外研版英语九年级下册 Module 2 Unit 1 They don’t sit in rows课时练习-1

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外研版英语九年级下册 Module 2 Unit 1 They don’t sit in rows课时练习-1_第1页
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外研版英语九年级下册 Module 2 Unit 1 They dont sit in rows课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening. OK, lets give him to eat.Asomething differentBdifferent anythingCanything differentDdifferent something2 . All of us expect good marks in the exams, so everyone _working hard.AisBwasCareDwere3 . She found _ wrong _ her to pick flowers in the park.Ait is; ofBthat; forCit; ofDthis; for4 . I had a hamburger, salad, noodles and beef soup for lunch.Good, but I dont like a heavy meal at lunchtime.AyouByourselfCmeDmyself5 . _ food _ good for our health.ANot at allBAll not; isCNot all; isDAll not; are二、完型填空Resi and I walked to school together every morning.We linked up with some of the other village children.It was 1945 in Germany, and this was a_thing because of the war.Sometimes Resi and I took a shortcut, a little path _a meadow(草地). One day, we saw a young stranger, chopping wood in the side yard of a house.We walked away quickly, _ who he was.The next morning, there he was. He didnt seem to notice us,_we were only a few feet away. Again we stared , then ran away.Resi said that he was one of a small group of Americans being captured(俘虏) by the German army .We werent afraid, just_. He looked nice.One morning some days later, the American _from his woodpile. He smiled and said, “Hi.”We didnt know any English. So, as usual, we ran away.From then on, _ we passed by, we would find the American working in the yard, almost as if he was _ us. Every day, he waved and repeated his “Hi.” We waved back and said“Hi” _After another week,another _ English word “Bye-bye”.We laughed and parroted it back: “Bye-bye.”Later, the man came closer to the fence,and said, “Frankie.”Resi and I became quite _with our “Hi, Frankie; byebye, Frankie” morning routine. Sometimes he would be singing. “You are my sunshine .” he sang over and over,_, until we could sing the whole song.One morning, Resi and I arrived, but there was no Frankie. We looked _. No Frankie. We never saw him again.Years later, at a picnic with our American relatives, _ started singing, “You are my sunshine .” Of course I remembered the words, and I _joined in. I told them about Frankie. And to this day, whenever I hear the song, I remember Frankie and the wonderful legacy he left us : our first English lesson and many happy memories.6 . ApleasureBpeaceCsafetyDsecret7 . AalongBamongCacrossDaround8 . AwonderingBtellingCknowingDnoticing9 . AbutBthoughCifDunless10 . ApleasedBcuriousCcreativeDimaginative11 . Alooked atBlooked aroundClooked intoDlooked up12 . AhoweverBwhereverCwhoeverDwhenever13 . Alooking forBtalking toCwaiting forDlistening to14 . Ain returnBin turnsCin shortDin fact15 . AfamiliarBmysteriousCboringDpleasant16 . AnervousBcomfortableCcuriousDafraid17 . AslowlyBquietlyCgentlyDquickly18 . AsomewhereBeverywhereCnowhereDanywhere19 . Ano oneBanyoneCeveryoneDsomeone20 . AunwillinglyBhappilyCsadlyDcarefully三、阅读单选Mr. Swales was talking about what people did all day. He also wanted to find out what his students wanted to be when they grew up. He called on Billy Mitzer first.My daddy works in a bank, Billy Mitzer said. I guess I want to work in a bank too. Theres lots of money in the bank.My parents have a store, but I want to be an airline pilot. Emmy DiSalvo said.He was about to call on Jodie when the girls in the back row burst out laughing.Shirley yelled, Jodies Daddy is a garbageman(垃圾清理员)! Pee-yoo!Everybody in the class laughed out loud. Everybody except Jodie, that was. She felt her face turn bright red. She looked around the whole classroom. Everyone was laughing. Some kids were even holding their noses.Its not funny, Mr. Swales went on. Garbage is a serious matter. I think you should all apologize to Jodie. And after that, youre all going to write Jodies father, Mr. Harris, a nice letter to tell him how much you are grateful for what he does for all of us. In other words, keeping our city clean.Jodie started crying out in the hall. She didnt want to cry in front of everybody, but she couldnt hold back any more. Mr. Swales came to comfort her, Im sorry this happened, he said.But remember, hard work done well is something to be proud of. Theres nothing wrong with being a garbageman, absolutely not.Then he added, Although garbage isdirty, every day garbegemen collect the dirty and smelly garbage and throw it in the truck. Then everythings nice and clean. Isnt that something we should be proud of?Hearing this, Jodie swept the tears in her eyes and a smile appeared on her face. “I get it, Mr.Swale.” Then she went back to the class and said proudly.My dad is a garbageman! she said, Everybody makes garbage, but my Daddy takes it all away.21 . Why did Jodie cry out in the hall?ABecause her teacher laughed at her.BBecause her fathers work was very hard.CBecause the classroom was too noisy.DBecause her classmates laughed at her father.22 . How did Mr. Swales advise the students to apologize to Jodies father?ABy sending him an e-mail.BBy writing him a letter.CBy giving him a call.DBy making him a gift.23 . In what order did the events take place?a. Jodie stopped crying and smiled.b. Mr. Swales asked his students about their dream jobs.c. Jodies classmates made jokes about her fathers job.d. Jodie felt embarrassed and started crying.e. Mr. Swales went to comfort Jodie.Ab-d-e-c-aBb-c-d-e-aCc-b-e-a-dDd-c-b-a-e24 . What do you think of Mr. Swales?AWiseBBraveCActiveDHard-working25 . What can be inferred from this passage?ANo pain, no gain.BWhere there is a will, there is a way.CWork has no difference in itself.DLove me, love my dog.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成单词26 . The girl has short curly _(金黄色的)hair.27 . His _(嘴)is a little open,as if there is something in it.28 . He came to me with a very long _(脸)29 . The young boy wears _(眼镜)and has a new look.30 . The little girl has a r_ face with two big eyes.31 . Maybe this man is the p_ you are looking for.32 . The movie is a l_ scary.I dont want to watch it.33 . My mother is a good s_.She often sings some songs with me.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,选择方框内所给词语的适当形式完成句子。stand for, be full of, from then on, either.or., not only. but also., become known to34 . Fashion _ culture.35 . The Tang costume _ Chinese history and fashion culture.36 . It got its name when China _ other countries during the Han and Tang dynasties.37 . _, people called Chinese clothes Tang costumes.38 . Chinese fashion is different _ from western fashion, _ from that in other Asian countries such as Japan and Korea.39 . Today people can design the Tang costume as _ formal _casual clothes.六、语法填空Hello! 40 . (I) name is Jim Green. I 41 . (be) English. This is my mother. Her 42 . (one) name is Mary. This is my father. 43 . (he) name is Steve. My telephone number is 765-4513. I have two good 44 . (friend). They are Tony and Li Lei. Tony is 45 . English boy and Li Le is a Chinese boy. We are in 46 . same class. Jenny Brown is 47 . (we) teacher. She teaches us English. She is a 48 . (good) teacher and we all like 49 . (she) very much.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、语法填空1、

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