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译林牛津版2019-2020学年中考成果检测卷(二)英语试题(不含听力材料)一、听短对话回答问题1 . AWonderful.BCute.CExcited.2 . ABy boat.BBy bicycle.CBy undergrounDBy car.3 . AHe will go to the cinema.BHe will visit his uncle.CHe will have a picnic.DHe will go to school.4 . AA doctor.BA nurse.CA teacher.DAn artist.二、听句子或对话选择图片5 . ABC6 . Who had an accident this morning?ABC7 . Where will Lucy go?AABBCC8 . ABC9 . ABC三、听长对话回答问题听对话,回答各个小题。10 . What does Henrys mother think is good for his health?AWater.BCola.CChicken.11 . What doesnt Henry like to do?ATake a walk.BGo to bed.CGet a hamburger.12 . Where are they the most probably talking?AIn KFC.BAt home. C.In the school.听第6段材料,完成下面小题。13 . What are the two speakers doing now?AMaking a call.BMaking the bed.CWashing clothes.14 . Who does Alex help to wash clothes?AHis friend.BHis grandmother.CHis mother.15 . What day is it today?AFriday.BSaturday.CSunday.听对话,回答下列各题。16 . Which is the cheapest?AThe pork.BThe chicken.CThe beef.17 . How much does the man pay for the pork ?A5 yuan.B10 yuan.C13 yuan.四、单选题18 . Is there any _ on the table? Yes, only a little.AeggBeggsCmilkDmilks19 . It is bad manners to_ someone with your chopsticks during a meal.Apoint atBlook upCtalk toDpick up20 . My father was watching TV _ my mother was cooking.AwhenBuntilCwhileDas soon as21 . If we do_, soon there may be no tigers left in the world.AsomethingBnothingCeverythingDanything22 . (2017贵州安顺)We can use VQR code(二维码) to find information on the cell phone now.Really? Can you show me _it?Ahow I can useBhow can I useCwhy can I useDwhat I can use23 . I think this bag is _ of all.AmodernBmore modernCmost modernDthe most modern24 . The little girl of 2 years old can dress _. How clever!AhimselfBitselfCmyselfDherself25 . Although I dont feel very well myself, I will not go to hospital for some reason.AcertainBa certainCfewDa few26 . Do you know the boy over there?The one is holding a ball? Oh, thats my neighbor Phil.AwhatBwhichCwhoD不填27 . I saw Mr. Smith in the office at ten yesterday morning. Thats impossible. He an English party with us then.AhasBhadCwas havingDhas had28 . Do you know the _of the trip ? Yes, its free_30 or more students.Atake ; forBcost ; ofCpay ; ofDcost ; for29 . -I have a cold. You are near the window._please close it ?-ok . You should look after yourself well.Acould IBcould youCcan IDcan you30 . Its said that petrol(石油) _ in less than 100 years. So we should try to walk more instead of driving cars.Aused forBwill be used upCused upDwill be used for31 . Janes parents look _ because Jane gets the first prize (奖) in dancing.AangryBangrilyChappyDhappily32 . Jim likes dancing and plans _ dance lessons next month.AtakeBto takeCnot takeDnot to take五、补全短文5选5Liu Guoliang has been elected as the new president of the Chinese Table Tennis Association(CTYTA)in Beijing. He becomes an excellent coach(教练)from a Grand Slam Champion(大满贯冠军). Now he steps into a new stage again. 33 . He has made great achievements in the field of table tennis. He won the mens singles and doubles gold medals at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games.34 . Then he became the chief(主要的)coach of the national team in 2013. He is the Chineses pride all the time. “Now. I work as the CTTA president.35 . Im also responsible for organizing the managing department want to improve the sports development, said Liu Guoliang. Under Lius help, Chinese players have won 28 gold medals from the total 32 gold medals since table tennis became an Olympic sport in 1988. China has won 12 gold medals during the last three Olympic Games.36 . The former(之前的)president of the Chinese Table Tennis Association was Cai Zhenhua.37 . It was Cai Zhenhua who brought Chinese table tennis into the world in the 1980s. Now he has successfully handed the task to Liu Guoliang. AHe left the position last September. BLiu Guoliang was ever a talented player. CChina has been in the leading place in the past many years. DMy main task is to prepare for Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. EHe became a coach of Chinese national mens team at the age of 27 in 2003.六、完型填空If you are lazy and weak, you will never taste success. But if you are _, success and happiness will be more likely to come to you.I love eating persimmons(柿子). But you cant get them until autumn. If you try them before the right time, they probably taste bad. In Grade Nine, _ my grades were very poor, my parents were _that I wouldnt be able to get into an excellent senior high school. They _ me to study harder, but I didnt really understand why they were so anxious. Summer came. The hot weather made me sleepy. And every time I wanted to stop _ , Mom would shout, “Hey! Think about your_. If you dont work hard, youll regret!” I had to sit back down again and return to my textbooks. But all I_was playing with my friends. My mom would say to me, with a serious look _her face, “If a persimmon tree doesnt grow in summer, it cant bear fruit in autumn! Only by hard work _you get good results.”I didnt understand it at that time. A few months later, I succeeded in getting into the key middle school. Suddenly, I _ that working hard may be bitter but its fruit is sweet.I tasted my success and enjoyed the fruit of my hard work!38 . AbusyBcleverChard-workingDfree39 . AuntilBbecauseCthoughDunless40 . AsurprisedBworriedCexcitedDrelaxed41 . AletBhadCpushedDmade42 . AthinkingBtalkingCplayingDstudying43 . AfutureBhobbyChealthDwork44 . Atalked aboutBheard aboutCworried aboutDthought about45 . AonBunderCbesideDin46 . AshouldBcanCneedDmust47 . ArealizedBsawCnoticedDreminded七、阅读单选All students need to have good study habits.When you have good study habits,you can learn things quickly.You also remember them easily.Do you like to study in the living-room?This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy.You need to study in a quiet place,like your bedroom.A quiet place will help you only think about one thing,and you will learn better.Before you begin to study,do not forget to clean your desk.A good desk light is important,too. You are feeling tired easily if there is not enough(足够的) light.根据短文内容选择正确答案填入题前括号内。48 . When you have good study habits,you will _A. learn things quickly B. remember things easilyC. learn things slowly D. both A and B49 . The living-room is not a good place for study because it is too _.A. quiet B. noisy C. clean D. dirty50 . You are feeling tired easily if the light is _.A. good B. enough C. bad D. well51 . You should remember to _ before you study.A. tidy the room B. clean the desk C. turn on the light D. turn off the light52 . The best title for this passage is _.A. A habit B. How to Study C. Deck light is important D. Good Study HabitsTake a look at the following ads! You may find some useful information you need here!53 . If you want to have a piano lesson, you may_.Acall Susan at 7328059Bsurf the website: www.music.com.auCtelephone Mr. White at 5132683Dwrite an E-mail to sdgt 163.com54 . Who is the owner of the lost cat?AMr. White.BDavid.CLarryDSusan.55 . If you want the job as a guide, you should_.Aknow the city very wellBbe an experienced driverCbe a beautiful girlDbe more than 30 years old.56 . Which information about the apartment is NOT mentioned(提到)above?AIt has a beautiful view.BIt has three floors.CIt has three bedrooms.DIt has two bathrooms.57 . How can you get in touch with the owner of the apartment for more information?ABy making a phone call.BBy going to visit it.CBy sending an e-mail.DBy surfing the website.You may have known several kinds of police, traffic police, and street police. But have you ever heard of energy-saving (节能) policemen?A group of 22 of these new policemen went to work last week in Beijing. They go around the city to see the use of energy in hotels, office buildings, shopping centers and other public places. One of their aims is to make sure that these places have set their air conditioning (空调) no cooler than 26 . If everyone sets their air conditioning at 26 , Beijing will save 400 million kilowatt-hours of electricity in one summer. Thats one-third of all the usage of the city in the season, said a TV advertisement. Other Chinese cities, like Wuhan in Hubei Province and Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province, are going to follow Beijings steps in setting up a similar police team. From 1986 to 2005, China met 20 warm winters. It means that Chinese cities have to spend billions of yuan solving the environmental problems every year. To introduce a green life to the public, Beijing also held a show on energy-saving technology and productions last week. It attracted lots of attention. We want to tell people that there are certain ways to protect the environment. Each of us can find right ways to do it in our daily lives, said Liu Qianguang, an environmental engineer in Beijing.58 . The job of the energy-saving policemen is _.Ato set the air conditioning coolerBto check the use of energy in public placesCto stop people using air conditioningDto make sure that more energy will be produced59 . Beijing will use _ million kilowatt-hours electricity in one summer.A1200B800C400D13360 . Which of the following years winters were all warm in China?A1984-1988.B1999-2003.C2002-2006.D2005-2009.61 . According to Liu Qianguang, _.Athere are few ways to protect the environmentBits difficult to find good ways to save energyCits easy for one to do something good for the environmentDits not easy for one to do something good for the environmentChoose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):Who has seen Yeti? This mysterious human-like animal lives in and around Asias high Himalayan Mountains. Or does he? For years, stories of the Yeti have attracted the interest of explorers and adventurer from around the world. In the local cultures of the Himalayan people, old stories of the famous Yeti are everywhere. Many stories say the Yeti is not an animal, but perhaps a half-ape(半猿),half human intelligent animal. No one can say for sure. What we do only know is that the Yeti is a powerful mix of fact and fiction.Over 150 years ago, Europeans curious about the Yeti began to enter China. They were looking for something to prove that the Yeti existed. They hoped the photograph, or maybe even catch, a real-life Yeti. Over the years, many explorers saw large unexplained footprints in the snow. Several European climbers even reported seeing a hairy, ape-like animal from a distance.The search for the Yeti didnt become so popular later. Yeti fur “found” by various climbers was examined by scientists and proved to be unreal. People began to question the existence of the Yeti. In 1998, the Chinese government had to stop some activities of a nature reserve(保护区)which was doing great business by inviting tourists to buy tickets and hunt the Yeti. The reserve even offered large prices for anyone lucky enough to catch a Yeti! Clearly, basic human curiosity(好奇心)keeps the Yeti myth alive today. Plenty of unexplained footprints, bodies and stories continue to feed out curiosity as well. However, nobody can prove exactly whether the Yeti exists or not.62 . Explorers and adventurers from around the world want to know more about the Yeti because _.Athe Yeti is harmful to human beings.Bthey are interested in stories of the Yeti.Cthey want to make a living by hunting the Yeti.Dthe Yeti lives in and around Asias high Himalayan Mountains.63 . The underlined word “fiction” in Paragraph 1 probably means“_”.Astories people imagineBopinions people haveCreasons people explainDthings people complain about64 . People began to think the Yeti may not exist _.Awhen Europeans curious about the Yeti decided to enter ChinaBbefore the Chinese government had to stop some activities of a nature reserveCafter Yeti for “found” by various climbers was proved not trueDwhen several European climbers failed to photograph a real-life Yeti65 . The reserve invited tourists to hunt the Yeti in order to _.Amake moneyBprove Yetis existenceCdo experimentsDmake itself famous66 . Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?AIt is certain that Yeti is a human-like animal which lives in and around Himalayan Mountains.BIt is proved that several European climbers really saw a hairy, ape-like animal from a distance.CIt is allowed by the Chinese government to hunt the Yeti for research in a nature reserve.DIt is human curiosity that has spread the stories of the Yeti for over a century.67 . The best title of the passage might be _.AYeti HuntingBUnexplained FootprintsCA Mountain MythDHuman Curiosity八、听短文填写表格听短文,完成表格信息。短文读两遍。The Voice of the School (校园之声)What timeIts _ oclock now. Its time for you to have a break.WhatMusic can help you forget all the _.HowYou and your classmates must be very _ to hear your favorite music.What kindWestern classical(经典的) music makes people feel richer and _ music makes people do things faster.WhoMost of the middle school _ like pop music best.68 . _69 . _70 . _71 . _72 . _九、单词填空Do you remember your first day at a new school or in a new area? How about the life when your family moved to a new place? Ugh! What about the feelings of being a stranger?Then, with time flying, youll find someone l73 . what you like. A friends is a great g74 . in life. I have good friends too, but not because they are perfect (完美的). Sometimes they talk too much; sometimes they need me a lot. I know I ask too much of them. I hope my friends, like my father, c75 . about me a lot.I o76 . told my friends to give me all their love and be generous and kind. I also told my friends to love me b 77 . I loved them. They didnt u78 . me at first, but they became kinder. My love for them slowly made them l79 . to love friends. They learned to love others and got the idea that love is p80 . of life. If we listen to and try to understand each other, love will c81 . . We should work on it, even if its h82 . at first. A true friend loves us at all times.十、根据图画及所给单词写出句子看图写句子1. 2. 3. enjoy, row do exercise, gym, every day walk , relax 4. 5.swim, in summer have, breakfast83 . _84 . _85 . _86 . _87 . _十一、材料作文88 . 书面表达根据下列表格内容,以“Tonnys day”为题,写一篇短文介绍你最好的朋友Tonny的一天。TimeActivities6:30Get up6:50Run7:20Have breakfast7:40Go to school12:00Eat lunch4:30Go home5:00Play basketball9:30Go to bed要求:(1)表达清晰、准确,60词左右。(2)用上表格所有提示内容,可适当发挥。十二、其他从 B栏中找出A栏中相对应的答语,并将答案的字母填在横线上.89 . _90 . _91 . _92 . _93 . _第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、二、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、5、三、听长对话回答问题1、2、3、四、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、五、补全短文5选51、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、4、八、听短文填写表格1、九、单词填空1、十、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、十一、材料作文1、十二、其他1、


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