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牛津上海版英语九年级第一学期期中拓展提高卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?AWell meet at the school gate tomorrow.BI want to know his age.CWhat is your favourite colour?DMy parents often come to school to see me.2 . Although Tom is good at speaking English,he still cant speakas a native speaker .Aas good asBso wellCas betterDso better3 . - I am going to Beijing next month. -_.AIm glad to hear that.BLet me see.CHave a good time.DHow lucky.4 . Alice and Kitty are good friends. They always help _ people.AothersBotherCthe otherDanother5 . When you _ the road, please watch both sides and be careful.Ago acrossBcrossedCcrossingDgo acrossing6 . You have more rulers than me. Butare nicer than.Amine, yoursBmine, yourCmy, yoursDmy, your7 . When you go to school in the morning, you say “_” to your parents.AGoodbyeBGood eveningCGood morningDHello8 . -You mustnt swim here. look at the sign. It _ No swimming.-Oh, I _ notice it. Thanks for telling me.Asays; dontBwrites; dontCsays; didntD-writes; didnt9 . -Could I borrow your dictionary? I left mine at home. -Yes, of course you _. Here you are.AmustBcouldCcanDshould10 . There are more than two _ experts in the library, and most of them are _.Ahundreds ; woman expertsBhundreds ; men expertsChundred ; woman expertsDhundred ; men experts11 . The price of the bike is too _, I dont have enough money.AmuchBexpensiveChighDcheap12 . The twins are talking about the football match, Lets _them.AjoinBjoin inCtake part inDenter13 . Next Monday a talk on developments in science and technology_in the school hall.AgivenBwill be givenChas been givenDgive14 . Sandy seemedthis morning. Do you know what was wrong?AsatisfiedBrelaxedCamazedDunhappy15 . -Couldyoupleaseteachmehowto_redenvelope(红包)onWeChat(微信)?-SureLetmeshowyouAgiveawayBgiveupCgiveout16 . (题文)Frank, our show is _ 3 p. m. on February 20th.AonBatCforDin17 . Mothers Day is coming. Im thinking about _.Awhat present I gave herBwhere will we have a big mealChow I will give her a surpriseDif I planned a party for her18 . _he is very old, he works very hard. Wow, great. I should learn from him.AAlthoughBHoweverCBecauseDSo19 . The _ kids leam to be independent,the _ it is for their future.Aearly;goodBearlier;betterCearliest;bestDearlier;best20 . Its _ useful dictionary and you cant throw it away .Thank you . I didnt know it before .AaBanCtheD不填二、完型填空Tips for being a super organized student Posted 2 hours ago by Amy I have always admired students who hand in their homework on time and never_ to do it .Me ,on the other hand OK ,Im not good enough .Im_ at getting myself organized(有条理的)!But lately Ive started keeping a small study_.I write down_ I need to do and when it needs to be done by .Then I write a reminder(提醒单) a few days before the date just in case .Its helping .So_ are your tips for getting organized ?Post a comment below .Im hoping we can share tips to teach us better study skills .CommentsHanaGood question, Amy .I_ spend about five minutes at the end of the day _ the desktop on my computer .I make a copy of important documents I delete things I dont need any more and put everything useful into the _ folder(文件夹) .The most important thing is to start studying a few weeks before the _ and not leave it _ the night before ! Thats just common sense , I think .GloriaHi ,Amy .My tip is to have a big noticeboard 21 . AprepareBcontinueCregretDforget22 . AsadBgoodCangryDterrible23 . AbillBdiaryCscoreDpromise24 . AallBeachCbothDneither25 . AhowBwhenCwhatDwhere26 . AalwaysBneverCseldomDsometimes27 . Amaking upBtidying upCputting upDsetting up28 . ArealBsimilarCcorrectDnatural29 . AexamsBholidaysCmeetingsDparties30 . AafterBuntilCsinceDas三、阅读单选(题文)Many years ago, there lived an old man with his three sons, Dharma, Harrison and Keith, in a village. The man worked hard when he was young, son he had the largest farmyard and the most beautiful house in the village. However, his sons were all born to be lazy, which mad him disappointed. He was worried that his sons would use up his money and starve to death.One day, the old man came up with a plan. He called his sons and said to them, “Look, my dear sons: in the land we have at the farmyard, there is lots of hidden gold. If you should work together, you may find it”In a wish to find out the gold, his sons worked hard from the morning to the evening digging and digging all through the land. The days had passed, but they didnt find what were they were looking for. They got frustrated and angry. They decided to give up and returned to ask their father.“There is no gold in the land. We are cheated.”“Since the land has been dup soft. Why dont you pant some crops there?” was the reply of the father to the sons.Off went the sons. Soon the whole once-useless land was rich crops.“This if the real gold, my sons.” Said the now proud father.31 . (小题1)What do we know about the old man?AHe was the richest in his village.BHe was unable to feed his family.CHe loved daughters more than sons.DHe was quite successful as a farmer.32 . (小题2)Why did the old man ask his sons to dig the land?AHe was too old to do it himself.BHe didnt have money to pay workers.CHe decided to teach his sons an Important lesson.DHe didnt want other people to set foot on his land.33 . (小题3)Why did his sons agree to dig the land?AThey wanted to help their father.BThey wanted to grow their own crops.CThey didnt want to be lazy any more.DThey wanted to find the hidden gold.34 . (小题4)After they dug the land , his sons found _.Alots of goldBnothingCseeds of cropsDthe value of work35 . (小题5)What can we learn from the end of the story ?AThe old man had achieved his goal.BThe three sons were still as lazy as before.CThe sons were quite angry with their father.DThe old man was still worried about his sons.四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写句子,每空格限填一词)36 . Tim is able to speak English and French. (改为一般疑问句)_ Tim _ to speak English and French?37 . She has dinner with her grandparents everyday.(改为否定句)She _ dinner with her grandparents every day.38 . Her father has worked as a manager since 2001. (根据划线部分提问)_ has her father worked as a manager?39 . Hes never late for work. ( 反意疑问句)Hes never late for work, _?40 . Jenny can decorate the display board herself. (根据划线部分提问)_ Jenny decorate the display board?41 . Dont fish in the pool. (保持句意基本不变)Fishing _ in the pool.42 . think, happen, future, you, in, what, do, will, the (连词成句)_?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。43 . Most of the_(kid)are lovely.44 . Actions speak_(loud) than words.45 . Little Eliza walked into the room_(quiet).46 . Sandy likes to make friends who are_(difference)from her.47 . Jason_(break)my cup by mistake just now.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文五、短文填空用所给单词或短语填空,使短文意思通顺正确连贯一。不需要改变形式,每个选项限用一次,请将答案编号填写在短文后的指定位置。AfeelingBinvitingCshylyDwalked awayEtalkingFembarrassedGnext to H . uncomfortable I. nervously J. realizedIt was Friday night and I could hear loud music and people48 . as I walked through the door. My friend saw me and came over. “Hey, Ben! Thanks for coming to my party.” he said. “Thanks for49 . me. It looks like a great party,” I replied. But I had a secret50 . of fear. I 51 . that I didnt know anyone there. I moved towards the drinks table and got a drink. Then I 52 . stood in a corner, not quite sure what to do. Finally, I turned to the person53 . me and introduced myself. “Hi,” I said. “My names Ben.” “Hi, Im Tania,” the person replied54 . . Then there was a long silence as I kept trying to think about what to say next. I felt more and more nervous and other person was looking55 . , too. In the end, all I could say was, “Well, it was nice meeting you.”七、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Many people like animals and take them as their pets. Nowadays pet hospitals are very busy. K56 . persons who love animals are needed to work in busy animal hospitals. Scientists think that pets will p57 . be much smaller because people in the future will live in much smaller spaces. Scientists have been already working on making very small farm animals. The same things might be d58 . to make cats and dogs smaller. Its said that some day you might o59 . a lion as a pet. Scientists might have to start turning wild animals into pets. This might be the only way to save them from dying out. What a60 . a robot for a pet? This may sound silly, but it could become true. Robot dogs have been made to bark like real dogs. These “pets” might become more and more p61 . in the future, After all robots dont lost hair or chew on things as real pets do. Lots of people miss their pets while they are on holiday. One hotel in Minnesota has solved this problem. They lend cats to their guests. It is very possible that in the future you will be able to order a pet as well as room s62 . at a hotel八、回答问题Chinas national anthem, March of the Volunteers (义勇军进行曲), is a song that we learn at the beginning of primary school and sing at every flag-raising ceremony. And now, theres even a law to protect it.Last September, the government passed the National Anthem Law, which became effective (生效) from Oct.1, 2017. It states (规定) how we should sing or play the song, requiring all of us to behave towards it politely.Primary and middle schools must teach the anthem to their students and make them understand the songs spirit and history. Moreover, the law requires us to be serious when we are singing the song. We cant joke about it or change the songs words or music. If someone breaks the law, he or she can be detained for up to 15 days, or face further punishment (惩罚) in more serious situations. The national anthem is different from other songs it is the symbol of our country.Many foreign countries also have laws for their national anthems. For example, American school children should put their right hand over their heart while singing their countrys anthem at school. In Russia, the national anthem must be played on television and radio before the start and end of broadcasting. And in the Philippines (菲律宾), people are required to sing the national anthem with feelings when its played in public.63 . When did the National Anthem Law become effective?_64 . Why must we be serious when singing the song?_65 . Are students in America required to put their right hand over their heart?_66 . How long can someone be detained if he (or she) breaks the law?_67 . How many countries are mentioned (提及) in this passage?_九、话题作文68 . 某英文杂志开辟中学生专栏,请你以Visiting Shenyang为题写篇短文(词数80-100),为该杂志投稿。步骤与要点如下:1.确定主题,并在文中说明原因。2.围绕主题,进行叙述。3.讲述一段与主题有关的故事或经历。要求:1.字迹工整,内容完整连贯,语言准确规范。2.鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。3.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照短文中的内容,但不可以直接引用图文中的句子。Visiting Shenyang_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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