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译林牛津版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Is the young man with glasses your teacher?Yeah. He _us Chinese in the school.AteachesBwatchesCplansDcalls2 . Simon didnt finish his homework yesterday _ he had a headache.AwhenBsoCifDbecause3 . -rush out!Its dangerous-ANo;All rightBNo;No,thanksCDont;All right4 . _classmates are nice . I love to play with _.AMy; themBMy; theyCI; theyDI; them5 . What about this T-shirt?Oh,it _ very nice.AseesBlooksCsoundsDtastes6 . He isnt at school. I think he _ be ill.AcanBshallCmustDhas to7 . Walk_ this street, turn left_ the second crossing and youll find the bank.Apast; atBalong; atCcross; toDto ; at8 . Jay jshis first name and Chou is his last name. His full name(全名)is _.AJayBChouCJay ChouDChou Jay9 . Although most of them doubted his words, I think what he said is_.AbelievableBlivelyCpainfulDbasic10 . In recent years, the problem of global warming has been very serious.Thats fight. People are facing many _ disasters like floods.AnaturalBancientCordinary二、补全对话7选5情景交际根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项完成下面对话(其中有两项多余)。A: Do you have an English book?B:11 . A: Lets read it.B:12 . A: Well, Lets play computer games.B: That sounds great.13 . A: Its in my bedroom.B:14 . A: Yes, I do.B: Where are they?A:15 . 三、补全短文5选5阅读文章及文后选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项The world is full of great books, just waiting to read16 . Here are some tipsWhat makes you happy?If you have a favorite hobby, look for books about that activity Youre more likely to enjoy reading a book if youre already interested in its subjectFiction or nonfiction?Some books are totally made up and imagined17 . Novels, short stories, and fables(寓言)are all examples of fiction These books can bring you to another world or help you imagine something beyond(超出) your own experience18 . But that doesnt mean they are boring Nonfiction books can bring to life everything from the first trip to the moon to what its like to explore (探索)the deepest oceansTry both fiction and nonfiction books to see which you like betterFind a family favoriteWhat was your mothers favorite book when she was at your age? Or your dads?19 . Then you can ask them why they liked it and share your thoughts Its a fun way to get to know your family a little better, and to find a book you ll enjoy!Ask an expertYour local library is a great place to find books that you will love20 . Tell a librarian about your interests Your librarian can help you find books that youre sure to love Your teacher is another good person to askAAsk them and give it a readBThose are called fiction booksCHow can you pick one you will like?DNonfiction books tell stories using factsEYou don t have to search all by yourself四、完型填空Jimmy is an American boy. Hes thirteen. He lives_ his family in Beijing. There are_ people in his family. His father David Clinton, his mother Catherine and his little sister Abbey. He has a yellow dog. _name is Larry.Look! Abbey is playing with Larry. Theyre _. His father is washing his car. His mother is cleaning the house. _ is Jimmy doing? Ah, he is doing _homework in Chinese. He cant _Chinese well, but he loves Chinese very much.Jimmys _ works in a middle school as an _ teacher. His mother works at a TV station. Jimmy and his _ go to the same school.21 . AinBonCwith22 . AthreeBfourCfive23 . AItsBHerCHis24 . AhappyBinterestingCbad25 . AWhereBWhatCWhy26 . AhisBherCour27 . AsayBspeakCtell28 . AfatherBsisterCdog29 . AChineseBEnglishCJapanese30 . AbrotherBsisterCgirl五、阅读单选Every school has its rules. The rules are different. Here some students are talking about their school rules.PeterOur school asks students to wear uniforms, for example, sports clothes or skirts. Students must tell their schools when they go to the movies or leave home in the evening.Zhang HuaStudents in our school cant eat gum, because its hard to clean. And we cant eat lunch at school. And we must speak Putonghua at school. Students in our school cant have long hair. We cant get into school with other schools students.MikeStudents in our school must wear sports shoes at school every day. And we cant wear slippers to school because they are not safe. We easily fall down.31 . The students cant leave home in the evening in _ school, if they dont tell their schools.APetersBZhang HuasCMikesDPeter and Mikes32 . Why cant the students eat gum in Zhang Huas school?AIt is not terrible.BIts hard to clean.CThey have no time.DThey have no money.33 . Zhang Hua must _ at school.Ahave long hairBtake other schools students to schoolCspeak PutonghuaDeat lunch34 . Why cant students in Mikes school wear sippers?AThey are safe.BThey are not safe.CThey are good.DThey are right.35 . This passage is about _.AuniformsBschool shoesCfamily rulesDschool rules六、用单词的正确形式完成短文选词填空根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整每个单词只能用一次Popular man during think alsoThe Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month in Chinese calendar People often eat zongzi and row dragon boats 36 . the festivalThousands of years ago, people began to throw rice into the Miluo River to feed Qu Yuan on May 5th every year, because he died in the Miluo River They37 . he was still alive in the river Now, in order to remember the honest man, people in China often make zongzi This kind of food is very delicious and very38 . Men and women, young and old all like eating zongzi very muchThe festival is 39 . best known for its dragon boat races During the festival, people often race dragon boats in many places, especially in the south of China where there are many rivers and lakes The dragon boat is about 50100 feet long, 5 feet wide There are more than 20 strong 40 . on the boat They sit in the boat side by side At the head of the boat, there is a big drum on it The drummer plays the drum during the race七、填空(B)阅读下面短文,将短文中划线部分的句子翻译成中文(共6分,每小题2分)Cars are very important in the life of the Americans. 73.Without a car, most American people would feel that they are poor. And even if a person is poor, he doesnt really feel poor when he has a car.74. Henry Ford was the man who started making cars in large numbers. He probably didnt know how much cars would affect the American culture. Cars have made the United States a nation on wheels. And 75.it has helped to make the United States what it is today.41 . _42 . _43 . _八、信息匹配配对阅读左栏是五个人对电视节目偏好的描述,右栏是七个热门节目的介绍。请根据每个人的需求,为他们选择合适的节目,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。44 . As a science fan, Sun Lei is fond of programs showing and explaining the secret of peoples “super” abilities.45 . Lily is interested in playing the guitar and writing songs and she is excited to see singers performing their own songs in a singing show.46 . Li Wen is out of work and she wants to watch something that helps her know more about the needs of company bosses.47 . Yang Sen wants to spend time with his five-year-old son watching programs popular with kids.48 . Du Xing likes reading about history and culture. He thinks it a shame that young people these days know so little about our own culture.Groups of famous singers take part in this singing competition show to collect money for programs on the health of children, child safety and childrens education. Different from most music shows, each group has two singers as partners.AHappy CampIt is a weekly show on Saturdays, purposely created for young people to watch. The show is so popular that many singers and actors would like to advertise their movies, books or songs on the show.BOnly YouIn this TV show, job searchers have a chance to explain the type of job they are looking for in a face-to-face interview with 12 CEOs from big companies. They all try their best to show their abilities and knowledge.CWhere Are We Going, Dad?It is very popular among children and their parents. On the show, five star fathers take care of their kids alone during a three-day stay in a village. It even has some fathers wondering if they are spending enough time with their children.DDream Star PartnerGroups of famous singers take part in this singing competition show to collect money for programs on the health of children, child safety and childrens education. Different from most music shows, each group has two singers as partners.ESing My Song It is a TV music competition made by the same team that produced the The Voice of China. However, a big difference is that singers in this show must perform songs that are written by themselves rather than covering songs by other artists.FThe Brain It is a scientific reality, talent and game show to find the people whose brainpower are beyond the ordinary people. The show invites a great number of famous people and scientists to be the judgesGChinas Riddle Guessing CompetitionThis show is seen as another effort to reconnect young people with Chinese traditional culture. It also shows just how fun guessing riddles can be because it requires a lot of knowledge and involves the latest news from home and abroad. 九、回答问题Why should students play sports? Some people think that students play sports in order to get exercise. Others think it can help students have fun. But that is not enough.If students play sports, they can get more than healthy bodies. Why? Here are three more reasons.Students who play sports do better in school. Some people think that doing exercise will take up students study time. But a recent study has shown that students who play sports get better scores in school than those who dont. Exercise gets students to learn, remember things and concentrate better.Students who play sports develop their teamwork spirits and learn problem-solving skills. When they are working together with others to win games and reach goals, theyre learning how to be successful in practice. And these skills will be useful to them for study or their future work.Playing sports can also improve confidence. Students who play sports feel better about themselves. When they know they can improve and reach their goals by practicing, it builds their confidence. And sports can also help them communicate with others actively and make new friends.49 . Why do students who play sports get higher marks in school?_50 . Mary is a shy girl, how can sports help her according to the article?_51 . Are you going to play sports with your friends every day? Why or why not?_十、材料作文52 . Bob 特别喜爱的动物是猫,请你用学过的知识来帮他介绍一下,写一篇80词左右的短文。短文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。内容要点如下:My favorite catDo Re Mi外表漂亮黑耳朵、圆眼、黑鼻子、小嘴在家跟着我进进出出生活习性爱吃鱼爱睡觉胖聪明事例一天,我看到它在起居室追老鼠。三分钟后它逮住了老鼠,我高兴地说:干得好!My favourite catDo Re MiHello! Im Bob. This is my little cat. I like it very much._Do you like my favourite cat? Tell me, please.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填空1、八、信息匹配1、九、回答问题1、十、材料作文1、

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