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沪教版中考二模英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you like Liu Huans songs? Yes. He attended Singer 2019! I cant think of anyone with a _ voice.AgoodBbetterCbestDthe best2 . Li Dong, do you know Zhang Jiqing? Yes. He donated money to build old peoples homes and schools for so many years. His story _me.AsavedBmissedCtouchedDworried3 . I will go to Mount Tai with my parents _ two days.AonBinCforDat4 . Wang Junkai from TF Boys gave an English speech at the UN meeting._ wonderful he is!AWhat aBHow aCWhatDHow5 . How do you like the robot you bought last week? _. Life has become much easier now.AIt couldnt be betterBNobody can do a worse jobCI must complain about itDIts out of control6 . The boy is _ young to know _.Aso; what to doBtoo; how to doCso; how to doDtoo; what to do7 . How would you like your coffee, sir?_. Its my favourite.ABlack, pleaseBVery muchCIt tastes goodDNo, thanks8 . Whose basketballs are these?_,I think._ basketball is in the classroom.ATheir; OurBTheirs; OurCTheir ; OurDTheir; Ours9 . Mothers Day is coming. Im thinking about _.Awhat present I gave herBwhere will we have a big mealChow I will give her a surpriseDif I planned a party for her10 . My father _ the newspaper when I arrived home.A. reads B is reading C. read D. was reading11 . 下列字母的发音中含有相同元音音素的一项是_.AFMNBBADCENCDPGL12 . My name is Mike Miller. Mike is myname.AfirstBlastCmiddleDfriend13 . Mom, I _ a Chinese dictionary. Can you buy one for me? OK.AneedBfindCgetDtake14 . Must I come at four oclock? Oh, no, you _.AdontBmustntCneednt15 . 1The company didnt stop improving this new machine _it worked well.AifBunlessCuntilDafter二、完型填空If you are reading a novel for school rather than just for fun, you need to get _. Here are some pieces of advice.First, make notes. Write notes in pencil in the book, but also write separate notes on a small piece of paper._ characters. What do they do in the novel? What do they wants Everything that we are told about a character can help us to_them, from their appearance _the kind of food they eat.It is also a great help to be able to tell yourself the story _you have read it. So, the_of the story and the plot(情节)are important. Youd better make a quick note of _happens in each part when you read. This will help you to bring the things you have noticed about characters, background, language and so on together._, themes(主题).These are ideas that the novel shows. Perhaps love is a major theme, or justice(公正),or redemption(救赎)._ that you know the themes of the novel and what the author is saying about them.Whats more, novels are made up of language._ use language in a special way to make their novels work. They may use metaphors(比喻), invent symbols, or show a characters personality through their speech styles.16 . AorganizedBinterestedCstressedDfixed17 . AHave pity onBGet along withCPay attention toDTake care of18 . AattractBunderstandCdiscussDexamine19 . AwithBbyCtoDin20 . AafterBbeforeCifDunless21 . AorderBtimeCplaceDinfluence22 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhere23 . AFinallyBHoweverCNextDFor example24 . AShow offBTurn outCThink ofDMake sure25 . AStudentsBTeachersCReadersDWriters三、阅读单选Major RiversA river is naturally flowing water which slows between two water sources.Amazon, South America 4,345 mi (6,992 km) Nile, Africa 4,258 mi (6,853 km)Chang Jiang (Yangtze), Asia 3,915 mi (6,300 km)Mississippi/Missouri, North America 3,710 mi(5,970 km)Major DesertsDeserts are lands that are generally covered with sand.Sahara, North Africa 3,552,140 sq mi(9,200,000 sq km)Arabian, Middle East 899,618 sq mi(2,330,000 sq km)Kalahari, Southern Africa 359,075 sq mi(930,000 sq km)Syrian, Syria, Jordan, Iraq 200,000 sq mi(500,000 sq km)MountainsMountains are formed by the eruption of volcanoes, which themselves were formed by the movement of tectonic plates(地壳板块).Mount Everest 29,035 ft (8,850 m) Nepal/China Qogir (K2) 28,250 ft (8,611 m) Pakistan Kangchenjunga 28,169 ft (8,586 m) Nepal Lhotse 27,920 ft (8,501 m) NepalNote: The dormant( 休眠的)volcano Mauna Kea (on the Big Island of Hawaii) could be considered the tallest mountain in the world. If you measure it from its base in the HawaiianTrough (3,300 fathoms deep) to its summit of 13,796 feet, it reaches a height of 33,476 feet.26 . According to the information in the boxes, we can learn all the facts EXCEPT .AThe second longest river is in Africa.BThe biggest desert is in Africa.CMount Everest is only located in Nepal.DKalahari Desert is not as big as Arabian Desert.27 . According to the passage, what do you know about the mountains?AK2 in Pakistan is the fourth tallest mountain in the world.BMauna Kea in Hawaii is an active volcano.CMauna Kea is higher than Mount Everest if it is measured from its base.DThe movement of tectonic plates has nothing to do with the forming of volcanoes.28 . Where is the article probably seen?AA history bookBA tour guide bookCA novelDA website listing geography factsDont Throw the Seeds AwayIt makes you healthyIt gives you energy(能量)An apple or a lemonAn orange or a watermelonEat a fruit every dayBut dont throw the seeds awayHeres an easy thing you can doYou can tell all your friends, tooPlant the seeds in the soil(土壤)A young shoot will soon appear(出现)In time, itll become a big treeWhich gives so much to you and meThis way therell be forests(森林) againGreen and clean, our earth will remain(保持)Grow trees this easy wayAnd its fun too, I saySo eat a fruit every dayBut I remember. Dont throw the seeds away29 . It can keep you _ to eat a fruit every day.AtallBhealthyCshortDfat30 . After we eat a fruit, we should _.Athrow the seeds awayBgrow treesCbuy more fruitsDplant the seeds in the soil31 . What does “seeds” mean in Chinese?A根B叶子C种子D花朵32 . Which is the right order to have a forest?AseedstreesshootsforestsBseedsshootstreesforestsCtreesseedsshootsforestsDshootstreesseedsforestsMany studieshave shown us that our memories arent completely trustable. It can be difficult to tell a real memory from a false one, but one kind of memories is tested to be unreal: anything remembered before age 2. According to a new study published inPsychological Science, nearly 40 percent of people are sure that they remember events before this age, but their brains are almost certainly lying to them.Theres a reason you dont remember anything from when you were a baby: Your brain just wasnt wired to record information that way. Infants (婴儿) use their memories when they first start to walk, talk, eat, and learn in general, but that all falls into the non-declarative memory category (非陈述性记忆范畴). Declarative memory, on the other hand, describes the events that happened to you, and its specific to the hippocampus region (海马区) of the brain. For example, people with hippocampal damage cant tell you much about their own lives, but they can still walk or talk. In the first couple years of a childs life, the hippocampus is in overdrive. It keeps growing neurons (神经元) to make room for all the new information the young brain is absorbing. This is what allows babies to learn so much at such a fast rate, but it also means they have to sacrifice their long-term declarative memory. As new neurons form, old ones are pushed out, along with the autobiographical (自传体的)memories they stored.It isnt until age 2 that this growth starts to slow down and the hippocampus becomes able to save declarative memories for a longer period. But adults can still feel sure they remember events from much earlier. When researchers asked 6,641 study participants to describe their first memories and say how old they were when they happened, 2,487 people reported memories from before age 2. As these numbers suggest, its surprisingly easy to believe the stories you tell yourself or that were told to you are true, first-hand recollections. For example, you clearly remember dropping your ice cream cone at the zoo when you were 1.5 years old. Whats likely happening is that youre remembering the picture that played in your head when your parents shared their own memories of the event when you were a few years older, or maybe you saw pictures taken from that day and you formed false memories around them.Memory doesnt become simpler as we grow up. Even people with super autobiographical memory are susceptible (易受影响的) to false memories.33 . What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?ABrains can change false memories into real ones.BBabies before age 2 can hardly remember how to walk.CMost adults remember everything from their early ages.DDeclarative memories describe the things happened to us.34 . The word “sacrifice” in Paragraph 3 probably means _.Agive upBcare forCwork outDconnect with35 . Some adults reported memories from before age 2 because_.Athey save more declarative memories than other peopleBthey might remember pictures their parents shared laterCthey might have larger brains to store the informationDthey are influenced by the fast growth of their brains36 . What is the passage mainly about?AChildrens development before age 2 is important.BBrains save different memories in different areas.CResearches on infants have led to a new discovery.DPeoples memories before age 2 are probably lies.My grandfather is eighty years old now. He always complains about how fast things have changed, and he often says that life used to be better.Families arent families they used to be. A lot of families have broken up. If husband and wife have problems with their marriage, they no longer stay together. And mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children, but now not any more. Everyone is busy working. Mothers used to spend all day cooking in the kitchen. But now the family dont eat home-cooked food any more.And the cars! No one walks any more. More and more people drive. Students used to walk 5 miles to school every day, even in winter. But nowadays students dont. And in school, children dont have to think any more. In math class, for example, they used to add, subtract, multiply and divide(加减乘除)in their heads. Instead, they use calculators.And people today have TVs and computers, and they dont talk to each other any more. They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think.Life used to be simple, but it isnt any more.37 . What does my grandfather think of the life now?AHe thinks the life now is very good.BHe thinks the life now is worse than it used to be.CHe thinks the life now is better than it used to be.38 . According to the passage, how do the students go to school in the past?ABy carBBy busCOn foot39 . What has happened these years according to the passage?AChildren dont have to think any more in school.BStudents use calculators in math class.CAll of above.40 . What changes have happened to some families?aPeople have TV.bPeople like to eat home-cooked food.cLots of families have computers.d. Lots of couples (夫妇)live apart because of unhappy problems.Aa, c, dBb, c, dCa, b, c41 . Which is TRUE according to the passage?ALife now is much simpler.BThe writers grandfather only complains and pays no attention to better life.CPeople have too much time to talk with each other now.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空42 . We suppose that neither Lucy nor her twin sister_(see)the Hollywood film “Cinderella” so far.43 . In the last three years we_(learn)about one thousand English words.44 . You can _(search) for information on the Internet.45 . The prices_ (raise) since this spring.46 . There is going to be a stamp_ (collect) show in the museum this afternoon.五、完成句子根据汉语完成句子47 . 狮子是丛林之王。The lion is _ the jungle.48 . 他是个瘦高个,头发灰白。He was a tall, thin man _.49 . 她看起来脸色苍白憔悴。She looked _.50 . 勤劳的目的是致富。The purpose of industry is _.51 . 安娜和我对那本书都不感兴趣。_ Anna _ I am interested in that book.六、选用适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或词组填空,使对话内容完整正确,并将答案填写相应位置上。What is famous as agree since found outA: Do you know that in May the world will mark 500 years52 . the death of Leonardo da Vinci in May?B: Sure! He53 . one of the greatest artists and creative thinkers of all time. A:54 . do you think is his most famous painting?B: Well, its hard to choose one because in my opinion, among his paintings, the most famous ones are The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.A: I55 . . Recently, researchers were studying what they think is da Vincis earliest- known artwork. They56 . there were two images, not one. One drawing was on the back of the pieceB: How amazing!七、单词填空阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在短文空白处填上一个适当的词,使短文完整、通顺,语法正确。Last week, my lovely pet dog died. I was u57 . these days.This morning when the break time between classes came, all my classmates were having a rest. Some of them were playing games on the playground, and others were t58 . with each other happily. I sat in my desk without a word. Then I saw Jack walk to me. He seemed to look for something on the floor by my feet. I asked him whether he lost something.“I lost a very important thing.” he said, “Now Im looking for it on your face.” Suddenly I u59 . what he meant. Then there was a s60 . on my face, and it became bigger. Jack told me that was just the thing he was looking for.Its a days time whether you are happy or not, why not be happy to s61 . every day?八、填空Republic of Kenya is a country in Africa, with a population of about 48,000,000. Nairobi is the capital of Kenya. Kiswahili and English are its official languages, and it also has many local languages. Keya covers 582,646 square kilometers. It has a warm and humid tropical climate on its Indian Ocean coastline. On Kenyas land, fruit, vegetables, coffee, tea, corns and wheat are the main agricultural produce. The people in Kenya like cross country running, road running, soccer, boxing and so on. Kenya won several medals during the Beijing Olympics, six gold, four silver and four bronze, making it Africas most successful nation in the 2008 Olympics.62 . _63 . _64 . _65 . _66 . _九、话题作文67 . Write at least 70 words about the topic.Write a passage of at least 70 words on the topic“A model student in my class”.(不允许出现真实人名) The following questions could be included1.Who is model student in your class?2.Why do you think he/she is a model student?3.What do you learn from him/her?第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、选用适当的单词补全对话1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、话题作文1、

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