牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit3 Reading(2)课时测评卷

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牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit3 Reading(2)课时测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You canbe a good teacher unless you become more patientAoftenBeverCalwaysDnever2 . (题文)-Would you like some tea, please?-Yes, I prefer tea _ coffee.AtoBforCthan3 . Tim won the first prize in the piano competition. His parents _him.Atake careBlook upCtake pride inDwait for4 . Einstein was very wise. He was a man who had great_ .AintelligenceBimportanceCimpressionDinformation5 . _ the No. 48 bus driver, all the passengers were saved. The driver managed to stop the bus before he died.AThanks toBAccording toCAs forDAs to二、完型填空Jim is an American boy. He is_New York. He likes_football matches,_he doesnt have enough money_tickets. He has to watch the matches_TV at home when he has_homework. He_go to school from Monday to Friday, so he missed a lot of important football matches.A big football match would be held(举行) in the afternoon the next day._wanted to watch it very much. But he couldnt. He would have a physics(物理) test in the_afternoon.“Can we have a video, mom?” Jim asked his mother_he went to school. “Then from our TV set you can record the match for me.”“Im_we cant afford(买得起) one,” said his mother.The next morning Jim went home with a smile,_a new video.“But where did you get the_, Jim?” His mother asked in_“Thats_, mom. I sold our TV set.”6 . AonBatCfromDto7 . AwatchingBseeingCplayingDlooking8 . AandBsoCbutDor9 . Ato buyBbuyingCbuyDbought10 . AinBonCatDwith11 . AfewBa fewCmanyDquite a little12 . AmayBcanCmustDshould13 . AMotherBFatherCTeacherDJim14 . AotherBdifferentCsameDanother15 . AafterBbeforeCbecauseDas16 . AgladBafraidCpleasedDhappy17 . AcarryingBlisteningCwatchingDplaying18 . AcarBmoneyCmatchDTV19 . AsurpriseBpersonCa low voiceDgreat pain20 . AeasyBeasilyCdifficultDhardly三、阅读单选One cold Sunday, Mariko and her dad were walking to the store.“Im tired of winter,” said Mariko.Dad waved (挥手) at their neighbor. “I know Mr. Hill hopes spring will come too.”Mr. Hill was sitting and enjoying the sun in his garden (花园). He waved, and Mariko waved back.“Mr. Hill loves his garden,” said Mariko. Mr. Hill had the most beautiful spring flower garden. It was full of daffodils (黄水仙).Dad said, “Yes, he does. And because he is old, it is hard for him to go outside in winter.”At the store, Mariko helped Dad choose milk, bread and carrots. “You may choose something for yourself, Mariko,” said Dad.At first Mariko thought apples would taste good. But then something else caught her eye, “Oh, Dad, look, daffodils!”“Is that something you want?” asked Dad.“Yes!” Mariko said happily.Mariko couldnt stop looking at her daffodils all the way home. But when she got to Mr. Hills house, she stopped, “Maybe I could .” “Wait here, Dad, please,” she said. “Ill be right back.”Mariko ran to Mr. Hill and gave him the daffodils.“What a wonderful winter surprise!” said Mr. Hill. “You have brought me spring!”根据材料内容选择最佳答案。21 . What did Mariko and her father do on Sunday?AThey did some shopping.BThey worked in the garden.CThey visited their neighbors.DThey helped Mr. Hill pick flowers.22 . What did Mariko and her father NOT bring home?AApples.BCarrots.CMilk.DBread.23 . Mariko chose daffodils probably because _.Athey were colorfulBher mother liked themCher garden needed new flowersDthe flowers made her think of spring24 . From the story, we know that Mariko _.Adisliked shoppingBliked daffodils bestCwas popular with her neighborsDwas kind and thought of others25 . What is the best title of the story?AA shopping dayBA winter surpriseCBeautiful flowersDSpring and winter四、句型转换句型转换26 . Will you please read it again more slowly?(改为祈使句)_ again more slowly, please.27 . If you dont listen to me, Ill go.(改为同义句)_ me, or Ill go.28 . Lets watch the sports games.(改为反义疑问句)Lets watch the sports games, _?29 . The teachers often tell the students not to be careless.(改为祈使句)_ careless, please.30 . Please sit next to Nancy.(改为否定句)_ next to Nancy.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词31 . August 17th is a s_ day for my parents.Because its my birthday.32 . Do you like the _ one or the small one?The small one.33 . _ (牛肉)noodles are my favorite food.34 . People in the UK like eating_ (土豆)very much.They sometimes have some in KFA35 . What _ (大小)do you want,L or M?I want an L one.This shirt is too small.六、完成句子完成句子根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。36 . 这些玻璃酒杯是手工制作的。These wine glasses were made _.37 . 我正在遭受牙痛之苦。Im _ toothache38 . 她最终为自己的错误付出了代价。Finally she _ her mistake.39 . 如今,差不多每家都至少有一台电视机。Almost all homes have _ one TV set today.40 . 他的一根手指在事故中被切掉了。One of his fingers was _ in the accident.七、回答问题阅读短文回答问题。When Scan Aiken bought a bike helmet (头盔), he never thought it would help him so soon. Only a week later, it saved his life. He was hit by a car while riding home from school in Tucson, Arizona. His bike was broken into pieces in the accident, but Scan was alive. His helmet protected him from serious head injury. “I used to think helmets were unnecessary. I thought I would never get hurt,” Scan said. “But it can and will happen to you if youre not careful.” Scan later spoke before the Tucson City Council about the need of bike-helmet laws. This led to a new Arizona law that requires people under the age of 18 to wear a bike helmet while cycling.Fifteen-year-old Mike Jones of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, knows about safety. Two years ago, he was seriously hurt in a car accident. Mike hurt his head badly when he was thrown from a van. “I dont know why I didnt wear a safety belt that day. Now I always wear it,” Mike said. Today, he can still think of that experience. “I used to love sports, but I cant do them anymore. I cant risk getting another serious injury,” he said.Like Mike, many people around the U.S. are becoming more safety-wise. “Parents cant watch kids every minute. Kids must know how to be safe. Its in their control and power, says Susan Gallagher, director of the Safety Network.New technology is also helping to prevent (预防) injuries. More people than ever before use products (产品) such as smoke alarms in their homes and seat belts in their cars. Most cyclists know that they should use bike helmets. New laws, such as the bike-helmet law Scan Aiken helped pass, are also making more people use these products. The number of serious injuries caused by car accidents and fires has gone down over the years.Kids are taking action to help prevent injuries. Like Scan Aiken and Mike Jones, they know that safety works.41 . Did the helmet save Scan Aikens life?42 . Why was Mike Jones seriously hurt in a car accident?43 . How many products do people use to prevent injuries according to the 4th paragraph?44 . What is the main idea of the passage?第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、完成句子1、七、回答问题1、

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