牛津译林版(2020)英语七年级下册Unit1 Dream homes 综合单元测评卷

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牛津译林版(2020)英语七年级下册Unit1 Dream homes 综合单元测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Children, the words are a little harder. Please _ on your book.Awrite down itBwrite it downCwrite down themDwrite them down2 . Would you like to go fishing with me?Id love to,_I have to stay at home _my illness(疾病)Aand;because ofBor;becauseCbut;because of3 . Deng Ziqi is quite popular _ the young now.So she is. She performed wonderfully _ the night of the final.Aamong, onBwith, atCbetween, inDamong, in4 . -Whats your favorite subject?-_, because I am interested in numbers.AP.E.BMusicCArtDMath5 . He hopes _ your home some day.Ahe visitBhim to visitCto visitDhe to visit6 . John is _ years old. Today is his _ birthday.Aten; tenthBten; tenCtenth; tenDtenth; tenth7 . -Your dog knows a lot of tricks. _ do you train him?-Only about ten minutes every day.AHow longBHow oftenCWhenDWhy8 . Our house is not very big, so my sister has to _ the bedroom with me.AclimbBgrowCshareDcook9 . -What does the instruction say?-The colors in the dress will _ if you use hot water.AfallBappearCrunDshine10 . We like water _ nothing in itAwithBhaveChasDOf11 . (题文)_?Its Monday,May 2nd.Awhats todayBWhen is todayCHows todayDHows the weather today12 . “Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics recently.Yeah, it receives _ Internet hits a day.AthousandsBthousands ofCthousandDhundreds13 . There aretourists visiting the island during the May Day holiday every year.Atwo thousand ofBtwo thousandsCthousands ofDthousand of14 . -Jim takes _his father. -You mean he is similar_ his father.Afor; asBto; withCafter; toDaway; from二、完型填空Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me _ a questionBut many times I have asked myselfI have _ a whole variety of reasons_ important reason is that I want to be a better manMany things make human beings different _ or better than or even superior to animalsOne of the most important things is _If I fail to receive higher educationmy education _As I want to be a fully _ manI must get a well-rounded educationwhich good colleges and universities are supposed to _I know one can get educated in many ways,but colleges and universities are _ the best places to teach me how to educate myselfOnly when I am welleducated will I be a better human being and _ fit into society15 . AquiteBsoCsuchDanother16 . Acome up withBagreed withCbeen fed up withDgot on well with17 . AMostBThe mostCMoreDMuch18 . AtoBaroundCbetweenDfrom19 . AeducationBweatherCtemperatureDscience20 . AfinishedBdont finishCwill not finishDhas finished21 . AdevelopBdevelopedCdevelopingDexperience22 . AimproveBgraduateChearDprovide23 . AbetweenBamongCinsideDoutside24 . Acan goodBmay betterCbe able to betterDbe able to best三、阅读单选Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and its one of the top universities in the world. There is no clear date when the university started, but teaching began at Oxford in some forms in 1096 and developed quickly from 1167.There are 39 independent (独立的) colleges at Oxford, attracting students and learned men from across the world. There are over 100 libraries for the students and learned men to use. At Oxford, they also provide a number of money for the best students. Of course, if you want to study here, first you have to reach a certain level of English language.College life at Oxford is very exciting but busy. The groups of colleges provide a friendly and welcoming home for students. At the same time, they are strict with students about their studies. Many Chinese students are studying here. The number of Chinese students at the university has grown quickly over the past ten years.25 . How many libraries are there at Oxford?AOnly 100.BJust 100.CMore than 100.DLess than 100.26 . What do you have to do first if you want to study at Oxford?ATo be independent.BTo reach a certain level of English.CTo study English hard.DTo be the best students.27 . The college life at Oxford is full of _ and has_.Aexcitement; much school work to doBexcitement; no school work to doCattraction; no school work to doDattraction; a little school work to do28 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThe colleges arent strict in studies.BThousands of students come here to study only because of 39 dependent colleges.CThe University of Oxford is an important one in the world.DThe University of Oxford provides a number of money for most students.29 . Whats the best title for the passage?ACollege LifeBFamous Learners at OxfordCChinese Students at OxfordDThe University of OxfordDear Sandra:Thanks for your family photo. Here is a photo of my room. A bed, a desk, a chair, a bookcase, a computer and a white baseball are in my room. My bed is blue. Near the bed is my white desk. My pencil box is on the desk. Two pens, three pencils and a ruler are in it .My eraser isnt in it. Look! Its on the desk. Under the desk is my black chair. My bookcase is red and some books are in it. Whats that on the desk? Its my computer. Where is my white baseball? Ah! You cant see it in the photo. Its under my bed.YoursTina30 . Here is a photo of _.ATinas roomBSandras roomCTinas familyDSandras family31 . What color is the desk?ARedBBlackCWhiteDBlue32 . Where is the computer?AOn the bedBOn the chairCIn the bookcaseDOn the desk33 . What cant you see in the picture?AThe basketball.BThe chairCThe baseballDThe eraser34 . Which of the following is TRUE? (下列哪项陈述是正确的?)ASome books are on the chair.BThe pens and pencils are in the pencil box.CThe eraser is on the bed.DThe baseball is blue.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示完成单词35 . There is a lot of _ (盐)in the dishes.36 . How many _ (千克) of meat do you want?37 . When I am _ (有空的),1 will go to the park.38 . I want to buy three _ (瓶) of milk.39 . Please bring three _ (杯) of tea.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。40 . My brother is playing games with his friends there, and its very _. (noise)41 . I like _ because they are interesting. (giraffe)42 . My father keeps working for 12 hours, and he needs to get some _.(sleep)43 . Its their dream _ a library. (have)44 . Im _ sorry that my son breaks your vase. (terrible)45 . After dinner, I cant feel _, either. I must read a book before I can watch TV. (relax)46 . Jerry, can you help me do the _ now? (dish)47 . It usually _ me two hours to do my homework every day. (take)48 . I love my teacher. Hes _ a father to me. (like)49 . He often practices _ English with his classmates. (speak)六、单词填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词。In American, most high school students take English, science, math and history.In English 50 . , the students study grammar and read famous literature(文学名著). 51 . science class, they study biology, chemistry or physics. History is 52 . interesting to some students than other subjects 53 . they learn about important events and places in the United States. Students take other courses, 54 . . These are electives(选修课). 55 . study music because they feel it is more enjoyable. Some 56 . computer science because they think 57 . is more practical.In each class, teachers give students exams. Some exams are more difficult than 58 . , but a good student can always do 59 . .七、回答问题What will the home of the future look like? A team of architects in Hong Kong say that city homes will be tiny, as populations continue to grow and space becomes more expensive. They have designed “spaceflats” that are only 30 square metres in size. These flats have small rooms: a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom, as well as a balcony(阳台), but everything is carefully planned to make good use of the limited space. The living room is the main room of the flat. It can be used as an office, a kitchen or even a second bedroom. There is a sofa that can be changed into a bed. The dining table can be changed into a computer desk. And, if not needed, both the sofa-bed and the table can be folded away(折叠收拢). There is a flat-screen TV, which can also serve as a computer monitor. You cant see the cooker, the microwave and the small refrigerator because they are all hidden out of sight. The other rooms are small but practical(实用的). The bathroom contains a toilet and shower. The double bed in the bedroom can also be a sofa, if necessary. The balcony has enough space for two people to sit and you may see an amazing fountain on it. All the rooms have high ceiling to provide as much storage(存储)space as possible, while the flat has large windows to let in plenty of sunlight. “Spaceflats” are now being tested in a building in Hong Kong. “Its wonderful,” said one citizen, “The flat is so well designed that you feel that there is plenty of space.”60 . Will city homes be tiny according to the architects in Hong Kong?61 . What can the living room be used as?62 . How many things are hidden out of sight?63 . Where can the owner enjoy the nice view?64 . There is plenty of sunlight in the flats, isnt there?65 . Would you like to live in the “spaceflats”? why?八、汉译英:整句句子翻译66 . 我的家人在10月31日的晚上举行一个晚会。67 . 我们玩一个叫“不招待,就使坏”的游戏。68 . 我们为万圣节前夜做些什么?69 . 通常,他们给我们一些糖果作为招待。70 . 如果他们不招待我们,我们就可以捉弄他们。71 . 孩子们在为晚会做准备。九、话题作文72 . 书面表达假如你叫王林,你家刚刚乔迁新居请根据提示词汇写一篇60 80 词的作文描述一下你的新家及周边的环境要求:语句通顺,意思连贯提示词汇:apartment , study ,bedroom,garden , flower, love第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、回答问题1、八、汉译英:整句1、九、话题作文1、

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