牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 2 Study skills课时练习

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牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 2 Study skills课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Can we meet at 9 oclock tomorrow morning? -Sorry, lets make it _ time.AothersBthe otherCanotherDother2 . Safety glasses are used_ protecting your eyes.AatBwithCinDfor3 . This city develops very fast.Workers _ many buildings in the last five years.Ahave attendedBhave builtChave prevented4 . Where is your English teacher? He Shanghai.Ahas gone toBhas been toChas beenDwas in5 . -The sale of oil-fueled vehicles(燃油车) will be stopped in Hainan province by 2030.-Well, it will help_ the environment.AimproveBstudyCpolluteDcontrol6 . Could you please _ this map on the wall?Aput onBput upCput outDput down7 . Great changes_ in Daqing since the 1990s.Atook placeBwere taken placeChave taken placeDhave been taken place8 . - _ Tom with his sister _ the Leaning Tower of Pisa? - Yes, only once.AHave; been inBHas; been toCHas; gone toDHave; been to9 . _ vegetable juice is a good habit, which helps you eat a balanced diet.ADrinkBDrankCDrunkDDrinking10 . -My grandma is ill in hospital. -_AI think so.BShe is unhealthy.CThat sounds greatDIm sorry to hear that.11 . Oh,Mario,its you!Youa lot!Yeah,its been ten years since we last met.AchangeBchangedCwill changeDhave changed12 . They _themselves in the park when I _them.Awere enjoying;sawBare enjoy;seeCenjoyed;am seeing13 . I feel excited because our class did best in the basketball game.AHow are you feeling now?BThank you for telling me.CHow do you do ?14 . -_the weather _? -Snowy.AHow, likeBWhats, likeCHows, likeDWhat , like二、阅读单选Trip 1 Four Days In The MountainsBring your strong shoes and warm clothes for this walk in Green Mountains. You may go hiking or climbing. Its also a protection area(保护区) for wild animals.Time: July 11-July 14 Tel:84639818 Adult: $110 Child: $55Trip2 Three Days In The CountryThere are many beautiful gardens. Take your camera(照相机) and enjoy the wonderful sights in Hunter Valley. It is a good place for fishing and horse riding. You can also find different kinds of flowers here. This is also a great walk for bird lovers.Time: July 20-July 22 Tel:83986432 Adult : $50 Child: $25Trip 3 Five Days By The SeaWear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine from morning to evening. Our hotel is next to the sea. We have our own boats, too. You can swim in the sea or in the swimming pool. Every day our boat will take you to different places for swimming.Time: July 13-July 17 Tel:83549679 Adult : $80 Child: $4015 . 1. If you want to go to the mountains, you can call _.A83549679B83875629C84639818D8398643216 . Sam went to Hunter Valley with his wife and five-year-old son. He should pay _.A$25B$50C$100D$12517 . Davids holiday is from July 13 to July 17, he can _.Aclimb the mountainsBgo to the beautiful gardensCgo fishing in the countryDswim in the sea.18 . What is NOT mentioned (提及)in the three trips?ABCD三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。19 . Whats her telephone number ? I dont k_.20 . I often watch TV . I think its r_.21 . His grandparents are h_. They always have fruit and vegetables .22 . The two w_ are my aunts .23 . I want a new p_ of trousers .四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词24 . 你知道中国是世界上最古老的国家之一吗?Do you know China is one of _ countries in the world?25 . 我已经读完哈利波特了。I have already _ Harry Potter.26 . 在新加坡四分之三的人口是中国人。_ quarters of the population in Singapore _ Chinese.27 . 熊猫们一看到饲养员们,就兴奋地跑向他们。_the pandas saw the breeders, they ran excitedly to them. 28 . 我们已经决定清理掉很多我们不再需要的东西。We have decided to _out a lot of things that we _ longer use.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子.选词填空has been to; has gone to; fly to; used to; get used to29 . Id like to see Mr Li right now.Sorry, you can t at the moment. He _the headmasters office.30 . When you move to a new place, you should try to _living there.31 . How will you go to Washington next week?I _ New York and then take a train there.32 . How many times_your father_Japan?Three times.33 . Did you_go to school by bus?No I_walk to school.六、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Im very happy to v34 . Beijing again. Great changes have t35 . place here. Yesterday, I w36 . to visit Sunshine Middle School - I had lived there for n37 . two years. Maybe you dont believe I couldnt f38 . the way there! A taxi driver took me there in the end. He said, “Beijing changes too much. Sometimes even people in Beijing cannot find the way.” You can see green trees on b39 . sides of the wide and clean streets. And you can see tall buildings here and there. Now, many people in Beijing a40 . English classes in the evening schools, and some of them can s41 . very good English. Im s42 . a lot of travelers from the world will enjoy t43 . in Beijing.Tim is an English boy. Every year, he and his parents go somewhere nice on their holiday. During this y44 . summer holiday, Tim and his parents travelled to several countries. They first f45 . to Beijing, the capital of China. D46 . their stay in Beijing, they went to Tiananmen Square, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. They saw many places of i47 . in this famous city. They p48 . to visit the World Park, but they did not have enough time. Then, they flew to Moscow and s49 . there for a week. They went to many interesting places and enjoyed themselves very much. The Red Square was the first place they visited in Moscow. Leather(皮革) clothes are very c50 . in Russia, so they bought some leather coats and a few pairs of leather boots for themselves. After that, they travelled to Rome b51 . train. They had a great time there. Tim said China is a g52 . country and he wanted to visit China again one day. If he c53 . again, he will visit many other cities in China, including(包括) Shanghai and Nanjing.七、填空阅读短文,根据短文内容完成文后的句子,并将答案填写在答题卡上指定的位置。The Silk RoadThe routesFor centuries,the Silk Road was the most important line of communication connecting modern day Xian with the Middle East and Europe,today one area in particular is associated most closely with the name of the Silk Road.This area is Xinjiang in Northwest China,through which two major routes of the Silk Road passed on the northern and southern side of the Taklamakan desert.The nameThe Silk Road got its name in the 19thcentury when a German geographer identified it as the route through which the Romans got their silk from China.However,silk wasnt the only thing that passed along the Silk Road;anything that had buyers was traded along the road.Goods were traded from market to market passing through many hands before they reached their final destinations.BuddhismThe Silk Road was not just the route through which goods were carried.It was also important for the exchange of ideas.Buddhism from India entered China along the Silk Road and had a huge influence on Chinese culture.Greek art styles were popular along the Silk Road and gave Buddhist statues in Northern India classical Western faces.These styles from Northerm India were also found in Xinjiang.The peopleOne of Chinas famous monks,Xuan Zang,followed the Silk Road in the 6thcentury to collect Buddhist scriptures from India.Around 600 years later,one of Europes famous travellers,MarcoPolo,entered China along the Silk Road.Both Xuan Zang and Marco Polo left detailed records of their journeys along the Silk Road.The Silk Road todayToday, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region remains an international crossroad where traders from surrounding countries,and tourists from all over the world regularly meet.Trade in precious stones,food,drinks,crafts,art,and of course,silk,contimues,too.54 . For centuries,the Silk Road was the most important line of communication which connected.55 . The Silk Road was named byafter he found the route that Romans got silk from China.56 . The Silk Road was not only the route for trade but also an important route for .57 . Xuan Zang and Marco Polo did a lot in _ of their journeys along the Silk Road.58 . According to the passage, today _ is still an important international crossroad on the Silk Road.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、阅读单选1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、单词填空1、2、七、填空1、

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