牛津深圳版(广东沈阳通用)英语九年级上册Unit 4 Problems and davice

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牛津深圳版(广东沈阳通用)英语九年级上册Unit 4 Problems and davice姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What do you think of Amy?She is a pleasant girl and we all like to be friends with her.AhappyBfriendlyCbeautiful2 . 一Good news! I got the last ticket to the concert.一How you are!AactiveBstrangeCluckyDfunny3 . How can we deal with waste paper?The best way is to_ it.We can save lots of trees by doing so.AcleanBrecycleCthrowDburn4 . -_?- Ms.White.AWho is your favorite subject?BWhat is your favorite subject?CWho is your favorite teacher?DWhat is your favorite teacher?5 . Our school held an activity called “Recommend (推荐) Books to Students”. The teachers made a _ of 100 books!AnoteBdifferenceClistDwish6 . In front of these housesa river, which is not wide or deep but very clean.AstandBstandsCrunDruns7 . Your computer is old and slow. It is necessary_ a new one.Ato buyBbuyCto makeDmake8 . I am afraid I was not very _ to her and this makes her very sad.AexcitingBdecisiveCpoliteDsensitive9 . The students feel very unhappy because there are too many_ at school.AjobsBdreamsCrules10 . How manyare there in the fridge? About twenty.AtomatoesBbreadCappleDMilk11 . You have got nothing to be _ of and instead you should feel proud of your action.AattentiveBshamedCimportantDnecessary12 . I like to play _ my cat .AonBatCofDwith13 . -Who _ you leave the room?-Mr Li did.AaskedBtoldCmadeDwanted14 . Would you like some _ ?Yes, a little ,please.AapplesByogurtCorangesDbananas15 . He knocked something _ the shelf when he _ it.Aoff, passedBdown, pastCoff, pastDover, passed二、补全对话6选5补全对话。Completing dialogues.A: Do you like your new flat?B: Oh, yes. Its nice to live in a new flat.A: No complaints about it?B: Well, sometimes16 . So its difficult to sleep.A: Its in Pudong, isnt it? It is very far to your company.B: 17 . A: Is it?B: Yes.18 . So its possible to get there in half an hour from here.A: Do you have good security?B: 24 hours a day.19 . A: What about the environment?B: There is a big and beautiful garden behind the high-rise buildings.A: 20 . Aits a bit noisy at night.BThats right, but its easy to get to.CHow about coming to my home.DHow lucky you are!EIts near a No.2 Underground Station.FSo its safe to live there.三、完型填空For many students,they can get to school easily. But for me,it is very_My name is Zhao Kai. I live in a small village_my grandparents,because my parents_to the city to work. My school is_from my home and my grandparents are old,_they cant take me to school. And the road(道路)is not good. I cant_my bike. I must walk to school. I need to_at 5:30 every morning,and I have no_for breakfast at home. I always have breakfast on my way to school. It usually_me one hour to walk to school,but I am_late for school. Im good with my teachers and classmates and I study hard at school.21 . AdifficultBeasyCboringDinteresting22 . AofBwithCatDin23 . ArunBleaveCgoDsell24 . AlongBshortCfarDbig25 . AandBsoCorDbut26 . AmakeBtakeCdriveDride27 . Athink ofBget upClook atDgo to bed28 . AtimeBmorningChourDday29 . AplaysBhelpsCtakesDstops30 . AusuallyBalwaysCsometimesDnever四、阅读单选Joe was a boy with a special ability. He could make himself cry in less than a second. In this way, he could get almost everything he wanted.One day, Joe met Pipo. Pipo had no family and was very poor. He was asking people for some money in the street. When people offered him some money, he would do something for them in return. Joe decided to help him make some money. He took off his hat, put it face-up on the ground and started crying sadly.In a few minutes, Joes hat was full of money, but when Joe gave Pipo the money, Pipo declined.“Its much more fun making an effort to get things. Maybe I havent got everything I want, but Ive done a lot of interesting things,” said Pipo. Joe walked away sadly. He had got everything he wanted, but hed done nothing interesting the whole day. He hadnt even enjoyed himself by spending almost all his time crying.That evening, Joe wanted a piece of cake for his supper. When his mum refused, he wanted to cry. But he remembered what Pipo said. So he tried to get the cake in some other ways. To the joy and surprise of his parents, Joe spent the whole evening helping his mother with the housework. In the end, there was no cake. But that wasnt so bad because Joe discovered it was much more fun doing all those things that evening rather than just sitting crying to get a piece of cake.31 . When Joe wanted something, he _.Aworked hard to get itBgot it by cryingCasked his friends for helpDturned to his parents for help32 . What can we know about Pipo?APipo made money by doing interesting things.BPipo always refused others help.CPipo did something to pay for others help.DPipo had a big family to support.33 . The underlined word declined in Paragraph 3 means _ in Chinese.A接受B贬低C青睐D拒绝34 . How did Joe s parents feel when he didnt cry for the cake that evening?AHappy and surprised.BDisappointed and angry.CWorried and nervous.DGlad and excited.35 . What can we learn from the passage?AIts a piece of cake to do something.BWe should work hard to get something.CIts a good way to cry for something.DChildren should help with the housework.五、阅读判断Many people think that twins are exactly the same. But theyre not! Ali and Ahmet are twin brothers. They look the same and in some ways they are the same. But in other ways they are different. Ali and Ahmet are both very athletic. Ali and Ahmet both like soccer. But Ali plays it every day and Ahmet plays it only on weekends. Ahmet likes watching soccer games on TV but Ali only likes to play the game, not to watch it. Ali and Ahmet are both outgoing and funny, but Ahmet is a little more outgoing than Ali. Ahmet is also a little more serious about schoolwork. Ali and Ahmer are very popular at school, and they both have a lot of friends.请根据短文内容判断下列各句正()误()36 . Ali plays soccer every day.37 . Both of the brothers like tennis.38 . Ali is more outgoing than Ahmet.39 . The twin brothers are popular at school.40 . Ali likes to watch soccer games on TV.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子选词填空miss, seat, stupid, take care, past41 . When you are outside alone, you must _.42 . He was away from home for some days and he _ his family very much.43 . I made such a silly mistake that I felt I was so _.44 . The fruit shop is not very far, just go _ the supermarket and turn left.45 . You can take my _, its tired to stand with such a heavy bag.七、单词填空综合填空。Complete the passage with proper words.Mini was a very popular student. She was easy to get along with and she had many friends.One day, the 10-year-old girl did 46 . bad in the class and her teacher told her to “stay as” punishment (惩罚). Staying back47 . doing something. useful, like helping in the garden or library after school is 48 . .In Minis school, every month, students could 49 . their punishment time with someone else. If you had something else to do the50 . you were punished, you could ask a friend to do it for you. Of course, you had to do it for him, but it had to be in the51 . month.On that day, a very dear aunt was visiting Mini on her way to America. That afternoon was the 52 . chance Mini had to meet her for another five years.Mini had to find someone else to do it for her. But there was a problem. It was the 53 . day of the month.She went to ask some students. But each one refused.Of course, no one said no directly,54 . everyone had an excuse.So, after school Mini stayed back to help the librarian, Ms. Martha. And, when Ms. Martha 55 . her crying after everyone had left, she let her leave to meet her aunt.When she went home, she said to herself, “I thought I had many friends, but in fact I have none.”八、材料作文56 . 书面表达。Writing.请你写一篇发言稿,向外国朋友介绍你们学校的35项校规,并针对其中12项谈谈你的看法。要求: 1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;2.发言稿开头已给出,不计人总词数。提示词汇(仅供参考): in my opinion (以我的观点) be against sth./doing sth. (反对某事/做某事)be for sth./doing sth.,(赞成某事/做某事)Hello, everyone. Welcome to our school! Id like to tell you about some rules of our school._第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、材料作文1、


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