牛津上海版英语九年级第一学期 Unit 5 单元测试卷

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牛津上海版英语九年级第一学期 Unit 5 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A crowd gathered outside the hotel. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A/gd/B/gd/C/geid/D/ged/2 . They were so excited because their class had got _first prize in the sports meeting.AotherBthe otherCanotherDone another3 . The librarian said, “These books _ be removed from the reading room. Just read them here. Thats the school rule.”Amay notBneedCmustntDcan4 . I stoppedthe movie Alice In Wonderland when my mum asked me to have dinner.AwatchBto watchCwatchingDwatched5 . (题文)When did the accident happen?It happenedAon September 15th,2014Bin 2014sCin September 5m,2014Don 2014 September 15m6 . I wonder if it _ tomorrow. If it _, we wont go for picnic.Awill rainrainsBrains rainsCrainswill rainDwill rainwill rain7 . I dont speak French _ David.Aas good asBas better asCmore better thanDso well as8 . You look pretty in this red skirt._ANo.BYou are right.CWhere do you mean?DThank you.9 . Yang Liping is famous _ a great dancer.AasBforCinDat10 . Which of the following word matches the sound /mal/?AmailBmoonCmileDmale11 . Her uncle _ to the factory .He will be back _ an hour .Ahas gone, afterBhas been, inChas gone, in Dhas been, after12 . People often_ their umbrellas on the bus when they get off the bus.AgetBleaveCmakeDforget13 . The best _ of keeping fit is to eat healthy food and exercise regularly.AmessageBmethodCmetalDmenu14 . The ticket to Nanjing Youth Olympic Games is_, _ I still keep it.Auseful; butBuseful; soCuseless; butDBoth B & C15 . As the story_, the secret of the castle is discovered little by little.AendsBdevelopsCbeginsDhappens16 . Thisbicycleistoobig.Myfeet_theground.AdontfeelBdonttouchCdoesntfeelDdoesnttouch17 . _, we must get to school on time.AMore importantlyBImportantCMore importantDImportantly18 . When the first _ came to the US, they were hungry as they have nothing to eat.AstudentsBpioneersCheroesDsoldiers19 . Im afraid that sweater is too expensive_.Ato buy itBbuyingCto buyDbuying it二、完型填空Are you too nervous to work out the problem when your teacher asks you to come to the blackboard?If your_ is “yes”,you get really shy.Shyness means feeling frightened when youre the _ of attention(关注).In fact,everybody gets shy_,even the great people in history.Some experts say shy people are cleverer_ they think more and talk less.Shy people are also good _ working with others because they think more for other people.Most people have red faces and talk in _ sentences when they get shy.It isnt a very big problem.But some people become so shy _ they cant do the things they want to do.This kind of shyness can be _ for a person.Here are some good ways to make shy people braver.Tell people you are shy._ to smile more.People think you are friendly and easy to talk to when you smile.Put your attention somewhere_.Think more ways to enjoy the party or the game.20 . AwordBquestionCwayDanswer21 . AlineBcenterCmiddleDend22 . AoftenBusuallyCsometimesDnever23 . AbecauseBsoCandDbut24 . AbyBforCatDof25 . AlostBwholeClongDbroken26 . AthatBthisCthoseDthese27 . AgoodBbadCimportantDnecessary28 . ALearnBMakeCGetDTry29 . AsoonBelseCwellDalone三、阅读单选When Susan White went back to high school a couple of years ago, she never had any thought about actually getting a high school diploma.“I just wanted to learn more,” she said. But when she found out that many of her classmates were planning to graduate, Mrs. White recalled(回顾), “I said my young friends can graduate from high school, so can I.”She seems to have been right. As soon as she finishes a history course, Mrs. White will graduate next month. And when she does, she will enter the record books as the oldest person ever to graduate from high school in the United States.Mrs. White is 98 years old and nobody has finished high school at an older age.Mrs. White dropped out of school(退学) in the 10thgrade, but her ability to learn has clearly not been reduced after she left school for 80 years. Since going back to her studies, she has kept up a straight record that is the highest possible.Now that she is about to get a diploma, Mrs. White has become a strong believer in getting a good education.“I dont like anyone dropping out of school,” she said. “It makes me mad when a person decides to leave school, because future generations(后代) will have to know even more than we do in order to survive(生存)”.Mrs. White sets a good example of lifelong study!30 . Mrs. White dropped out of school when she was about_.A15.B18C20D1031 . How many other students older than Mrs. White have got a school diploma?ANoneBOneCTwoDA few32 . Which of the following is Not true?AMrs. White has decided to graduate from high school.BMrs. White has already got a high school diploma.CMrs. White is the oldest person ever to graduate from high school in the US.DMrs. White said that the young had to know more.四、句型转换Rewrite the sentences as required。(按要求改写句子,每空一词)33 . The taxi driver has the duty for the passengers safety. (保持句意不变)The taxi driver is _ the passengers safety.34 . The new house Nicky has bought is 260 square metres. (对划线部分提问)_ is the new house Nicky has bought?35 . Mr. Jason has seldom seen a child with so much talent. (改为反义疑问句)Mr. Jason has seldom seen a child with so much talent, _?36 . Thanks to the help of his neighbors, he managed to survive the fire(保持句意不变)Thanks to the help of his neighbors, he _ surviving the fire.37 . when, good, in trouble, a, friend, you, a helping hand, always, youre, gives (连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的正确形式填空38 . Are _(this) books your sisters ?39 . My English book isnt in my schoolbag. I must _(find) it.40 . This is _(I) good friend.41 . I am fine, _(thank).42 . I have two _(dictionary).43 . Is the computer game _(your)?44 . _(do) she often(经常)play ping-pong?45 . This ruler isnt hers. Its _ (I).46 . Three _ (radio) are on the desk.47 . Are _ (it) her keys?六、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选择合适的词语并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。wonder, slow, sun, work, travel, play, they, eye, make, take I often travel by train to some places of interest. This summer I decided48 . a train trip to the countryside. Then one day, I got on a train and took a seat by the window. At first, the train moved along49 . and later gained its speed. We went through a number of tunnels,crossed some bridges and50 . in the countryside. It was a 51 . day and the scenery outside was52 . . There were green everywhere. We could see fanners 53 . busily in the fields and some children54 . under the trees. They waved to us when the train went by. The train ran across a bridge. Under the bridge a group of ducks enjoyed55 . . They heard the noise of the train and hurried off.I looked out of the window. After a while, I closed my56 . and started57 . plans for my next vacation.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号 (每词限用一次)。agree eat regard be useAs we all know that a library 58 . for reading, of course. Most libraries have books and other things to read. Many of them have things to listen to. Very few people 59 . a library as a place to live in. One library in New York City turned into a home for 250 people for a few days. There were people 60 . in the library. They slept on the floor. Why? The people moved into the library because the city wanted to close it to save money. These 250 New Yorkers loved their library. They didnt want to leave it. So they moved in. At last, the city 61 . to keep the library open, and the people all went home. Ever since ,it 62 . around for over 100 years.七、单词填空King Hiero asked the crown (皇冠)-maker to make him a gold crown. But when the king got the crown, he wondered i63 . the crown was entirely (全部地) made of gold. Then the king s64 . the crown to Archimedes, the best scientist in the kingdom.Archimedes thought about the p65 . while a servant (仆人) poured some water into a bath for him. Archimedes got in the bath and some water came out of it, onto the floor. Archimedes was very e66 . . “Thats it!” shouted Archimedes to the servant. “If we put an object (物品) in a pot full of water, some of the water will come out. The object displaces (取代) the water. A b67 . object will displace a lot of water. A small object will displace a l68 . water.”Archimedes went to the palace to weigh the crown. It w69 . one kilogram. He put the crown in a pot of water. Five centimetres of water came out. He then put one kilogram of gold in a70 . pot of water. Three centimetres of water came out of this pot. Archimedes said to King Hiero, “Silver made the crown bigger. That is why the crown displaces m71 . water. So, the crown is not made entirely of gold; it is made of both gold and silver.”King Hiero was very a72 . when he heard this, and he sent the crown-maker to prison.八、回答问题Some people from the country think that city life is the most interesting. They come to visit friends or go to a hotel in the city. They may stay for a few days or as long as a week.Some visitors think that foreign restaurants are the best part of city life. Others have the nicest time in museums. But many people think that movie or concerts are the most important attractions of the city. And most visitors like to go shopping for clothes or presents.In the city there are also many parks, different types of people, tall buildings, and other interesting things to see. Cities have the busiest streets and city life seems very busy, too.After a few days in the city, the visitors begin to think about the country. They remember the trees and flowers. Suddenly they do not want to be near the tallest buildings or the busiest streets. Now they want to return home in the country.73 . What do some people think the city life is? _74 . Whats the best part of city life for some visitors? _75 . What do most visitors like to do in the city? _76 . How is the life in the city? _77 . Do country people want to stay in the city? _78 . What do the visitors do at last? _九、材料作文79 . 书面表达最近,你随机调查了你校50名同学的课外英语学习现状(结果见图表)请你就此用英语写一篇短文,在英语课上进行汇报,并谈谈你的看法和建议注意:1文章必须包括图表中四项内容,可适当增加细节;2看法和建议至少两条;3文章开头已纪给出,不计入总词数,你只需接着写;4词数:80100参考词汇:背诵 recite课外英语学习现状学习方式读背单词书面练习复习笔记听说训练学生人数4742187你的看法(至少一条)你的建议(至少一条)I have recently done a survey about how students learn English out of class第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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