牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 4 Intergrated skills & Study skills 同步练习

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牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 4 Intergrated skills & Study skills 同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -The singer is so popular that many people are waiting _ the theatre for his concert.-Yes, They are standing in line _ its gate.Aaround, in front ofBoutside, in front ofCinside, in the front ofDabout, in the front of2 . Jack often tells us jokes to make us _.AlaughsBto laughClaughDlaughing3 . Daniel,I will visit Hong Kong and stay there for a few days.AGoodbyeBHave a nice ripCI like itDYoure welcome4 . - How do you like this DVD?- _. I enjoy it very much.AIts like a book.BIts not interesting at all.CIts about animals.DIts very funny.5 . Michael works _ a farm. His sister works _ a factory.Ain, inBon, onCin, onDon, in二、完型填空My family live in a small town. We usually have a_before the New Year for our friends and neighbors. We often ask them to bring_for someone in need instead of(代替) gifts for us. For example,they can bring food for a_family or clothes for charities(慈善机构)It is always fun and everyone has a good time.Last year,I was ill on the day of my party and went to the hospitalAs a_,I didnt have the party. Everyone was down,_ I decided to have it two weeks later.We asked for childrens hats for a charity.We_asked for reading glasses for the city library,so those who needed glasses or forgot theirs could work on computers or read books in the library.We_about 100 people to the party. It was snowy that day but everyone came to the party. We got 83 hats and 47 pairs of glasses!We were_that people could be so generous(慷慨的) in helping others.If you_to have a party,think about doing the same thing. _ will benefit(受益) much more than we would with lots of gifts.6 . AopeningBtestCpartyDcalendar7 . AsomethingBeverythingCanythingDnothing8 . AboredBrichCluckyDpoor9 . AhostBresultCforDheadmaster10 . AbutBorCandDso11 . AalsoBalreadyCeverDjust12 . AagreedBrepliedCrememberedDinvited13 . AafraidBsurprisedCsadDcreative14 . AcatchBsendCprepareDdelete15 . AOtherBOthersCOther personDThe other三、阅读单选BreakfastLunchDinnerSandrahamburgersFrench fries, ice-creamice-creamBilleggs, milk, pearschicken, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, strawberriesvegetable salad, pears,bananasTommyegg, milk, bananaschicken, carrots, broccolibroccoli, carrots, orangesSallyegg, milk, appleschicken, carrots, saladStrawberries,ice-cream16 . Bill,Tommy and Sally dont have_for breakfast.AeggsBmilkCfruitDvegetables17 . _eats fruit for lunch.ABillBSallyCSandraDTommy18 . Tommy has _ for dinner.Afruit saladBice-creamCchicken and fruitDfruit and vegetables19 . Of the four students, _doesnt eat healthy food.ABillBSallyCTommyDSandra20 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe girls like vegetablesBSally doesnt eat chicken.CFour students have fruit for dinner.DBill eats fruit for every meal.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和中文提示完成句子或对话。21 . Are the _ (灯) on the wall beautiful? I think so.22 . Now more and more people have their own cars, and there is bad _ (交通) on the road.23 . The people in west like finding _ (宝藏).24 . Do you walk _ (过) the market on your way home? Yes, I often buy things in it.25 . Slow down when you drive at the _ (转弯处) of the street.26 . You should turn right at the second _ (交叉路口).27 . What are they doing? They are walking down the garden _ (小路).28 . I often go to the English_ (角)at weekends. 五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空29 . People cant find good _ (job)in the town.30 . Alice always _ (exercise)in the morning.31 . The story is very _ (fun)32 . Mr.Miller _ (take)a shower at 7:00 every day.33 . She _ (not eat)after 5:00 pm.34 . Tom usually _ (brush)his teeth after dinner.35 . I miss(思念)my parents day and _ (night)36 . Do you _ (eat)dinner at home?37 . I _ (not like)playing the piano.38 . I often play basketball with my friends on _ (weekend)六、汉译英:单词/短语翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)39 . 三十年前,他们各奔前程。Thirty years ago, they _ for their future.40 . 在家为孩子提供一个干净、舒适的环境是父母的责任。It is the parents job to _ a clean and comfortable environment at home _ their children.41 . 他们沉默地坐在那儿。They sat there _.42 . 多亏其他国家的帮助,日本人地震后生活平静。(词数不限)_ from other countries, people in Japan live a peaceful life after the earthquake.43 . 别和他吵,他毕竟是个孩子。(词数不限)Dont quarrel with him. _, he is a kid.七、汉译英:整句.翻译句子44 . 孩子们看到迪士尼人物时忍不住尖叫。_45 . 你们上周在玄武湖拍了很多照片吗?_46 . 我不明白他们为什么变得如此激动。_47 . 你去过上海迪士尼乐园几次啦?_48 . 我喜欢看4D电影,因为它们就像魔幻一样。_八、其他标出下列句子的升降调49 . Is Grandma at home now?_50 . I dont live in the Ninth Street near my school._51 . What do people do every day?_52 . Do you find anything in the room?_53 . Why do you like your birthday so much?_54 . Which is your favourite festival?_55 . How beautiful the flowers they are!_56 . Shall we go out for a walk?_57 . All my friends are really great!_58 . Thank you for organizing the class trip._第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、汉译英:单词/短语1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、其他1、

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