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译林牛津版2019-2020学年七年级上学期10月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you like _ cola? No, thanks. I dont need _ drinks now.Asome; someBany; someCany; anyDsome; any2 . Would you please help me _,Wang Lei? I cant work out the problem.OK.Let me try.AoutBupCwithDafter3 . A large number of _ will be on sale on the Internet as promised.AnewsBprogressCticketsDphysics4 . Do you knowhis telephone number? (找出划线部分正确的读音)A/ ai /B/ u /C/ ei /D/ au/5 . Can you see11-year-old boy andone-year-old cow in the field?Aa; anBan ; aCa; aDan ; the6 . My grandparents live in the countryside. We often go to see _.AhimBthemCherDyou7 . .He lives_in the_village, but he is never_.Aalone; alone; lonelyBalone; lonely; lonely;Clonely; alone; lonelyDlonely; lonely; alone.8 . Jimmy, its time bed now.OK. ,Mum.Ato; Good eveningBto; GoodbyeCfor; Good eveningDfor; Good night9 . I will visit Yangzhou tomorrow. _.AYoure welcome.BHave a good trip.CThats OK.DThank you.10 . May I play with Jack,Mum?一_.He is a lazy boy.AYes,you mayBNo,I cantCYes,you doDNo,you mustnt11 . Excuse _, _ am Kate. Whats your name? _ name is Sam.Ame; I; MyBmy; I; MeCI; me; MyDme; me; My12 . My birthday is _ May and his birthday is _ March 26th.Ain; inBin; 不填Cfor; 不填Din; on13 . Our monitor has made up his minda basketball match after the final exam.AorganizingBorganizeCorganizedDto organize14 . _ do you have P.E.?We have P.E. on Tuesday.AWhatBWhenCWhereDWhat time二、完型填空完形填空(本题有15小题,Many students have some _ . For example, some students do not learn their school subjects _ . Some are good at _ and do well in many exams, _they are doing very badly in sports and they do not have strong bodies. So their classmates always call _ “bookworms”(书虫). So many students suffer from(遭受) stress. The good news _ that there are some simple ways to deal with(处理) _ .Firstly, _ a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and doing exercise are very important. How can we be happy if we are unhealthy!As for schoolwork, making plans can be helpful. Making a list of the things they need to do and planning _ to do them can help students organize(组织) their time. If you are _ in one subject, studying hard and _ a teacher for advice can help.Students should not care about _ laughing. They should think about the things that are good.Then students should _ make enough time for their hobbies(爱好). Playing sports, reading and watching movies help them relax.Finally, _ is useful and important for students to share their problem with their _ and family members.15 . AfriendsBproblemsChappinessDhomework16 . AgoodBwellCgreatDbad17 . AlearnsBlearnClearningDto learn18 . AsoBandCbutDbecause19 . AthemBtheyChimDher20 . AareBwereCbeDis21 . AhungryBillnessCstressDtired22 . AeatingBeatCeattingDto eat23 . AwhenBwhereCwhatDwhy24 . AgoodBweakCstrongDbadly25 . AaskingBaskCasksDasked26 . AotherBothersCothersDothers27 . AtooBeitherCtoDalso28 . AthatBthisCitDthese29 . AbrothersBfriendsCsistersDcousins三、阅读单选Think of a simple objecta piece of chalk,for exampleAre you remembering its name,its shape,its color or its size?Are you remembering what it is used for,or the sound it makes when the teacher writes on the blackboard?Scientists say that memory includes different parts of the brain,such as language and the ability of senseThey believe that you begin to create a memory when you notice something youre your senses Thenmessages are sent to different brain cells,which join together to form connectionsA new connection goes into your shortterm memoryIt is stored there for about 30 seconds,and then it is either lost or stored in your longterm memoryHaving a good memory means making lots of connections and storing them in your longterm memoryTo do this,you need to keep your brain in good shapeEat plenty of brain food such as fish oil,fruit and vegetablesLaughter also makes your brain more activeAlso,dont forget to exerciseSo do some sports or just move around a lot in the houseFinally,get plenty of sleepThis will make your memories grow strongerWhen you want to remember new information,you must pay special attentionUse your senses-sight,smell,hearing and touch-and keep repeating the informationTo do well in your exams this year,turn off the TV,silence your mobile,and review your work regularlyTo remember something special,use your imagination to create visual(视觉的)connectionsFor example,you need to take a pencil,an eraser,your ID card and chips to your next examImagine the ID card as the body of an animal,the pencil its long neck,and the eraser its headYour animal is hungry,so now imagine it eating a bag of chipsIt may sound crazy,but its fun and it worksAnother way is to do something different to your roomTurn a picture upside-down,or tie a sock around the door handle to remind(提醒)yourself of something to remember!30 . At the beginning,the writer gives an example toAlead in the topic of the articleBshow the importance of chalkClet readers remember the wordDmake readers know his favorite31 . How many ways are mentioned to have a good memory in Paragraph 2 ?A2B3C4D532 . The main idea of the third paragraph isAhow to do well in examsBhow to remember new informationCwhy to review your workDwhat to eat to make memories stronger33 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AMemory has nothing to do with languagesBLaughter can help to improve our memoryCA picture of eating chips is the most usefulDOur brain is difficult to keep in good shapeEvery artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want to say it well, but he wants it to be something that has not been said before. He hopes the public will listen and understand what he wants to teach them, and what he wants them to learn from him.What visual(视觉的)artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain,because painters translate their experience into shapes and colours, not words. They seem to feel that acertain selection of shapes and colours, out of countless billions of, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticed these particular Shapes and colours. or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist.Most artists take their shapes and colours from the world of nature and from human bodies in motion and at rest; their choices indicate(指示)that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights. Contemporary(当代的)artists might say that they merely choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern, that there is nothing more in it. Yet even they do not choose entirely without reference to the character of their subjects.If one painter chooses to paint a decaying(腐烂)leg and another a lake in moonlight, each of them is directing our attention to a certain aspect of the world. Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasizing something-all of which means that, consciously(有意识地)or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us.34 . An artist hopes that the public will.Aunderstand him and learn from himBnotice only shapes and colours in his workCteach him somethingDbelieve what he says in his work35 . It is hard to explain what a painter is saying because he/she.Adoes not express himself/herself wellBuses unusual words and phrasesCuses shapes and colours instead of wordsDdoes not say anything clearly36 . The writer points out that the contemporary artists might say their choices of subject.Acarry a message to the publicBonly provide interesting patternChave no pattern or formDteach the public important truths37 . What do you know from the passage?AA painting is more easily understood that music.BArt is merely the arranging of shape and colours.CEvery artist tries to say something consciously to the public.DOne must look beyond shape and colour to find what the artist is saying.We brush our teeth every day but few people know _. Today, a French company has introduced an electric toothbrush, which can work wirelessly (无线地) with a smartphone. Its called the Kolibree toothbrush. It has different models, and will cost from $99 to $200.Users download (下载) an app and connect by Bluetooth, and the Kolibree will record 1) the time you spend brushing teeth, 2) whether (是否) all areas of your mouth are reached 3)whether you brush up and down instead of just side to side. Then it will send the information to a mobile phone by Bluetooth, telling you whether you have brushed in a night way. The Kolibree app records your progress (进步) and scores your brushing way to help you improve brushing habits.The Kolibree toothbrush was invented by Thomas Serval. He says the idea of inventing it came from his experience as a father. He would come home from work and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth. They always answered “yes”, but Thomas used to find their toothbrush heads dry. He decided that a kind of brush was needed to tell him how well they brushed their teeth.Thomas says that one day itll be possible to use a brushing unit with a camera. The camera can even examine holes in your teeth while you brush.38 . Which of the following is the best for _?Awhat kind of toothbrush is good for usBwhether there are bad teeth in our mouthsChow interesting brushing teeth can beDhow well were brushing our teeth39 . According to the article, the current (目前的) Kolibree toothbrush can _.Acheck the holes in your teeth when you brushBtell you whether you have made improvement in teeth brushingCsend all kinds of useful information to your mobile phoneDhelp you reach the unknown areas of your mouth40 . What can be inferred (推断) from the story of Thomas Serval?AThomass kids didnt have a good brushing habit.BThomass kids never told the truth to him.CThomas was very interested in making inventions.DThomas was a careless father.41 . Who is the Kolibree toothbrush most suitable (合适的) for?AAn inventor who wants to make a better toothbrush.BA woman who wants to have whiter teeth.CA girl who wants to know whether she brushes her teeth correctly.DA boy who wants to make teeth brushing fun.42 . Which of the following statements about the Kolibree toothbrush is NOT TRUE according to the article?AIt is an electric toothbrush, which can work with a smartphone.BDifferent models of it have different prices.CIt was first invented by a French company.DYou need to download an app to record information with it.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):43 . John says Miss Chen teaches _ maths this tern. (they)44 . Those_ are working. in the office now. (secretary)45 . _, we finish our project for our Open Day. (final)46 . I sometimes go_ with my friends at weekends. (cycle)47 . Mr Green is going to visit Garden City for the _ time. (three)48 . Lets meet at the _ of Shanghai Natural History Museum tomorrow. (enter)五、单词填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Thanksgiving is an American festival which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. During the dinner time, people usually make short 49 . (演讲)and show thanks for their food. Now, we still celebrate it with a 50 . (传统的)dinner shared among friends and family. People often travel far distances to stay with family members for the celebration. And turkeys are the 51 . (必需的)dishes cooked in every house as part of the main food, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and corn dishes also form a part of the family dinner. We 52 . (摆放)the table and eat too much, but it is only once a year! We often talk a lot and tell 53 . (故事)after dinner as well, when it is all over, everyone helps 54 . (洗)the dishes. During the festival, whats more, people can watch parade go 55 . (沿着)several streets, it is a yearly feature to mark the celebration of Thanksgiving. Football is also important at Thanksgiving, with many teams 56 . (玩)games. Like many Americans, we usually watch the games on television and enjoy 57 . (我们自己)very much. In a nutshell, Thanksgiving is all about loving, caring, sharing and communal harmony; it is all about being 58 . (感谢的)to not only God but also your friends; it is all about harvests of the years long hard work and struggle.六、材料作文59 . 书面表达假设你是一个叫Justin的13岁男孩儿,就读于金外七年级三班,开学第一节课,老师要求你用英语做一个自我介绍,请你用英语写一篇短文介绍自己。你的短文至少必须包括以下内容:姓名/性别/年龄;学校/班级情况;你的家庭:爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,姐姐是九年级学生;你最喜欢的颜色/食物/动物等以及你的兴趣爱好;你最欣赏的人及其原因注意:词数不少于80词,标点不计算在内;内容先后可做调整并进行发挥;请勿使用涂改液或胶带。写的工整,赢得漂亮!_七、其他单词辨音(判断下列每组单词画线部分字母的读音相同与否,相同的在括号内画“”;不同的则在括号内画“”)60 . Dale Grace61 . fine in62 . Bevening63 . ruler blue64 . ok orange第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、单词填空1、六、材料作文1、七、其他1、

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