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沪教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There _ some milk and bread on the table. You can have them _ breakfast.Ais; forBis; inCare; forDare; in2 . How do you like the fish I cooked for you?I havent had it yet. However, it _ good.AsmellsBtastesCsoundsDfeels3 . Good news! Youve passed the PE test.-Hooray! , I am worrying about it.AAll in allBTo be honestCWithout doubtDIn my opinion4 . The twins must have passed their Chinese exam yesterday, _?Amustnt theyBneednt theyCdidnt theyDhavent they5 . Mr. Gray got up early today because he had an important meeting to _.AattendBtake part inCjoin inDjoin6 . Do you know the young boy _ is reciting a Tang poem over there? Yes. Hes a friend of _ .Awhich; mineBwho; meCwhich; meDwho; mine7 . Her home is only ten _ walk from the school.AminutesBminutesCminutesDminute8 . Its importantpeople learn team spirit.Aof; ofBof; toCfor; toDto; to9 . In China, two important national meetings _ in Beijing at the beginning of March, 2015.Awas holdBheldCwere held10 . I saw a child _ carefully when I passed the classroom.ApaintBpaintedCpaintingDpaints11 . I enjoy playing computer games, but I cant _too much time_that.Atake; doingBspend ;doingCcost; to do12 . What _ you usually _ on weekends? I usually _ violin.Adid; do; play theBdo; do; playCdo; did; playDdo; do; play the13 . Id like you _ for a picnic with us.AgoBto goCgoingDwent14 . The young man was often seenby the lake.Ato drawBdrawingCdrawDto drawing15 . We are not sure if it _ tomorrow . If it _, we wont go hiking .Arains ; rainsBwill rain; will rainCwill rain ; rainsDrains ; will rain16 . A lot of water _ in Shanghai every year. Its a big problem.AwastedBis wastedChave been wastedDis washing17 . Didnt you see the zebra crossing? You _ slow down, son! Sorry, sir. Am I going to fail the test?AcantBmustCmustntDcan18 . Hurry up! The filmfor ten minutes.AbeganBhas been onChas begunDwill begin19 . I like P.E. very much _ its very interesting.AandBbutCforDbecause20 . - Would you like some milk?-_.AYes, pleaseBThe same to youCHelp yourselfDMy pleasure21 . -Its hard to learn a foreign language.-Yes, I know. But I will never _.Aset upBcut upCpick upDgive up22 . Would you likehome with me?Agoing toBgo toCto go toDto go23 . - You dont like English, do you?- _. English is my favorite subject, but I dont _it _.ANo; say; goodBNo; speak; wellCYes; speak; wellDYes; say; good24 . It s your job to _the kids.Atake care wellBtake care of wellClook good afterDtake good care of25 . I enjoybasketball after school.AplayBplayedCplayingDto play二、补全对话7选5根据对话,从方框内选择恰当地句子填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情景(有两个多余项)A: Hi, Grace. Lovely weather, isnt it?B: Yes, so cool! Lets go to school together.A: Sure. What are you going to do after class?B: I have no idea. 26 . A: Ill have a math exam next week. I want to look for some important books and study in the library. 27 . B: Sure. Id love to. I need to return some books to the library. 28 . A: Great. We can play badminton after that.B: That sounds like a good idea. 29 . A: Well, thats a good question. I havent played it for several weeks.30 . B: OK. Lets make it. Oh, its almost 8:00. Lets hurry.AI think I need more practice.BAnd I can also read some magazines there.CWould you like to join us?DWhat about you?EWhat can I do for you?FWhat time do you go to school?GAre you good at badminton?三、完型填空完形填空A good dictionary is an important tool. It will tell you not only what a word means but also how it is used. A dictionary needs to be printed again about every ten years. Languages develop and a good dictionary must show these new changes.A new English dictionary will only tell you_most people use the language today. It will not tell you what is right_wrong. It may tell you the right time to use a word. If only_people use a word, a dictionary will_tell you this or not list it.Every dictionary will tell you many interesting facts. If you type a word and the word is too long, look it up in your dictionary. All dictionaries show you_to break a word. And they also show you how a word_Every dictionary, of course, tells you what a word means. But some words, like “get” or “take”, may have lots of meanings. In some dictionaries, the main meanings are often listed first. In_, the newest meanings are listed last. So before you use your dictionary, you should always_the front part. This part explains how to use it.Some dictionaries also show you where a word comes from. Do you know that the word “brand” (标记) comes from an old word? This old word means “to burn”. This is because hundreds of years ago people burned their names on tables or boats to show who_them. They also burned their own names on their farm animals_they would not be stolen.Your dictionary also has a lot of other interesting facts in it. After you have learned to use a dictionary, it can become your best useful book.31 . AhowBwhatCwhyDif32 . AandBorCbutDnot33 . Aa littleBmanyCa fewDa lot of34 . AneitherBnorCbothDeither35 . AwhenBwhereCwhyDwhich36 . AspeaksBis spokeCbe spokenDis spoken37 . AanotherBthe otherCothersDother38 . AseeBwatchClookDread39 . AbuildsBmakesCbuiltDmade40 . AwhenBin order toCso thatDbefore四、阅读单选Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活). That means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who dont exercise. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: You have to like what you are doing. Exercise enough but not too much. Its best to exercise twice a week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of sports until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you. You can exercise at fitness centers. They have a lot of equipment(设备)there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you healthy. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But its very expensive.41 . the underline word “fitness centers” in the passage means _.A商务中心B健身中心C医疗中心D购物中心42 . The sport “_” is not told in the passage.Aplaying soccerBskateboardingCwalkingDrunning43 . The doctors say that exercise can make your heart and body _.AillBhappyCstrongDhealth阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。For Chinese, its a time for dragon boat racing and Zongzi (粽子) But across the Yellow Sea, South Korea, wrestling (摔跤) and swing play are thehighlightsHowever, both events go by the same name-the Dragon Boat Festival-which falls on May 5 of the lunar calendarOne festival, two cultures: does one nation have the right to call its own? It has been reported that South Korea will apply to the UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) to make the celebration its cultural heritage (文化遗产)If successful, people from other countries may see the Dragon Festival as a Korean creationAs the birthplace of the yearly event more than 2,000 years ago, China is not happy with the situationIt would be a shame if another country successfully made a traditional Chinese festival part of its own cultural heritage ahead of China, said Zhou Heping, deputy culture ministerThe Ministry of Culture is even thinking of making its own application to UNESCO, covering all traditional Chinese festivals, including the Dragon Boat eventOver the years, the Dragon Boat Festival has spread throughout the worldIn Japan and Viet Nam, as well as South Korea, the festival has mixed with and become part of local cultureWith this in mind, some experts say that it is meaningless to argue about which country the festival belongs toNo one can deny that it came from China, said Long Haiqing, an expert from Hunan ProvinceBut if all the countries involved can protect culture heritage together, they will all benefit44 . The underlined word highlights can be probably replaced by _Amost exciting eventsBhighest lights on the buildingCbrightest lights at nightDmost famous festivals45 . It can be inferred that South Korea _Ahas proclaimed (宣布) the Dragon Boat Festival as a part of its cultural heritageBhas the exactly same Dragon Boat Festival as ChinaChas no idea that China has such a festivalDis paying more attention to its cultural heritage than China46 . China is not happy with the situation because _Ait created the festivalBit is also making an applicationCSouth Korea has no right to call the festival its ownDUNESCO may approve (批准) South Koreas application47 . If South Koreas application to UNESCO is successful, _AChina will also make its own application to UNESCOBit will be meaningless to celebrate the Dragon Boat FestivalCpeople from other parts of the world will think South Korea created the festivalDthe Dragon Boat Festival will become part of local culture48 . The author would probably support(支持) _Aa move by South Korea to cancel its applicationBChina getting UNESCOs approval of the festival firstCthe opinion of Zhou HepingDChina paying more attention to its cultural heritageMy friends and I finished lunch at a hotel when it started to rain heavily. When it became lighter, I decided to get my car at my office three streets away.My friends said that I shouldnt go, mainly because I would give birth to a new baby and was seven months pregnant then. I told them that Id be very careful. One of them wanted to come with me but I asked her to stay with another friend who needed help with her baby.I walked out of the hotel and started making my way to the car. At the crossing, a black car stopped and a man came out with an umbrella. Before I knew what was happening, he walked right towards me. To my surprise he stopped in front of me and said hed go with me together. I said there was no need for him to do so, but he still offered to help. During our walk, he kept telling me to walk slower, as the ground was wet. When we got to my car, I thanked him and he went away. I did not get his name. Even I cant remember what he looks like. Did he stop for me? Ill never know. So how did I pay it as a return? I was at home when I noticed two Indian workers walking in the heavy rain. Maybe they were on their way to the working place near my home._. They were surprised by my action. They were very thankful to me, wondering why a stranger was offering such kindness. I was so relaxed and happy that day.49 . What did the writer do after she had lunch?AShe walked in the heavy rain.BShe sent her friends home.CShe went back to the hotel.DShe decided to walk to her car.50 . What does the underlined word “pregnant” mean in Chinese?A生病的.B怀孕的.C粗心的.D忙乱的.51 . How did the writer feel when the man went up to her?AAfraid.BSurprised.CHappy.DThankful.52 . What may be the missing line in Paragraph 4?AI laughed at them standing in the rainBI told them to walk slowly to the working placeCI went out and passed them my umbrellaDI saw a car coming towards them without stopping53 . Which of the following is TRUE?AAfter lunch, I didnt let my friend come with me because I wanted to walk alone.BThe man with an umbrella was one of my old friends.CThe man went away quickly so I didnt thank him.DI felt relaxed and happy because of helping others.五、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子。1-7题每空格限填一词。)54 . You points should be pointing towards the school. (改为否定句)You points _pointing towards the school.55 . I was impressed by the television programme. (改为一般疑问句)_impressed by the television programme?56 . Mr. Green had the time of his life during his visit to Hollywood. (改为反意疑问句)Mr. Green had the time of his life during his visit to Hollywood,_?57 . Peter watches two hours of television every day. (对划线部分提问)_hours of television does Peter watch every day?58 . The special effects were great. I nearly believed they were real. (改为复合句)The special effects were _great _I nearly believed they were real.59 . We saw the dinosaurs. They were roaring at us. (合并成一句)We _the dinosaurs _at us.60 . John said that he liked the Dinosaur Jungle best. (保持句意基本不变)John said that the Dinosaur Jungle was_.61 . We not only enjoyed the film but also had a wonderful time. (保持句意基本不变)We not only enjoyed the film but also_.62 . The boy asked: “Mum,can I watch TV?”(改为宾语从句)The boy asked his mother _he _watch TV.63 . the tour,last weekend,enjoyed,of,really,the Movie Park,we(连词成句)_.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)64 . He asked for an _ for what you had done. (explain)65 . How many cars has the factory _ this year? (product)66 . Be careful with the wires or you will get an _ shock. (electricity)67 . Parents give me 100 yuan as my pocket money _. (month)68 . “How does electricity come into our flat?” the boy looked _. (puzzle)69 . In recent years taxi _ have changed a lot in China. (serve)七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子70 . 日本比我们这儿快一个小时。Japan is one hour_ us.71 . 这些旅行者休息三天后又上路了。After a three-day rest, the travelers_ again.72 . 您可以根据自己的口味来选择食物。You could _ your own _ according to your particular taste.73 . 我想他改天就会处理这个问题。I think hes just going to _this problem another day.74 . 我非常盼望我们的毕业典礼。I can hardly wait for our _.八、语法填空In the United States, people enjoy entertaining(招待)guests at home. So they invite75 . (friend) over a meal, a party, or just for coffee. People often send 76 . (they) invitation by saying, “Would you come over for dinner this Saturday evening?” “Hey, we are having a party on Friday. Could you77 . (join) us?”If people accept the invitation, they often say, “Yes, thank you.” 78 . they cannot go, they may say “Im sorry”, and give an excuse for it.Sometimes, people use some other expressions. They sound like invitations, 79 . they are not real invitations.80 . example: “Please come over for a drink sometime.” “Why dont you come over and see us sometime soon?” In fact, these are not real invitations because they81 . not have a specifi(特定的)time ordate. They just show that the person82 . (be) trying to be friendly, and he wants83 . (finish) a dialogue in a polite way. When people reply to expressions like these, they just say, “Sure, that would be great.” or “OK, thanks.” So next time you hear something like an invitation, listen84 . (careful) to make sure if it is a real invitation or the person is just being friendly to you.九、多任务混合问题阅读表达Most new babies were born in the developing countries. These countries are found in Africa, South America and parts of Asia. In the developed countries of Europe and North America, the population is growing very slowly. This is because women in these countries have, on average (平均), only one or two children. In the developing countries, many women have five or more children. In 1950, about one quarter of the worlds population lived in the developed countries. By 2050, these countries will be home to only about one tenth of the worlds people.In the developing countries, more than one billion people are still living below the poverty(贫困) line. These people do not have enough food to eat and they live in poor housing conditions. Children get little time at school and suffer (遭受痛苦) from many kinds of diseases.At the beginning of the 21st century, the worlds population was around six billion. The U.N. has said that the worlds population will level off (平稳下降) at 12.5 billion by the year 2100. Other groups think the worlds population will continue to grow, reaching 14 billion before it becomes stable (稳定的), or even falls.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。85 . Is the population growing very slowly in developed countries?_86 . In 1950, what percent of the worlds population lived in developed countries?_87 . At the beginning of the 21st century, what was the population of the world?_88 . 将文中画线部分翻译成汉语。_十、英汉互译:单词/短语英汉互译。89 . be hard on sb. _90 . kick sb. off_91 . 使某人失望_92 . rather than_93 . 齐心协力_94 . even though_95 . 搜寻_96 . knock on the door _97 . 与交流_98 . 令某人吃惊的是_十一、书信作文99 . 首都北京有很多蕴含历史和文化的旅游景点,如故宫(the Palace Museum)、长城(the Great Wall)、老舍茶馆(Lao She Teahouse)等。它们吸引了众多外国游客。假知你是李华,你的外国笔友Peter即将到北京旅游。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,向他推荐一个能了解中国历史和文化的景点,告诉他在这个景点可以看到什么或者做些什么,以及他需要做什么准备。提示词语:ancient buildings, art works, handcrafts(手工艺品),book a ticket提示问题:Which place do you advise Peter to visit?What can he see or do there?What preparations does Peter need to do?十二、其他100 . sayAnameBclassCmapDask101 . blueAcupBmuchCuseDglue102 . seeAbigBsitCsheDwith103 . breadAeatBteaCmeatDhead104 . colorAsoBloveColdDhope第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、句型转换1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、语法填空1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、英汉互译:单词/短语1、十一、书信作文1、十二、其他1、

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