牛津译林版七年级英语下册 Unit5 单元测试卷

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牛津译林版七年级下册 Unit5 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You sing well. You can join theclub.AartBmusicCbasketballDchess2 . After she got off the bus, she suddenly found that her purse was .AgoBgoneCgoingDwent3 . -Jerry, have you ever been to the Great Wall?-Yes. I_ there with my parents last yearAgoBwentCwill goDhave gone4 . It may be fun but dangerous to travel by yourself. Keeping your wallet from is important.AstealingBstolenCstoleDbeing stolen5 . Why havent you returned the book yet? -I _to, but I forgot it.AmeantBlikedChopedDexpected6 . I dream to become famous. Well, you have to be prepared to give up your _ life.AhardBtypicalCnormalDproper7 . Look! Alice _ on the phone.AtalksBsaysCis sayingDis talking8 . We have some books. But we need_.Amore twoBtwo anotherCmore someDtwo more9 . Though Lin Taos parents work in another city, he can _ himself.Alook out ofBtake care ofCcatch up withDcome up with10 . The sun was shining brightly, _everything there _ more beautiful.Amaking; lookBto make; lookedCand made; lookingDand making; be looked二、完型填空Tim has a pair of beautiful black gloves. They are soft(柔软的)and _. Tim likes _ very much. He is always very careful when he _ his gloves. He never lets water or rain(雨水)touch(接触)his gloves. So his gloves always look very _. But bad luck! He _ his favourite gloves one day. He looked _ them here and there, but he didnt _ them. Tim was very sad. After about two weeks, he heard(听说)there was _ Lost and Found Office in his city. He went there to have a try(试一试).“What _ are they?” the woman in the office asked.“Black,” he answered. She looked into her drawer(抽屉)and took out(拿出)a pair of gloves. “Are they yours?”“Yes! They are _!” Tim was very happy. “Thank you very much.”“Youre welcome,” the woman said.11 . AsmallBwarmCdirtyDold12 . AitBthemConeDthat13 . AtakesBbuysCwearsDgets14 . AnewBlongColdDhealthy15 . AfoundBwantedChelpedDlost16 . AforBatConDin17 . AgiveBfindCgetDwatch18 . AtheBanCaD/19 . AtimeBfoodCsportDcolour20 . AhersBmineCyoursDhis三、阅读单选This is a photo of Bens family. He has a big family. Look! Bens grandparents are on the sofa. They are worke. They are old, so they dont work now. Bens father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He often drives his car to work. Bens mother is a teacher. She teaches English in our school. The man in white is Bens uncle. The young woman in red is Bens aunt. They are office workers. Bens family live in Beijing now. Ben and I are classmates. We are good friends.21 . Bens grandparents dont work now because(因为) they are _.AyoungBoldCstrongDbusy22 . What do Bens parents do?ATheyre doctors.BHis father is a teacher and his mother is a doctor.CHis father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher.DTheyre teachers.23 . Bens uncle and aunt work _ .Ain an officeBin a schoolCin a hospitalDIn a hotel24 . Bens family live in _ now.ACanadaBChinaCEnglandDAmerica25 . Which of the following(下面哪句)is true?ABens family is small.BBen and I arent good friends.CBens aunt is in white in the photo.DBen and I are in the same class.Students in our school have a colorful school life. We have School Activity Week every year. On the wall of the teaching building are the posters from Grade 7, Grade 8 and Grade 9. Lets go and have a look!Be a Good Reader!Time: 13:3016:30,Apr. 10thPlace: Reading Hall Improve your reading skills and get new ways of reading.Learn more about nature.Increase your knowledge and make new friends.For Free!Grade SevenInvite Your Father to Join Us!Time: 09:0012:00,Apr. 12thPlace: Meeting Hall Join in the one-month “stop smoking” challenge.Know about how to give up smoking.Ask your father to join us! For Health!Grade EightRaise Moneyfor Children!Time: 14:0017:00,Apr. 14thPlace: School PlaygroundSave 30% on everything. Come and buy pens, dictionaries and other school things. Look forward to your coming.For Children!Grade Nine26 . We can see the posters on the.AdeskBblackboardCwallDplayground27 . When we take part in the activity on Apr. 10th, we can do the following activities except.Abuying school thingsBgetting new ways of readingCimproving reading skillsDlearning more about nature28 . If a pen in the shop is ten yuan, we can pay onlyyuan for it in our school on Apr. 14th.AeightBsevenCthreeDtwo四、句型转换句型转换29 . Dont wear jeans to the party, or youll be the worst.(改为同义句)_ you _ jeans to the party, youll be the worst.30 . I think there will be more pollution in the future. (改为否定句)I _ there _ be more pollution in the future.31 . You cant pass the exam if you dont work hard. (改为同义句)You cant pass the exam _ you work hard.32 . If I join the Lions, Ill become a great soccer player.(改为一般疑问句)_ become a great soccer player if you join the Lions?33 . Hell come back in an hour. (就画线部分提问)_ will he come back?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。34 . As a gentleman, you should learn how to b_(表现)at the dinner table.35 . Listening, speaking, reading and writing are four b_(基础的)skills of English leaning.36 . The banker had a lot of w_(财富), but he was always worried about losing his money.37 . I forgot to set the alarm clock and o_(睡过头)this morning.38 . Life is peaceful every day; Nothing_(出平意料的) has ever happened here.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空39 . Have you_(return) her ball? Yes, I _(return) it just now.40 . Our teacher told us that he _(not leave) until we _(come ) back.41 . She has received some letters since she _(come ) to this city.42 . My mother isnt in. She _(be) here in five minutes.43 . _(turn) down the music as my daughter _(do) his homework.44 . The boys _(criticize) because they were late.45 . The Whites _(be) in Beijing since five years ago.46 . Id like _(buy) a pair of _(shoe) for my daughter.47 . My picture is _(bad) than his .48 . She apologized for _(break) my cup.七、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词49 . 我的老师正在教室里来回踱步。My teacher is walking_around the classroom.50 . 当我们到达山顶时,太阳开始升起。When we_the top of the mountain,the sun started to come up.51 . 你去度假需要带什么东西?What do you need to_you on vacation?52 . 你从三亚带回什么东西了吗?Did you_from Sanya?53 . 他如此饥饿,以至于很快吃光了桌子上的所有食物。He was_he quickly ate up all the food on the table.八、单词填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Mr Robinson is a middle school teacher. And he taught 54 . (化学)in the school. The school has lots of strict 55 . (规则)for the teachers. If they are late for work, the school will 56 . (惩罚)them. Every day, Mr Robinson drives a long way to get to work. He has to get up early and goes to work with an 57 . (空的)stomach. So He brings some bottles of milk in a big box and put the box 58 . (在旁边) his desk, so he can drink it when he gets hungry.One day, when he arrived at his office as usual, he wanted to have some milk. But he found that the box was broken and two bottles of milk were 59 . (丢失的). He thought that someone in his office must have taken the milk. He was so angry that he said to the teachers in his office: “I will wait 60 . (直到)this bad man apologizes to me. Or I will call the police .” But no one in the office 61 . (答复)to him. After 62 . (修理)the box, he went out for lunch.During the lunch, he was thinking about doing an 63 . (实验) to catch that man. But when he got back to the office, no one said sorry to him. To his surprise, all his milk, even the box, had gone.九、信息归纳任务型阅读It seems school children all over the world complain(抱怨) about their school food. Cherie Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, said that she would prepare a packed lunch for her son if school dinners do not improve. So what do students of your age eat for lunch at school?JapanHigh schools have canteens, which serve everything from noodles to rice, but not burgers and chips. Other children bring food from home such as cold rice balls, meat or fish, pickles(泡菜) and vegetables.Students take home a menu for the coming month containing notes on nutrition value. Twice a year parents are invited to have a taste of the food. The class with the fewest leftovers(剩饭) at the end of the month receives a prize.United StatesA typical menu from a US school is made up of a hamburger with fried potatoes or roast chicken, lettuce and pickles, fruit and cookies. School lunches must also provide at least one-third of the daily dietary allowances(定量) of protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium and calories.AustraliaMeat pies, sausage rolls and hot dogs are all traditional dishes in Australian school shops. But as the nation pays more attention to childrens health, healthier foods have started to find their way onto school menus.Many schools have used a traffic light system. The sale of red-labelled foods, including pastries, chocolate and soft drinks, is served only twice a week. Healthier green-labelled foods such as sushi, sandwiches, corn and watermelon, however, are available(可提供的) every day.South AfricaMost of South Africas schools do not serve meals at all. Classes end at 1:30 pm and students get their own lunches. Many students bring food from home, usually sandwiches.Fast food and fried food sell the best among students, which has led to a rise in obesity among children. But as more people began to realize the fact that being too fat may cause different diseases, some schools in towns have led the way towards better nutrition(营养). Now students at these schools are provided with lunches of porridge with vegetables, such as cabbages, onions, beans, carrots and tomatoes.Schools serve different foods in different 64 . .JapanIn high schools, children can buy everything, such as noodles and rice. But they cant buy burgers and 65 . from canteens.Some children 66 . food from their homes.The class will get a prize if they have the 67 . leftovers in a 68 . .United StatesChildren can get 69 . of daily nutrition from their lunch at school.70 . School shops provide students with 71 . dishes.The sale of green-labelled foods is served every day, 72 . ,red-labelled foods are sold once a week.South AfricaStudents like eating fast food and fried food so that they are overweight.Students in some schools in towns can eat vegetables to 73 . fit.十、材料作文74 . 假如你是野生动物俱乐部的一名成员,你们的主席非常关注老虎的生存状况,因此他要求俱乐部的所有成员都写一篇关于老虎的英语短文,发表在各自的英文博客上。70词左右。要点如下:1. 强壮,跑得快,擅长猎食其他小动物,幼虎长到两到三岁时离开父母独自生活。2. 大量树木被砍伐,森林被开垦成农田,失去生存区域;猎人捕杀老虎,获取毛皮和虎骨来挣钱。3. 建立更多的保护区(reserve)。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、单词填空1、九、信息归纳1、十、材料作文1、

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