外研版英语八年级上册Module 1 单元综合测试卷

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外研版英语八年级上册Module 1 单元综合测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When does your school _?At 5:30 p.m. Then I go home for dinner.AhaveBtakeCbeginDfinish2 . Can you tell me when the Boeing 737 MAX planes will be allowed to fly again, sir?- Im afraid its still _to talk about that. Well see.Alater enoughBearly enoughCtoo lateDtoo early3 . I didnt go to Penang Hill _ the bad weather.AsoBbecauseCbecause ofDbut4 . Mr. Wu is_English teacher. He teaches_English.Athey; themBtheir; themCtheir; theirDthem; their5 . _ translate every word when you read a passage.ATry not toBTry to notCTry toDTry your best6 . -Bob, its getting cold outside. _ take a jacket?-All right, Mum.AWhy notBWhy do youCWhy did youDWhy dont7 . Mike really needs to do more exercise because he is_weight.Ataking downBputting awayCturning downDputting on8 . They are _ tired _on.Atoo; to walkBtoo; walkingCso;to workDvery; to walk9 . I cant spell “eraser”.Dont worry(别担心). I can help you _ it.AspellBspellingCwith spellDto spell10 . The zoo is very popular and _ tourists visit it year by year.Amore and moreBfewer and fewerCless and lessDmore and less二、完型填空Everybody wants to learn English well but many find it not easy . They can _ three hours on English every day, but _ they get is not the same. I have been studying English for many years. I am very glad to share my _ with you.I like English . Only when you want to do something can you do it _ . Eight years ago, my English teacher took me into the English _ . I feel _ because I met a good teacher . Her teaching style was great and we were _ and excited in classes. So I can say , when I first met English , it _ me very much.For some students, to remember the new words is the biggest _ , because the words are _ than those I learned before . In fact, words come along with sentences. Of course, it is necessary that you should _ them now and then, or you will forget them easily . When _ English books, I always write some special and important phrases down on the notebook so that I can find them when I _ . If you want to study English _ than others , you must study harder than others, and you must spend more time. Dont be _ .We still have so much to learn about English. It is endless.11 . AspendBuseCtakeDstudy12 . AhowBwhereCwhatDwhen13 . AenjoymentBsolutionCsecretDexpensive14 . AslowlyBwellCcarefullyDbadly15 . AworldBcountriesCbooksDclass16 . AluckyBfrustratedCexcitedDunhappy17 . AnoisyBactiveCtiredDnervous18 . AtroubledBinterestedChelpedDliked19 . AsuccessBhobbyCproblemDtask20 . Amore boringBshorterCmore difficultDeasier21 . AcopyBmemorizeCwriteDread22 . AbuyingBborrowingCwritingDreading23 . AstudyBspeakCbuildDreview24 . AquickerBdeeperCbetterDeasier25 . AlateBnervousCafraidDlazy三、阅读单选Bend over, take a deep breath and drink some water!This is just one of hundreds of pieces of advice you might get if you have the hiccups(打嗝).Hiccups are so mysterious(神秘的)We really dont know why they start and why they stopEveryone has a favorite cure for a case of the hiccupsSome people think that a good scare is necessary to get wellOthers eat a little sugarStill others drink a glass of water with a knife in itAn American man named Jack OLeary said that he had hiccupped 160 million times over a period of eight yearsHe tried 60,000 cures,but none of them workedFinally he prayed(向祈祷) to Saint Jude, the saint of Hopeless cases, and his hiccupping stopped immediatelyA British worker didnt stop his hiccups until eight months later. People from all over the world wrote him letters with suggestions for getting wellHe tried them all,but the hiccups continuedFinally,he drank a “secret” mixture(混合物) someone had sent him. By that evening his hiccups were goneWhy did these cures work for these two men? No one really knows. But people who have studied many cases of hiccups have an idea. Hiccups usually go away if you believe in the cure26 . might be the best cure for hiccups.ASpecial pillsBA spoonful of saltCCold waterDWhat you believe in27 . The British worker spent _ in stopping his hiccupsA4 hoursB2 daysC8 monthsD8 years28 . What is the main idea of this passage?ADifferent ways to stop hiccupsBWhat makes hiccups happenCHow to get hiccupsDJack OLearys hiccupsThe best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes youll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things to quickly and you cant understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor(幽默感), you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Dont be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. Its better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they dont understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is, “Dont be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”29 . What is the best way for you to learn a language according to the writer?Awriting.Busing it.Clistening.30 . What should you do in learning English?AWrite as quickly as you can.BSpeak English as much as you can.CLaugh more often.31 . When people laugh at your mistakes, what should you do?ANot care.BBe happy.CFeel worried.32 . What should you do when you make a mistake?AKeep quiet.BGet angry.CKeep your sense of humor33 . What can we learn from the passage?AAnyone will make mistakes.BPeople never make mistakes.CFew people make mistakes.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成句子34 . Helosthis_(戒指)inthewedding.35 . IhavetwoEnglish-Chinese_(字典)forschool.36 . Sandylikesreadingbooksinthe_(图书馆).37 . Havingasonanda_(女儿)isthehappiestthingintheworld.38 . _(欢迎)toWandaCinema.39 . Thereisasetof k_intheLostandFoundcase.40 . Pleasewritedown(写下)thesewordsonyourn_41 . Achild(孩子)ofyourauntoruncleisyourc_42 . JohnisinNo.5_School(中学).43 . ThebluebagisntNancys.H_isbrown.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空44 . I think the _ ( nine) lesson is very interesting.45 . Both of us _ (like) the storybook.46 . They really hope _ (see) the new film.47 . A football team often _ (have) eleven players.48 . Can you ask him _ (not phone) me?49 . His house looks _ (real) different from the flat here.50 . He is the _ (two) student _ (get) to the top of the hill.51 . The _ (live) room is _ (comfort) to live.52 . Hello, this is Kitty. Whos _ (speak)?53 . I go to the _ (one) floor _ (one) a day.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子54 . “你有一个棒球吗?”“是的,我有。” _ you _ a baseball? Yes, I _.55 . “你们的朋友有一个篮球吗?”“是的,他们有。” _ your friends _ a basketball?Yes, _.56 . “他有一个足球吗?”“不,他没有。他有两个乒乓球拍。” _ he _ a soccer ball? No, he _. He _.57 . “让我们打篮球吧!”“那听起来很好。” Lets _. That _.七、回答问题第一节任务型阅读阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Can you remember the day when you spoke your first word? If you can, you are unusual. Try to imagine what the first few months of your life were like. I am sure you just spent most of your time eating, sleeping and crying. As you grew older, you were awake most of the time. It took your parents more time to play with you and talk to you. You watched and listened curiously (好奇地). You began to know that people made certain sounds to go with certain things.Then you began to try making the sounds you heard. And step by step you were able to make the right sound for one thing.Later you came to understand the secret of language. The secret is that a certain sound means a certain thing. One sound might be nice, but it cant be a word unless everybody agrees on its meaning. People can understand each other only when they use the same set of sounds of things. Then they have a LANGUAGE.After you found the secret of language, you began to learn words. Some words mean things, such as BOOKS, CHAIRS and SHOES. Some words mean doing things, such as GO and SWIM, and other words describe things, such as GOOD and DIRTY. Soon you learned to put words together to express your idea, such as “I want to go out and play with my friends.” This is language. By means of language people can communicate. So we say languages are means of communication.58 . What does a baby do in his first few months of life? (within 5 words)_59 . Whats the secret of language? (within 7 words)_60 . When can people understand each other? (within 10 words)_61 . What do people use words like “GOOD” and “DIRTY” to do? (within 3 words)_62 . Why do people learn and use language? (within 2 words)_八、材料作文63 . 假如你的英语学得很好,老师想让你在下星期的英语学习经验交流会上发言。请你根据所给提示和参考词汇,为这次交流会准备一份70词左右的发言稿。开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。提示:1. When did you begin to learn English?2. Why do you like English?3. How do you study English?参考词汇:useful adj. 有用的;diary n.日记Hi, everybody. Im happy to talk to you about my English study._第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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