牛津上海版英语九年级(9A) Unit 4 单元测试(不含听力材料)

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牛津上海版英语九年级(9A) Unit 4 单元测试(不含听力材料)_第1页
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牛津上海版英语九年级(9A) Unit 4 单元测试(不含听力材料)一、听句子选答语1 . APeter will work in his fathers store.BMary wants to work in a McDonalds.CMary will spend her holiday at the beach.DPeter wants to go to the mountains.2 . AHe lost his car.BHe broke his leg.CThe driver was hurt.DHe had an accident.3 . AA new type of washing machine.BA new type of computer.CA powerful washing machine.DA powerful computer.4 . ABecause she bought a new house.BBecause her neighbour is too noisy.CBecause the new house is nice.DBecause she wanted to learn music.5 . AThe main unit doesnt work.BThe monitor is broken.CThe CD-ROM doesnt work.DThe mouse is broken.6 . ATo relax at home.BTo have a trip.CTo play football.DTo read a book.二、单选题7 . Fruit is good for our health._AI think so, too.BGood.CThank you.DNever mind.8 . _ interesting the film we saw last night is!AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an9 . I dont like this hat. Its too _. I need a big one.AsmallBbigCshort10 . You can buy many sweaters _ a very good price.AonBinCat11 . You can see many tall trees on _ sides of the street in this area.AbothBneitherCallDeither12 . -Will there be more people in 100 years?-No, _ ,I hope.Athere wontBthere isntCthey wontDthey arent13 . _ limited in the world.ANature resource isBNature resource areCNatural resources areDNatural resource is14 . Jack is good at drawing. I think no one draws _-AbetterBbestCworseDworst15 . Does _ want to have a try?.AsomeoneBanyoneCanythingDnobody16 . The Chinese rarely have hamburgers for meals, _?Ahave theyBhavent theyCdo theyDdont they17 . Its too dark. Can you help me turnthe light(灯) Mom?Sure.AonBoffCupDdown18 . Few of you hurt yourselves in the accident last night,_?Ado youBdid you Cdont youDdidnt you19 . The _ of the water in this area is tested(检测) every week.ApriceBpurposeCpointDpurity20 . is not easy to look after a little baby.ATheBWhatCItDHow21 . Peter is _ clever _ he can work out the problem in five minutes.AtootoBsuchthatCasasDsothat22 . The meeting room is _ to hold over 500 people.Aquite largeBlarge enoughCtoo largeDso large23 . We dont know when the sports meeting _. When it _, please tell me .Ais held; will be heldBwill hold; is heldCwill hold; holdsDwill be held; is held24 . Work harder, _ youll make greater progress.AbutBorCsoDand25 . _ fog it is!AHow heavyBWhat a heavyCWhat heavyDHow heavy the三、完型填空Will you give your friend a gift at the graduation ceremony?Do you know how to_ the gift? Here is some advice for you.If your friend is going to a high school, choose_ he can use there. This could be as simple as a gift basket_ with notebooks and pens. You can also choose a book to encourage him_ he is in difficulty. Gift books written_ for middle school graduates can be found in gift shops and bookstores.Pick an electronic thing that can be_ to the high school. A radio, a CD player, an alarm clock, or even an MP4 player can be quite_ for them.Make a gift by_ if you have enough time. For example, a paper cup can be made into a great graduation gift by_ the name of your friends, the graduation date or the name of your school.Pick a photo album(相册) if your friend is going to be far away from home. He will_ his family and friends. So the gift will help him remember his best time with loved ones.26 . AfinishBchooseCuseDsell27 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing28 . AagreedBdidCfilledDtalked29 . AbecauseBifCwhetherDso30 . AspeciallyBespeciallyCprobablyDproperly31 . AcarriedBrefusedCunderstoodDthought32 . AcarefulBusefulCcarelessDdifficult33 . AmyselfBitselfCyourselfDhimself34 . ArememberingBspendingCsharingDadding35 . AmissBknowCforgetDmind四、阅读单选Class Schedule for Monday8:00 a.m.Information Technology (IT) -Using the InternetStudents learn to surf the Internet and use search engines. The lesson also offers students the best websites for online learning.10:00 a.m.Drama Students learn about a given play and have the chance to act it out in class.11:00 a.m.Painting with watercolorsStudents learn how to use watercolors properly. If the weather is good, the lesson may take place outdoors.11:50 a.m.Lunch break1:00 p. m.Science (Biology / Chemistry)Student can choose either of them.In biology this week, the topic is Human Body. Students will learn about how it works.Alternatively. Students can study chemistry in the science lab. This week students will learn H2 and O2.2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.Sports (football for boys and tennis for girls)A. SkillsStudents learn about the skills of a certain sport from videos of past games.B. PracticeAfter we pick teams, students will play a match lasting 45 minutes.After schoolHomeworkIT-search for some websites at home (about 30 minutes);Drama-preview a part for next lesson (about 40 minutes);Biology / Chemistry- write a short report on the lesson (about 20 minutes).36 . At _, students are having a painting lesson.A9:30 a.m.B11:15 a.m.C1:30 p.m.D2:00 p.m.37 . Students should write a report for the _ class.AphysicsBscienceCdramaDsports38 . Each student needs about _ to finish his homework.Ahalf an hourB20 minutesCtwo hoursDone and a half hours五、听录音补全句子Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词):39 . In the _, tea was first imported from China to the U.K.40 . Drinking tea together became a _ at that time.41 . _ like to add milk to black tea.42 . Making tea is a way of _ to their guests.43 . Americans love _ bags besides loose tea.六、听对话给图片排序Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):A B C DE F G H 44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _七、听短文判断Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):50 . Peter is a schoolboy in Canada.51 . Mother asked Peter and Bonnie to take a bus to school on a snowy day.52 . Peter and his family live at the foot of the hill.53 . Bonnie couldnt ski as well as Peter.54 . There was no school that day because the school bus broke down.55 . At last, Peter was very happy because he could ski all day.八、句型转换. 根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相同或相近,每空一词。56 . Maybe he is in the library. He _ in the library.57 . This book is more interesting than that one.That book is _ interesting _ this one.58 . How do you like this trip?What do you _ this trip?59 . Why dont you tell him about it?_ tell him about it?九、用所给单词的正确形式填空I.用所给词的正确形式填空60 . Are you _(satisfy)with your study?61 . He was _(happy)when he heard the bad news.62 . I think _(important)thing that the students should do is to work hard.63 . Chen Dan _(buy)a robot from a robot shop two weeks ago.64 . You should put two _(battery)in the electric car.65 . There are twelve _(month)in a year.66 . I expect my robot _(last)10 years.67 . You should do everything _(you)when you grow up.68 . Something is wrong with the robot,because it stopped _(work)completely.69 . A good robot should only need _(check)every 6 months.十、用单词的正确形式完成短文Do you know the famous movie Happy Feet? It tells a story about penguins(企鹅).Penguins are very 70 . animals. Many people like 71 . very much. But do you know 72 . they live? They live at the South Pole(南极). Why do they live there? 73 . they like the cold weather there. They like 74 . with their family. There 75 . 20 kinds of penguins in the world. They have beautiful black and white 76 . Some of them are very big, and they can be one meter 77 . so they can eat a lot. What do they eat? They usually eat small 78 . .Many people think penguins are the cutest animals in the world. Do you want to go to the South Pole 79 . them one day?综合填空阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。before, also, wait, weak, sound, wonderful, activity, see, teach, withbefore, also, wait, weak, sound, wonderful, activity, see, teach, withMrs. Patrick was a piano teacher. She 80 . hundreds of students. At age 69, Mrs. Patrick had a stroke (中风). She couldnt move or speak. As the days passed, she got better, but her right hand was still very 81 . . She couldnt play the piano anymore. She was very sad. A few months after her stroke, Mrs. Patrick went to a senior citizens center (老年活动中心). There were a lot of 82 . at the center. The director (负责人) was showing her around the center when Mrs. Patrick 83 . a piano. She looked sadly at the piano. “Is anything wrong?” the director asked. “No,” Mrs. Patrick answered. “The piano brings back my memories (回忆). 84 . my stroke, I played the piano.” The director looked at Mrs. Patricks weak right hand and said, “85 . here. Ill be right back.” A few minutes later the director came back 86 . Mrs. Eisenberg. “Margaret Patrick,” the director said, “meet Ruth Eisenberg. Before her stroke she 87 . played the piano. She has a good right hand, and you have a good left hand. I think you two can do something88 . together.” The two women sat down at the piano and began to play. The music 89 . good. They were not sad anymore.十一、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为6675的相应位置上。Chinese social network companies began to take away the smoking emoji(表情符号) from their products to support Chinas new indoor smoking ban(禁烟令).The smoking emoji usually s90 . for the feeling of “cool” or “relaxed” in many apps before. Since the new ban was announced, Chinas technology companies have been a91 . to take this kind of emoji away.“Smoking is not cool,” said Zhang Jianshu, head of the Beijing Tobacco Control Association. “Its not p92 . to take smoking as being cool”. He pointed out that the major social network users are younger people, who were much e93 . to be influenced.In response, Sina Weibo took away the emoji of a smoker in September on its smart phone apps and c94 . . Two months later, Tencent followed Weibos footsteps on November 6, 2017 to change the smoking emoji w95 . a green leaf. However, the action was only taken on QQs mobile app. QQ on PC still r96 . the same. Tencents another popular social app, Wechat, has also been required to change the emoji. China is home to 300 million smokers and produces the worlds l97 . number of cigarettes. It is reported that about 27.7% people s98 . in China in 2017, according to the government. Zhang said, taking the smoking emoji away was to prevent it spreading the wrong i99 . among the public.The BTAC hopes to use the social network to make more people develop a healthier lifestyle.十二、回答问题Tommy White has been rowing across the Pacific Ocean in a rowboat since he left California on July 10 ,2007. He has been heading for Australia with only birds, fish, and sharks ever since.Crossing the Pacific is only part of his journey. Tommy has decided to go all the way around the world using his own energy. He will row, bike, walk, and climb the world without help from any motor (马达) at all. His plan includes climbing the tallest peak on six of the continents (大陆) along the way.For the first part of his trip, he bicycled 5,546 miles from Seattle, Washington to Mount Mckinley in Alaska and back, walked 67 miles to base camp, and climbed 20,320 feet to Mckinleys top. Now in the second part of his dangerous trip, he is rowing to Australia.Why would he try to go around the world this way? He explains that he wants to encourage kids to dream their dreams and get to their own goals. He wants to show kids that there might be hard parts along the way, and sometimes they might not even get to that final goal. But they can have great adventures and learn a lot along the way.Tommy has already faced some difficulties. For example, wind and waves keep pushing him westward when he wants to go south toward the Solomon Islands. If his luck doesnt change, he will cheerfully change his plan, and aim to land at Papua New Guinea. One way or another, hes sure hell get to his next goal: Australia.When his trip around the world takes him across land, he enjoys meeting people especially children. He has already visited many schools and shared his story.Tommy encourages all kids to set their eyes on a goal and not to give up. He says, With goals, we will make progress, and we will be farther along than when we started, even if we dont get to some goals. Thats called life! ”100 . How has Tommy decided to go all the way around the world?101 . Which part of his trip is he in now?102 . If his luck doesnt change, where does he aim to land?103 . What does he enjoy on his trip across land?104 . To Tommy, does life mean struggling for (为 而奋斗)the goals?十三、话题作文105 . 书面表达假设你校正开展“How to be safe on the Internet”的大讨论活动,请你结合生活实际写一封英语小短文介绍有关情况,以帮助他人安全、文明地使用网络。短文内容包括以下几个方面:1、网络使用的利弊。2、介绍如何安全、文明地使用网络的几条规则。如,和家长有所约定,不向strangers透露(give out)真实的个人信息,不单独和net friend见面,使用文明语言,等等。3、希望要求:1、词数不少于100。 2、信中须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥,使语句通顺,意思连贯,符合逻辑。 3、文章中不要出现真实的校名和人名。At present, most of us have Internet or Wifi at school and at home. It is time for us to talk about how to use the Internet._第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、5、6、二、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、听录音补全句子1、六、听对话给图片排序1、七、听短文判断1、八、句型转换1、九、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、十、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、十一、单词填空1、十二、回答问题1、十三、话题作文1、

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