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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共80分)1. (8分) (2016九上夏津开学考) 阅读理解。A school reportName:Edward Scott School: Kelvin High SchoolGrade: 8 Term ending: 6 MayMath:He is a little weak in this, but he tried his best to catch up with others.Science:He can work out many difficult problems. Well done! (做得好)English:He is the best in the class. Keep it up(保持).French:His reading is very good, he can remember many words.History:He is not so good at this, but has done better than before.Geography:He is familiar(熟悉的) with the names of many places in the world.Music:He doesnt like pop songs, though sings very well.No. in class: 9 absences: 8Remarks(评语): Edward is able to do a lot better.He needs to do more work next semester.Class teacher: IvyPrincipal: M. L. MartinSchool reopens: 1 September(1) After reading this, we know it is _. A . a studying plan of Edward ScottB . a teaching plan of IvyC . a report card of Edward ScottD . a working plan of M. L. Martin(2) Which subject is not mentioned(提到) in the report? A . PEB . MusicC . MathD . History(3) Edwards best subject is _. A . scienceB . EnglishC . geographyD . French(4) Edward is not so good at _. A . science and geographyB . math and historyC . history and FrenchD . music and English(5) Which sentence is NOT true? A . Edward cant sing songs very well.B . Edward doesnt do well in history.C . Edward can do better if he works harder next term.D . Edward learns two languages at school.2. (8分) Have you ever heard of e-waste(electric waste,电子垃圾), which can be produced every day? How do you deal with your computers, MP4 players and mobile phones when theyre broken or you want a new one?Most people just throw them away. With the development of electric industry, e-waste pollution has become a serious problem. According to the United Nations, in 2014, people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste and only recycled 6.5 million tons. The US was the biggest waster, producing 7.1 million tons. China came second, with 6 million tons.Its important to pay attention to e-waste. It can either be valuable or harmful(有害的), depending on how we deal with it. E-waste is a valuable urban mine(城市矿藏). The value of the metals, like gold and silver in the waste around the world, is amazing. And the metals can be reused. But if people throw them away, the toxic chemicals(有毒化学物质)can get into the earth or air,effectingthe environment and peoples health.Apple, for example, now recycle peoples used products in China when they are buying new ones. The company will test and repair the used ones and sell them at lower prices. To help reduce(减少)e-waste, we can also take computers and phones to see if companies offer recycling programs.(1) The following can become e-wasteEXCEPT_.A . computersB . mobile phonesC . plastic bags(2) Which country produced most e-waste last year according to the United Nations?A . America.B . China.C . Japan.(3) What does the underline word affecting mean in this passage?A . 保护B . 影响C . 改善(4) From Paragraph 4, we learn that_.A . the recycle Apple products will be sold at higher prices.B . buying longer lasting electronic products is a good way to reduce e-waste.C . its better to keep the unwanted electronics in your bedroom.(5) The main purpose of this passage is to_.A . prove that e-waste is useless.B . encourage people to buy more electronic products.C . advise people to deal with e-waste properly to reduce pollution.3. (8分) The centerpiece of curling(冰壶)is the curling stone. Kays of Scotland has been making curling stones since 1851, when William Kay and his sons Andrew and Thomas set up a workshop in Mauchline, Ayrshire, in southwest Scotland. Kays is still owned by the relatives of the founder, and today it is the only curling stone maker left in Scotland.Used in a highly competitive sport, the curling stones are made to exact standards. First, stones are sliced and then into round “cheeses”. Finally, the cheeses are shaped and polished into curling stones in a series of steps.Each stone must weigh 44 pounds. Each must have a maximum diameter (直径) of 36 inches. Polishing is done by hand on a wheel using water, diamond-talcum power, and felt. Finishing the stones “running edge” is done entirely by hand with a special kind of paper and a digital measure and magnifying glass (放大镜). Lastly, a handle(把手) is fitted into holes on the top of the stone. Stones are computer-matched into pairs. Sixteen stones-8 pairs-are needed for a game, and since curling game field usually have 6 lanes, each game field needs 96 matched stones!Kays is a small company, employing less than ten skilled workers. Master craftsman and co-owner James Wyllie is skilled at all phases of curling stone making and is also an enthusiastic curler, as well as active member of Mauchlines Burns Club, which meets regularly to honor well-known Mauchline residents.(1) What is true about Kays?A . It is a family business.B . Its a brand(牌子) of curling stones.C . Its a place in Scotland.D . Its the name of a curling stone dealer(业者).(2) How many curling stones are needed for two games happening at the same time?A . 8B . 16C . 32D . 96(3) What does the underlined word “sliced” mean in Chinese in the second paragraph?A . 切割B . 镶嵌C . 移开D . 固定(4) Which of the following statements is NOT RIGHT according to the passage?A . Kays of Scotland has been curling stone maker for more than 150 years.B . The weight of each curling stone must be 44 pounds.C . We use a special machine to polish the curling stone.D . The workers in Kays are all experienced.(5) Whats the passage mainly about?A . The history of curling.B . How to make a curling stone.C . The rules of curling.D . How to become a curling stone maker.4. (8分) (2017八下福建期中) 根据短文理解,选择正确答案。One day, while I was walking on the street, I heard the piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people. I stopped and saw a young lady sitting at a piano.She was singing songs about love. The way she was singing made me a little comfortable. I stood there watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be brave enough to perform in front of so many people.She noticed me. I walked over and told her how good her music sounded. “Thank you.” she said.“I have been going through a hard time recently, but youve made me hopeful again.” I said to her.“Im glad that I could help,” she replied, “Why are you so sad?”“Well, my mom has lost her job, and Im not sure what to do ”“Did you notice the way you were walking? Your head was down.” she said. “Dont be upset, because opportunity (机遇) comes in different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You should smile more lift your head up.”I looked at her, surprised at how she was encouraging (鼓励) me. “Why are you playing the piano here?” I asked her with a smile.She explained that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer them up by playing music.I smiled a little wilder, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on.(1) The writer and the young lady were _ in the passage.A . strangers (陌生人)B . loversC . relatives (亲戚)D . friends(2) The writer felt _ at first while walking in the street.A . nervousB . angryC . happyD . sad(3) Why did the young lady play music and sing on a crowded square?A . Because her mother lost job.B . Because she wanted to make some money.C . Because she wanted to make people happy.D . Because she wanted to practice playing the piano in public.(4) Which of the followings didnt the lady tell the writer to do?A . To walk with head up.B . To smile more.C . To see in different ways.D . Not to be upset.(5) What do you think of the lady?A . She was brave and kind-hearted.B . She was shy and honest.C . She was bored and hard-working.D . She was strict with herself.5. (8分) 阅读短文,下列问题ALately, people have entered the forests where chimpanzees (黑猩猩) live. The chimpanzees have been getting sick because of peoples diseases. In addition, people are hunting chimpanzees. Their number is becoming smaller and smaller.Chimpanzees live in the plains and forests of Africa. They eat many kinds of food, from plant leaves and seeds to insects and even other small animals. Chimpanzees favourite food is fruit.Chimpanzees are very clever and they can use tools well. They can catch bugs using sticks, and break nuts using rocks.The worlds forests are much smaller than they were before. Roads were built in deep forests, so people start to enter forests where chimpanzees live. That may lead to many problems. One problem for chimpanzees is that they can easily catch peoples diseases and die. Chimpanzees are much closer to people than monkeys.As its easier for people to enter forests, they hunt more often. Young chimpanzees are caught to be pets or for scientific researches. The young ones are taken away from the forests, and the adults are killed. Chimpanzees are likely to disappear in the future.(1) Chimpanzees live in the plains and forests of _.A . AfricaB . AsiaC . EuropeD . America(2) Chimpanzees may feed on the following EXCEYPT_.A . insectsB . bugsC . lionsD . fruit(3) Chimpanzees can break nuts using _.A . sticksB . rocksC . their teethD . glass(4) The underlined word “That”refers to the fact that _. A . People hunt for chimpanzeesB . Chimpanzees get sick more easilyC . People enter the forests where chimpanzees liveD . Chimpanzees are much closer to people than monkeys.(5) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . Chimpanzees can easily catch peoples diseases and die.B . Young chimpanzees are taken away from the forests.C . Young chimpanzees are caught to be pets or for scientific researches.D . Chimpanzees have already disappeared.6. (8分) Car accidents happen everywhere every day and are the main cause of injury in the United States. In order to control the increasing(增长) accidents, many states have passed tough laws. Also, car manufacturers(制造商) have been trying to make safer cars to save lives.However, as there are more and more cars and drivers on the road, these safety measure (安全措施)are not enough to stop the increasing car accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (管理部门)reports that a car accident happens every 10 seconds in the United States.Car accidents may be caused by different reasons. Some accidents are caused by drivers tiredness and illness or drunk driving. Some may be caused by speeding or running a red light. When this happens, by the time the driver realizes what has happened, it is usually too late. As for ages, young drivers usually have enough experience while elderly drivers of react slowly. Mechanical defects (机械毛病)such as a broken brake(刹车) are another cause of car accidents. Poor road and weather conditions can also be a cause.Talking about different causes of car accidents can help us know what precautions(预防措施) to take beforehand. We should tell our friends or family members not to drive in poor health or after drinking wine. We should tell teenager drivers to be careful with road and weather conditions and let elderly friends understand their driving limitation(局限性)。Besides, we should have our car checked regularly(规律地). The most important thing for us to remember, however, is that we should always follow the traffic rules.(1) What has the government done to try to control the increasing car accidents?A . They try to make safer cars.B . They try to build more roads.C . They have passed tough traffic laws.D . They make drivers have their car examined every month.(2) What does the underlined word” elderly” possibly mean?A . Middle-agedB . YoungC . Rather oldD . Teenage(3) Which of the following causes is different from the other three?A . TirednessB . IllnessC . DrinkingD . a broken brake(4) Which has nothing to do with a drivers age?A . Teenager drivers.B . Not knowing the traffic rules.C . Reacting slowlyD . Driving slowly.(5) In order to avoid accidents caused by mechanical defects, we should _.A . not run a red lightB . drive the car when we are in good healthC . not drive when we are too oldD . have our cars examined regularly7. (8分) (2018七上张家界期中) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给三个选项中,选出最佳选项。This afternoon Ryan and Lucas do their homework (做作业) in Tonys house. At five, Tony and Ryan go and play baseball. Lucas can play it. He doesnt go with them. He sees some things on the desk. Let me tidy it up (整理), Lucas says. The black pencil and the yellow eraser are Tonys, he says and puts them in Tonys schoolbag. Then he puts the green pencil and the purple ruler in Ryans schoolbag.At six, Tony and Ryan come back (回来)Where (在哪儿) is my green pencil? Tony asks.Its in my schoolbag. Is my black pencil in your bag? Ryan says.Yes, it is. And your yellow eraser is in my schoolbag too, says Tony.Im sorry, boys, Lucas says.Thats all right, Lucas. We should thank you. Next time we will tidy up the desk, Tony says.(1) Tony and Ryan go and play _. A . baseballB . footballC . basketball(2) Lucas puts the black pencil _. A . in his schoolbagB . in Tonys schoolbagC . in Ryans schoolbag(3) Ryan has a _. A . white rulerB . purple notebookC . yellow eraser(4) Tony and Ryan thank Lucas for _. A . doing homeworkB . playing with themC . tidying up the desk(5) What do we know from the story?(我们从这个故事中了解到什么?) A . Lucas cant play baseball.B . Tony has a green schoolbag. C . Ryan doesnt like Lucas.8. (8分) 阅读理解Every weekend Tims mom goes to a supermarket in the Green StreetTim loves to go with herTims favorite store is next to the supermarketIt is Billows Book StoreMom goes shopping in the supermarket and Tim goes to the bookstoreTims favorite section(部分)is the sports section for childrenIt has all kinds of books about sportsIt also has many new magazines(杂志)They tell everything about sportsTim likes sports and he spends (花)a lot of time reading the books and magazines in this sectionHe likes the section with music books, tooTim always waits in the bookstore for Morn to come and get himHe takes one book or a magazine and Morn buys it for himHe thinks it is a nice way to spend every Saturday afternoon根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1) What can we know about Billows Book Store? A . Its in a busy streetB . It is open five days a weekC . Its next to a supermarketD . It closes early in the afternoon(2) Tim likes to read the books about A . planesB . animalsC . sportsD . computers(3) What does the word They refer to(指的是)? A . ChildrenB . SectionsC . BooksD . Magazines(4) When Tims morn comes to get Tim, she A . buys a book or a magazine for himB . gives him some waterC . reads a story for himD . gives him a toy(5) When does Tim go to Billows Book Store? A . On Saturday morningsB . On Saturday afternoonsC . On Sunday morningsD . On Sunday afternoons9. (8分) (2018黄浦模拟) 阅读理解Finally, a simple smartphone.The al-new Jitterbug? Smart is the simple smartphone with our biggest screen ever, now with health and safety apps.EASY Anew, bigger 5.5-inch screen makes it even easier to stay connected. Everything you want to do, from texting and taking pictures, to emailing and visiting the Internet, is organized in a single list on one screen with large letters. Plus, new Voice Typing makes writing emails and texts effortless.SMART Tum your Jitterbug Smart into a personal safety device with Great Calls award-winning health and safety apps, like 5Star?.In any uncertain or unsafe situation, simply press the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need, 24/7.AFFORDABLE Great Call? provides a variety of data(数据)plans starting as low as $249 per month. Compared to other cell phone companies, you could save over $300 per year, making the Jitterbug Smartphone plans the most affordable on the market. Ask about our new Unlimited Plan!(1) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the strong point of Jitterbug Smartphone? A . A screen of 5.5 inchesB . A one-screen task list.C . Voice typing.D . Taking clear pictures.(2) What makes Jitterbug Smartphone seem smart? A . A special button.B . All-day help online.C . The free car chargerD . The wireless network(3) What makes Jitterbug the most affordable phone on the market? A . The data plans with low starting price.B . The U.S. based customer service and support.C . The most dependable wireless network.D . The Great Calls award-winning health and safety apps.(4) Jitterbug Smartphone is supposed to be liked and bought by A . the blindB . senior citizensC . young ladiesD . people in danger(5) If you want to learn more about Jitterbug Smartphone, you can_. A . write a letterB . send an emailC . visit the given websiteD . make a phone call(6) You can possibly find the above material in . A . a travel l guideB . a story bookC . a dictionaryD . a newspaper10. (8分) 阅读理解The Sydney Opera House is a very famous building in the world. It has become Sydneys best-known landmark and international symbol. The Opera House with a “sailing roof” was designed by a famous Danish architect (丹麦建筑师), Utzon. The base for the building was started in 1959, years before the designs were finished. Utzon spent four years designing the Opera House. In 1962, the designs were finalized(定稿) and the construction began. In 1967,they started the decoration inside. It took 14 years in total to build the Opera House. Queen Elizabeth II officially opened it on October 20th,1973.The Sydney Opera House cost around 100 million and was paid for by the public. 6,225 square meters of glass was used to build it. The Opera House includes 1,000 rooms. It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide. The buildings roof sections weigh about 15 tons. Each year, this fantastic building attracts 200,000 tourists to come for a visit or enjoy events in it.The Opera House reaches out into the harbor(港湾). It is amazing and unforgettable, offering people a strong sense of beauty.(1) The designer of the Sydney Opera House was from _. A . AmericaB . AustraliaC . EnglandD . Denmark(2) Building the Sydney Opera House lasted _. A . from 1959 to 1973B . from 1962 to 1973C . from 1959 to 1967D . from 1962 to 1967(3) The underlined word “construction” means _in Chinese. A . 创立B . 设计C . 施工

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