外研版英语八年级上册Module 4 Planes, Ships and trains 模块检测题

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外研版英语八年级上册Module 4 Planes, Ships and trains 模块检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you know why the teacher _ Bill yesterday?Because he had a fight with his classmate.ApraisedBpunishedCmetDsent2 . -_ you_ the book_ to the library yet?- Yes, I have.AHave; returned; /BHave; returned; backCDid; return; /DDid; return; back3 . -Why do you speak in _ a loud voice?-Because I want to make myself _ clearly.Asuch; hearBso; heardCsuch; heardDso; hear4 . The girl is very smart. The problem is _ for her to work out.Aeasy enoughBenough easyCeasily enoughDenough easily5 . “ 千克” 的缩写形式是_.AUNBHBCkgDUFO6 . Tom, your gift is too expensive. I cant _ it.ApayBbuyCcostDaccept7 . Dont , my children. Im sure you will win. Thank you, Mr Wang. Well try our best.Agive upBput upCwork outDput out8 . It takes Janet about forty minutes _ her homework every evening.Afinish B. finishes C. to finish. D. finishing9 . I wouldnt mind _ a brother or sister. We can help each other in the future.AhavingBto haveChaveDto having10 . Our school trip is _May.AinBonCat二、完型填空Big schoolbags have been a big problem for students for a long time. Maybe your schoolbag is too_to carry, and it troubles you a lot_you want to find out a book to read. Now e-textbooks will_you.It is said that many Chinese middle schools are going to use e-textbooks. An e-textbook, in fact, is a small_for students. It is much_than a usual schoolbag and easy to carry. Though it is as small as a book, it can_everything for study. The students can read the text page by page on the_,take notes_the pointer (屏写笔),or even “hand in” their_to their teachers by sending e-mails. All they have to do is to press a button (按开关).Some people say e-textbooks are good, but some say they may be_for the students eyes. What do you think of it?11 . AexpensiveBheavyCusefulDcomfortable12 . AtillBafterCbeforeDwhen13 . AtroubleBkeepChelpDunderstand14 . ATVBradioCpenDcomputer15 . AheavierBlighterCcheaperDbrighter16 . AholdBbuildCfindDpractice17 . AblackboardBkeyboardCscreenDmenu18 . AuseBinCbyDwith19 . AcomputerBhomeworkCe-textbooksDplans20 . AbadBdangerousCgoodDHelpful三、阅读单选Welcome to the zoo !Come and see the cute pandas from China . the clever monkeys from Thailand (泰国), the big lions from Africa , the elephants from India are friendly to you ,you can play with them ,many birds are singing for you ,the giraffes are eating leaves , the dolphins are swimming in the pool , some fishes are swimming in the other pool . Where are koalas ? They are sleeping , they are shy , Are there any penguins in the zoo ? Yes , they are dancing in the cold room . They are pretty cute , I m sure you must like them . 21 . You can see _ kinds of animals in the zoo .A7B8C9D1022 . Mr Brown goes to with his 20 friends ,they must pay _ dollars .A140B100C105D14523 . When can you go to the zoo on Sunday ?Aat 8 amBat 7 pmCat 10 pmDat anytime24 . How many kinds of animals are living in the water ?AoneBtwoCthreeDfour25 . what can the visitors not do in the zoo ?Akeep the zoo cleanBplay with the elephantsClisten to the birdsDgive the food to the animals四、阅读判断Volunteering takes up our time, energy, and sometimes, money. But why do people still do that? Here are the reasons:Volunteering is good for others. There are many people in need. Governments and professionals try to meet everyones need, but its difficult for them to do it all. That is why some people who need help. If people only think of themselves, the world will become a cruel(无情的) place. But when we try to help each other, we can help make our planet a better and happier home.Volunteers and volunteer groups can bring food for hungry people, provide homes or clothes for those who need them, protect wildlife and natural areas. They can help people learn to read or do better at school.On the other hand, volunteering is good for yourselves. You might get in return for your giving, for example, getting more active and healthier, spending time doing what you really care about, and having fun!根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。26 . The world needs volunteers because there are many people in need.27 . It is difficult for governments to meet everyones need.28 . Volunteers can help people in trouble, but cant protect the environment.29 . Volunteers can become happier and healthier in return.30 . We should think of ourselves first.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空31 . Why were you a_(缺席的)from school yesterday?32 . To us,a small m_过失)in the experiment will be a great damage.33 . I just felt I had been a failure in my p_(私人的;个人的)life.34 . It will be easier if we d_(分开;分)them into groups.35 . Helens choice of lipstick was a good m_(相配;般配)for her skin-tone.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空三、用所给单词的适当形式填空36 . I want to know more about _ (west) food.37 . We _ (visit) the Summer Palace next Saturday.38 . Where _ your grandfather _ (live) now? He _ (live) in a town near Zhenjiang.39 . His mother makes him _ (clean) his own bedroom every day.40 . This is not _ photo. _ is on the desk. (they)41 . I like reading the _ (work) of Mo Yan.42 . What time _ we _ (meet) tomorrow?43 . There are many interesting things _ (see).44 . We _ (not know) what _ (do) this Sunday.七、选用适当的单词补全对话根据对话意思和首字母提示完成单词。Susan: Where are you going, David? David: To Beijing.Susan: Its a long trip from here by bike. How long will it 61.t45 . you to complete it?David: About two years.Susan: How many of you are making the trip?David: Five.Susan: 62.W46 . are you making it?David: We are trying to 63.r47 . some money.Susan: What will the money be used for?David: To a charity 64.c48 . Protecting the RedCrowned Crane.Susan: That sounds great. Good 65.l49 . with your trip.David: Thanks.八、多任务混合问题While many young people were enjoying the summer vacation, Zach Bonner was working his hardest. Zach started walking from Valrico, Florida, his hometown, on Christmas, 2009. He reached Los Angeles nine months later in September, 2010. He covered a total of 2,478 miles and raised $120,000 for kids in need. Along the way, Zach attended school online. His mother, brother and sister took turns to walk or drive together with him.Although he is very young, Zach has a long history of helping others. When a terrible storm hit town in 2004, Zach, when six, pulled a wagon(小推车)through his community and collected food for people in need.He has raised $400,000 for his Little Red Wagon Foundation since then. It gives money to projects which help homeless children. In 2007, Zach began walking to support a childrens charity(慈善组织)in Tampa, Florida. He finished his journey 23 days later, 280 miles away in Tallahassee. Then in the summer of 2009, hetrekkedabout 670 miles from Atlanta to Washington, D.C., in just two months.“As long as there are homeless kids, I will never stop walking for them.”Zach says.50 . What did Zach do during the summer vacation in 2010?AHe stayed at home to look after his family.BHe travelled to his hometown with his family.CHe joined in a school activity with other kids.DHe walked to collect money for kids in need.51 . We can learn from Paragraph 2 that Zach.Abegan to help people at a very early ageBmade money to pay for his educationCenjoyed playing around in his communityDworked very hard for his family52 . At what age did Zach start walking to support a Tampa childrens charity?AAt six.BAt nine.CAt eleven.DAt twelve.53 . The underlined word “trekked” in Paragraph 3 probably means “”.A延伸B挖掘C跋涉D飞行54 . Which of the following best describes Zach?AFriendly and shy.BSilly but lovely.CKind and helpful.DClever but lazy.九、根据图画及所给单词写出句子五、看图写句子。1.flower, water2.used, widely 3.chance,practice4.difficult,well 5.asked, in55 . _56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . _十、书信作文60 . 书面表达假如你是张华的同学李平,请给张华写一封邮件,信息要点如下:1. 得知张华感冒,希望早日康复;2. 对于他的病情给一两点建议;3. 邀请张华下周日到儿童之家做志愿者;4. 找些旧书捐赠给孩子们;5. 和孩子们一起讲故事,踢足球。写作要求:词数80左右;书写整洁、整齐、清晰。参考词汇:儿童之家Childrens Home;志愿活动volunteer activity Dear Zhang Hua, _ _ _ _ _ _ Li Ping第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、选用适当的单词补全对话1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、十、书信作文1、

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