.d My friends came to my side.e. I heard a loud voice and saw a huge avalanche coming behind me.Ab-e-c-a-dBb-e-a-c-dCd-c-a-b-eDd-e-c-a-b68 . According to the writer, _.Ahis experience and his friends have changed himBits impossible to know the force of the snowCone should not live a meaningless lifeDhe doesnt mind the matter of life or death八、听短文填写表格Listen to the passage and complete the sentences(听短文,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):69 . Mr. King is welcoming the new _ to his language school.70 . They _ to do what they want in the afternoon and evening.71 . The students are allowed to take _ into the exam.72 . The results of the exam will be sent to the students in about _.九、语法填空短文填空阅读下列短文,根据短文语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。As we all know, Beijing opera(京剧) is the quintessence(国粹) of Chinese culture. But is it the only one treasure of our 73 . /ne()n/? Of course not! Chinese calligraphy(书法) is also the 74 . /praid/ of China. It has a very long history and there are lots of calligraphers, 75 . as Wangxizhi, Qigong, Yanzhenqing, Zhaomengfu and so on.I think Wangxizhi is widely 76 . (know) to all of us. He had been very 77 . (interest) in calligraphy since his childhood. Every day he practiced 78 . (write). After that, he would 79 . the writing brush(毛笔) and ink-stone(砚) in the pool. After a considerable period of time, the water in the pool was blackened. And nowadays, it is said that the pool 80 . (remain) black.Chinese is our mother tongue. 81 . not everyone can be a calligrapher, its our duty to learn and write it well. At the same time, we should try our best to learn English well to 82 . /spred/ Chinese calligraphy to the world.十、书信作文83 . 假如你是王鑫,Helen是你在美国的网友,请你给她写一封e-mail谈谈你的近况。词数80词左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。要点:1、最近读完了汤姆索亚历险记 , 故事很有趣,爱不释手,并且完成了一份读书报告。2、Helen目前和父母关系紧张,很难沟通,Helen问道有什么好的建议可以帮助她,请你为她提点建议。3、可补充其它相关内容。参考词汇:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记Dear Helen , Hows it going ? Im glad to hear from you . _ _ _ Yours , Wang Xin十一、其他84 . 你想请王老师给你一些如何学好英语的建议,你可以这么问:Could you _, Miss Wang?85 . 你的朋友遇到困难,你建议他可以向老师求助,可以这样表达:You can _.86 . 你朋友告诉你她不敢在公共场合讲英语,你可以这这样鼓励她:_.87 . Jane请你一起去杭州西湖玩,你想告诉她这个主意很棒,你可以这样说:_.88 . 听说你朋友明天将要飞往美国迪斯尼乐园,你可以这样预祝他:_.根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。89 . next Sunday90 . most, expensive91 . there be, under92 . Its time to93 . while第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、二、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、5、三、听长对话回答问题1、2、3、四、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、五、补全短文5选51、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、4、八、听短文填写表格1、九、语法填空1、十、书信作文1、十一、其他1、2、

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